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Sixty Symbols - Wobbly Earth

Water in Space (Mars) - Sixty Symbols

Sixty Symbols - Water in Space

Water in Space (Mars) - Sixty Symbols

Water in Space (Mars) - Sixty Symbols

Water in Space (Mars) - Sixty Symbols

Splitting Atoms in the kitchen- Periodic Table of videos

Boise_Lib says...

I have an old book that is a collection of the old column "The Amateur Scientist" from Scientific Americans in the fifties and sixties. One article is "A Homemade Atom Smasher" which is a particle accelerator made using a Van de Graaff static electricity generator. The book also has "A Homemade X-Ray Machine".

Ah, the good old days.

'Nasty' chemicals -Viewer Questions-Periodic Table of Videos

'Nasty' chemicals -Viewer Questions-Periodic Table of Videos

thegrimsleeper says...

This video is from their "Periodic table of videos" channel, not their "Sixty symbols" channel.
The periodic videos are about chemistry but the sixty symbols videos are about physics and astronomy.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Spiral Galaxies - Sixty Symbols

Kindergarten teacher keeps kids calm during gun fight.

tsquire1 says...

Its not a lack of police to fight drug cartels which is the cause of the violence. That analysis is hollow. You are leaving out the devastating consequences of NAFTA and imperialism on these countries.

Poverty and unemployment have only worsened as a result of subsidies going towards big agrobussiness instead of local farmers. This is what leads to crime. Its a reaction by the working class getting even more fucked. When you can't get any $ by growing corn and instead have the chance to make $ selling drugs, yeah, you do it.

It isn't a coincidence that the majority of immigrants come from countries that have had dictators and death squads with the support of the US. Guatamala, El Salvador, Mexico. Destroyed economies create migrants which are CHEAP LABOR. Add to this the criminalization of immigrants with AZ's SB1070 and GA's copycat HB87. The AZ bill was pretty much written by Corrections Corporation of America, a private prison corporation which gets $200 per bed a night.

Its all part of the imperative of profit, the inherent violence of capitalism, duh
Additional reading:
"And then there's this from independent journalist Zafar Bangash:

"The CIA, as Cockburn and (Jeffrey) St Clair reveal, had been in this business right from the beginning. In fact, even before it came into existence, its predecessors, the OSS and the Office of Naval Intelligence, were involved with criminals. One such criminal was Lucky Luciano, the most notorious gangster and drug trafficker in America in the forties."

The CIA's involvement in drug trafficking closely dovetails America's adventures overseas - from Indo-China in the sixties to Afghanistan in the eighties....As Alfred McCoy states in his book: Politics of Heroin: CIA complicity in the Global Drug Trade, beginning with CIA raids from Burma into China in the early fifties, the agency found that 'ruthless drug lords made effective anti-communists." ("CIA peddles drugs while US Media act as cheerleaders", Zafar Bangash, Muslimedia, January 16-31, 1999)

And, this from author William Blum:

"ClA-supported Mujahedeen rebels ... engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government," writes historian William Blum. "The Agency's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and a leading heroin refiner. CIA-supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan/Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe....""

Sixty Symbols - de Broglie Waves

MonkeySpank says...

There are many models which have their own proofs. Without wave-particle duality, there would be not electron microscopes. One definition of a wave is the probability of a particle being at a certain time t. This is one topic where Einstein disagrees with de Broglie, who also disagrees with Feynman, and so on, hence the Copenhagen interpretation. They all agree on the differential equations behind the wave-particle model, but their interpretations of the equations are all in violent disagreement. Great topic though

>> ^offsetSammy:

According to Feynman's QED, there's no such thing as "wave-particle duality", it's just all particles. The behavior of the particles, however, is very strange, and that's what accounts for their wave-like characteristics. QED came after Dirac and Schrodinger (it was a refinement of their theories), so I'm not sure why it doesn't get acknowledged in these kinds of discussions.
QED also predicts exactly the results of things like the double slit experiment without ever resorting to the "well the wave collapses into a particle when we observer it" kind of thing.

Skeeve (Member Profile)

Kitteh takes bubble bath (and loves it)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's so, so meta - for the topic of the day.>> ^Lolthien:

Okay, seriously? A 10 minute cat bath video? Did anyone.. ANYONE watch more than sixty seconds of this??? HOw in god's hairy kneecaps did this get on the top list?

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