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Gambit: Another Useless X-Man Gets Fired

Payback says...

Leech is an underrated mutant.

Just saying. Nothing to do with the video, just always thought a power-sapping power was cool. Like Magneto comes up all in your grill like he's all that and then is like AHHHHH NO PWERZ AHHHHH.

Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew

cosmovitelli says...

Yes you are right INHERITANCE is the corruption and would screw things up pretty fast even with a total reset.. from the sharp Nazi gunrunner to the imbecile drunk in 3 generations and a thousand more like him running every industry..

What if there was no inheritance? Everyone hitting 18 with a great intellectual and emotional education and with an equal shot?
Maybe even looking after those who fall so no fear, mental illness and costly private protections?
I think we'd do a thousand years of progress in one generation.. maybe I'm just a sap.

pavel_one said:

Go ahead and distribute all the wealth in the entire world equally among the world's populace evenly, and I guarantee that in a short time, wealth 'inequality' would exist once again...
The nature of humans cannot be denied.

Michael Stipe & Mandy Patinkin - "Good King Wenceslas"

Robert Reich explains the Fiscal Cliff in 150 seconds

grinter says...

Maybe it's effective, but the lack of depth here is also insulting. We just went through an election; I'm sick of talking points.
I have a fantasy where the US political battles fought are between a group of compassionate, well informed people with reasoned arguments that they actually understand, and a group that parrots the talking points of their leaders.
I'm such a sap.
What good is victory if no one understands what they have won?

Imagine if Romney were in charge of Obama's ads...

arekin says...

Bad Idea, for some reason our most gullible Americans are the ones with the most guns.

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^deathcow:
I really dont get why so many working class friends of mine support this guy.

I don't understand why any working stiff in this country is Republican. You have to be an incredibly gullible sap to vote against your own interests time after time. It like evolution in reverse.
Again, I profer by my earlier idea of introducing lions and other large predators to red states. So much easy prey there.

Imagine if Romney were in charge of Obama's ads...

Fletch says...

>> ^deathcow:

I really dont get why so many working class friends of mine support this guy.

I don't understand why any working stiff in this country is Republican. You have to be an incredibly gullible sap to vote against your own interests time after time. It like evolution in reverse.

Again, I profer by my earlier idea of introducing lions and other large predators to red states. So much easy prey there.

Chinese Farmer Creates Wind-Powered Car

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^jqpublick:

I think it's more likely that this system extends the drive time of whatever battery cells he has installed in the thing. It's not that he's getting free energy, it's just that at 40 the system is going fast enough that even though there's a net loss, the additional energy stored in the batteries gives a longer running time. I think that's just about all that there is here.
>> ^rkone:
>> ^Drachen_Jager:
That is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Agreed. I'd downvote the video if I could. People, if you're in doubt, think of it this way - if the fan could generate more power than the loss of pushing it, then you could just keep adding more fans until it becomes a perpetual motion machine..

Problem, nothing happens at 40 miles an hour in physics for a decrease wind resistance and drag. If anything, the faster you go, the more of a problem wind becomes. There is no possible way that this is extending his drive time. This is exactly equal to holding your hand out the window. If you could turn that blockage into electricity, it will always be less energy than the amount of momentum it sapped via drag. Or else ALL CARS WOULD ALREADY DO THIS! The reason you don't is because it doesn't work.

A simple instance where something like this IS used is the emergency ram air turbine for jumbo jets. When there is a complete loss of power, a ram air turbine drops down to generate emergency power for the hydraulic systems. This increases drag, but it is so small that it isn't a problem. But it is also why air planes don't have windmills on them, anything you use to block the wind is slowing you down more than any recoverable amount of energy via electric conservation of kinetic energy. This is physics 101, entropy, it's a bitch!

Now, if he compressed the incoming air, added a combustion chamber with kerosene or gasoline, then he would have himself a turbine engine for his car, but now, he just has a lesson in why physics is hard.

Leaked iPhone 5 Promo Vid

spoco2 says...

>> ^Deano:

>> ^spoco2:
Hey look, it's a short, amusing and witty way of saying what took this life sapping video over 13 minutes to only half get across.

I accept that guy's point but he does go on a bit. I've stopped watching that one and i hope I'm not missing any relevatory stuff towards the end.

I skipped around the whole thing. No, no you're not. It's the usual waffle.

Leaked iPhone 5 Promo Vid

Deano says...

>> ^spoco2:

Hey look, it's a short, amusing and witty way of saying what took this life sapping video over 13 minutes to only half get across.

I accept that guy's point but he does go on a bit. I've stopped watching that one and i hope I'm not missing any relevatory stuff towards the end.

Leaked iPhone 5 Promo Vid

Epic Alien Scare Prank in Columbus

To the bitter end.

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Stu:

I don't know how many dogs you have had and if you've ever had more than one. As someone has stated, dogs know just as we do when our time has come. When I had to put my dog down from cancer a couple years back she has stopped eating. She laid in the same spot for hours. When she saw me I had to stop her from getting up. You know why? Because they love in a way we could never understand. She knew she had had enough but everyday without a cry or whimper would come and wake me up. The day I had her put down my other dogs had woken me up and went straight to her side and laid with her. We all knew it was the end and that was when I did the responsible thing. I held her until the very end and when she looked at me she finally knew it was ok to go.
You say this is animal cruelty? So would you put a family member down because you think they've had enough? You're older family members who have arthritis and don't get around so much should be put down right? Yes this is the same exact thing. You say this is animal cruelty. I say this is a loving family who is cherishing the time they have together until the end. How many owners would find a way to ease their dogs pain and sit in the water for extended periods of time to bring their dog relief? How many owners would go that extra mile because their dog is still fighting to live, still fighting to see you smile at them in the morning, still wanting for you to rub their head as you go to sleep?
As far as I'm concerned, this is love and we should all take a lesson.
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Look, I can clearly see the guy loves his dog, and seems to do anything to ease its pain. But seriously, he needs to fucking get his head out of his ass and have the dog put down. As far as I'm concerned, this is animal cruelty, and its all too common with owners who cant bear the thought of putting their dog out of its misery.
Dogs have a really high tolerance for pain, which means that they can be in a lot of pain without showing it. When they DO show it, like this poor old sap, it means they are in a WORLD of pain. Constantly.
Insofar as anything is supposed to be anything, I would say that dogs are definitely not supposed to live like that. Dogs are supposed to be able to run, jump and have fun, to use their healthly legs and not least their brains, to do searches and whatnot. Being in constant pain (save for a few hours in the water) and barely being able to walk, much less run, is no life for a dog.
Putting a dog down is hard. Really hard. I know, because I've done it. I love all dogs, and I love my own dogs to death and its the hardest shit ever. But it needs to be done. Its part of having a dog, its part of the responsibility: If you get a dog its your goddamn responsibility to feed it every day, to walk it every day, to play with it every day, and not least to end its misery when the dog cant do those things anymore.

As stated in my first post, and clarified now: I am in now doubt that this owner, or you, loved your dog, and let me be clear, I can assure you I have loved my dogs the same ways. And perhaps cruelty is the wrong word, because it implies intent, but I stand by my claim because honestly a dog owner should be aware of what is going on, and when a creature suffers, and you know it suffers,(but you may never know excactly how much) and there is nothing else you can do to end its pain; End its pain.

To the bitter end.

Stu says...

I don't know how many dogs you have had and if you've ever had more than one. As someone has stated, dogs know just as we do when our time has come. When I had to put my dog down from cancer a couple years back she has stopped eating. She laid in the same spot for hours. When she saw me I had to stop her from getting up. You know why? Because they love in a way we could never understand. She knew she had had enough but everyday without a cry or whimper would come and wake me up. The day I had her put down my other dogs had woken me up and went straight to her side and laid with her. We all knew it was the end and that was when I did the responsible thing. I held her until the very end and when she looked at me she finally knew it was ok to go.

You say this is animal cruelty? So would you put a family member down because you think they've had enough? You're older family members who have arthritis and don't get around so much should be put down right? Yes this is the same exact thing. You say this is animal cruelty. I say this is a loving family who is cherishing the time they have together until the end. How many owners would find a way to ease their dogs pain and sit in the water for extended periods of time to bring their dog relief? How many owners would go that extra mile because their dog is still fighting to live, still fighting to see you smile at them in the morning, still wanting for you to rub their head as you go to sleep?

As far as I'm concerned, this is love and we should all take a lesson.
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

Look, I can clearly see the guy loves his dog, and seems to do anything to ease its pain. But seriously, he needs to fucking get his head out of his ass and have the dog put down. As far as I'm concerned, this is animal cruelty, and its all too common with owners who cant bear the thought of putting their dog out of its misery.
Dogs have a really high tolerance for pain, which means that they can be in a lot of pain without showing it. When they DO show it, like this poor old sap, it means they are in a WORLD of pain. Constantly.
Insofar as anything is supposed to be anything, I would say that dogs are definitely not supposed to live like that. Dogs are supposed to be able to run, jump and have fun, to use their healthly legs and not least their brains, to do searches and whatnot. Being in constant pain (save for a few hours in the water) and barely being able to walk, much less run, is no life for a dog.
Putting a dog down is hard. Really hard. I know, because I've done it. I love all dogs, and I love my own dogs to death and its the hardest shit ever. But it needs to be done. Its part of having a dog, its part of the responsibility: If you get a dog its your goddamn responsibility to feed it every day, to walk it every day, to play with it every day, and not least to end its misery when the dog cant do those things anymore.

To the bitter end.

Dread says...

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

Look, I can clearly see the guy loves his dog, and seems to do anything to ease its pain. But seriously, he needs to fucking get his head out of his ass and have the dog put down. As far as I'm concerned, this is animal cruelty, and its all too common with owners who cant bear the thought of putting their dog out of its misery.
Dogs have a really high tolerance for pain, which means that they can be in a lot of pain without showing it. When they DO show it, like this poor old sap, it means they are in a WORLD of pain. Constantly.
Insofar as anything is supposed to be anything, I would say that dogs are definitely not supposed to live like that. Dogs are supposed to be able to run, jump and have fun, to use their healthly legs and not least their brains, to do searches and whatnot. Being in constant pain (save for a few hours in the water) and barely being able to walk, much less run, is no life for a dog.
Putting a dog down is hard. Really hard. I know, because I've done it. I love all dogs, and I love my own dogs to death and its the hardest shit ever. But it needs to be done. Its part of having a dog, its part of the responsibility: If you get a dog its your goddamn responsibility to feed it every day, to walk it every day, to play with it every day, and not least to end its misery when the dog cant do those things anymore.

I fully understand your point and respect the humanity (or doganity?...) However I would never be able to put any creature out of its misery unless it could communicate in some fashion how much pain its in. I don't see how we can make that decision unless we have the proof (in this case a dogs whimpers or whining) to make that choice. I would feel terrible if I could not guarantee that I made the right choice.

Even though he is taking such drastic steps to ease the animals pain we don't know how severe the situation actually is. The owner might simply be going above and beyond when taking his pooch out for these naps.

To the bitter end.

BicycleRepairMan says...

Look, I can clearly see the guy loves his dog, and seems to do anything to ease its pain. But seriously, he needs to fucking get his head out of his ass and have the dog put down. As far as I'm concerned, this is animal cruelty, and its all too common with owners who cant bear the thought of putting their dog out of its misery.

Dogs have a really high tolerance for pain, which means that they can be in a lot of pain without showing it. When they DO show it, like this poor old sap, it means they are in a WORLD of pain. Constantly.

Insofar as anything is supposed to be anything, I would say that dogs are definitely not supposed to live like that. Dogs are supposed to be able to run, jump and have fun, to use their healthly legs and not least their brains, to do searches and whatnot. Being in constant pain (save for a few hours in the water) and barely being able to walk, much less run, is no life for a dog.

Putting a dog down is hard. Really hard. I know, because I've done it. I love all dogs, and I love my own dogs to death and its the hardest shit ever. But it needs to be done. Its part of having a dog, its part of the responsibility: If you get a dog its your goddamn responsibility to feed it every day, to walk it every day, to play with it every day, and not least to end its misery when the dog cant do those things anymore.

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