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Caught in Providence: Ticket Dismissed for Learning English

PlayhousePals says...

*promote the way real humanity and compassion should be. Oh how I LOVE this judge. Given the recent accelerated uptick in immigration enforcement, viewing this gave me a sinking feeling that an apparently sweet woman [with a family] won't be in America much longer. Sick ... Sad!

shagen454 (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

I will follow you, Namor! First, let me use my Quantum Bands to wreak havoc and sink the entire west coast of the United States into the Pacific. And with the help of the Fantastic Four and the more agreeable Deviants, shield the land mass from all harm and construct that utopia: Atlantis 5.

Yeah, the other Atlantises were blown up and or phased out of time and space, but i have high hopes for A5. Better than liberal hubs named after Mesopotamian cities! Death to the Night Watch and beware gov't telepaths...

shagen454 said:

I understand what you are saying I would say though that in the past, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away- media in this country was a bit more "journalistic". Able to take multiple views and be the devil's advocate, if need be. Now everything is streamlined and slimmed down with an agenda set by their corporate sponsors and shareholders. It wasn't ALWAYS like this in the very specific way that it is now.

I think I abstracted my point, sure - Trump would be great for capitalism and business and I do understand why many asshats think "in the box" for that sort of utopian status quo bullshit. Unfortunately, we're no longer in the 50's & 60's... we have MANY issues that demand progressive answers.

Welp, my friends - soon we might just have to join a Snorkel Colony. Thanks Trump, alt-right-wingers & capitalism! I always wanted to go back to my roots in the ocean! Death to the Night Watch and beware gov't telepaths.

Denmark has a lesson for us all

bareboards2 says...

@vil Perhaps. It is also a standard exercise in acting classes.

Instead of the teacher calling things out, it is the participants who say something true about themselves. It is to teach students to be honest, and brave, and to see that they are not freaks. Much like this video. (Although how do you know this isn't real, this "ad"? People could have volunteered to do this. Although the single bisexual didn't ring true to me -- either folks were lying or it is indeed scripted.)

Anyway, in the acting exercise, instead of boxes on the floor, it is just people standing around. Someone calls out something true about themselves, and people who have done that join them, those who haven't move away and cluster together, so you end up with two groups. Constantly moving, constantly changing, the power shifting, the emotions shifting. It is great fun and can be scary as hell as you decide how honest you want to be. How honest you CAN be.

Two favorite memories of this exercise in classes I took:

1. A guy calls out -- "everyone who has ever peed in a sink". Every guy in the class joins him -- and one woman. We all about lost it.

2. Here in PT, small town, had a class with about 25 people in it. One brave man, Jim P, I'll never forget -- he had the bravery to call out -- "everyone who has ever had a restraining order placed against them." And everyone moved away from him and he stood there alone. Only time I have ever seen that happen, someone standing alone.

Bill Burr Doesn’t Have Sympathy For Hillary Clinton

SDGundamX says...

Why does it have to be one or the other? It's pretty clear a huge group of racist/misogynistic people rallied around Trump for saying the things that they thought but couldn't say out loud in public. Him saying those things and not getting absolutely destroyed for it (thanks to mass media which just ate it up as fuel for ratings) brought them out of the woodwork, if not the woods exactly.

On the other hand, Hillary herself failed time and again to capitalize on his gaffs. Clearly her strategy of just letting him implode without actually trying to push him off a cliff herself backfired. Burr is right that the advice she got not to sink to his level, not to outright challenge the outrageous stuff he was saying (and now doing) was wrong. She picked the wrong team of people to advise her. She didn't campaign in key swing states. She (and to honest most Americans) vastly underestimated the desperation of the poorest blue collar workers around the U.S. She never had a clear campaign platform other than to show up, look smug, and essentially say "Hey, at least I'm not THAT guy!" There were people who took that to mean she represented the status quo. They might have hated what Trump was saying but they hated the status quo even more and voted accordingly.

So, in my mind, it's both things. She absolutely made mistakes AND a shitload of emboldened bigots came out to vote. It was the combination of these things that caused her downfall.

The Coast Guard saves an SUV Driver

The Coast Guard saves an SUV Driver

How to Pour Concrete Driveway

newtboy says...

It sinks the rocks and brings up liquid, so when you go over it, the tool doesn't get stuck like it does when you pre-edge, so you end up much smoother.

RFlagg said:

I'm a bit lost on why they pre-edge, then smooth it over as he goes along, then do all the other stuff... then edge near the end again. Well, I get the edging at the end, just not the pre-edge since it seems like it was taken out.

Building a Fish Tower in a pond

Zawash says...

Lower water pressure would inflate the swim bladder, increasing the buoyancy. Higher pressure makes the bladder easier to empty, making it easier to sink.
You get this effect when scuba diving - it is harder to get down from the surface than to get deeper when you're already several feet below.

Payback said:

Lower water pressure means they would sink easier, not float.

Building a Fish Tower in a pond

Payback says...

Lower water pressure means they would sink easier, not float.

Spacedog79 said:

The question I always have when I see these is do the fish really like it, or does the change in pressure on the water under vacuum affect their swim bladders so they get too buoyant and get a bit stuck inside it?

Adam Ruins Everything - Keep America Beautiful

bamdrew says...

And here we are, just about 2017, and 'freethinkers' are still convincing themselves that sending 100 million tons of carbon up into the sky every day does nothing to the air, water and soil carbon sinks. And to suggest it does and also own a car or fly in a plane? You're a degenerate hypocrite.

Very glad you pointed this out, as the international cabal of hundreds of thousands of researchers (people who literally earn their livings by questioning established norms and developing new ideas and solutions, and are therefor pretty hard to keep toeing the line in this cabal) will certainly be angry at Neil deGrasse Tyson for owning that nice car, and flying in airplanes, and no doubt eating burgers while wearing clothes made in China. We, the cabal, definitely need to chat with Neil, as that luxory sedan only get 19 city/29 highway,... with such hypocritical actions, he may as well be handing out pamphlets telling people about our secret anthropogenic global warming cabal, and its goals to, um, regulate the human contributions to the warming of our one habitable planet.

Sorry I lost the snark there at the end because I forget what reason the conspiracy theorists give for 'AGW shills'... is it somethng to do with a moral argument against Exxon and other energy mega companies? Again, sorry, would appreciate help with that part.

coolhund said:

Haha, yeah. I hear those hypocrite "environmental activists" talking like that too all the time. Especially with the last part you can expose them easily. Buying a new car to save the planet...
Buying a used one is actually the best way to go, if you really care about the environment. But that doesnt offer as much prestige, of course.
Gotta love seeing these public AGW shills too, like Neil deGrasse Tyson, driving around in a 2.5 ton Audi long version with 450 HP.

Remember kids: If youre a hypocrite, nobody with at least half a brain will believe you anymore in anything.

What DID Happen to the Titanic Crew?

Modern Day Child Sisyphus

hazmat22 says...

Ignoring the apt title, I started off hoping he would think about it for a second and maybe adjust his strategy and was cheering for him a little.

By the end I was damn annoyed at him and now figure he was last seen scudding into the middle of a lake and then sinking when he let the damn lid fly up yet again!

WTF have you done America?

mas8705 says...

Here's the thing. If all his past "fuckups" as you put it were supposed to completely discredit him as a canidate, why the hell did the following happen:

a) Be allowed to Run
b) Get nominated for the Republican nomination
c) Win the Election

We knew all the shit in his past, but you know what? He was still voted in not by fellow Republican politicians, but the people who saw that Trump could do what the people in DC can't do. That's one thing you, I and everyone else needs to accept. If this was "Such an issue that should have disqualified him from running and instead he should be in Jail," Why is he not in jail? Legit question because whatever that you might respond to that could be the same reasons why people feel like Hillary should be in Jail but still isn't.

"Republicans would be embarrassed to admit they'd backed a candidate that spent more of his first four years in jail than in the office. It would blow up the party and they're too self-centered to do that."

What's there to be embarrassed about? They never supported Trump to begin with! If it was a case where they were singing his praises, then the "grab them by the pussy video" came up, that would be embarrassing. Instead, they didn't show their support for Trump and then when that video came up, those who didn't support Trump basically doubled down on their "No supporting Trump."

The Republicans aren't going to act all "cheerful" now that Trump has won. They are cautious as all hell now more than ever. Even Paul Ryan calls Trump's win the "Most unprecedented win in the history of our country." The Republican party already strapped on the suicide vest the moment Trump accepted the nomination, and that vest isn't going to come off just because he won. They are going to watch him like a hawk and impeach him the moment he screws up. Impeaching Trump for if he screws up is not the same as "the party blowing up," but if Trump makes constant failed policies and they decide to stand by Trump, that is just watching the boat sink with all passengers on board.

Trump is not your average politician. As such we can't assume that should action be taken against Trump, that won't be average either.

What he needs to do now is prove that the trust that has been to put him by the people was well placed and that he will do the things he promised to do. All what the Republicans can do is just watch him carefully.

Sorry for the wall of text, but the only reason why I'm infuriated is that people honestly think we're turning into a fascism when really it would be easy to prevent such things from happening. Especially if there was no party loyalty to begin with.

Drachen_Jager said:

He's fucked up his whole life.

Cheated contractors, investors, the IRS. Sexually assaulted women, then bragged about it. He runs a false charity that only works to benefit Trump himself. He openly espouses Putin's policies on topics of Russian interest, even when it conflicts with American interest. He condones and encourages violence. Threatens to use the power of the office to imprison his perceived enemies. Threatens to jail journalists and comedians who disagree with him. Can't even UNDERSTAND why nuclear weapons are not to be used except in cases of existential threat.

If they're going to impeach him, there's plenty of material already. He could see jail before he sees the Oval Office.

It would take an overwhelming majority of Americans voting against Republicans in four years to tip the scales. If they have another four years, they're only going to push things further. Watch California get reduced to fewer electoral votes than Arkansas.

The US is bordering on failed state/despotism. The Republicans in congress and the senate are the only ones who could stand in the way, but if they stand in the way, they give up their own power.

Do you really think they're going to do that? Really?

Rigging the Election - Video II: Mass Voter Fraud

heropsycho says...

I'm not a liberal, nor a conservative. I'm a pragmatic moderate.

Of course, ANYONE to the left of you is a "shit liberal". There are more of you every day because the electorate is being polarized.

Unfortunately for you, there's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more "shit liberals" everyday than people of your "ilk". Also, there's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more people who aren't of your ilk than are, and you keep pushing everyone who isn't as irrationally conservative as you away to the Democratic Party.

Remember, people like you caused Trump to get nominated instead of Kasich or Bush, and you might have won with either of them vs Clinton. But no, you're a man of principle! And those principles led you to Donald Trump, the candidate who could never be elected, even with all the political winds from circumstance at his back. Even against the second most disliked major party nominee, only to Trump himself!

I don't expect you to bow down. I expect you to drive yourself crazy as you'll continue to fight the insane fight while you lose election after election, and destroy the Republican Party as you keep it hostage under the threat of primarying any rational members they have left, handing election after election to Democrats until conservatives and the Republican Party become irrelevant and powerless.

That's what you can do. You keep that fight up! Never give up, never surrender! No matter how far you feel yourself sinking in the quicksand, between millennials completely rejecting your ideology, growing populations of minorities who reject you, demographics that show that eventually large electoral vote rich states like Texas will become competitive and will flip and turn blue. Nevermind the GOP has managed to win the popular vote one time in the last six elections, soon to be a seventh. Next time, keep thinking going down this path will work!

But don't you stop fighting! Keep struggling! I expect nothing less! This isn't about this election anymore. It's about wreaking havoc against your own side for decades to come! Nominate Trump in 2020 again! Primary the traitor Paul Ryan!

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bobknight33 said:

Its people like me who stand up to shit liberals like you. There are more of us every day. I admit the odds are against us but I will never bow now your liberal ilk.

Removing rusted nuts using a candle and a lighter

Payback says...

I'm not saying it IS bullshit, it just seems a bit weird I've never heard of it before. There's a point where "with this one weird trick" style videos have to be taken with a skeptical eye. I've been an adult for the entire lifetime of the internet, and with no previous information, I have to wonder if a Bic lighter has enough BTU's to heat up that nut, as the wheel stud and wheel make a decent heat sink.

In reference to your other post, paraffin wax (candle wax) is actually a component in surfboard and ski wax. I just think it's more effective at preventing rust, rather than seeping into it. As it is similar to kerosene, the video might be somewhat correct. I just doubt the Bic lighter part.

Mekanikal said:

People lie on the internet?

/I feel dumb because I got sucked into this

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