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John Oliver: Charter Schools

poolcleaner says...

What did Jello ever do to you, huh? Poor guy... stealing his band's royalties and hiding it, then admitting in court he knew about it and just didn't know what to do about it, losing the rights to his own band and now having difficulty keeping Alternative Records afloat. But what do you expect from a dude who doesn't give a fuck about money?

Oh wait... jello, as in J-E-L-L-O and Fat Albert and the chicken heart and raping women -- what's his name...? OH -- Bill Cosby? Oh. Yeah, fuck that guy. Insipid comedian who criticized other black comedians and black culture in general, meanwhile he was raping women. Pillar of the community, that man. Family man.

Oh wait... this is about charter schools?! I'm only 2 minutes in and it's completely derailed me!!!

"Slow Jam the News" with President Obama

radx says...

That's basically all there is left to say about TTIP, TPP, CETA, TiSA, etc, isn't it...

"It is of the utmost importance to work alongside other world leaders."

Just a small note on that one: thanks to the actions of Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland and the Nazi-supporting, oligarch-empowering regime of Yanukovich/Poroshenko in Ukraine, the "working alongside" part seems to fall awfully short when it comes to the Bear in the East. The Putin administration does some fucked-up shit, but all those tanks taking part in Anaconda 16, the biggest excercise since the end of the Cold War, they don't sport Russian insigniae. That's NATO, excercising a "Invasion of Russia" scenario at the border of Russia.

Maybe it's because I live in what would have been the battlefield of WW3, maybe it's because parts of my family come from Königsberg/Kaliningrad, but I support the old notion of "There is no safety in Europe against Russia, there is only safety in Europe with Russia".

Somehow, he doesn't seem to have issues working alongside the Saudi royalty who support all kinds of extremism while waging a war of aggression against Jemen. You know, the kind of extremism that gave the war mongerers in Washington an excuse to wage war in multiple nations.

How's Clinton doing, by the way? Still hailing her push to turn Libya into a failed state as an accomplishment and a sign of her experience in foreign policy? Still defending her vote for the illegal war of aggression in Iraq? Still pushing for more war in Syria? I would be interested in what Justice Robert H. Jackson, Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, would have to say about the Bush administration, the Obama administration and our cherished Presidential Candidate in spe, HRC. Maybe he'd commend them on their oratory prowess or sense of fashion...

dannym3141 said:

Fuck off with your TTIP plug you devious bastard!

Cornel West: HRC is the Milli Vanilli of American Politics

Fairbs says...

A couple of reasons I don't like her are that she kind of represents political royalty in this country (which is why I'm glad Jeb! is out as well) and 2 I don't see her as being that far away from the Republican stance. On the Republican side, they're all wackadoodle except for maybe Rubio, but I think he may be a Koch brother candidate.

newtboy said:

She only won in NV because union bosses sent out thousands of 'fliers' instructing their members to vote for her because she supports a $15 an hour minimum wage....but that's a lie, she supports a $12 an hour minimum wage, Sanders supports $15 an hour.
Only by pretending to BE Bernie can she gain support. I would much rather vote for the person she's pretending to be than the person who's doing the pretending.
It's pretty disgusting that she's trading on the ignorance of her voters to pretend to be something she's clearly not in order to trick them into supporting her. It's much worse that he media is allowing her to get away with it.
We're screwed. Neither Clinton nor Trump have a snowball's chance in hell of improving the state of our country, and it seems those in power are banking on that.

Awesome Top Gun Twins Halloween Costume

bremnet says...

Yeah, what the hell is that all about? What time are they starting these days - noon? Ring my doorbell before dinner and you get nada. And what happened to Hallowe'en being scary ... if you want to dress up your kids in cute costumes and parade them in front of judges / closet pedophiles, then enter them in Universal Royalty beauty pageants and stop screwing it up for the rest of us who like the tradition of witches, ghosts, goblins and zombies. Would have been pretty easy to show Goose with a good spinal compression fracture and bone sticking out of his neck or a cracked skull or something. Sheesh.

deathcow said:

trick or treating in the light with warm weather and no snow/ice on the ground... weird!

M. Taibbi: Largest Banks Admit to Massive Crimes, Still TBTF

JustSaying says...

They're doing business with mexican drug cartels and tyrannical dictators. What did you expect? Morals? Ethics?
Not only can they themselves apply a ridiculous amount of financial leverage on international and local politics, their customers are rich (and therefore politically powerful) and sometimes politicians themselves (serving their own financial interests).
Given the United States' position as a international trade power of considerable magnitude and the complete corruption of the government by sponsoring election campaigns like race teams or top athletes, you will never see the power of the banks diminish. Just count how many millionaires are sitting in the senate or congress and ask yourself why they should risk loosing money over protecting your interests. You're only worth something to them as long as they can get your vote. They wouldn't dare to fuck with the people that count their money for you.
We used to have kings, now we have bankers and CEOs. At least you could behead royalty till none were left but these peoplecorporations just grow new heads. They're Hydras.

wraith said:

It seems the banks have grown so far out of the reach of the world's justice departments in the last few years that they not even bother to present a fall guy for their crimes anymore.

A Summary Of Steam's Stupidest Move Yet!

HadouKen24 says...

The way it was set up, the mod developer did have the choice whether to charge or not. The final price point was also at the mod developer's discretion.

The 25% figure sounds low, but it's the same cut that developers of hats and skins for TF2 and Dota 2 get for their sold items--and there are people making a living at it.

Also, after Valve's 30% cut, the Bethesda looked at what a fair breakdown of what was left would be. Valve--30 Bethesda--45, and modder--25. If you just look at the portion after Valve takes its cut, Bethesda took 65% of what was left, and the modder took 35%. Which is typically what a development studio gets back from sales from a game publisher.

The 25% sounds really low if you're not familiar with how this kind of thing usually works, but it's actually about what content creators typically get when they're given a percentage from a publisher. It's a lot higher than some industries--authors usually only get 10-15% royalties on book sales, and even then only after the first 10,000 books sold.

newtboy said:

Actually, you seem to have said it's up to Valve and the game developer (also Valve often enough), not the mod developer. Did I misunderstand?

True, you didn't do a break down of the 75% (apparently actually 70%?)....but in the case of Valve games, Valve gets 75% (70%?) and the mod developer 25-30%.

The mod maker seems to not get the option of making their mod least that's how I read your description and took the video.
It makes sense to me that the mod maker only gets 25-30%....they only worked with the tools that the game developer spent hundreds of thousands-millions to develop. I think if you count total man hours to create, they would be getting over paid quite a bit at 25%. It's like saying people who write fan fiction should get 75% of anything they can make, and the series creators and distributers should split what's left.

I think they should leave it up to the mod developers how much to charge, but I can support the split. If you make a good mod that 100000 people 'buy' for $10, you just made $250000 for what amounts to playable 'fan fiction' made at home on your free time.
Just how I see it.

A Summary Of Steam's Stupidest Move Yet!

newtboy says...

Yes, but who's the developer...developer of what? The game, or the mod? If that means the mod developer has the option, that's better.
I read it as 25-30% to Valve/Steam...the remaining 70-75% to be split between the game creator, and the mod creator, on a split to be determined by the game creator, usually giving the mod developer what amounts to 25-30% of the total. That seemed fair to me, since that means the work product is worth 75% of selling price, and the original creator did way more than 2/3 of that work...meaning the mod developer gets a great deal at 25%.
Auto repair is not analogous. Making a replica/kit car is closer, and I believe they do pay royalties...certainly replica car makers do. If the mod makers were fixing the game, that would be different, but they are not. Shelby and Ford had contracts where they shared profits, as do many other professional car modders.
It is a problem if someone takes a game, mods it, then sells the mod as if they created the entire thing...they did not. They used someone's work product to create something else. Without the original program, they would have nothing.
These companies are under no compulsion to allow mods, and if they believe charging for the privilege is a good business model, they have every right to try. I think it's a toss up. People expect them for free at this point, but developers have a right to demand payment for their product...and any new product based on their product.
Really, I have no idea what I'm talking about? I've played many a mod, and 'playable fan fiction' is an apt description to my eyes. (see Blood Dragon) It's taking a known series and skewing it in some way. What you end up with is BASED on the original, is created using the original as a 'template' (and in the case of games using the program itself), is using/riding the popularity of the original to be seen at all, and would not exist without the original. To me that's pretty damn close.
I think it's actually more analogous to plagiarism, which is actionable...or may be condoned and/or licensed....but it's up to the creator of the original to decide that.

NaMeCaF said:

What's the first paragraph of the description say?

"...making Workshop mods now have the *option* for the developer to lock them behind a paywall..."

I understood it to be 25% goes to the mod maker and the remaining 75% goes to valve and bethesda (splitting to 30% to valve and 70% to bethesda). But maybe its 30% to valve then 70% to mod maker and bethesda (splitting it into 25% to mod maker and 75% to bethesda)? Either way its stupid.

Do you think auto repair and service centers should pay the car companies a percentage of their profits when they paint your car or make modifications to it?

The fact is modding has been grand for the last 30+ years without anyone doing it for the money. Some have gone on to make full games based on their mods and sold them, and there's no problem with that, because the mod still remains free.

Game companies like Bethesda release mod tools because it is good business for them. It extends the life of their games, grows their community and brings in more people who buy their games FOR the mods. Just go and have a look on the Nexus to see how many mods there are for the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games.

Both Valve and Bethesda are now just in PR mode and trying to put out the fires. Do you think their sole intent was purely for the money to go to the mod makers like they say? Then why is the split so heavily in their favor and the mod makers are getting a pissy 25%. Its contradictory.

And if you think it's "playable fan-fiction" then you obviously have no idea what you're talking about

Sundays -- another dark sci-fi film to get a movie deal

Enzoblue says...

"what if.... you ask so many 'what if's' that people stop caring.....?"

Also they'll need to give royalties to the makers of Half Life for like.. every vehicle here.

Saudi people 'shaking hands' with the royal family

Sagemind says...

That's kind of a silly thing to say.
Do you really think they could say anything even if they wanted to?

They have no choice but to return respect, even when it's not given in return. It's their Royalty. And in cultures that are so closely ruled by the system, no one would ever dare speak up against them. (out of fear)
You never speak out against those who rule you. Speaking up against the Saudi Royalty would mean instant death.

Saudi Prince Khaled Bin Farhan Al-Saud, who spoke to RT from Dusseldorf, Germany, confirmed reports of increased prosecution of anti-government activists and said that it’s exactly what forced him to defect from his family. He accused the monarchy of corruption and silencing all voices of dissent and explained how the Saudi mechanism for suppression functioned.

“There is no independent judiciary, as both police and the prosecutor’s office are accountable to the Interior Ministry. This ministry’s officials investigate ‘crimes’ (they call them crimes), related to freedom of speech. So they fabricate evidence, don’t allow people to have attorneys”, the prince told RT Arabic. “Even if a court rules to release such a ‘criminal’, the Ministry of Interior keeps him in prison, even though there is a court order to release him. There have even been killings! Killings! And as for the external opposition, Saudi intelligence forces find these people abroad! There is no safety inside or outside the country.”

lantern53 said:

The people shaking hands don't seem to mind, so why do you?

Saudi people 'shaking hands' with the royal family

Sagemind says...

Show respect for Royalty that can't respect the people enough to show up and shake people's hands personally.

If anything this is a slap in the face to the people/dignitaries there, who are too scared to not go through with the scam.

They deserve to be mocked.

lantern53 said:

Let's try to show some respect for other cultures, shall we?

I learned that in school.

Stay With Me - Vintage 1940s "Old Hollywood" Style Sam Smith

antonye says...

While I agree, this may have been the Smart Move™ on Sam Smith's part to avoid a lengthy court battle over royalties and compensation and instead to negotiate a percentage through the writing credit - on the balance of probabilities in a court room a jury may well have found in Tom Petty's favour even if it was chance/coincidence.
But whatever. Sam Smith has a career ahead of him and Tom Petty has plenty of money.

ChaosEngine said:

Wow, that is such bullshit.

Not a fan of Sam Smith, but there's no way Petty should get a songwriting credit for that.

Stay With Me - Vintage 1940s "Old Hollywood" Style Sam Smith

antonye says...

Digging up an old post because I just saw this:

"Tom Petty awarded songwriting royalties for Sam Smith’s “Stay With Me”"

“Recently the publishers for the song ‘I Won’t Back Down,’ written by Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne, contacted the publishers for ‘Stay With Me,’ written by Sam Smith, James Napier and William Phillips, about similarities heard in the melodies of the choruses of the two compositions. Not previously familiar with the 1989 Petty/Lynne song, the writers of ‘Stay With Me’ listened to ‘I Won’t Back Down’ and acknowledged the similarity.

“Although the likeness was a complete coincidence, all involved came to an immediate and amicable agreement in which Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne are now credited as co-writers of ‘Stay With Me’ along with Sam Smith, James Napier and William Phillips.”

Trancecoach said:

I liked this song better when it's sung by Tom Petty and called "Won't Back Down."

Doug Stanhope on The Ridiculous Royal Wedding

ChaosEngine says...

I just want to take my hat off to you. That was a fantastic comment, and it boggles my mind that anyone can accept the concept of royalty in the 21st century.

I actually had to stop talking to some people around the time of the royal wedding / spawning / visit to NZ. It freaks me out how otherwise sane, rational people devolve into fawning sycophants the moment that family of inbred losers is brought up.

Chairman_woo said:

good quote that is too long to repeat

The Bizarre Truth About Purebred Dogs

Cool experiments with Trimethylaluminum

AeroMechanical says...

It's probably not as economical and convenient as white phosphorous.

My father was a physicist, and he told me a story (mind you, a great deal of his stories were apocryphal and he died before they could be sorted out--which is why I feel justified in claiming my great grandmother was Irish royalty and my great grandfather was an armless gypsy horse acrobat... but I digress). Anyways, he claimed that for a time in Spain there was a company marketing cigarette lighters that used white phosphorous so that you could merely flip the lid open, exposing a small amount to the air igniting it, and very suavely light a ladies cigarette for her. Unfortunately, sometimes the seals would fail while in a man's trouser pocket, which is where the slang "willy peter" comes from.

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