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Battlestar Galactica: Great show, or GREATEST show? (Scifi Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

But more to the point, I've never seen it. Is it like a more socially acceptable version of Star Trek? I've always liked ST (at least TNG, Voyager and Enterprise - I never could get into TOS or DS9) but I've just never made the effort to watch BSG.

I'd say its more epic than any of the Star Treks, in that way its more like star wars, where they have a seemingly insurmountable task they must succeed against. All the characters are well developed and flawed, something I relish as too many times our hero's are personality less, 1 dimensional and/or stoic. There's a good bit of poignant social commentary, often on current events, I know that can turn some people off, but I like it. Plus I don't know many other shows that have made me switch between loving and hating a character so many times.

But anyways if you're a big sci-fi fan I highly recommend watching it. Its kind of hard to pick up mid-way through, but all the episodes and mini-series are on DVD, and probably available to rent at your local video store. Worth a try I say.

As for the original post and the rest proceeding it, I have taken to not wearing pants as none can contain the massive erection I have for the show's return, and I am very glad this is the last season because I'd hate for a good show to get ruined by being dragged out longer than is plausible for the given plot.

The Funk Brothers with Joan Osborne.

I Wouldn't Steal A Purse, But I Do Download Films

lertad says...

Right, I have close relatives that is working in the entertainment industry here in Thailand, some of my friends are in both popular indie/major label bands, and I myself have been involved in producing some independant records. And let me tell you.

Piracy is a pain in the ass.

Spoco2's spot on on this issue. The problem is, many people on VideoSift use BitTorrent to download films/songs to see/hear what they're like before actually going out to buy them. Fine, that's great, but Sifters are normally great in general. But as you have probably come to know, Sifters don't exactly think act like the majority of the public, do we? The majority of people download pirated movies and songs simply for the fact that they don't want to pay for it. That is stealing. That is no different than shoplifting. You don't understand the feeling you get when you're out at your booth selling your CDs to a group of "fans" only for one to buy 1 copy of the CD and turning around to others in a kind of wink and telling their friends, right in front of my face, that "don't buy copy is get what I mean". Oh yeah, like I don't know what they were going to do with it.

Not to mention the times where a fan would walk up to my friend holding out a CD for him to sign...except it was on a generic CD-RW disc.

And it happens everytime, everyday.

Hey, I'm not saying copyright laws aren't archaic and anarchist. I'm not saying it comes from an old distribution model. There are loopholes and a lot of very good points have been made here on this thread, as always, and I relish reading them. But the main thing is, a majority of people are pirating
simply because they don't want to buy the real copy, and it destroys the creative juice out of so many artists. I am willing to bet that even if a final, new distribution model is accomodated for the internet, most people will still continue to hack. Just think about it: "Download movie from the net for $4.99? Or download for free? Hmm..."

It's not a hard choice, you're going to get the same package no matter if you pay it or not, and people will continue to pirate no matter what innovative business model is thrusted upon them as most people will only think of themselves, not the artists. And it was always the job of corporations to think up business models in the first place, not artists. Why else would artists sign for them and make them what they are now? So, don't expect a "better" model to support artists directly and bypass the evil you all hate any time soon.

Remember, we're talking about the majority of people here, not Sifters. We're not talking about fans of Radiohead, who scarificed oh so much potential profit but can only be successful in doing what they did with the huge amount of fanbase they already have, we're talking more like fans of Britney Spears.

Before I end my tirade, just let me underline what I'm talking about here. Forget plagiarism. Forget the sharing with friends/families. I'm talking about the act of downloading films, products, for personal entertainment without the intention of actually buying the damn thing at all. And this is what most of pirating is. Don't justify it.

And so many people

Rant over. Thank you, and good night.

Hillary Clinton Asked about Attendance at Bilderberg. Uh oh

Dateline: To Catch A Predator (abbondanza of pervs!)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I agree, they seem more pathetic than anything- and their life is pretty much over after something like this. Job, family whatever.

I'm not sure I feel sympathy for them, but I don't think I like the relish with which this is turned into entertainment.

Choggie's Roast Thread (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

gorgonheap, took the geek channel a while back, or created it, or something, I have never been there until today-fact of the matter is, I haven't been to my channel since I was coerced by another sifter, who chimed in here, but was too comfy in the fraidy-hole (and lifting the finger off the one on the bong), to come out and play-
I never understood, how geeks learned to relish in their enigmatic square-ness, instead of learning some practical skills-Like how to use a zipper, which fork to scratch with, etc., and none so more adept daily, than this one with the furries/PBS fettish.
This kid loves to make up for all the wedgies in gym class, when there is someone self-linking here, he ripps virtual asshole, like its going out of style, or at least not available to him, while behind closed bed-room door (mom's house), with his pals on Second Life. Oh wait. Sorry. Your a man. TeamFortress2, future sociopaths of America training camp.

Did I miss anybody??? Ahhhh...the mistress of ceremony, opera-glass Sheila, the resident queen of dead blogs, second only to ladybug, in her care for things birthed, and left to fend.(damn...can't find it now, it has a lovely picture of her in her raincoat, and her ass is not as fat as she wants y'all t'believe either......she is, in fact, the stick-figure opposite, which is perhaps why high winds, and disasters that come with getting blown away, excite her. I dunno, a weather blog, is excitement squared, and all the interesting folks DO seem to always be talking about the weather.
Rock and Roll will never die, but it will always insure, that she is in the #1 spot on the Videosift, like the only pimp at a hooker's convention, her job is waaaayyyyy to easy!

This was a real shebang folks, hope y'all all learned something from this experiment......karaidl, you have my vote for the saves, although we really should have developed more a symbiotic, double-team....I am simply not in your league, young goodman braun.

Ofra Haza: Neshikot ba'Yam

gwaan says...

Great post - I've got some Algerian Jewish music I'm gonna post at some point!

I did a bit of research into the Jewish community in Yemen while I was studying Islamic law. In traditional Rabbinic law primogeniture is practised - meaning that the oldest male inherits everything. Traditionally Yemen has always been a majority Muslim state. While Jewish courts were allowed they were subordinate to Islamic courts. When inheritance cases were settled in Jewish courts the judge would apply traditional Rabbinic law and the women would inherit nothing. Unhappy with this situation Jewish women would appeal to the Islamic courts. Under traditional Islamic law women are guaranteed a share of the inheritance - normally equivalent to about a third of the male's share. The Jewish women would claim allegiance to which ever school of Islamic law would ensure them the greatest share of inheritance.

The Yemeni Jews are also responsible for Zoug - a spicy chili and coriander condiment - my all time favourite relish!

The Litter Box for the Feline Elite - I wish my cat had one!

James Roe says...

yeah my cat started pooping outside the cat box, and it took me like a year to train her to poop outside. Now we have a great relationship, I feed her, relish her ministrations, and avoid having to deal with her noxious bodily functions.

re: Smelly cat houses, I too know some people with really smelly houses. I don't know that this would fix the problem though, I think usually the culprit is that people feed their kitties wet cat food which tends to stink a bit more.

Little Superstar

72 virgins - it's just not quite as great as you'd expect!

joedirt says...,3605,631332,00.html
What of the rewards in paradise? The Islamic paradise is described in great sensual detail in the Koran and the Traditions; for instance, Koran sura 56 verses 12 -40 ; sura 55 verses 54-56 ; sura 76 verses 12-22. I shall quote the celebrated Penguin translation by NJ Dawood of sura 56 verses 12- 39: "They shall recline on jewelled couches face to face, and there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and ewers and a cup of purest wine (that will neither pain their heads nor take away their reason); with fruits of their own choice and flesh of fowls that they relish. And theirs shall be the dark-eyed houris, chaste as hidden pearls: a guerdon for their deeds... We created the houris and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand..."

One should note that most translations, even those by Muslims themselves such as A Yusuf Ali, and the British Muslim Marmaduke Pickthall, translate the Arabic (plural) word Abkarun as virgins, as do well-known lexicons such the one by John Penrice. I emphasise this fact since many pudic and embarrassed Muslims claim there has been a mistranslation, that "virgins" should be replaced by "angels". In sura 55 verses 72-74, Dawood translates the Arabic word " hur " as "virgins", and the context makes clear that virgin is the appropriate translation: "Dark-eyed virgins sheltered in their tents (which of your Lord's blessings would you deny?) whom neither man nor jinnee will have touched before." The word hur occurs four times in the Koran and is usually translated as a "maiden with dark eyes".

Two points need to be noted. First, there is no mention anywhere in the Koran of the actual number of virgins available in paradise, and second, the dark-eyed damsels are available for all Muslims, not just martyrs. It is in the Islamic Traditions that we find the 72 virgins in heaven specified: in a Hadith (Islamic Tradition) collected by Al-Tirmidhi (died 892 CE [common era*]) in the Book of Sunan (volume IV, chapters on The Features of Paradise as described by the Messenger of Allah [Prophet Muhammad], chapter 21, About the Smallest Reward for the People of Paradise, (Hadith 2687). The same hadith is also quoted by Ibn Kathir (died 1373 CE ) in his Koranic commentary (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72: "The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana'a [Yemen]'."


The Hoff - King Of Internet

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