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simonm (Member Profile)

Steve Jobs on Hughes, Wait.. Steve Hughes On Jobs.. Yeah

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

bcglorf says...


missed your reply, you need to check the video again as you clearly didn't watch what I'm watching.
You said:
"I disagree 100%. Sane people did this to stop the rapidly escalating anger between the kids and (disgusting) black Israelites before the kids attacked the Israelites, which seemed inevitable because no one was controlling the kids (or the small group of Black Israelites) and the kids were getting more and more rowdy."
At 1:09 the Black Israelites are making fun of the kids specifically because they are "keeping their distance". At 1:11 the kids are presumably standing/jumping doing one of their school chants, moving no closer to the black Israelites. At 1:12 after the chant, the kids all sit down. After the kids have been not only 'keeping their distance', but sitting down now for a minute is when Nathan Phillips comes in to 'de-escalate' things. You can not honestly paint that as looking like an 'inevitable attack' was coming from the kids. The reality is the kids were staying back, and sitting down while the Black Israelite adults continued trying unsuccessfully to escalate things.

You later said:
"and note smirk boy is not there, he gets into the stationary elders face later. "

If you look at 1:13, smirk boy is 3 rows back from the elder. If you watch till 1:14 you notice that the camera man isn't moving, but Phillips gets further and further away because is walking slowly into the crowd of students. The students don't so much surround him, they make way as he invades their personal space until they move until about 1:15. If you watch 1:15, the camera is the same place as it was back at 1:11, the kids are at the same distance from the camera and the same location on the stairs, but now you can't even see Phillips because he's so far into the group.

I gotta admit, I'm a little floored you can come away still seeing what you want to see...

Januari (Member Profile)

New Rule: #BlueToo | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

entr0py says...

To me the truly disheartening thing is the response afterwards. With the dude by the elevator, I remember the chief of police being interviewed saying something like "The individual adopted a fighting pose, and the officers had to force him to sit down (by repeatedly punching him in the face)". I can imagine there are some bad apples, and cops with rage problems who need to be weeded out. But the sober guys in charge defending them is what's most sickening.

Soccer Drifting

lucky760 says...

I'm proving it right now.

I'm sitting down and not sliding all over the place. In order to move, I have to propel myself by some mechanism, such as appendage movement (i.e., contraction and extension of muscle fibers that terminate at more rigid structures, e.g., bones).

Yeah, I'm not seeing how I'd be able to move otherwise, except perhaps by some kind of motion device external to my person.

I don't like to speak in absolutes, though, so I'll still just say I *think* there might be something a little fishy about this video. Maybe.

Zaibach said:

Yeah? PROVE IT!!

Dennis Rodman gets emotional after Trump-Kim summit

newtboy says...

That's true, only Lil Kim can make his country change.
His grandfather, his father, and he destroyed the land and murdered thousands. What gives you the mistaken idea it stopped with his grandfather, it absolutely did not.
I do hope for the best, but it's prudent to prepare for the worst, not assume the best before starting the process. What's proposed makes the Iran deal look iron clad and secure, there's no mention at all of verification, time tables, or even a listing of what he already has.
Keep in mind this was a meeting of two well practiced, professional liars, you can't take either of them at their word....ever.

I can only hope people with some clue what they're doing get involved and write a binding agreement for Trump, he clearly has no clue as he just gave Kim his top requests for nothing in return.
Time will tell, if Trump manages to put together a peace agreement that's meaningful, I'll give him credit, but he doesn't get credit for just sitting down, that was a win for Kim, not us.

bobknight33 said:

Like it on not Rocket man is the only one who can start the change.

Kim study abroad, saw what the free world has to offer and wants it his homeland.

Yes he Grandfather/ father destroyed the land and murdered thousands and Kim was taught to follow. Now he is in charge and is thinking of WHAT IF?

If the world can get this man to open up would be a great thing.

Kim picked Rodman and not you. Just hope for the best.

Code Monkey

Zawash says...

Code Monkey get up get coffee
Code Monkey go to job
Code Monkey have boring meeting
With boring manager Rob
Rob say Code Monkey very diligent
But his output stink
His code not "functional" or "elegant"
What do Code Monkey think?
Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write god damned login page himself
Code Monkey not say it out loud
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you

Code Monkey hang around at front desk
Tell you sweater look nice
Code Monkey offer buy you soda
Bring you cup, bring you ice
You say no thank you for the soda cause
Soda make you fat
Anyway you busy with the telephone
No time for chat
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle he sit down pretend to work
Code Monkey not thinking so straight
Code Monkey not feeling so great

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you a lot

Code Monkey have every reason
To get out this place
Code Monkey just keep on working
See your soft pretty face
Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake
Take bath, take nap
This job "fulfilling in creative way"
Such a load of crap
Code Monkey think someday he have everything even pretty girl like you
Code Monkey just waiting for now
Code Monkey say someday, somehow

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you

Billy Idol's Rebel Yell ala Weird Al

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?

ChaosEngine says...

Hmmm, even though I love Kurzgesagt and this is an informative video. There are easy answers to the questions posed at the start.

How does homeopathy work? It doesn't.
How did it become what it is today? People are easily swindled.
What can modern medicine learn from it? NOTHING.

Yeah, they go on to talk about viewing the patient as a person, etc, but that is not that important. I don't want my doctor sitting down and having a chat with everyone, I want them to treat them and move on to the next patient. Maybe when we get to our AI-led post-scarcity utopia, but right now, medicine (like everything else) is a game of finite resources. Do you really want to waste the time of a highly trained (and highly paid) medical professional? Because while they're talking to you about your vague sense of unease, someone else is dying.

Boat Wreck On The Columbia River

Fairbs says...

citing fake new likely indicates he's a trump fan and would be more proof of the stupidity of people that follow him

I saw this story on the TV news and I think they said he was getting sued for something like 150,000$ and was facing multiple criminal charges (not specified). They also said his age was in the 70s and that he was sitting down when it happened

Ickster said:

From the article ant linked to:

Officer disciplined after getting angry over White Privilege

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, re-reading that, it is badly worded. I meant I don't understand what upset him so much that he was disciplined for it.

But that leads back to my whole point about lack of context.

We don't know (from this video) WHY she talked about white male privilege and whether it was warranted, and equally, I don't understand why he reacted the way he did.

So, doing some research on this, it turns out that, when presented with the statistic that transgender people are 3.32 times more likely to experience police violence, he said "My wife has never been part of police violence, Most of the people that I know have never accused the police of violence. So I guess I don't get where that statistic comes from."

Ok, let's put the white privilege thing aside for a second. Can we all agree that that is a fucking dumb arse response? "People in Africa are starving." "Nonsense, I just had a cheeseburger". FFS.

It's at that point that Weber says "it's because of your white male privilege".

Now whether that response was merited is debatable. Personally, I feel like it's probably uncalled for, but I can also see where she's coming from.

Either way, it certainly doesn't merit Weber being put on administrative leave. As for the response, it was definitely unnecessary, but it was also not THAT bad.

I fail to see why the whole thing needed to go to disciplinary proceedings at all, when it could have been sorted out by making them both sit down and talk like grown-ups.

newtboy said:

Saying white privilege exists may be stating a sociological fact, but saying someone is incapable of comprehension because of their male white privilege is a racist (and sexist) insulting dismissive statement, particularly when in response to a basic statistical question.

I'm confused on what you mean in your last you mean it's hard to see why he got so upset because they disciplined him, or hard to see why he got so upset that he had to be disciplined?

How the Alt-Right Trolls

C-note says...

Seems the proposed solution would yield peaceful results verses trying to get a member of Black Lives Matter to sit down and really contemplate the point of view of an alt-right torch carrying defender of confederate monuments.

entr0py said:

That was a good description of why that form of argument is successful, but the proposed solution seems unsatisfying. I mean, if you just shut down all contrary views by deleting the posts, banning the posters or ignoring them, it makes it seem like you're just trying to build a comfortable echo chamber. I feel like you've got to preserve the willingness to consider that you might be wrong, even when confronted with trolls.


00Scud00 says...

I think the argument could be made that it's a great ad. We get bombarded with so many ads on a daily basis that I'll bet most of them barely even register anymore.

So if you can get someone to sit down and actually watch and enjoy an ad, even an ad about an apocalyptic future where Skynet is built by an ice cream company, I'd call that a win. Granted, not everyone will like it, but it's better than being so bland that passes by completely unnoticed.

ChaosEngine said:

You know what this is?

It's a fantastic, darkly comic short film.

You know what this isn't?

A good commercial for ice-cream.

Straight is the new gay - Steve Hughes

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, I pretty much agree with all of that, especially around cigars (they're simply not as much of a problem).

And in general, a bit of common courtesy goes a long way. If you're in a beer garden and someone sits at a communal table with you, they should have the decency to ask if it's ok to smoke, and the reverse applies also. If you sit down at a table and someone is already smoking, you don't really have the right to ask them to stop.

There isn't really an easy answer to any of this... it's the issue of individual rights vs collective good, and there just isn't a single correct answer to that. If you think there is, you're either naive or a fundamentalist ideologue with no concern for practicality (either way).

newtboy said:

Can't argue that. I've been in California so long that the idea of smoking inside a business didn't even occur to me. The 'in private homes with children and apartments or townhouses' part I find draconian and unenforceable...and we have them here.
On a side note, I also find it distasteful that cigars get lumped in with cigarettes. As far as I know, there have been few if any studies on second hand cigar smoke, which has none of the toxic additives most cigarettes have so produce a different smoke. I'm not saying it's good for you, just that it hasn't been proven to be the same kind of toxicity....yet they are now taxed the same here, doubling the price overnight. (If you can't tell, I'm bitter, I can't afford them now)

True, cars have far more utility (except to tobacco farmers) but are also far more damaging in many ways. It's not meant to be a logical argument, it's more about getting people to see that they also pollute the air (a normal complaint I hear about smokers) in a directly more deadly and indirectly disastrous way, and I hope they will consider that before angrily deriding someone for a cigarette. It's a disguised 'people in glass houses' argument.

Sadly, yes, smoking is an easy target today....alcohol could be tomorrow, or marijuana again (just became legal here)....I don't like our governments going after the easy targets heavy handedly just because they can. It's too easy to portray something or someone as an easy target and go after it solely because a small persuasive group finds it distasteful.

To play devils advocate, there are a few positive sides to smoking...smoking tastes good (to smokers), it acts as a stimulant/depressant and appetite suppressor, it supports an industry of farmers and for cigars, hand rollers, and it helps thin out the herd. ;-)

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