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eric3579 (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

I have joined this bandwagon.

Thanks to this whole chain of people @PlayhousePals @Babymech @artician @eric3579

We've got a conga-line gangbang of satisfaction taking place here.

eric3579 said:

Just watched the first episode. Sooooooooo good. thanks to all those that brought me to this place in my life @Babymech
Holy shit episode 2 was also hilarious.
episode 3 in the books. How did i not know how awesome this show was?

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

shinyblurry says...

Anyone notice that some conclusions of the basic premise were drawn from the behavior of rats? It's kind of interesting how we all just kind of nod and smile when a scientist or psychologist draws conclusions about us from rodents. The reason that the rat is happy in rat happy land is because that is all the reason the rat is here; to be a rat. If a rat is getting his senses stimulated, physically and socially, he is going to be happy because there is nothing more to his life. There is more to our lives than having our senses stimulated by physical pleasures and social interactions.

We, unlike rats or any other animals, were created to have a relationship with our Creator. Existence in the material world will never fully satisfy anyone, because our hearts are longing for eternal, and not temporal satisfaction, which only God can give us. Our happiness on Earth is largely dependent on our conditions, and if our conditions are bad, happiness and peace are fleeting. Real life with God brings a lasting satisfaction and peace which transcends every circumstance of life, and a living hope which buoys the spirit and brings unending joy.

I agree with the idea of the cage, and that cage is the prison of sin. it has nothing to do with social connections, or lack thereof. Some of the most famous people on Earth, who have the whole world as their oyster, are addicted to drugs, depressed, disillusioned, and grasping for meaning in their lives. Sin is a spiritual prison which brings only death and destruction. In this life you reap what you sow, and the wages of sin is death. A seed thrown into dry ground, cracking under the noon-day sun, is not going to bear any fruit. So it is when people go into the desert of sin looking for paradise; the illusion will occasionally be dispelled by a mouthful of sand, but like a rat they keep going back to the trap.

There is a way out, because although we cannot pay for our own sins and escape the trap, the Lord Jesus Christ took the punishment for our sins so that we could be set free. On the cross, He paid the price for our sins, yours and mine; when we begin to trust Him as our Lord and Savior, He will give us a new life, and a new heart with new desires to turn away from sin and live according to His will. We are set free from the bondage, not only of addiction, but sin and death. He heals our deepest wounds and comforts us, he heals deep seated habits, depression and mental illness.

When you open the cage of sin and let the Lord in, this scripture begins to operate: 2Cor3:17 Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty

1st grader stands down hate

RFlagg says...

Yep. One of the keys for me too. What good is He if the only thing He provides is salvation from the Hell He created to punish us for not loving Him to His satisfaction? What else have You done for me, or anyone else I know, in this present day life on Earth God? Nada, and sure some would say God saved so and so from an accident... then but then millions of good Christians die every year from accidents... it's almost like it's random who He helps or not... In fact, He indeed doesn't help any more than any other god does... He at one point had a better army, which allowed Him to spread around to Europe and force them to convert or integrate their holidays into His to make it seem better to those forced to convert.

Okay He created Hell for Lucifer and the angels who chose not to praise Him for a moment... which proves that angels do have free will... which goes against the teaching He created us to love Him of our own free will as the angels had no choice... so either He forced Lucifer and the third of all the angels to rebel, or they have free will. Then we get all those people in Asia, Africa and the Americas and all over the glove who are going to Hell before they heard about the gospel of Jesus as they never had a chance... but wait many Christians say, they won't go to Hell because they didn't know, they'll be judged on if they lived morally... which begs the question, if you are basically fully guaranteed of life in Heaven without the knowledge of Jesus, then why spread the message? Oh, the Great Commission... that command they apparently listen to, while the people like this ignore His command to Love and treat others as you'd have them treat you. How He hung around sinners and tax collectors and talked badly about those who were showing off how holy they were and prayed openly, trying to shame those who didn't do as they did. How He told the crowd who was about to stone a woman at the well "let those without sin toss the first stone" and then importantly doesn't toss any stones Himself, not because He's sinned, but because He's operating on a new covenant. Yet they love to toss stones of discrimination and hate towards those who sin differently than them. He commands us to heal the sick, and yet it is the Christians of this Nation that oppose guaranteeing everyone a minimum degree of universal health insurance, preferring only people with good jobs have affordable health care. And on and on...

And the Jesus is coming soon folks... Seriously I've head from family that even if Climate Change is real, the real damage doesn't come for hundred years or more, and Jesus will have come by then. Just look at the world, gay people can get married now. Clearly Jesus is coming soon. I had another family member note how after the election of Obama the first time that just means Jesus will come sooner now... as if the Bible doesn't say there's an appointed time, let alone that He appoints the leaders...

And then the whole help help we're being repressed attitude... when basically they are being denied special rights and privileges and just coming to equal legal ground with others. Basically they are coming into the situation that forced the Pilgrims to leave a Christian Nation to move to what would become America because they couldn't persecute others as they wanted to, as the theocracy that ruled that Nation didn't agree to go that far.

I could go on for ages. I covered the topic a billion times though... well not a billion...

JiggaJonson said:

That's pretty much the message that drove me away from religion in a nutshell: "This world is awful, just grin and bear it; things will be better when you're dead."

Most errors in one baseball play I've ever seen.

SFOGuy says...

There is the grim satisfaction that despite having a GINORMOUS payroll in 2014, and having just been bought by a media consortium for billions...
The Dodgers didn't win the World Series in 2014.

However, they will probably eventually be the Yankees of the West, based on media income...

eric3579 said:

Dodgers are a bunch of amateurs! GO GIANTS!!

police detaining a person for no reason

RedSky says...

The problem here seems to be more the system. I can imagine the cop might be considering some citation quota that she has to meet. Meanwhile, it's also likely her performance is in no way measured by the satisfaction level of the region she polices. There's also the possible racial factor but that's a whole more complicated can of worms.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

Januari says...

While its true i don't think anyone has taken the high minded approach of altering someones name to include an insult fitting their preferred narrative, I'm not certain not sharing your opinion qualifies as being an asshat.

I'm curious, you spoke at length about Sarkeesian's motives and her opinions. I believe i'd heard of her before today, but know very little about her politics or organization.

I find it very strange that someone who, apparently, has such well known view points would be who this woman reached out to for help. And then having not received satisfaction from this complete stranger, who according to you holds her and her profession in very low regard, is completely outraged. I find that very strange.

Personally, i think whats being missed in this is how the media handles it. This apparently happened a few months past, arrests have been made and the prosecution seems to be going forward. I'm somewhat shocked that this incident seems to completely be ignored by the media.

A nun was brutally rapped in India recently and its literally on the front page of ever major news organization in the world. Its a horrifying crime, beyond me to describe.

Another woman, an adult film actress is raped repeatedly in front of her terrorized family and there wasn't even a blip...

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Ugh, everyone in this thread is acting like an asshat.
I'll start with you tho.

Bahfest 2014: Why Do Mammals Sleep?

poolcleaner says...

I like to imagine that this was a final presentation for a scientific course. Everyone loved her wit and charm but she flunked out and still has to pay student loans on top of that. Now in an attempt to share her story, she realized stand up comedy at ah hoc speech events gives her more basic satisfaction.

The Sorcerers Apprentice - Tesla Coil Music Scene

Slayer Exciter Circuit, Using a Tesla Coil

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap

chingalera says...

CEs' right-The illusion he described is the only tangible evidence that the shit you've heard at the last pep-rally has any meaning other than to enhance or lull you into a somnambulistic satisfaction of the slave-mentality of, 'rah-rah, American way.' This bergs' been sold on the block already and you have the privilege of witnessing the pangs of chaotic birth-spawn and participating in planet now. That you are satisfied with your plight is evidence of an effective, Satanic pogrom.

Sapphires Las Vegas

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

VoodooV says...

what qualifies as news is hardly relevant to what this idiot did. Every single one of us knows how idiotic/reckless/dangerous people can be on the road.

So it's very easy to see how we can derive satisfaction from someone getting their comeuppance after being an idiot/reckless/dangerous on the road especially after stupidly confronting the news crew. If you're going to cast stones, make sure your shit doesn't stink. And his shit really stunk.

As others have already said, he dug his own grave.

Jim Carrey Has Words of Wisdom for You

Trancecoach says...

Jim's advice to "follow your passion" is, IMHO, a terrible idea and is, perhaps dangerous and destructive career advice. But who could expect Jim to suggest anything else, seeing as how he became highly successful doing what he loves?

How many people do what they love, but never achieve success? Probably far more than those that do, except we never hear from them, because they're never selected to give commencement speeches at universities...

This is particularly pernicious in tournament-style fields where there are only a few big winners in comparison to the many many losers (e.g., media, athletics, startups, etc.).

These students would be better advised to "Do what contributes" (i.e., focus on the beneficial value created for other people and not just to satisfy one's own ego). People who contribute the most are often ultimately the most satisfied with what they do — and eventually find their way into fields with high remuneration (i.e., tend to make the most $).

Sadly, advising people to focus on others rather than oneself is not all that popular, especially given the endemic narcissism that characterizes modern culture (and, to be sure, much of what's behind Jim's own 'performances'). Focusing on what is best for others, rather than oneself, requires us to delay gratification (and short-term happiness) and perhaps even toil for many years to get the payoff of contributing value to the world.

Too often, people follow their passions into fields that are simply too competitive for where their skills are in those things. Instead, one should "do what contributes" — follow the thing that provides the most value to others.

In other words, "Follow your effort," "Don't do what you love, love what you do," and other suggestions to adopt a more complicated if more realistic calculus of doing what you're good at so long as it gives you some amount of satisfaction.

IMO, the best commencement speech of the season is the one delivered by Adm. William McRaven, the head of U.S. special operations, at the University of Texas, who said, "You can't follow anything until you've made your bed."

MariusZ Goli shreds on the streetside

chicchorea says...

...whoa...outstanding find...thank you....

,,,from his website:

"Mariusz Goli the guitarist, busker born in Poznan, Poland. This street artist can be seen performing in Katowice as well in other Polish cities.

He has been playing guitar since fifteen years old, however his future was bound to this instrument seven years ago. Busking is his way of life.

Street concerts give Mariusz the biggest satisfaction, he loves direct contact with his public. His music can be heard as well in clubs, pubs and restaurants.
Mariusz's music is very spontaneous, he loves to impovise. In his creations he tries to cover elements of flamenco as well as all sorts of folk music. He's still looking for his own style, trying to discover new techniques."

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

This is just a distraction. Obviously the attendees at Bilderberg are not doing anything about "climate change" one way or the other.

(The Roman Republic also had Tribunes of "the People" who could veto laws. It made no difference at all to the lifestyle and activities of the Patricians, Senators, and military men of the Republic. If you -- who clearly has no influence over what the state does or doesn't do -- think that you "are the government," then I have little interest in trying to "cure" you of that delusion (unless you're a paying client of mine). And, by some definitions -- that ultimately make no practical difference -- you "are" the government, then I have every confidence that you can and will "deal with these issues" yourself to your satisfaction. And I wish you the best of luck!)

newtboy said:

"but the ice caps have been increasing in size actually"....true, if you only count late fall and early winter in your calculations.

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