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Electronic Pickpocket

lucky760 says...

>> ^eric3579:

>> ^lucky760:
That guy got his products sold on Pitchmen (the show on Discovery that starred Billy Mays before his death). Seems like a gimmicky product to me if you can just stick some aluminum foil in your wallet or purse to prevent your RFID-embedded cards from getting scanned, and I believe you can (though I don't have a reliable source to cite).

Even if there is a simple fix (aluminum foil) to this problem, and you ran commercials 24 hours a day regarding this situation, I'm guessing I could still use this to get thousands of credit card numbers. I might not get yours or a few others, but I will get a shit load.

That has nothing to do with my point. You're looking at it from the attackers' point of view. Of course someone using this exploit will successfully penetrate countless vulnerable victims. That goes without saying and is an indisputable fact of life.

I was speaking from a consumer's point of view. The salesman soliciting his magic RFID protective sleeves for something like 2 for $40 is getting rich on consumer fearmongering when all one might need to do is stick some foil in their wallet.

Store Riots for Crap No One Really Needs

notarobot says...

Is it some weird sort of *evolution of capitalism in culture, or is it *money, perhaps, that motivates people to act like this?

I'm a salesman in an electronics store. We specialize in cameras. My well-being depends on strong traffic. For every dollar I make the company probably makes 10--if not more. I need those dollars, but I would never want to see a rush of people behaving like this in my store.

>> ^Deadrisenmortal:

Is this what capitalism gets you?
The consumer reality...
Real wages have been frozen since the 70s, consumer debt and home foreclosures are at an all time high, and more than 10% of the population is unemployed.
The corporate reality...
Profits have never been higher, more money is spent on advertising than is donated to charities, executive bonuses are in the billions annually.
All of this is clearly evident and still people are more worried about getting $20 off an XBox than they are about the wellbeing of the people around them. We are being sold a lie, materialism is not what benefits the general population, community is what we are missing these days.

kasinator (Member Profile)

potato peeler street salesman is a multimillionare

potato peeler street salesman is a multimillionare

kasinator (Member Profile)

Bidouleroux (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Three men have beat Sasuke: the original guy, Nagano Makoto, and the shoe salesman.

In reply to this comment by Bidouleroux:
>> ^ctrlaltbleach:

Announcers never cheer on the American version of the show. This lady has won several times but I can't remember if a lady has ever won in the mens competition.

lol. not even the men win the men's competition. In fact, in all history of the show only two won.>> ^lucky760:

It's worth mentioning that this is not the same Ninja Warrior tournament that only 3 men have completed, Sasuke, but the women's version, Kunoichi.
Even more worth mentioning is that not only did Ayako Miyake beat Kunoichi her first time out, but she won three tournaments in a row. Impressive.

Only two ever won SASUKE. Also, KUNOICHI is kind of a joke. For comparison, the third stage of SASUKE (the men's competition) has no time limit; that's just how difficult it is. And after that you have the final stage, with a rope twice as long as the women's pole. IMO, they could just have the women do SASUKE with less of the upper arm endurance (replace it with full body endurance or leg endurance) and add time to the time limit on the first, second and final stages. The fact that such a scrawny girl, an acrobat at that, won shows it takes more balance/coordination/lightness than muscle/endurance/speed to win KUNOICHI, so the girls who train with SASUKE in mind are disadvantaged (especially, they can't have enough muscle and endurance to beat SASUKE, but they have too much to beat KUNOICHI which requires a lighter, more "balanced" - in every sense - body).

Also, the English commentator is piss-poor. It's even more infuriating than the Japanese guy who keeps screaming like she's winning the first freaking gold medal of History. At least the Japanese guy does it consistently in a crescendo and not only when he thinks there's "action" happening in a weird counterpoint or worse, whispering for no reason since she CAN'T BLOODY HEAR HIM. The Japanese guy comments live and doesn't whisper, why the hell would he do that. He should be imprisoned for noise pollution over the airwaves. Also, get rid of the ridiculous overlays, it's distracting.

Rally To Restore Sanity - Closing Speech

LarsaruS says...

(Copypasta from reddit)

In text form for those that want it in its entirety:


"And now I thought we might have a moment, however brief, for some sincerity, if that’s ok; I know there are boundaries for a comedian, pundit, talker guy, and I’m sure I’ll find out tomorrow how I have violated them.
I’m really happy you guys are here, even if none of us are really quite sure why we are here. Some of you may have seen today as a clarion call for action, or some of the hipper, more ironic cats as a clarion call for ‘action.’ Clearly, some of you just wanted to see the Air and Space Museum and got royally screwed. And I’m sure a lot of you are here to have a nice time, and I hope you did. I know that many of you made a great effort to be here today, and I want you to know that everyone involved with this project worked incredibly hard to make sure that we honor the effort that you put in and gave you the best show we could possibly do. We know your time is valuable, and we didn’t want to waste it. And we are all extremely honored to have had a chance to perform for you on this beautiful space, on The Mall in Washington, D.C.

So, uh, what exactly was this? I can’t control what people think this was, I can only tell you my intentions. This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith, or people of activism, or to look down our noses at the heartland, or passionate argument, or to suggest that times are not difficult and that we have nothing to fear. They are and we do. But we live now in hard times, not end times. And we can have animus and not be enemies. But, unfortunately, one of our main tools in delineating the two broke. The country’s 24-hour, politico, pundit, perpetual, panic conflictanator did not cause our problems, but its existence makes solving them that much harder. The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems, bringing them into focus, illuminating issues heretofore unseen. Or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire, and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected, dangerous flaming ant epidemic. If we amplify everything, we hear nothing.

There are terrorists and racists and Stalinists and theocrats, but those are titles that must earned; you must have the resume. Not being able to be able to distinguish between real racists and Tea Partiers, or real bigots and Juan Williams or Rick Sanchez is an insult, not only to those people, but to the racists themselves, who have put in the exhausting effort it takes to hate. Just as the inability to distinguish terrorists from Muslims makes us less safe, not more. The press is our immune system. If it overreacts to everything, we actually get sicker, and perhaps eczema. And yet, with that being said, I feel good: strangely, calmly good. Because the image of Americans that is reflected back to us by our political and media process is false. It is us through a fun-house mirror, and not the good kind that makes you look slim in the waist and maybe taller, but the kind where you have a giant forehead and an ass shaped like a month-old pumpkin with one eyeball.

So why would we work together? Why would you reach across the aisle to a pumpkin-assed, forehead, eyeball monster? If the picture of us were true, of course our inabilities to solve problems would actually be quite sane and reasonable. Why would you work with Marxists actively subverting our Constitution, or racists and homophobes who see no one’s humanity but their own? We hear every damn day about how fragile our country is, on the brink of catastrophe torn by polarizing hate. And how it’s a shame that we can’t work together to get things done. But the truth is, we do. We work together to get things done every damn day. The only place we don’t is here or on cable TV. But Americans don’t live here or on cable TV. Where we live, our values and principles form the foundation that sustains us while we get things done, not the barriers that prevent us from getting things done.

Most Americans don’t live their lives solely as Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, or Conservatives. Americans live their lives more as people that are just a little bit late for something they have to do. Often, something they do not want to do, but they do it. Impossible things every day, that are only made possible through the little reasonable compromises we all make.

Look. Look on the screen. This is where we are; this is who we are: these cars. That’s a schoolteacher who probably thinks his taxes are too high. He’s going to work. There’s another car. A woman with two small kids, can’t really think about anything else right now. There’s another car, swaying, I don’t even know if you can see it. The lady’s in the NRA and loves Oprah. There’s another car. An investment banker: gay, also likes Oprah. Another car’s a Latino carpenter. Another car a fundamentalist vacuum salesman. Atheist obstetrician. Mormon Jay-Z fan. But this is us. Every one of the cars you see is filled with individuals of strong beliefs and principles they hold dear. Often, principles and beliefs in direct opposition to their fellow travelers. And yet these millions of cars must somehow find a way to squeeze one by one into a mile-long, thirty-foot wide tunnel carved underneath a mighty river. Carved by people who by the way I’m sure had their differences. And they do it. Concession by concession. You go, then I’ll go. You go, then I’ll go. You go, then I’ll go. Oh my God, is that an NRA sticker on your car? Is that an Obama sticker on your car? Ah, well that’s okay, you go, then I’ll go. And sure, at some point there will be a selfish jerk who zips up the shoulder and cuts in at the last minute. But that individual is rare, and he is scorned not hired as an analyst.

Because we know instinctively as a people that if we are to get through the darkness and back into the light, we have to work together. And the truth is, there will always be darkness. And sometimes, the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t the promised land. Sometimes, it’s just New Jersey. But we do it anyway, together. If you want to know why I’m here and what I want from you, I can only assure you this: you have already given it to me. Your presence was what I wanted. Sanity will always be and has always been in the eye of the beholder. And to see you here today and the kind of people that you are has restored mine. Thank you.”

- Jon Stewart at The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, October 30, 2010

Pre Blessed Food

GTA IV: The Salesman Ultimatum

GTA IV: The Salesman Ultimatum

GTA IV: The Salesman Ultimatum

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gta, salesman, ultimatum, machinima, watch, sunglasses, violence, fights, awesome' to 'gta, salesman, ultimatum, machinima, watch, sunglasses, violence, fights, awesome, mafia' - edited by Seric

F@#% You Seth MacFarlane! - The Tea Party is Racist? - Penn

Stu says...

Touche salesman>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^Stu:
"you must defend people you don't agree with, it's where you find out where your principles really are"
Dumbest statement ever made. If someone lacks the intelligence to objectively analyze a situation from a standpoint which does not bias one way or the other, then defending someone will do nothing to change your viewpoint and simply waste time. This is why half the people in the American government should not have been elected.
I usually like Penn, but this Penn Point makes him into another typical political ranter that makes him look 'looney' and in the end will make him lose a small part of his following from people who either hate these rants or don't understand what he's saying.

I don't agree with what you say, but I will die for your right to say it.

The Daily Show: Bill Clinton Interview

radx says...

The silence (esp part 4) when Clinton is speaking illustrates quite nicely how people still listen to what he says. And that he, unlike many others, still has something to say and the rhetoric skills to make a convincing case. A used-cars salesman turned pro, just like Tony Blair. Which makes these guys so bloody dangerous if they get the wrong ideas.

It's easier to focus on the content when the person in charge is about as charming as an anglerfish - like the penguin that's running the show over here.

TED - Peter Molyneux demos Milo, the virtual boy

westy says...

Molyneux is one of the biggest shit talkers in the games industry,

I can almost garentee when u play this you could say annything u want its probably all bassed on tonality of voice , and miloes responses will always be the same , so get ready for you tube videos of people slagging of milo and the game playing out as normal.

all the desissoins the player has to make that will change the outcioem of milo will be compleaty neglagable , i bet there are probably a maximum of 5 outcomes and anny macro veratoins will be totaly benile on add vertualy nothing to the exsperance.

What this game is , is a onrails shooter / minni game , presented within a scripted narative . Thats not a bad thing , but all the shit molinue spews and all the bullshit about how much of a technaligical achivment and how revalutoinary this is ist compelaty retarded.

Peter Molyneux - is effectively a used car salesman for games , He is a good sales man but his products never amount to the talk.

Molyneux realy anoys me , he has made some gr8 games and milo as a game is just fine and quite intresting i just wish Molyneux would stop talking shit

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