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Simple Rick's - New Freedom Wafer Select

newtboy says...

Once, there was a Rick who was more Rick than any other. He brought down an entire galactic federation with a single keystroke.
We captured that feeling of ultimate accomplishment and fed it back to him on a loop, so we can feed it to you in every bite of new Simple Rick's Ultimate Reserve.
Come home to the feeling of galactic domination.....come home to Simple Rick's.

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

You've got to be kidding, you know the judge isn't a DOJ employee, right?
You understand the concept that ignoring a judges direct legal orders is a crime no matter what your politics, right?
He wasn't convicted of the civil rights violations, (for pulling over Hispanic looking people and demanding they show their papers) but he was ordered to stop them, and he continued. He was convicted of criminal contempt.
It wasn't the DOJ, it was a federal judge he ignored and the constitution he violated after being ordered to stop it.
EDIT: But yeah...ignoring the constitution, judges, fairness, civility, the Geneva convention, and the rule of law certainly does make him the a America's best sheriff, doesn't it? I hope you and your family gets pulled over at gunpoint by black sheriffs at least once a week for life to check your papers, perhaps you'll eventually learn it's wrong.

If Obama abused that power as you suggest, why weren't there constantly DOJ investigations of elected Republicans and talking heads? It seems insane to even suggest that he reserved it for one evil sheriff.

Also, how do you explain all the charges and lost lawsuits from before Obama? Arpaio's legal troubles didn't suddenly start 8.5 years ago, you know. Was Bush's thumb on that scale against him too?

bobknight33 said:

Obama thumb was on the scale of justice. DOJ just did his bidding.

Nurse Arrested For Not Taking Unconscious Victim's Blood

Mordhaus says...

So it gets worse.

The person they wanted to draw the blood from is a reserve police officer himself, was not even a suspect in the crash, and only got involved in the crash because the other driver was a suspect fleeing from pursuit by other officers.

So they didn't even need the blood really.

Both the detective and his supervisor are suspended on admin review because the detective said he called his supervisor and was told to arrest the nurse.

Official statements and apologies from Mayor and Chief of Police:

Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

newtboy says...

Trump qualified his extremely late condemnation of Nazis. My condemnation of antifa is without hesitation (called them thugs day one in Berkeley with Milo), reservation or qualification.

Trump accepted Duke's support for months before being forced to weakly say ' ok, I denounce him, ok?' and his platform essentially was a Duke wet dream.
The left denounces antifa unreservedly and constantly (to your deaf ears) .

I'm not the media, don't put their alleged words in my mouth. I clearly gave the right/republicans credit for finally saying they don't stand with Nazis and don't want their vote...a few weeks ago. Too bad Trump can't follow suit and denounce them without qualification or spreading blame....but he seems incapable of that when it comes to Nazis and racists...but not when it comes to Muslims or Mexicans.

bobknight33 said:

...."Bob ignores that because he cannot accept or understand that someone left of him isn't actually in antifa, so clearly we must all be supporters of the group we call fascist criminal morons...."

You know Trump denounces all Violence in Charlottesville and he is labeled as a NAZI lover for not just condemning the Nazi there.

David Duke and the klan put their support towards Trump and the left / you promote Trump a klan lover.

Then the leftest media / ANTIFA BLM all push the noise that IF trump is a NAZI lover then his supporters are NAZI lovers.

The pot is calling the kettle black.

Inside the mind of white America

newtboy says...

In some cases, you're right. In others, not. Our treatment of natives is anything but consistent. Some reservations here are normal towns, others would stand out in Somalia.
The assumptions about crime, and statistics, sound similar to here in Northern California.

bcglorf said:

I'd have to beg to differ on America having similar Aboriginal/White conflict. IMO the divide between aboriginal/white in Canada is actually much deeper, and with a greater potential for future violence than even black/white relations in the US. The conditions on Canadian native reserves are MUCH worse than in the US. It's severe enough that the first time a Canadian is driving past an America aboriginal reserve they have to ask twice to confirm it really is one. The general state of broken down infrastructure, housing and in general is so bad it's even visibly unavoidable up here in Canada. In the US you can't tell you've gone past anything different unless something culturally relevant is posted up.

It's also made worse by systematic segregation that the reserve system in Canada creates so any seed of racism has lots of fertile ground and lacks any reference to counter balance it.

When a car is stolen is something goes missing on farms near a reserve the immediate default assumption is that someone 'aboriginal' took it. It's only made worse when more often than the statistical distribution should dictate, it actually was someone from a reserve that did it. Recently a car of young aboriginal kids pulled into a farmers yard and one of them was shot and killed. They said they had a flat and were just looking for help. The case is on going, but the courts have heard that the neighbour had already put a call in to police about a theft minutes before the shooting though. Of course, white folks on the internet made such helpful comments as suggesting the farmers mistake was 'leaving any witnesses'. It's also not just white racism against natives though, the racism against settlers(whites) amongst aboriginal populations can be just as ugly and rampant. When Canada decided to have our border crossing guards carry guns, we had to close a border crossing that was in a Mohawk reserve because they wouldn't allow it. The border station there was already riddled with bullet holes before this. If the government DID try and enforce the same law there as the rest of the border, people were going to die.

Inside the mind of white America

bcglorf says...

I'd have to beg to differ on America having similar Aboriginal/White conflict. IMO the divide between aboriginal/white in Canada is actually much deeper, and with a greater potential for future violence than even black/white relations in the US. The conditions on Canadian native reserves are MUCH worse than in the US. It's severe enough that the first time a Canadian is driving past an America aboriginal reserve they have to ask twice to confirm it really is one. The general state of broken down infrastructure, housing and in general is so bad it's even visibly unavoidable up here in Canada. In the US you can't tell you've gone past anything different unless something culturally relevant is posted up.

It's also made worse by systematic segregation that the reserve system in Canada creates so any seed of racism has lots of fertile ground and lacks any reference to counter balance it.

When a car is stolen is something goes missing on farms near a reserve the immediate default assumption is that someone 'aboriginal' took it. It's only made worse when more often than the statistical distribution should dictate, it actually was someone from a reserve that did it. Recently a car of young aboriginal kids pulled into a farmers yard and one of them was shot and killed. They said they had a flat and were just looking for help. The case is on going, but the courts have heard that the neighbour had already put a call in to police about a theft minutes before the shooting though. Of course, white folks on the internet made such helpful comments as suggesting the farmers mistake was 'leaving any witnesses'. It's also not just white racism against natives though, the racism against settlers(whites) amongst aboriginal populations can be just as ugly and rampant. When Canada decided to have our border crossing guards carry guns, we had to close a border crossing that was in a Mohawk reserve because they wouldn't allow it. The border station there was already riddled with bullet holes before this. If the government DID try and enforce the same law there as the rest of the border, people were going to die.

newtboy said:

That's not a real difference. We have all that too, on top of the black/white, Mexican/white, Arab/white, non-white/white issues.
The main difference we have is reservations here have their own tribal courts instead of special treatment in normal courts. An alleged side effect of that is a white person can go to a reservation and attack a native, and never be charged because they can't get a fair trial in tribal courts and normal courts won't take a minor case from the reservation (I've never tried it myself).

Inside the mind of white America

newtboy says...

That's not a real difference. We have all that too, on top of the black/white, Mexican/white, Arab/white, non-white/white issues.
The main difference we have is reservations here have their own tribal courts instead of special treatment in normal courts. An alleged side effect of that is a white person can go to a reservation and attack a native, and never be charged because they can't get a fair trial in tribal courts and normal courts won't take a minor case from the reservation (I've never tried it myself).

bcglorf said:

Being a Canadian colours my view, but it seems there is at least some parallels between race relations up here and in the US. The difference is up here is it's aboriginal/white as opposed to black/white.

I don't know how close the parallels are, but in Canada it is statistically accurate to observe the following:
-Aboriginal people are disproportionately the victims of violent crime
-Aboriginal people are disproportionately committing violent crime
-Aboriginal people are over-represented in the prison system
-Living conditions on Aboriginal reserves even compared to neighbouring municipalities are, on average, grossly worse

These are basic facts that are, statistically speaking, irrefutable.

There facts clearly indicate there is a problem in society. Unless you believe that race determines criminality, they indicate that a group of people is facing some kind of systematic disadvantage, currently, historically or both.

Canada has failed in trying to address this issue IMO. Instead of looking for the systematic problems, we are trying to treat the symptoms. For example, we have passed laws that demand differential sentencing to be more lenient towards convicted criminals if they are of aboriginal back ground.

What we really need is to discuss the root issues. If you grow up on a reserve or in a terrible neihgbourhood, that matters. If the likelyhood of growing up in those places is still racially distributed, that's a major root cause that needs addressing above all others.

Inside the mind of white America

bcglorf says...

Being a Canadian colours my view, but it seems there is at least some parallels between race relations up here and in the US. The difference is up here is it's aboriginal/white as opposed to black/white.

I don't know how close the parallels are, but in Canada it is statistically accurate to observe the following:
-Aboriginal people are disproportionately the victims of violent crime
-Aboriginal people are disproportionately committing violent crime
-Aboriginal people are over-represented in the prison system
-Living conditions on Aboriginal reserves even compared to neighbouring municipalities are, on average, grossly worse

These are basic facts that are, statistically speaking, irrefutable.

There facts clearly indicate there is a problem in society. Unless you believe that race determines criminality, they indicate that a group of people is facing some kind of systematic disadvantage, currently, historically or both.

Canada has failed in trying to address this issue IMO. Instead of looking for the systematic problems, we are trying to treat the symptoms. For example, we have passed laws that demand differential sentencing to be more lenient towards convicted criminals if they are of aboriginal back ground.

What we really need is to discuss the root issues. If you grow up on a reserve or in a terrible neihgbourhood, that matters. If the likelyhood of growing up in those places is still racially distributed, that's a major root cause that needs addressing above all others.

Alex Jones Ranting On Seattle Streets

PlayhousePals says...

GET OFF MY STREET you inciter of ... stress [keepin' it clean for the kids]. What the hell? Oh how times have changed. I am so glad this is in the terrible channel. I WILL upvote for proper designation despite my indignation and reservation. Fuckin' blowhard

The micro text to McCain's down vote of the ACA repeal

Mikus_Aurelius says...

They needed a yes vote from McCain, and abstention wouldn't work.

A large number of Republican senators knew very well that skinny repeal was the worst of both worlds. Likely a deadlocked conference committee would have lead to Ryan jamming it through the house as written, at which point insurance premiums would rise meteorically with the withdrawal of the individual mandate.

McCain probably believes he's saving his party from a political disaster as well as a bad policy, and he isn't the only one. At least ten senators expressed serious reservations about the possibility I outlined above.

One commentator I heard on the radio said, "It was always going to be 49-51, the only question is who would be the 51st no vote." McCain took one for the team.

newtboy said:

Anybody else think the Republicans are going to fight this, claiming his brain cancer makes him ineligible to vote, so his vote doesn't count?
I'm certain some of them will make that claim publicly, I just wonder if they'll claim it on the Senate floor.

Guy acts like a jerk so customer blocks his internet

Why you should never pour grease down the drain

THE DARK TOWER - Official Trailer

How sanctuary cities actually work

newtboy says...

Anarchy? Human sacrifice? exaggeration there.

So, it's unconstitutional for the federal government to compel local law enforcement to enforce federal law by withholding federal funds (that's reserved for state governments to do or not do)...and that's Trump's plan.

It's surprising that this entire issue is so clear in the constitution but still being argued. It's also surprising the right insists that local law enforcement must ignore the law (by detaining people for 48 hours with no state charges pending) for FREE. The Fed does not reimburse states for those expenses, they're expected to just eat it. It's also surprising that this is all about ICE not wanting to have to actually show up and arrest those they want in a timely fashion, but insisting on having a 2 day window, unlike all other law enforcement. If ICE wants to deport people from "sanctuary cities" (a total misnomer) all they need to do is show up when they're released. WTF.

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