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Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

some of that might be helpful. 'tho Facebook, X and the sludge of right-wing morgues (where truth or thought goes to die)* show some have no pride, shame or gray-matter.
additionally, with all the unauthorized, spook behavior of Leon and ilk - maybe a liability.
would prefer some balance.
the fairness doctrine was put there to give people a different perspective. most people try to be fair. like any debate, no one person is going to win them all. and often efficiently culls the hacks EX: Rush Limbaugh tried a TV show but his audience ran him off the air {check out YouTube} ideas were challenged and died on the vine. Rush's vineyard went dry.
plus, believe people would love to hear something new. get the idea Fox audiences are s t a r v e d for some synaptic activity when the former Sec of Trans got a standing O because of it.
it felt good. and not so damn blah-blah-blah.
plus just getting the spectrum of people talking to each, trying to actually solve something, just might provide us the way back to some sense of sanity.

*yeah. no group has corner the market on bad brains - but the per capita is defiantly skewed toward the far right.

Trump Melts Down As Fox News Turns On MAGA

newtboy says...

Utterly ridiculous twaddle from a delusional cultist that’s all in on the loser felon just like he went all in on Tesla in November ‘21 at $400 a share.

The double standard exists, but is skewed so far right to sane wash his insanity constantly it’s dizzying.
He can be totally lawless, she must be totally flawless. That is absolutely how they are treated by the media.

An analysis from the extreme right wing hyper biased Media Research Center? Get real, you expect anyone outside the cult to give it a second’s thought?

For instance, every single broadcast media outlet gave some version of the headline “Trump speaks to packed house at MSG” despite photo and video proof he didn’t fill the stadium 1/4 full and entire rows of seats on the floor, right in front of the stage were empty, along with entire sections of seats and possibly the entire upper section. They reported that Harris filled the 30000 seat arena in Houston to capacity and beyond, but didn’t report the 1.2 million who tried to attend but couldn’t get tickets. Talk about lopsided coverage, real honest coverage would have asked what kind of piss poor planning led to this racist nazistic fiasco in NY, and why didn’t Harris book a bigger arena. At the same time they tend to repeat Trump’s claims about Harris without correction, just “he said ….” and leave it at that despite being easy to contradict his every dumb lie of the moment.

The main reason for the imbalance…your guy is a 34 time convicted felon, nearly 80 year old incontinent dementia patient with malignant narcissism, an adjudicated rapist, the self described partner in crime with Epstein and lover of quite young women just like Epstein (his words), fomented a coup and says he will again, stole top secret nuclear files and definitely gave them to Putin during one of dozens of illegal negotiations in private since leaving office, hasn’t strung together a cogent or true sentence in 8 years, and directs his cultists to physically attack the press as the enemy of the people…then wonders why they dared to actually report what he actually said in context and without deceptively editing it to look sane.

Ohhhh…a right wing blog repeated it? Must be true then. Never mind. 😂

bobknight33 said:

TV Hits Trump With 85% Negative News vs. 78% Positive Press for Harris

One week before Election Day, a new analysis from the Media Research Center finds that broadcast evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been the most lopsided in history. Since July, ABC, CBS and NBC have treated Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris to 78 percent positive coverage, while these same networks have pummeled former Republican President Donald Trump with 85 percent negative coverage. (See Methodology explanation at the end of this post.)

The difference in coverage between the two candidates is far greater than in 2016, when both Trump and then-challenger Hillary Clinton received mostly negative coverage (91% negative for Trump, vs. 79% negative for Clinton). It’s even greater than in 2020, when Joe Biden was treated to 66 percent positive coverage, vs. 92 percent negative for Trump.

The main reason for the imbalance: Since July, the Big Three have swamped their audiences with more than 230 minutes of airtime — virtually all of it negative

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Go back to where you came from!” is not the best thing for a Idaho Republican candidate to scream at an indigenous voter who asked him a question. Maga in a nutshell….ignorant vitriolic racism.

RFK Jr’s payment from the felon to be a spoiler has been found…at least one payment of $100k found to switch 180 degrees from pure 100% anti Trump last year to doing everything possible to skew the election for him and endorsing him for cash.

The lies about hurricane relief have fallen apart since every Republican governor has publicly thanked the Biden/Harris administration for the thorough and rapid response from the federal government, the immediate $750 checks and pledges of up to $50k per household and full reimbursement to states for relief efforts, and the pre-staging of FEMA relief days before the storm hit, all contradicting the lies from the campaigning felon and in stark contrast to the slow and lackluster responses from the last administration, especially in areas he thought didn’t support him like PR and even NC.

Multiple Virginian lifelong Republican operatives, slated electors for the electoral college, are being tossed from your party for refusing to sign brand new loyalty pledges to Don Trump, not the party but the man….but you still say you aren’t in a cult of personality? 😂

Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch - He's Back!!

bobknight33 says...

With respect to the Stormy Danial's case.

Even though Trump lost the State case Trump will have it overturned and win like all the others because they are based on skewed bias and not law..

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another witch convicted of witchcraft, right?

This with at least one full OAN believing right winger on the jury.
So clear he was guilty there was no way to skew the evidence even to a reasonable doubt for a maggot. The truckload after truckload of evidence corroborated by Cohen and others. Trump had nothing, one witness that completely fell apart and was much worse for Trump than nothing at all, and lots of bluster and whining.

He will try to appeal. He will lose.

Up to 4 years per count, but he’ll likely get a stay at home order and an ankle monitor even though Cohen got 3 years for the same crime, the EXACT same crime, crimes committed FOR Don, not Cohen.

So yes, he could still be elected by people who would elect a multiple felon, rapist, con man, fraud, charity thief, treasonous traitor, and totally immoral man…and he could be impeached and removed on day one for high crimes.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

Chip Strut

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

What did he do to "overthrow" the Government?

You think 10,000 people walking the halls of DC could not be stopped?
How many were armed? 20 50 ?

yea that will do it.

Your reasoning is so skewed, it does not even begin to make sense.

Batting fouls and grounders suck But keep swinging the bat. you might even get a real hit.

newtboy said:

Lol. Wouldn’t you like to know, since it’s correct 99.96% of the time. Lol. It would certainly do you well to read the same news I do, but I don’t think you’re capable of rationally determining fact from fiction so wouldn’t solve your problem.

It’s way more funny to me that you don’t know where my info comes from, especially since I tell you (apparently they don’t teach you how to look at listed reference material at the college you say you went to…because I list them often). Where you listen to one OAN idiots take and just believe it, I usually read 3-5 articles with different viewpoints and come to my own conclusions based on how well each relates to known facts. When I post the CNN version of a story for you, it’s because they keep it dumbed down enough for even you to understand, not because they’re the only source. (Also because I know it will trigger you into acting the fool)

Why? Because he’s a lying treasonous traitor that tried to overthrow the American government by force and become a dictator in America. WTF?! Did you really ask “why” there’s an investigation!?
Also because so many cultists like yourself want to pretend 1) it was horrific and all ANTIFA and BLM, 2) it was just a normal day at the capitol with normal tourists and 3) it never actually happened ….so he can try again in 24, and with enough hiding the evidence, voter suppression, roll purging, triple voting, voter ID, removal of mail in voting and drop boxes in democratic areas (like Houston with 665 sq miles, 2.3 million residents, and now ONE drop box), and a complicit partisan court willing to invalidate millions of Democrats’ votes, maybe he could steal a “win”. It’s important to 1) know and 2) remind voters what he did to foment a coup against their country, and how he tried to defraud the nation and the election with his election fraud fraud that he knew from day one was a pure lie.

Why this two sided hearing with MAGA underrepresented? Because republicans didn’t want a non political third party investigation and blocked it, and didn’t want to be part of the bipartisan investigation so boycotted it. The real question is why don’t republicans want to know and don’t want anyone else to know the truth about 1/6? I think that’s obvious, because they are complicit in the failed coup.

Suppression of truth?! You mean by the Trumpists who refuse to testify, refuse to turn over public documents, and threaten witnesses to “be loyal” and keep quiet? I think that’s obvious too, they suppress the truth because the truth is they turned on their country and government to try to install their cult leader as dictator for life.

Anything and everything, by which you mean actually investigating an attack against America that cost lives….how quickly you forget Benghazi that was actually a number of one sided “investigations” (fuckery) trying to prove the predetermined conclusion that Clinton somehow was responsible for a foreign attack on an embassy…tens of millions wasted just trying to keep her from running in 16 (and I wish the totally 100% dishonest smear campaign was successful, because we would never have had Trump if he ran against Sanders). All that and still nothing on Clinton. Didn’t you promise the charges were coming any day….way back in 17 or 18?

This madman was a perfectly normal maggot. Gun crazed, immigrant hating, racist it appears, a violent nut job wrapped in a MAGA flag and Pepe shirt. That’s the MAGA base, not an outlier. I know you’ll hide from that fact and pretend he’s just a crazy nut job, but he’s perfectly normal for a Trumpist, you are all mad men, you all want to murder liberals, he just had the balls (and insanity) to go through with what most of you fantasize about daily.

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

If you are talking policies that govern individuals, average is meaningless, you need to include the outliers. What I really said was, on average it’s somewhat true a bit more than half the time….with many exceptions, so incredibly far from a rule…far from “I can agree”.

You said “ Are you saying you do not believe that people who are biologically male(By which I mean XY) have an advantage in athletics over people who are biologically female(by which I mean XX)?”.
I pointed to one instance where (I assume) chromosomal males do not have an advantage over a chromosomal female in an athletic field….just an example of why I don’t believe it’s always true that people who are biologically male(By which I mean XY) have an advantage in athletics over people who are biologically female(by which I mean XX) you can’t contradict.

People are never equally gifted or talented, not even with themselves yesterday or tomorrow. I find the premise faulty.

Appears to, so far, in most but not all categories.
In many, the difference is minimal and an exceptional female will surpass males one day in most. Top ranked Kenyan woman already routinely beat top ranked non Kenyan males in long distance running, for one example.

I won’t extrapolate from a temporary skewed position, it leads to ridiculous conclusions….so I won’t be able to agree.
I can agree people believe that.

It’s not just sexual biology. It has nothing to do with genitals. It’s hormones, dna, rna, mental toughness, upbringing, training, health, environment, opportunity, etc. if someone born a woman wants to compete with men, and your position is correct, what’s the harm? If a trans woman, born male but never going through male puberty or taking estrogen and hormone blockers to reverse the effects wants to compete against women, what proof do you have to show any advantage? Two athletes excelling? Out of how many?

Now how expert are you in this field? Expert enough to define the exact point where each person has an advantage vs a disadvantage? I doubt it. But you think it’s fine to deny them the right to participate based on your ignorant assumptions. Do you accept such ignorant, biased assumptions to determine what you may do, how much you may participate in public events? I doubt you would accept it for a second. Think about that.

You want to equate them to non trans people while trying to prove how they’re so different. Pick a lane please.

No matter what your opinion, denying a citizen a chance to compete in public sports is totally unAmerican. I notice how you ignore that, as if to concede it under your breath. It doesn’t go unnoticed that you can’t address that. It IS the point.

Edit : as to the olympics, they have allowed trans gender athletes since 2004. If trans women are really men, why haven’t those records become equal between men and women?

bcglorf said:


On average you can agree…

I never said anything against any given pro/competitive female athlete probably beating out plenty of biologically male folks.

I was only pointing to advantages between equally gifted/talented and trained people.

To that point, can you agree that most standing olympic records as currently separated into mens and womens records, indicate that the historical separation based on XX and XY certainly appears to show an advantage. Would you be able to agree following from that, the existence of distinct mens and womens records is because without it, women would be “unfairly” left almost entirely unrepresented in every sprint distance, every lifting record and most other records.

For instance, the Olympic qualifying standard for the mens 100m was 10.05s, while the standing Olympic womens record time for 100m is 10.49s. AKA in absence of a separate competition for biologically female athletes, even the standing Olympic record holding female wouldn’t pass the bar to qualify to compete in the Olympics.

That is the advantage I am stating exists, and matters and I am asking if you acknowledge that distinction existing as a result of biology or not?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You always have to omit the important bits….and skew the rest. “ kid falls , His gun faces the guy” not “kid flees a crime scene, falls, and AIMS and shoots his rifle at multiple people, hitting two more and killing one of them”.

Kid chases, threatens, and murders man. Kid flees the scene of his crime, pointing his gun at anyone he sees. Kid falls. Man approaches. Kid’s gun faces dozens of people as he’s aiming at anyone near him. Kid shoots randomly at multiple people including some running away from him. Kid takes aim at the closest one, gun misfires, kid inspects and reracks gun while continuing to aim at the man who is reaching to detain him not trying to hit him or shoot him, and shoots him at point blank range even though no gun is EVER aimed at him….at one instant the victim’s gun is held in such a way that it’s within 45 degrees of being pointed in the direction of the thug/armed child whose gun is constantly aimed at him, but the victim’s gun is never aimed nor pointed AT him.


You just can’t be honest…. your fault because your hyper biased and totally dishonest (to the point they’ve all successfully argued in court that no reasonable person could believe their obviously made up hyperbole, but you still do) “sources” never tell you the truth and you continue to act as if only they tell the truth.

Such a blatant racist race baiter. I know why your kids don’t like you. If Rittenhouse was black and/or a Democrat, you would be screaming bloody murder and calling for his immediate execution by firing squad, and prison for any who stand with him.

Federal prosecutors won’t file charges citing insufficient evidence that the officer willfully violated federal civil rights statutes (because the police stonewalled and didn’t give them evidence), NOT because shooting a man 7 times in the back because he had a knife but police approached within arms length anyway, intentionally putting themselves in harms way to create a position where they could claim they were in danger is a good shoot, but because they couldn’t prove it was a civil rights case with the police hiding their evidence and stonewalling federal investigators.

bobknight33 said:

Man chased kid, kid falls , His gun faces the guy, he puts his hands up, kid does not fire.

Guy then steps forward and points gun at kid, kid fires.
Kid showed great restraint and defends himself.

Just like Jacob Blake they all received just reactions.

Even Federal prosecutors announced that they won't file charges against a the police officer who shot Jacob Blake in Wisconsin last year

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

No, but you must be.
Baby murder gets the death penalty in Texas. This law calls for civil penalties, not even a parking ticket. It's an infraction of a regulation other citizens can profit from enforcing, not murder in any way shape or form, by Texas law.

You gave me the definition!!! ROTFLMFAHS!!!!
" Definition
Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one HUMAN BEING by another"
But you intentionally ignore the fact that the unborn aren't yet people. You can't murder non people. I've pointed this out repeatedly. It seems you must have the illiteracy problem along with your reality problem.

It's true, I WOULD and HAVE defended infanticide, especially historically, but I absolutely have not mentioned it before now in this thread. Supporting abortion is not defending murder by any accepted definition of those words, you have to skew the definitions of human beings and the definition of murder before your position makes sense. Duh. I expect your verbal SAT score was awful, you have a tenuous grasp of English.

According to the bible, yep, not people. Sorry. Try reading it and interpreting what's actually there instead of having someone do it for you.

So, you are advocating Baptist Sharia law.

America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. As easy as that, but your ilk didn't fuck off, you prefer end runs around the constitution and the destruction of codified rights and using legal trickery and convolutions to enact laws that are knowingly unconstitutional but will effectively end abortions before the legal process can invalidate them by bankrupting providers. Anything BUT fucking right off. Take your own advice first, maybe.

Again, the majority in Texas don't want this, didn't vote for it, and absolutely don't want the consequences....which is an exodus of multi national corporations who won't support this nonsense with their wallets.

The majority of Americans are Christians, and a large majority want abortion to be legal and easy to access. Your logic is fatally flawed, being Christian doesn't mean you're anti abortion any more than it means you're anti murder, in fact it means you're more likely to support and defend murder, the bible prescribes it for almost any infraction from actual murder to mowing your lawn on Sunday. The bible says nearly nothing about abortion, what little it does say indicates it's not a crime. Holy fuck, learn your own religion before trying to impose it on others!

Texas was already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, no doubt the backlash for this move will push them hard over the edge. I already cancelled my trip there, and won't be buying any Texas made products. I'm not alone.

Anom212325 said:

Are you really retarded or just pretending ? Making things up like I or Texans want them executed are not really helping your argument. It just makes you seem desperate and shows you have no moral issue on spreading fake info/news.

I gave you the definition. Your the one not recognizing it... I'll repeat it for you considering you lack the capability to read.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Regarding reality. Again your the one defending murder... Your the one ignoring it.

Regarding legality. Again your the one bitching about the legal re-precautions and calling for people to break it.

"The unborn are not human beings" Not according to Christians, you know, the majority in Texas. The ones supporting the law. So we are back to square on. Don't like it, fuck off. As easy as that.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

scheherazade says...

"What on earth are you talking about?"

The rules for property and income when one or both parties decide they no longer want to be in the relationship.

"not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives"

Incorrect. If you are on birth certificate, you have the same rights and obligations.
The only pitfalls are that :
- Child support is calculated from the income of the parent with less custody (rather than from the true cost of raising a child).
- Women almost always get custody if the choice is between two parents (like when they live far apart and child can only be at one or the other).

"and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first"

Negative. Co-parenting does not conflate property.

Shared assets when not married are divided either by percentage of purchase price contribution, or by percentage stated in a contract.

"My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas"

"My brother won."

Won by your own definition. Hence I congratulate.

"You assume women take off time to raise the kids"

No assumptions. Although afaik they still do it more often.

"You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. "

Top result from a zero effort google of "men working hours vs women working hours"

" since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that"

I admit that women [as a group] under 35 out earn men under 35 because of preferential admittance (such as to higher education) and preferential hiring (such as to managerial positions).

I did not say that women earn more in the same position for the same hours worked. Young men are simply getting shut out of opportunities, so their incomes are lower. As by design.

It does however highlight how affirmative action is being poorly controlled.
The target statistic is based on overall population at all ages.
The adjustment is skewed to younger ages (school admission is typically for younger people).
So the system is trying to balance out incomes of older men by trimming up incomes of younger women, with no accounting for the effects on younger men or consequences of older men retiring.
The situation is doomed to overshoot with time.

A natural result is the popularity of people like Jordan Peterson, with messages like : "Young men, nobody will help you, stop waiting for someone to help you, stop lamenting your situation, you gotta pull yourself up by your boot straps. Start by cleaning your room, then go make something of yourself".

"Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk[etc]" -scheherazade "

Straw man argument.

You know I stated that those marriageability criteria exist specifically due to risk of consequences of divorce.

I never stated that I have personal issues with those attributes.
I have dated women on that list. I didn't /marry/ them.

My only criteria for a relationship that I am happy being in is :
- We are mutually attracted
- We like each other
- We are nice to each other
I don't care what your religion is, your politics, your family status, whatever. It's all just noise to me.

" And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are?"

Prenups can be negated by these simple words :

"I did not understand what I was signing"
"My lawyer was not present".

Poof. Prenup thrown out.

"their husbands are more likely to break their vows first"

A woman to cheat needs a willing man (easy)
A man to cheat needs a willing woman (hard)

Times have changed. Online dating made chatting someone up in person and make an impression uncommon, and even considered creepy/unusual. Now people are picked on their online profile based on looks/height/social-media-game.

Dating apps and sites publish their statistics. Nowadays, around 20% of men match with around 80% of women.
Most men aren't having sex. Most men can't find a match to cheat with if they wanted to.

The tall cute photogenic guys are cleaning up.
The 20% of men that match the bulk of women are going through women like a mill. They will smash whatever bored housewife crosses their path.

A 2 second google result :

"Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches"


Fortunately, I never say that about women.

" you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks"

False equivalence.

Cohabitation and Partnership are mutually independent.
Meaning both can exist at the same time.


newtboy said:

What on earth are you talking about?
Do you believe the government dictates your vows? What "rules"? You just cannot grasp the concept of no fault divorce or prenuptial, can you?

I guess you never planned on kids or shared assets. If you do, not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives, and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first. Uncle Sam is in your relationship, married or not....without a marriage contract, he makes ALL the rules and you have no say.

My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas that in my state would have cost under $10K and you congratulate him? You are one strange person.

Again, your perception, not based in fact since the 60's. You assume women take off time to raise the kids and take care of parents and assume fathers don't take paternity leave or have obligations outside work. How 50's. You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. It certainly hasn't been my experience, I've seen women in the workplace working harder and longer for less pay, sacrificing just like their male counterparts if not more, putting off having families until it's too late while men can have kids long after normal retirement age, putting themselves in dangerous situations where those with power over them have opportunities to abuse that power and abuse those women in ways that rarely happen to men. These aren't exceptions, they're the norm. since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that, meaning soon women in most catagories will out earn men and have more to lose, you admit you're wrong in your position now, right? Of course not, I expect you will still start from a point that hasn't been correct since the era and sexual revolution, early 70's at latest.

No, many of the studies I've seen compared people in the same exact positions in the same industries, even same companies, and women consistently get paid less for the exact same job and hours, and women rarely work less today, and just as often out work their male counterparts knowing they are often token hires not valued by the bosses so have less job security. If I recall correctly, 80% of job losses due to Covid were women, and the men are getting rehired faster. I think you are thinking of some studies from the 80's that made those assumptions and accusations. Comparing apples to apples, women still get shortchanged and as often as not overworked.

Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk
Tends to have short relationships? Too much risk
Likes attention? Too much risk
Single mother (non-widow)? Too much risk
Any mental issues (depression, bipolar, narcissist, anxiety, etc)? Too much risk
Older (why you still single...)? Too much risk
Likes to party? Too much risk
Drinks? Too much risk"

And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are? Specify what you expect and agree, and you walk with exactly what you agreed to, no government rules or split involved. Geez. You speak as if you had never heard of them.

Most divorces may be initiated by the woman (if that's true, I expect it's just another assumption) because their husbands are more likely to break their vows first, but are not willing to pay to end the marriage, including penalties for breaking the marriage contract, and we're too dumb to get a prenuptial (or got one that spells out harsh penalties for cheating). Yes, I am assuming men cheat on their spouses more often than the reverse, because men are wired that way.

You are not more likely than not to face a divorce, because it's unlikely any woman meeting your criteria would give you a second thought, and you need to get married to get divorced.

I bet if you show your significant other this thread your 20 year relationship will be in big trouble, or at best enter a long dry dark spell. Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches that take more than they deserve or even could give back and destroy you whenever they think it serves them. It's probably a good thing you aren't married.

Laws and family court aren't as you describe. Maybe when you enter the 21st century you'll recognize that. The rules of your marriage can be whatever you agree to, including the specifics of the split if it ends.

It's a sad thing you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks.....almost always unless one or both of you are total douchebags.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

scheherazade says...

So weird seeing people disagree with you, and then go off spouting shit about subjective benefits while married.

Objectively, by the numbers, in terms of who benefits if the marriage ends, it's pure win for the woman and pure loss for the man.

It's practically a carrot dangling in front of them daring them to divorce.


Woman wins :
Woman = Here's 30% of his income for 20 years and 50% of assets, and you get to walk away with no obligations.
Man = You get to keep all your financial marriage obligations for the rest of your productive life while she gets her divorce.

Man wins :
Man = Here's $500 for 6 months. You are an able bodied person and you can take care of yourself after that.
Woman = Pay him $500 for 6 months, then you have your divorce.

... and women win practically all the time.

So considering that most women 'marry up (financially)', and most women don't sacrifice personal life for career (to the extent that men do)... they benefit financially from marriage.

Then the divorce is massively skewed for their benefit.

So in the end, they win in marriage, and win in divorce.

And since it's the men paying for those wins, the men are losing and losing.

So yeah, I think your description is totally on point.

Marriage is so screwed up that I wouldn't even consider marrying anyone that has any adverse indicators that suggest they are even slightly disloyal or temptable. Don't care how much I like them otherwise.

Long dating history? Too much risk
Tends to have short relationships? Too much risk
Likes attention? Too much risk
Single mother (non-widow)? Too much risk
Any mental issues (depression, bipolar, narcissist, anxiety, etc)? Too much risk
Older (why you still single...)? Too much risk
Likes to party? Too much risk
Drinks? Too much risk

When the consequence of failure is immediate total financial annihilation, and a heavy financial burden for the rest of your productive life, you better F'ing choose carefully.

Or just don't get married.

(Or change the law so a divorce is actually a divorce for both people. No obligations. Just everyone go their own way.)


bobknight33 said:

Marriage is a win win for the woman.

Lose Lose for the man.

Woman have nothing to lose. Men lose everything.

Russia Paid Bounties To Kill US Troops - Trump Mum

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Any math teacher I've ever had would fail you for that. The only reason to remove units is to hide how ridiculous your measurements are....but fine, let's just use still fall flat.

Then your trig and measurements suck, because your measurements put the stage floor at a minimum of 4.5' and the ramp a maximum length of 23.5', both of which are obviously excessively wrong.
The SS at the corners of the stage are waist high to the stage floor....are they 9' tall SS? When on stage, two stripes are waist high to Trump, is he 9' tall? I guess to save Trump, you say yes.
The stage segments are at least 10' long, using Trump as a 6'+ measuring Trump now only 3.5' tall? The ramp covers 3 segments (one slightly short with a podium) then continues for 5-8' beyond the stage (more if I use your breitbart photo)....sure, it's only 23'...that makes sense. *facepalm

Measuring on a curved screen is useless....which you have proven. Measuring based on a photo is also useless unless it's a top down long distance shot, as perspective skews the image. I guess all your college math classes omitted the concept of perspective? Just for giggles, I did it anyway, and still got a slope under 7 degrees, higher than reality thanks to skewed perspective.
It's clear you must insist your measurements are perfect but our eyes lie. Very Trumpian of you, congratulations, and bye. Enjoy your perfectly healthy, not obese and demented president and your near vertical ramps that are suddenly everywhere. Don't come to my house, my ramp is nearly 3 times the slope of the one you claim is 11 degrees, it should be impossible to climb (oddly it's not).

Molecular Biologist ➜ Dr. Judy Mikovits

newtboy says...

"Scientists" who falsify data or skew experiments to get their preconceived results should be ignored and silenced....those who steal from the company they were just fired from deserve jail.

Just read her wiki page...only bat shit crazy conspiracy nuts believe the government and scientific community as a whole conspired to ruin her because she told the truth....She's disgraced because she made repeatedly proven false anti vaccine claims they want ignored, but antivax conspiracy nuts love her. Reality is she's an anti vaxer whose experiments proved to be faked and whose theories are just insane.

Judy Anne Mikovits (c. 1958) is an American anti-vaccination activist, conspiracy theorist and discredited ex-medical researcher. She has made discredited claims about vaccines, coronavirus, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As research director of CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006 to 2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role. However, the research came under fire, leading to an eventual retraction on December 22, 2011, by the journal Science.

In 2020, Mikovits drew attention online for promoting conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, via the conspiracist YouTube video Plandemic[6] that were fact-checked and found to be either false or not based on scientific evidence.

Mikovits began to look for XMRV in her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome samples. In late 2008, a graduate student, who subsequently was hired as her technician, obtained two positive results from a group of twenty samples. He and Mikovits successively altered the experimental conditions until all samples gave a positive signal.

In 2009, Mikovits and co-workers reported in the journal Science that they had detected XMRV DNA in CFS patients and control subjects. Negative results were published soon after, disputing Mikovits's findings.

She's a fraud. Why else would Bobby love her so much?

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