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2-year old raped because parents didn't convert to Islam

westy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.
If you believe that "you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own" then you have no moral authority to judge the muslims. The irony is, while the Bible states "Judge not lest ye be judged" it doesn't mean anarchy for all, nor does it mean keep silent in the face of evil.
I don't know what planet y'all are from that you're suddenly offended by linking modern liberalism with moral relativism, but from what I see, it's the left that's constantly assaulting all of the moral and religious institutions. Not questioning, ASSAULTING, and making end runs around honest debate.
of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.
Funny you mention "science", because the scientific proof is that circumcision REDUCES the transmission of HIV drastically. Science alone has no moral component.

In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

'Child-rape is not a 'good' thing.'
If that's the best denouncement of child-rape, I suggest better PR.

>> ^westy:
>> ^quantumushroom:
According to leftist doctrine, we are never to judge other cultures by the standards

of our own, as all cultural values are equal. The witch doctor and the neurosurgeon are on the same level. Christians proselytize, muslims rape children. Values-wise, there is no difference.

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.
of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.
In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

"If you believe that "you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own" then you have no moral authority to judge the muslims. The irony is, while the Bible states "Judge not lest ye be judged" it doesn't mean anarchy for all, nor does it mean keep silent in the face of ev"

what I was saying is that BY DEFAULT you cannot make a claim that one arbitrary cultural accepted thing is better than another arbatrerry cultural thing.

"Funny you mention "science", because the scientific proof is that circumcision REDUCES the transmission of HIV drastically. Science alone has no moral component. "

You are right male circumcision does have a small affect in reducing transimtion of HIV ( its not drastic and the studies done are not conclusive) eather way contraception and education has a grater effect at reducing hiv and it is by using the scientific method we know this , also I was actually talking about female circumcision as much as male , The actual piont i was making still stands , historicaly it has been people that are more liberal/"left" that have promoted contraception , and it has been concervitievs that have been anti contraception and ignored scientific evidence and continued to use religion and dogma guide there thinking.

Finally its very hard for me to understand what points you are actually making or what you are actually getting at I cannot tell what position you have on things the way you write is all over the place for me ( i'm not saying how you write is inherently wrong just for me I struggle to understand what you are actually getting at due to the way you right).

I also think the use of left and right termanoligy confuses the issue, in america your left and right is different to englands and even within america it seems people have different understandings of what is exactly a left or right mentality. It would probably be easer if defined a mentality or thinking in a more precise way or made an argument with you saying , "if people x with x mentality think this then they are wrong to think x " that way it would be easy to agree or disagree with the statement.

2-year old raped because parents didn't convert to Islam

quantumushroom says...

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.

If you believe that "you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own" then you have no moral authority to judge the muslims. The irony is, while the Bible states "Judge not lest ye be judged" it doesn't mean anarchy for all, nor does it mean keep silent in the face of evil.

I don't know what planet y'all are from that you're suddenly offended by linking modern liberalism with moral relativism, but from what I see, it's the left that's constantly assaulting all of the moral and religious institutions. Not questioning, ASSAULTING, and making end runs around honest debate.

of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.

Funny you mention "science", because the scientific proof is that circumcision REDUCES the transmission of HIV drastically. Science alone has no moral component.

In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

'Child-rape is not a 'good' thing.'

If that's the best denouncement of child-rape, I suggest better PR.

>> ^westy:

>> ^quantumushroom:
According to leftist doctrine, we are never to judge other cultures by the standards

of our own, as all cultural values are equal. The witch doctor and the neurosurgeon are on the same level. Christians proselytize, muslims rape children. Values-wise, there is no difference.

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.
of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.
In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

2-year old raped because parents didn't convert to Islam

westy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

According to leftist doctrine, we are never to judge other cultures by the standards of our own, as all cultural values are equal. The witch doctor and the neurosurgeon are on the same level. Christians proselytize, muslims rape children. Values-wise, there is no difference.

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.

of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.

In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

smooman says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Did you even read the post? Here, I'll highlight it to help you.
>> ^smooman:
>> ^ChaosEngine:
Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.
And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

women are cars now?

FFS, why is this so hard to understand? The puritanical attitude to sex before marriage is outdated and pointless. If you are making a lifelong commitment to be with someone, you should know about as many aspects of your relationship beforehand as you can. Actually forget sex, I wouldn't marry anyone with living with them for at least a year or two.

i did read your post. its not hard to understand. abstinence before marriage is outdated for sure (the institution of marriage is really recent, while throughout history laying with someone typically served as an act of marriage) but pointless? perhaps to you, but to each their own. to me? sex is sex. thats it. what my grievance is, is with the tired and utterly absurd "car test drive" analogy. its laughable on its face, and anyone who persists with it is just plain silly. women arent cars. sex isnt driving. theyre not even remotely comparable, except for humorous anecdotes exclusively.

its clear that you want to know every single detail you can about your future spouse before committing, and thats fine, that works for you. but i dont know if you knew this.......but we're not all you. some of us prefer the method of discovery. is it smart and recommended to live with someone at the very least for a little bit before you decide if this is someone you want to be with the rest of your life? absolutely. is it mandatory for a successful relationship? absolutely not. is it smart and recommended to have a physically intimate relationship with someone you are courting? depends, but usually ya. is it mandatory in order to have a healthy sex life and a lasting marriage? absolutely not

sidenote: love is not a feeling, it is not an emotion. it is action and commitment. if you want to know every possible detail about the relationship you have with someone before committing to them, if it works for you great! but i feel i need to remind you: we are not you. I would argue that whether you want to know all the details you possibly can, or if you know enough to be pretty sure, in either case if you both are committed to each other then who cares if youve had sex before marriage or waited till after.

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

ChaosEngine says...

Did you even read the post? Here, I'll highlight it to help you.
>> ^smooman:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.
And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

women are cars now?

FFS, why is this so hard to understand? The puritanical attitude to sex before marriage is outdated and pointless. If you are making a lifelong commitment to be with someone, you should know about as many aspects of your relationship beforehand as you can. Actually forget sex, I wouldn't marry anyone with living with them for at least a year or two.

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

smooman says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.
And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

women are cars now?

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

Lawdeedaw says...

Sorry, I didn't make my point right. We hadn't worked out the bad sex yet. It was the first year of our marriage that sex went from really bad, so-so, good, then, eventually, really good.

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^ChaosEngine:
Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.
And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

My wife and I had bad sex at the start (Meaning the first year or more.) If we based love on this we'd have been...fucked... Love isn't a test drive Chaos, it is the gasoline. Now? Now we have great, mind-bending sex. It just took a long time to learn each other.

which is exactly why you shouldn't wait 'til marriage. You had an issue, you worked through it and now you're good. But that should be worked out before getting married. Hell, I think you should have to prove you've been going out at least 5 years (and living together for at least 3) before you're allowed to get married. Would reduce the divorce rate.

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.
And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

My wife and I had bad sex at the start (Meaning the first year or more.) If we based love on this we'd have been...fucked... Love isn't a test drive Chaos, it is the gasoline. Now? Now we have great, mind-bending sex. It just took a long time to learn each other.

which is exactly why you shouldn't wait 'til marriage. You had an issue, you worked through it and now you're good. But that should be worked out before getting married. Hell, I think you should have to prove you've been going out at least 5 years (and living together for at least 3) before you're allowed to get married. Would reduce the divorce rate.

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.
And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

My wife and I had bad sex at the start (Meaning the first year or more.) If we based love on this we'd have been...fucked... Love isn't a test drive Chaos, it is the gasoline. Now? Now we have great, mind-bending sex. It just took a long time to learn each other.

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

ChaosEngine says...

Seriously what kind of insano would get married to someone without having sex with them first? Would you buy a car with taking for a test drive? I'm not even slightly joking here. And I'm not being sexist either, both partners need to know. Nor am I saying it's the end of the relationship if it doesn't work, but if you're committing to a lifelong relationship, you should go into eyes open.

And as for the whole "fornication is a sin" concept, we need to drop that crap. Unprotected sex is just idiocy, but if two consenting adults want to have casual safe sex, it's up to them. Honestly, we load all these expectations onto losing your virginity; "it should be special", "it should be with someone you love", blah blah. Let's face it, it's usually pretty unspectacular and awkward. These attitudes made sense when we didn't have birth control or protection from STDs but these days they're just a holdover from a time when you didn't want to end up diseased or stuck with a kid you didn't want.

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

jesus, are we still talking about this???

also, i think i just scrolled past something about my comment reading like favoritism. just to clarify, none of you are my favorites. if burdy banned you all tomorrow, i'd just go back to reading my little book about safe sex through the ages and farting on this stability ball.

What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

revolutions will continue to be televised. the arab world will see democracy. and theyll be disappointed.

israel and iran will start shit with eachother. the us will get involved. weapons factories will be the only things still in operation.

cable news will reach hysterical new heights, and only the south will continue listening

states will begin pulling out of medicaid programs in droves. social services will be cut across the board. crime and abuse and alcoholism rates will sky rocket. the elderly and disabled will be ushered back into institutions, slowly. conditions will deteriote. i will be out of a job. my heart will break.

my kids will grow into teenagers. ill talk to them about safe sex. their generation won't know anything about the civil rights movement. their idea of the civil war and holocaust will be politicized. all their friends will think that cavemen hunted dinosaurs.

gaping disparities in education will persist. the scourge that is the texas standard of education will sweep across most of the country. poor and inner schools will deteriorate further. children will go home hungry.

commercials will get louder.

white people will become a minority in border states, our politicians will be slightly less ridiculous. a chain of accessible taquerias will open across the south west. people will change their idea of "tacos" and ground meat will become a thing of the past. hopefully ill finally learn spanish.

all the cities sitting on top of massive natural gas reserves will begin to sink into their ground as all their children are diagnosed with cancer in droves. class action law suit commercials from cheap legal firms will flood the day time air waves.

there will be more shows about old people having sex. there will be reality shows about aging baby boomers.

everyone will develop histrionic personality disorders.

theyll teach mandarin in public schools.

some states will legalize marijuana.

gay people will get equal rights. mormons will realize it doesn't effect their relationship with their "god" at all.

someone will get assassinated.

assuming, the world doesn't end in 2012.

90 Pregnancies in One High School

peggedbea says...

i failed to use protection as a teenager mostly out of an enormous fear of my uber controlling puritanical mother. not that i was ill informed about safe sex and how babies are made. i wasn't at all. i spent my kidhood in a house full of sex. spent my later teen years with a hyper controlling puritan who terrified the shit out of me.

i was terrified of her finding the evidence. i'm 28 years old and i'm still mildly terrified of her finding out if i'm having sex with someone.

that's why middle class white girls get pregnant.

Actor Leslie Nielsen dies at the age of 84

A Public Service Announcement

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