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Fareed Zakaria Criticizes 'Disproportionate' Afghanistan War

NordlichReiter says...

Who's lying to themself? You think Obama would extend the war indefinitely to enrich military contractors? The ones he's been constantly pissing off by killing their pet projects like the F-22 and C-17?

I'm suggesting that it's quite possible that Obama actually thinks America's national security interests demand that we try to address the continued existence of Al Qaeda.

I'm personally in total agreement with Zakaria that the war seems wrongly disproportionate, but I refuse to categorically declare that there is no possible sense in doing anything to go after Al Qaeda, and that therefore Obama is only interested in enriching future campaign donors.

Read the history of my comments and you may find that I harbor no love for the enrichment of the Military Industrial Complex. I find the creation of the F-22, and C-17 a little like creating weapons platforms just so money can be wasted. In reality, is it really necessary to have a F-22 when there are Nuclear devices?

I guess it's fine to violate a nations sovereignty in the pursuit of justice, but to use military force is another thing completely. - Sarcasm. I point to the US and its relation ship with South America.

Okay, so what are Republicans arguing we should do with the war? End it, or ramp it up and keep it going as long as it takes?

Aside from Ron Paul, is there anyone in Congress speaking against the war who isn't a Democrat? Hell, what's Rand Paul saying? More war, or less war? I also have a hard time believing that Ron Paul is the saint that he's made out to be.

It is quite clear that the Republican party is pro war. I can't argue that and to do so would betray my opinion of a corrupt party so bathed in neo-conservative foolishness.

You sorta point out the problem with your own logic here. If the whole reason for the war is because the military-industrial complex demands a war, and the conservative majority of the Supreme Court wants to systematically eliminate limits on corporate money being used to influence elections, then having more or even just new parties won't fix a damn thing.

People who refuse to get partisan about what's going are the ones who are deluding themselves.

EDIT: I shouldn't have to remind you of my stance on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Corporations are not people, they are conglomerations of people. But that's the problem with this country isn't it? The root of the problem, is that this country's policies are dictated by the almighty dollar, and who has the most; corporations.

What is clear to me about the Supreme Court is that it is divided by partisan ideology. They are not impartial, and pragmatic about laws. They constantly make decisions based on political ideology. For example, the 2nd ammendment. I wonder if anyone from the Judicial Branch has taken a good look at unbiased statistics (I'm not concerned with how the statistics point now, for gun or against gun). If arguments could be put in a more emotionally independent fashion, perhaps that would make a difference. To often is politics a game of ideology and emotion. Although I wonder if this solution is simply evil arbitrarily.

The military industrial complex does not demand war. Supply and Demand. The Military Industrial Complex exists out of a need to meet supply, and make a profit on it. For this I point you to Germany, a Documentary called "Bullet Proof Salesman". How do you stop supply and demand? Stop the wars, no war at all. Cut military spending. I think that would have been the best way to deal with Terrorism with good police work and diplomacy. The military is, by design, not for police work; they exist to fuck shit up.

I never think of the Democrats as perfect -- they're most certainly flawed in all kinds of ways -- but the story always comes out the same, no matter the issue.

Democrats may be split on whether to do the right thing or the expedient thing, but the Republicans all scream and howl for the wrong thing to be done and done immediately.

The elimination of one party would leave only the other party. A situation rife for Majority Rule, which is counter to a Democratic Republic, or a Republic at all.

But know this, I agree with you that it's time for a change of scenery; republicans need the boot.

The US hasn't declared war since 1944. Congress has simply authorized the use of force. "War does not decide who is right, only who is left" - George Bernard

Christopher Hitchens has cancer!

ghark says...

A short excerpt from Galton's work on the efficacy of prayer.

"In one statistical study, Galton examined data from a previous study by Guy on longevity. Galton first focused on clergy. He reasoned that clergy should be the longest lived of all since they were the most “prayerful class” of all and among the most prayed for. When Galton compared the longevity of eminent clergy with eminent doctors and lawyers, the clergy were the shortest lived of the three groups. Galton next focused on royalty, who were much prayed for, when compared to other members of the aristocracy. In analyzing the data on royalty, Galton concluded: “Sovereigns are literally the shortest lived of all who have the advantage of affluence.”

I am sure there are genuine feelings in there, but really this is just a publicity stunt, using a dieing man's misfortune for the benefit of a church - made possible by the fact he knows peoples heartstrings will be moved by this breaking news, and that they will be more open to 'suggestion'. The suggestion in this case being that when he says "pray for Christopher" - people will instantly make the assumption that this will help because they are judgmentally impaired.

Why do I say this?
If he were truly speaking as a friend, he wouldn't be standing in front of a sign with the name of his organisation
He wouldn't spend half the video talking about his own beliefs/agenda
He wouldn't need to talk about specific speaking dates his organisation is committed to
The video wouldn't begin with a splash screen and intro music for the foundation (an advert in effect) and also end with a splash screen
He would give his name (that would be reasonable) but he would not introduce himself as the "Executive Director"
The video wouldn't pan out at the start to show all of the Latimer House signage
He wouldn't repeat the name of his foundation and the house multiple times
He wouldn't talk about a debate that he is "scheduled to moderate" (more shameless self promotion)
His facial expressions when he says "wouldn't that be nice" (referring to Christopher debating on the pro-Christian side) are very typical of the salesman "puppy-dog" tactics to try and win empathy from the person you are trying to convince to buy your product (I have the empathy face, you can't help but love me!). He thinks the video's audience is too stupid to realize what he is doing.
He says "we... wish him the very best" - if he was speaking as a friend he would say "I". He cleverly uses "we" so that everyone in his organisation feels as if they are being spoken for and they don't feel like they need to think or speak for themselves.
He wouldn't try to sneak in the "to what extent does Christopher really believe some of the things he says" - this one speaks for itself it is just a really low blow.
His body language and demeanor is shifty as hell, he rarely looks at the camera for more than a few seconds, when he is trying to say something personal he often looks away from the camera.
At the end, it sounds like he says "we hope you'll bury him in mind" - LOL - Freudian slip mayhaps?

Christopher, you never took the blue pill, I think you define a lot of what is right about humanity, you left your mark on a lot of people, you made a difference. I hope your cancer is operational, if not, maybe we will see you as a zombie clown one day.

An EVO 4G Salesman Confronts an iPhone 4 Shopper

handmethekeysyou says...

You're in a 7/11, you're 18 years old, you don't know shit about shit, and pull up your pants!>> ^Croccydile:

You should see how its like trying to by a normal phone these days. It is like Dennis Leary trying to get coffee flavoured coffee.
"Yeah can I get this $50 phone?"
"What about this HTC Hero?!!?!?"
"Uhh no thanks I just want this one..."
"BUT I HEARD YOU LIEK MUDKIPS... How about this Verizon Droid?!?!"
"I just want to make phone calls..."
"BUT YOU MUST SPEND LOTS OF MONEY ON THIS IPHONE 4G!!! It also comes with extra salsa"
"Can I just take the pre-paid phone instead?"
"Uhhh... I think ill be going now"

tedbater (Member Profile)

joedirt (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
explain to me why anyone would ever promote this?

/me waits in the bushes to pounce on Ants Down vote.

This reminds me of when we would make Mavis beacon woman say whatever we wanted, when text to voice was first coming out. hahahhahahahah

I don't want to step on toes or flat out prove why you are wrong. I would rather link this and let your own Smart Mind absorbe why I would promote this ( if I wanted to spend the "game tokens" )

I enjoy your avatar, although it doesnt represent your "point of view "
you seem more of a country woodsman from "deliverance" making fat city boys squeel.

Worst Videogame Product Placement Yet (Alan Wake)

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^budzos:

>> ^NordlichReiter:
I was thinking of buying it. But not now.
When I bought Rainbow Six Vegas and I saw the add placement for Repo-men I was disgusted. Rainbow Six Vegas sucks too. The multi-player was horrendous.

What the hell could possibly offend you about this to the point where you're not going to buy the game? To me, having a real ad on the TV screen in an extremely realistic game only adds to the immersion. I know it's a fine line, but I seriously don't understand your reaction to this specific example.

For you it may make immersion greater, but for me it breaks the whole survival horror immersion.

It's like a salesman in a bright red leotard standing amidst the brown haze of a horde of zombies.

choggie (Member Profile)

Television/TV Salesman Fail

Television/TV Salesman Fail

Television/TV Salesman Fail

Television/TV Salesman Fail

Physicist Leonard Mlodinow vs. Deepak Chopra

Stormsinger says...

Then, as a professional communicator, he fucking needs to be clear that what he's saying is NOT fact. He does not do that...he tries very hard to present himself and his views as scientific. And that -does- do damage, in the same way and to the same degree that the creationist museum does.

Had he said "Pi is like infinity", or "The irrational nature of pi brings to mind the beauty of the universe" I'd have never said a word. But facts are facts, A is A, and Chopra is flat out wrong (or worse). And he ignores or fails in his duty as a communicator to communicate clearly and honestly.
>> ^peggedbea:

chopra is a snake oil salesman who uses beautiful words and metaphors in a silly nonsensical fashion to bring peace to people's minds. those words are metaphorical, beautiful and symbolic. that exploit a popular lack of mathematical or scientific understanding and a craving for something comforting.
the question is... is it doing any real harm?
i see the beauty in relating pi to the infinite. and the beauty of metaphorical souls. it's gorgeous and symbolic and hopeful and scientifically inaccurate. but is it doing any harm? chopra is not responsible for the failings of math and scientific education. i can appreciate scientific fact and mathematical constants AND spiritual metaphors.
we learn about mythology, fiction and poetry in school too. a humanities education is just as important. we don't have to be so accurate and measured all the time. we need metaphor.
people should just be more aware of when they're hearing facts and when they're hearing symbolism.

Physicist Leonard Mlodinow vs. Deepak Chopra

peggedbea says...

chopra is a snake oil salesman who uses beautiful words and metaphors in a silly nonsensical fashion to bring peace to people's minds. those words are metaphorical, beautiful and symbolic. that exploit a popular lack of mathematical or scientific understanding and a craving for something comforting.

the question is... is it doing any real harm?

i see the beauty in relating pi to the infinite. and the beauty of metaphorical souls. it's gorgeous and symbolic and hopeful and scientifically inaccurate. but is it doing any harm? chopra is not responsible for the failings of math and scientific education. i can appreciate scientific fact and mathematical constants AND spiritual metaphors.

we learn about mythology, fiction and poetry in school too. a humanities education is just as important. we don't have to be so accurate and measured all the time. we need metaphor.
people should just be more aware of when they're hearing facts and when they're hearing symbolism.

Canadian TV Show Destroys a Snake Oil Salesman

KnivesOut says...

@Mazex: Your mother is spending her social security on bottles of water, instead of the actual medication she needs. How does that make you feel? Is it "all her fault"? Does she deserve to be taken advantage of because she's dumb enough to waste her money on water?

Canadian TV Show Destroys a Snake Oil Salesman

HenningKO says...

And then there was the example of blueberry man from a year ago. That was colloidal silver.

>> ^Skeeve:

Colloidal solutions of silver, what this guy is selling, have never demonstrated the proposed curative effects in clinical studies, and have actually resulted in toxicity in a number of cases. There is no evidence that silver does anything medically except kill things (including the people who take it in large enough doses).

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