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Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

1) you're wrong. None have said they personally heard Trump explicitly tie the aid to his demands, but many have said he himself tied the white house meeting to his demand for a political gift, which is a crime, and just as many have said it was clear the funding was tied too, and never did anyone at the Whitehouse contradict that in any way, even when asked directly, until they knew they were under investigation.
2) trump himself released the summary transcript in which he ties the funding to the investigations of political rivals and nothing else. Even your stage 5 cranial rectosis can't shield you from that inconvenient truth.

A majority still say he should not only be impeached, but removed from office.

*facepalm. The lack of direct witnesses is because of Trump's obstruction, telling subordinates to ignore subpoenas. That alone is impeachable.
You probably mean they can call unrelated red herrings like Biden who has zero bearing on the charges.
1/2 the republican question time was wasted by them giving whining speeches about how they can't ask questions, and 1/4 spent whining that they can't use this time to investigate Biden....who has never been accused of anything illegal you might note. Edit: ....and the whistleblower, because clearly it's important to know who they are in order to destroy their lives, but not for any other possible reason.
Using impeachment to investigate political rivals and harass whistleblowers instead of investigating the president isn't going to help win independents, the only voters in play. Lose the Senate, which is likely, and Trump will be the first president to be impeached twice if he remains in office.

Oh Bobby, who cried the last two election nights? Not Democrats. I wasn't even surprised Trump won. I called that in spring 2016 when the DNC was caught helping Clinton and screwing Sanders.

You are right on one point, when the Turtle gets the case, he's going to tank it and Trump won't even get a slap on the wrist, but only because party loyalty is far more important to Republicans than national loyalty or rule of law, not because he didn't commit more crimes. In that sense, Democrats have lost. We all have.

But I don't write to you, it's for others who maybe wouldn't watch Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. There is literally nothing he could do to make you stop riding his dick. Absolutely nothing. I'm not trying to convince you. You're a lost cause....and likely a Russian troll.

MAGA=Making Attorneys Get Attorneys

bobknight33 said:

Yep still laughing Newt.

1 big flop and a disgrace to the Dem Party.

Not one witness has testified that they have personally herd any other wrong doing, just their perspective. NO actual proof.

No evidence and a fundraising bonanza for Republicans. While the DNC is basically broke with no donors in site. No is is buying what the Democrats are selling.

YES shift will march forward and impeach and then the Turtle win get it and Republicans can finally call wittiness .

No smoking gun, no smoke and no gun.

I gather that you were 1 of those who cried on election night. Get get more tissue Newt, your going to need more.

Dems have lost, you know it, I know it and Americans know it.

Another Terrorist Targets Trump's Enemies List

How This Citizen Stopped ICE From Arresting 2 Immigrants

newtboy says...

It might be if republicans weren't such chicken shit obstructionists that they flee their own states and threaten to murder police in order to obstruct the legislature from even voting on legislation they can't defeat by democratic means.
One party abandoned democracy and the rule of wasn't the Democrats. It's a bit unfair to insist they keep playing fair and getting steamrolled when the other side doesn't. Sometimes the wrong method is the only path to the right outcome.

smr said:

I'm all for immigration. Can someone please explain to me why flaunting the rules of the state regarding who can and cannot enter and stay in the country is a positive thing? I understand that the proper process to promote my "more is better" viewpoint on immigration - petitioning my representatives, organizing politically, running for office, etc. - is slow, difficult, maybe broken. But isn't this democracy? Aren't we giving up on a representative democracy when we promote not just the tolerance of, but defense and support of, illegal actions? Isn't the right way, even if it's the hard way, changing the laws?

Trump Prepares for Mueller's Final Report: A Closer Look

Woman Tries To Block access to Apartment

newtboy says...

As I thought, one more instance of a white woman following the rules by asking a black man to follow the fucking rules, and so she's labeled a racist.....who's married to an African American. *facepalm

The man pushed his way into the secure building as she opened the door for her dog and refused to tell her which apartment he lived in or demonstrate that he had a key to the building. He knew that was the procedure requested by the building owners/managers, he got the same emails requesting no one allow any stranger into the secure building that she did, but he refused to follow procedure.
What's more, he decided to publicly shame her over attempting to follow posted safety procedures and building rules because he's racist. Guaranteed he would not have recorded and publicized this if she were black doing exactly the same thing, and news outlets wouldn't air it if he did, but because she's white, game on.

Now, for properly following the building rules, she's fired, ostracized, and getting multiple death threats daily. That's outrageous. He should have the same consequences, as the actual racist in this situation.

Bbq where it's not allowed and rudely refuse to move to where it is allowed, I'll call the cops. Loudly hawk water under my window all day without a permit and rudely refuse to move, I'll call the cops. Push into my secure building and act like a rude intruder instead of my new neighbor, I'll call the cops. I don't give one single fuck what color your skin is.....this bullshit that a white person"snitching" on a black person (who is violating the posted rules/law and being a rude asshole about it) is reason to call them racists is just that, bullshit.
Call me a racist now, because dark skin won't protect you from having to follow the rules and law or be stopped/ reported around me any more or less than pink, yellow, tan, red, or any other color skin would.
Downvote spreading this narrative that whites must ignore the rude illegal actions of non whites or be labeled racist. Fuck that, homie don't play dat.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

newtboy says...

Democrats followed the rule of law.
Republicans want a last minute FBI investigation, Democrats have wanted one for months.

No corroborating witnesses were allowed, that's different from there being none.

Flake and those with him, at least 3 at last count and growing.

Who told you it's a repressed memory? She's been talking about it for 6 years, which is documented, and there's no evidence she ever repressed it.

Ha! Instantly switching from 'didn't happen' to 'it's normal behavior' . No, I'm no saint, but I never forced myself on another person, and I don't lie about my past in order to get a lifetime job judging others.
Yes, sexual fumblings that equate to sexual attacks are disqualifying. If you think that's normal or proper, you likely are guilty. I do want to live in a society where sexual predators must answer for their misdeeds, not walk away without consequences. You have daughters, don't you? It's ok with you if some boys push them into a room and grope them forcefully, you'll just tell them those boys were immature, so the assault/ rape attempt doesn't count?

He isn't a justice yet, and this isn't a trial. It's a job interview. Not being advanced to the highest court is not losing his career. Having his past examined before a lifetime appointment is not a criminal trial. What BS.

Are you saying there aren't right wing candidates that don't have sexual assaults in their backgrounds? I guess we'll just have to put off filling the seat until a left leaning judge is nominated the next president to follow precedent.

Kavanaugh's morality is being successfully questioned and so clearly is not above reproach. You're wrong on both counts.

bobknight33 said:

The rule of law is being followed. Nothing being stolen-- Politics is a nasty business. It was on full displayed yesterday.

Democrats sprung an 11th hour attack "October surprise" on Kavanaugh to smear him in public opinion and delay the vote, A week later Democrats want to delay more for an FBI investigation.. What hog wash. just a political stunt -- I'm sure they will bring about another false claim before the senate vote .
Bottom line no one corroborates her testimony ..

Republicans are not insisting on and FBI -- only Flake is -- A political cover for him to vote yes today and get it out of committee.

FBI HAS looked 6 times into Kavanaugh character and background. Now another one for a 40 yr old repressed "memory" ?

Are your you or any friends alter boys?

If this was true, all that was done was some tit grabbing by foolish boys.
You want to disqualify a man of sexual fumblings when he was 17 boy? Is that the society you want to live in? 50 -90% of men would be guilty.

An old girl can call the police and say you wrongly fondled her when you were 17? And you lose your career of over it? BS.
NO cop department would even giver her the time of day.

Justices should be above reproach and their morality unquestionable. Kavanaugh wins on both counts.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

bobknight33 says...

The rule of law is being followed. Nothing being stolen-- Politics is a nasty business. It was on full displayed yesterday.

Democrats sprung an 11th hour attack "October surprise" on Kavanaugh to smear him in public opinion and delay the vote, A week later Democrats want to delay more for an FBI investigation.. What hog wash. just a political stunt -- I'm sure they will bring about another false claim before the senate vote .
Bottom line no one corroborates her testimony ..

Republicans are not insisting on and FBI -- only Flake is -- A political cover for him to vote yes today and get it out of committee.

FBI HAS looked 6 times into Kavanaugh character and background. Now another one for a 40 yr old repressed "memory" ?

Are your you or any friends alter boys?

If this was true, all that was done was some tit grabbing by foolish boys.
You want to disqualify a man of sexual fumblings when he was 17 boy? Is that the society you want to live in? 50 -90% of men would be guilty.

An old girl can call the police and say you wrongly fondled her when you were 17? And you lose your career of over it? BS.
NO cop department would even giver her the time of day.

Justices should be above reproach and their morality unquestionable. Kavanaugh wins on both counts.

newtboy said:

It's far more honest and honorable that outright stealing a nomination, neglecting their constitutional obligations for pure partisan gains, degrading and abusing our system of government. Wanting a full vetting of a lifetime appointment to the highest court is the norm, making these appointments pure political spectacle and obstructing procedure is 100% the methodology of're just pissed the Democrats are finally learning to play the game republicans have been playing for decades. I can only hope they continue that MO when the Democrats seize congress next month.

Republicans are now insisting on an FBI investigation or they'll vote no. We will have a new justice, but it may not be might not be a right winger.

I believe there's a question about who to believe. I believe that question disqualifies the nominee. Justices should be above reproach and their morality unquestionable, he fails on both counts. If you have just a reasonable doubt about his innocence, and no reasonable person wouldn't at this point, that's enough to disqualify any nominee.

Not Your Usual Political Ad

BSR says...

Twitter response from Paul Gosar:

Paul GosarVerified account

US House candidate, AZ-4
Official campaign twitter of U.S. Republican Congressman for Arizona's Fourth District. Husband,Father,Constitutional Conservative,Defender of the Rule of Law.

My siblings who chose to film ads against me are all liberal Democrats who hate President Trump. These disgruntled Hillary suppporters are related by blood to me but like leftists everywhere, they put political ideology before family. Stalin would be proud. #Az04 #MAGA2018

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

Short answer, yes.

He, personally, has done severe, possibly irreparable damage to our government and it's safeguards, and the rule of law, has been the most divisive president in my lifetime, a high bar, is driving the very companies he claimed to have saved overseas, like Harley Davidson, is starting multiple trade wars, even with our allies, wasting tens of billions already, and has been mired in criminal and moral scandals since before day negative 45 when he told the Russians he would remove sanctions over election tampering even as Obama was instigating them, well before taking office which is a crime if you don't know.
Trump himself has divided America, intentionally, with his own words and policies. Reporting on those words and policies is not slanderous or fake. If they lied about what he said, Trump would sue for slander/libel like he did over Steele, a case he just LOST. He hasn't, and he won't.

Again, you take the lying convict's word about the evidence and the law over court rulings and fact. I know you won't investigate, so you'll continue to be duped. That's a conscious choice you are making, to be wrong but righteous instead of correct and guilt ridden.
The investigation predated the Steele Dossier, and it was never a key bit of evidence or the cause of the investigation....and it is not some baseless fantasy fabrication like you believe, it beats any Trump speech for honesty and correctness by a factor of 10.

His Twitter is his official policy, they are clear about that. It is almost always bat shit, and is never civil or honorable.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is Anti American?


Trump has been wonderful.

I would say that media have been more destructive than Trump.
They have divided Americans via their slander and bias and fake ( partial truth) news.

The Steele dossier. is a fabricated document used as the linchpin to tear down Trump. Is Trump supposed to roll over and play their game. Trump is a New York fighter. Trump is not going anywhere.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect and his twitter is at times bat shit . But overall the sky is bluer than with Obama 8 years.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

It's Time to Quit the Catholic Church!

MilkmanDan says...

I'm an atheist and will always be one of the first in line to suggest that religions should be subject to criticism and the rule of law just like any other organization.

That being said, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea that congregations are complicit in the misdeeds of the institution itself, whether or not they are aware of verified instances of misdeeds. ...Pretty slippery slope.

Expand that to, say, nations. In the history of the US, the government has committed some pretty indefensible atrocities. Genocide, mass relocation, and other offenses against Native Americans in the name of "manifest destiny". Enslavement of a race of people based on skin color, with disenfranchisement and continued abuse well after slavery was abolished, with elements that certainly persist to this day. Funding and supplying extremist organizations because they happen to have a short-term enemy that coincides with ours, which frequently comes back to bite us in the ass later. Using underhanded tricks including false-flag operations to justify wars and other offensive actions. Attempting to assassinate democratically elected leaders of foreign governments. And on and on.

Are all US citizens complicit in those misdeeds, merely by an accident of birth? But those things were in the past, you might argue. Given the depth of dirt you can find on our past with a little digging, I'd say it is reasonable to expect that there's things that the government is doing now that we may or may not be aware of that would be similarly difficult to defend.

Many/most Catholics can either remain intentionally blissfully ignorant about these problems, or will be able to go to great lengths to rationalize their way around them. Just like most US citizens don't lose much sleep over our government's past and present misdeeds. In either case, indoctrination puts the blinders on -- and can be incredibly difficult to escape.

For the religious, "love the sinner, hate the sin" is an oft-repeated phrase. As an atheist outraged by these scandals and the decades/centuries of intentional cover-ups by the Church itself, I might be tempted to turn that on its head. "Accept the religious, hate the religion." By all means, be outraged towards the institution itself. By all means, fight to end the protections that have allowed this kind of abuse to go unchecked. But perhaps try to keep some (Christian?) empathy for the average Catholic congregation members who have been brainwashedindoctrinated their whole lives and are likely in too deep to escape. Reserve that hatred for the clergy that abused their positions of power and control to commit these crimes, and the organizational system that systematically allowed it to happen while covering it up. They deserve every bit of hate you throw their way.

Freezing 200,000 Tons of Lethal Arsenic Dust

C-note says...

The mining company extracted $8 Billion in gold and the government (tax payers) is picking up the tab of $934 Million for remediation over the next 100 years for something that does not have a half-life or decays. Regulations, the rule of law, right and wrong really doesn't matter to those who profit.

Don’t ever preach to me again!

heropsycho jokingly says...

You apparently don't understand what the rule of law is, either. Had Obama violated the Rule of Law when it came to immigration, it would mean that he should deport himself since he wasn't born in the US.

drradon said:

No, it makes them like the Democratic Party who don't have any problem simultaneously touting their position on women's rights and supporting Bill Clinton who was a serial groper and philanderer... in the same way that they condemn Trump for a lack of respect for the rule of law while they worshiped Barrack Obama who didn't feel it was necessary to enforce (or even recognize) immigration law or drug laws.

I don't really think either party has a monopoly on hypocrisy...

Don’t ever preach to me again!

drradon says...

No, it makes them like the Democratic Party who don't have any problem simultaneously touting their position on women's rights and supporting Bill Clinton who was a serial groper and philanderer... in the same way that they condemn Trump for a lack of respect for the rule of law while they worshiped Barrack Obama who didn't feel it was necessary to enforce (or even recognize) immigration law or drug laws.

I don't really think either party has a monopoly on hypocrisy...

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

Federal judges aren't Obama OR the DOJ. This is just one more lie you've swallowed hook, line, and sinker. It's the only way you can make sense of his pardon...make the conviction political. It plainly wasn't, even you admit he broke the law.

True, the DOJ wanted him convicted...but for NOT doing his job, and instead for stopping citizens and demanding their papers if they looked Hispanic. That's illegal in America, no matter why you do it. He was ordered by the courts to stop, and he defied that legal order. That's illegal in America, period.
Trump pardoned him because he doesn't respect the rule of law or courts...Unless he's using them to screw people he owes money, then the law is all important....bankruptcy law. He's shown this clearly repeatedly by disparaging any judge that might rule against him as "so called judges".

This isn't about illegals, it's about citizens that look Hispanic. By far, most pulled over weren't illegals or even immigrants. More importantly, it's about the rule of law, which he and Trump just flushed down the toilet with a cheer.

Sad that you are so blinded by partisan politics that you've lost sight of what America is about....laws that apply to everyone, not a ruling class that's above them, or laws that only apply when it's convenient for your agenda, but that's exactly what you're advocating here.
Advocating for lawless dictatorship isn't making us great, Bob. It just makes you sound dumb and gullible...insanely gullible. Take a civics class and learn about your country....please.

Edit: Honestly, Bob, it's becoming hard to believe you aren't really far left, pretending to be the worst kind of far right character, setting up weak straw men for us to knock down. You cannot believe that this is a good idea, condoning and pardoning violating the constitution and binding judicial orders...and even you cannot possibly believe that subversion of our systems is patriotic somehow.

bobknight33 said:

This has Obama and his cronies all over it.

The DOJ the left wanted him from doing his job.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio committed a crime by defying a court order to stop detaining suspected undocumented immigrants.

He defied a court order. He was doing his job... Trump is right in his pardon.

If you feel so bad for illegals you can house / feed / clothe then. Otherwise they can go back and quit taking American jobs.

Sad that you are not for American but for those who do not belong here. You can leave and make their country great... go leave and help them.

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