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QI - What's The Commonest Metal In The Human Body?

mauz15 says...

Yeah Calcium is a metal, but the inorganic part of bones (bone is 2/3 inorganic matter and one third of organic) is made primarily of hydroxyapatite (85%), which is a crystallized form of the Calcium Phosphate salt. The rest of the inorganic part is Calcium Carbonate, and small amounts of magnesium, fluoride, sulfate, potassium, etc.

Chloride by itself is a deadly gas, sodium by itself is a very volatile metal. But if you get sodium chloride the result is table salt. In the same way, Calcium by itself is a metal and therefore would behave like one, but when it gets together with phosphate in the right combination you get the main component of bones.

>> ^ForgedReality:
Calcium is a metal? O.O Why doesn't everyone set off metal detectors then? How do people work around huge magnets, like in a wrecking yard, without being stuck to them? Why don't bones rust? Why don't bones make sparks when a bone saw is applied? Why in the hell do some people think it's a good idea to put onions in when making a tuna fish sandwich?

QI - What's The Commonest Metal In The Human Body?

ForgedReality says...

Calcium is a metal? O.O Why doesn't everyone set off metal detectors then? How do people work around huge magnets, like in a wrecking yard, without being stuck to them? Why don't bones rust? Why don't bones make sparks when a bone saw is applied? Why in the hell do some people think it's a good idea to put onions in when making a tuna fish sandwich?

Nithern (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

Yes this is all true. I have been on well water before, and with all the chances or arsenic and lead poison... I opted for bottled water. Actually I opted for Dr. Pepper. I think the real motive behind things such as this is to for people to realize that if they are drinking bottle water because it makes them part of the elite... well they are full of bullshit. Bottled water can of course be practical and sometimes the best option. If you are drinking water like a fine wine.. well that's bizarre. Maybe water tasting is something I am ignorant to.

Everyone has some sort of agenda. As long as we have our own ideas and logic playing in our part we should, for the most part, be fine.

Your thoughts were nice to see! Thanks for writing them down.

In reply to this comment by Nithern:
While Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller have a nice show, they do present an agenda. In this case, it sounds like they have yours and my best interests at heart. They didnt get paid enough from the bottle water lobbyists in washington under Obama's Administration. Under Bushs? Well, that president actually reduced funding for the EPA, as well as, reduce inspectors and testers on all US consumer goods for its eight years. So all those disease scares from meats, dog food, and such, is largely due to the republican's idea of what constitutes "correct testing for safety and health".

I myself drink bottled water largely due to circumstances Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller do not wish to talk about: reality. My pump is not city water. It has rust, iron (unrelated to the rust), and generally does have a 'unique' taste to it. While its ok, to bathe or rinse dishs in (the heated dishwasher removes the bad stuff from th surface of the plates....hopefully), its not suitable for human consumption.

Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller, did state their survey was unscientific. It was also, untruthful. How many people in their video, did they show, that stated they liked the taste of the bottled water, over the tap water? That's right, "none". That is why, this is merely shoveling an agenda, and not a public service anouncement, for the general citizenry of the states.

Penn and Teller BullShit!-Bottled Water

Nithern says...

While Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller have a nice show, they do present an agenda. In this case, it sounds like they have yours and my best interests at heart. They didnt get paid enough from the bottle water lobbyists in washington under Obama's Administration. Under Bushs? Well, that president actually reduced funding for the EPA, as well as, reduce inspectors and testers on all US consumer goods for its eight years. So all those disease scares from meats, dog food, and such, is largely due to the republican's idea of what constitutes "correct testing for safety and health".

I myself drink bottled water largely due to circumstances Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller do not wish to talk about: reality. My pump is not city water. It has rust, iron (unrelated to the rust), and generally does have a 'unique' taste to it. While its ok, to bathe or rinse dishs in (the heated dishwasher removes the bad stuff from th surface of the plates....hopefully), its not suitable for human consumption.

Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller, did state their survey was unscientific. It was also, untruthful. How many people in their video, did they show, that stated they liked the taste of the bottled water, over the tap water? That's right, "none". That is why, this is merely shoveling an agenda, and not a public service anouncement, for the general citizenry of the states.

Joseph Beuys - Sonne statt Reagan (1982)

Eklek says...

Aus dem Land
das sich selbst zerstört
und uns den 'way of life' Diktiert

da kommt Reagan und bringt Waffen und Tod

und hört er Frieden
sieht er rot.
Er sagt als Präsident von USA
Atomkrieg ? - Ja
dort und da

ob Polen
Mittler Osten

er will den Endsieg
das ist doch klar.

Doch wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !
wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !

Er will die Säcke im Osten reizen
die auch nicht mit Atomen geizen

doch dein Krieg um hirnverbrannte Ziele

der läuft nicht Reagan - wir sind viele !
Hau ab mit deinen Nuklearstrategen

deinen Russenhassern
deinem Strahlenregen

Mensch Knitterface
der Film ist aus

nimm' die Raketen mit nach Haus !

Denn wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !
Wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !

Dieser Reagan kommt als Mann der Rüstungsindustrie

but the peoples of the States don't want it - nie !
und den wahren Frieden wird's erst geben

wenn alle Menschen ohne Waffen leben.

Wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !
Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !.....

Sun Instead of Rain (English translation)

From the country that destroys itself and dictates to us the "way of life," Reagan comes bringing weapons and death, and when he hears peace, he sees red. He says as president of the U.S.A., "Nuclear war? Yes please, there and there." Whether Poland, the Middle East, or Nicaragua, he wants the final victory, that's perfectly clear.

2X But we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, let missiles rust!
He wants to provoke those bastards in the East, even those without nuclear weapons, But your war over crazy goals just doesn't work, Reagan--there are too many of us!
Cut it out with your nuclear strategies, your Russian haters, your nuclear fallout.
Hey, wrinkle-face, the jig is up, take your missiles back home with you.

2X Yeah we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, the plague on all Cold Warriors!
This Reagan is married to the defense industry, but the people of the States don't want it--never!
and there will first be true peace, when all people live without weapons.

2X We really want sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, let missiles rust!
Yeah we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without armaments!
Whether West, whether East, the plague on all Cold Warriors!

Mythbusters detonate 1000 pounds of Thermite.

Aetherfax says...

>> ^RhesusMonk:
So, ahhh, that's just rust and aluminum? Like rust and aluminum? Like a rusty soda can? Somehow, this does not compute.

Iron (Fe) is less reactive than Aluminium (Al), so with enough starting energy, you can persuade Aluminium to steal the oxygen from rust, Iron Oxide (Fe2O3), to make Aluminium Oxide (Al203) and pure molten Iron. The equation is:

Fe2O3 + 2Al -> 2Fe + Al2O3 + Heat
Rust + Aluminium -> Iron + Aluminium Oxide + Heat

And yes, it's very easy to make some of this out of everyday materials - if you can find a way of finely powdering an Aluminium can or baseball bat and mixing it up with some powdered rust you have the ability to cut through Steel =)

Mythbusters detonate 1000 pounds of Thermite.

How To Build A "Perpetual Energy" Light Bulb (Not really!)

(Member Profile)

Wal*Mart Employee Indoctrination Video

volumptuous says...

>> ^blankfist:
I really think those who have never done without or who have never worked a hard blue collar job really side with pro-labor, pro-union movements while those of us who have suffered through difficult jobs and learned to exceed in spite of adversity tend to side on the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" free market mentality.

You are quite simply, nuts.

I come from the rust belt, and most of my family works in auto assembly plants. My dad was a schlep for residential gas services for over 55 years. I worked in fast food, in hospitals, and on assembly lines. One brother is a cop, two others work for Ford. One sister for GM. One sister has five kids, her husband lays drywall.

My entire family are pro-labor, pro-union. So is everyone that I know from back home.

Your theory is total fail.

Megadeth - Holy War

Teen Sets Gold Standard For Roof Parkour.

Peter Schiff On Automobile Corporatism December 2nd 2008

If the automakers collapse

volumptuous says...

>> ^blankfist:
distribute the money to the larger cities to fund a train system that so far no private investor has found a way to make profitable (else there would be rail systems all over this country).


Walk around in downtown Los Angeles, or downtown Detroit and you'll notice dead, rusted-over traintracks embedded in the streets.

At one point in time, most major cities had profitable, reliable and usable mass transit train systems. I don't want to start a history lesson here, but as the story goes; the Big-3 bought up all the rail and the companies that operated them, and demolished it all to prop up their new congolmerates.

>> ^blankfist:In California they passed a terrible proposition to fund a highspeed rail system from San Diego to San Fran.

Actually, WE passed it, with smiles on our faces.

And everyone I know, up and down this coast, is very excited about this. Which is precisely why we voted for it (I thought you were a left-coaster blanky?) And just because its funded by taxpayer revenue, doesn't mean small communities won't benefit from it. I mean, I don't use every bridge in some podunk town that my tax money paid for, but I'm not crying about it. Bridges, trains, roads, schools, etc etc etc, benefit everyone. If not directly, then so be it. That's how shiz werkz.

The idea of taking a 200+mph train, only 2 hours, from LA to the Bay Area is unfunkingbelievablyawesome to me. To not have to waste so much gas and time driving the 7 hour trek, or take a horribly wasteful plane ride (also too expensive, then with the take-off-your-shoes-cant-bring-water-aboard nonsense) is very exciting.

And, here it is ladies and gentlemen: (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

NordlichReiter says...

did they even capitalize WILL?

Good luck with Iraq.

Ill say it again, if it smells like rain, it will probably pour.

Hope you get to stay out of the hot spots.

Beware of glory seeking mercs.

I recommend Miltech Gun Lube (a couple of places in my state give discounts to service members - bulk buying as well). Its good stuff and you don't need much. There is a type of gun cleaning solvent that I use, also clean bolts and tools, I cant remember what it was. You drop the parts that need cleaning right in the bottle let it sit for a moment, and then pull it out clean it, and then add lube. Its a green tint, specifically for carbon build up.

Found it, the solvent is called Slip 2000 Carbon killer - it will remove every thing... even the blue coating that they put on gun parts - this only happens when the stuff is used for a long period.

It removes rust as well.

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Beggar's Canyon