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Baba Yetu - Peter Hollens & Malukah

artician says...

I feel like this is one of the most moving songs humanity has ever produced. I recoiled when I discovered it was some christian nonsense, but with some healthy introspection I couldn't bring myself to hate it just for that (even though I really, really want to!).
If it's good, then it's good.

Irish are the niggers of Europe? Reginald D Hunter

chingalera says...

JSing and Chaos made the two small leaps here that points to the interpreter as the responsible party to context. Meaning can be elusive to folks who have problems with critical thinking and with regard to 'racism' (the definition and intensity of this label range from arbitrary to anally-exacting considering the range of interpretation) there is no clear, consensual handbook...In the 00's, the word 'nigger' being so flagrantly abused and praised as it has become a filler-word in hip-hop and rap culture as well as a safe-haven for haters who love to toss the convenient label 'racist' around like skee-ball tickets, when they simply refuse to fucking think, or dislike someone, or are simply cunts, etc.

True racism exists but not on the scale imagined by the weak-minded and overly sensitive who both recoil from the very notion of certain words even existing (wouldn't the world be such a wonderful place if the word nigger did not exist and the world could all hold hands and blow soap bubbles and kiss puppy dogs?? Pretentious, American, WHITE PEOPLE have so abused both the concept and history of racism that the waters of it's essence have become murky. Chumps use the label 'racism' as if it were ranch dressing to refer to all manner of perceived evils of the world when their little cruise-liner of self-delusion drifts ever-so-slightly off course.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

enoch says...

fair enough my man.
personally i find the ignore button an un-necessary serves no purpose other than to keep my own personal echo chamber free from dissenting voices.

no fun in that at all.

and as you still see his comments when someone quotes why bother?

while i am reluctant to speak for @chingalera ,allow me to back up my argument in regards to how ya'all are making his case.

i shall channel choggie and attempt to translate his verbal perusings in order to make my case:

QUOTE:"I revel in the destruction of formulaic redundancy, especially when the phenomena occurs from time to time on the sift when a small contingent of back-patters load the place with atheism=great, Christians, etc. (insert faith-based philosophies) =shit, and most political offerings in the form of republicans/conservatives=shit, democrats/liberals=my-shit-doesn't-stink-like-theirs videos. "

TRANSLATION: i detest know-it-all's and will go on the offensive to show them the errors of their ways.

QUOTE:"Also a frequent and predictable phenomena, that a single down-vote, tinctured with an alternative perspective in comments, has the gang come spilling from the douche-works like cockroaches to offer their smarmy, childish two-cents, in order to make themselves feeeeel good. Hate this shit. It shows a lack of a certain social evolution from which I instinctively recoil."

TRANSLATION:it only takes that ONE downvote for other like-minded know-it-alls to come out of the woodwork to add their own smug opinion to belittle a person with a different perspective.i find this a form of bullying and it appalls me.

QUOTE:"As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom."

TRANSLATION: i dont know everything and neither do you.

QUOTE:"Quite simply, when I see atheists deride another belief system with childish and derogatory banter like a gang of hyena stealing meat I treat them like a pack of feral creatures and similarly, I tend to shit on people's assumptions of how the world would be a better place if everyone thought the way "I" do regarding politics.

TRANSLATION: i hate bullies and will call them out every time.

QUOTE:"It's fucking tired and boring and makes the place to myself, look like a very untalented graffiti artist used sub-par aerosols to deface a shrine or temple.

TRANSLATION:i am alone but am fully un-impressed with your boring and unoriginal group-think.

so i guess it all comes down to perception and intent.
how you perceive ching and discern his intent.
though he is incredibly verbose and practices the art of flowery language he has been quite clear on his intentions.

let us examine the responses on this thread shall we?
a number here actually discussed openly chings intentions as if he was not part of this thread.

by discerning his intent and then engaging in a group discussion on that assumption has made chings guys are behaving exactly as ching accuses you all of being guilty of.

i do not have a problem with @chingalera
but nor do i have a problem with you or @VoodooV or @ChaosEngine.(or anybody else for that matter)

but this has become spectacle rather than substance.
now maybe ching bears some responsibility but that burden is not his alone.
you all bear some responsibility as well....
as do i now..


Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

I revel in the destruction of formulaic redundancy, especially when the phenomena occurs from time to time on the sift when a small contingent of back-patters load the place with atheism=great, Christians, etc. (insert faith-based philosophies) =shit, and most political offerings in the form of republicans/conservatives=shit, democrats/liberals=my-shit-doesn't-stink-like-theirs videos.

Also a frequent and predictable phenomena, that a single down-vote, tinctured with an alternative perspective in comments, has the gang come spilling from the douche-works like cockroaches to offer their smarmy, childish two-cents, in order to make themselves feeeeel good. Hate this shit. It shows a lack of a certain social evolution from which I instinctively recoil.

Your retort here, predictable as well:
Opening with sarcasm, a self-aggrandizing confession followed-up with an insult with reference to my character. Thank you though, for the black hole comparison, gravity and light do not have a chance of escaping me.

As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom.

Quite simply, when I see atheists deride another belief system with childish and derogatory banter like a gang of hyena stealing meat I treat them like a pack of feral creatures and similarly, I tend to shit on people's assumptions of how the world would be a better place if everyone thought the way "I" do regarding politics.

It's fucking tired and boring and makes the place to myself, look like a very untalented graffiti artist used sub-par aerosols to deface a shrine or temple.

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

bareboards2 says...

Thought of this comment stream when I read this. The last line.

It's been clear to me for decades that men have a rough go of it -- societal expectations and pressures that I would find crushing.

As a feminist/humanist, it has always been clear to me that men have to tackle that on their own. Women have been fighting against societal crap, men have to fight their own fight.

Our fights are different, however. (And we need to hold each other accountable. We need to get up in each other's grill about how we compartmentalize each other, and react to each other from our "lizard brains" -- the non-thinking part. Women do it, too -- example -- as much as I say I like a man to show his feelings, when a man cries, sometimes I recoil instinctively. Operative word -- "instinct". Not reason.)

It doesn't help when someone speaks up about their own problem, and someone else says -- yeah? well? I got it bad too. Shut up!

That isn't going to fix either problems.

If we could talk about how these problems are interrelated, that would be grand, rather than turning it into some kind of competition.

Duck Dynasty Butthole Logic

bcglorf says...

The "duck guy" paraphrased a section of the Bible that lists homosexual behaviour as sin. Sin being basically a purely christian concept based on it's understanding of how God does and does not want us to behave. This understanding for the vast majority of Christians being based upon... the Bible.

My mind recoiled when the guy in the video gets outraged over misuse of logic AND in the same sentence classing homosexuality as sin. Quoting the Bible listing something as sin pretty much DOES, by any logic one can imagine, demonstrate that it is sin. That doesn't require anyone to recognize that as morally right or wrong, but don't go refusing to accept a religious text says something just because you disagree.

And as I've said in other threads, I'm pretty sure this guy's take on anybody fired for supporting gay-marriage is that the employer in those cases had no right at all to do so...

Girls Are Assholes

chingalera says...

Yessir, males don't get a pass at all in fact, the declining character of the the last 2 gens of male representatives of the species in western civilization have caused the keepers of the ova to recoil from relationships and children, embittering and alienating them. Some embrace lesbian relationships out of emotional necessity as a means of avoiding the cycle of poor-quality hetero partner defeats and heartbreaks while a large majority have quite the dildo collection (as well as lubes and beads, maybe some harnesses).

It is a constant force from abuse on all fronts that tends to cause the weak to spiral into madness...most likely, by design.
Society in decline peoples, best of and worst of times.

Full auto Gauss machine gun firing slugs into a laptop.

Jerykk says...

Ideally, a railgun would eliminate recoil, muzzle flash and noise, making it more effective for sniping.

The problem is that getting the railgun to fire bullets faster than combustion-based weapons requires a lot of electricity.

Russell Brand on MSNBC Mocking Media

chingalera says...

I feel you with your enthusiasm for the language and it's not his pace or obscure references or a refined use of language that's bothersome-It's an air of entitlement and his enormous ego I can't stomach, the chap has his moments-

I recoil from his popularity fueled by the media machine-Gauging pop culture based on her icons I'd have to imagine comedy isn't dead, it's merely retarded.

CreamK said:

Maybe it's too fast and complex for you.. Yeah, he uses posh words and rare terms but that's just one part of the act. It's a really nice twist on the other wise dumped down comedy. You compare a british and murikan cursing and the vocabulary is highly in the favor of the old UK punk...

Another good brit comedian is Tim Minchin, he has great vocabulary and some form of grace in his way of relaying information to another humanbeing. Both fellows makes people think and i like that.

As non-native english speaker, i enjoy good set of new words... Sometimes i wonder why 99,999% of the stuff i see on tv uses a lot of same words over and over to explain something that could be described with one word more accurately.

Irish Politician Calls Obama "War Criminal" & "Hypocrite"

chingalera says...

The "silent" war has been a huge success already-

Distracting and dumbing-down an entire nation while toxifying them with food, advertising, punditry, sports diversion, terrorist paranoia, mindless, vapid dialogue of current events designed to disrupt critical thinking and instill a systemic helplessness to recoil or rebel....It's going to take meta-programming on a global scale to correct this fuck-up, or perhaps simply worldwide natural catastrophe or alien invasion. We could start by executing politicians on national television, that'd be the fastest quick-fix...after a speedy series of mock trials of course-

SevenFingers said:

SO I'm assuming (this is one big ASS. mind you) that if Snowden get's droned to death, and it is confirmed an american military drone killed him, that war will break out inside the USA within 20 years.

Or maybe USA will fill so full of shit it eventually has diarrhea all over the rest of the planet and everyone will be covered.

Ron Paul "When...TRUTH Becomes Treasonous!"

chingalera says...

Ambassador Wooooolsey....Towing the party-line of "Create the problem, provide the solution." Some people simply need to be kicked in the face with their own bullshit...

Fuck Morgan, he demands his guests answer his bullshit questions and recoils from the same courtesy in every interview he orchestrates. The only way to deal with a choad like this is to over-shout him and disrupt his program....Like Alex Jones does so well-Someone needs to shut this errand-boy's shit down-I know, how about everyone stop watching CNN (or all television altogether)...only way to kill this pieces of shit like this-IGNORE them with your time and money.

Beast of the sky: A-10 Thunderbolt II mid-air refueling

Beast of the sky: A-10 Thunderbolt II mid-air refueling

MilkmanDan says...

@kulpims - Yes, the physics of it suggest that even shooting fairly heavy depleted uranium shells at very high velocities at a fairly high rate of fire can't really put much of a dent in the momentum of a *very* heavy plane moving at a pretty high velocity.

Still, the pilot at the time told me in person (and some research I've done since then also suggests it may be true) that angling the gun off of perfectly straight alignment was deemed necessary due to shear forces that would require fairly dramatic pilot correction when firing the weapon.

Definitely nothing like dramatically slowing the airspeed of the plane, but I still found it impressive that the recoil of the gun became a design challenge even in such a large aircraft.

Beast of the sky: A-10 Thunderbolt II mid-air refueling

kulpims says...

the recoil force of the gau8 gatling gun firing is greater than what a single A-10 engine puts out! in practice however it only slows the plane down a few miles per hour ...

MilkmanDan said:

I remember seeing an A-10 at Oshkosh air show when I was pretty young (10-13?). The pilot told me about how the gun had to be offset from the centerline of the plane to keep the recoil from physically jarring the plane and screwing up flightpaths (though not as extreme as "causing the plane to stall" which was an early tall tale about the plane). Then he gave me a spent round from that very gun.

I still remember being impressed with both the plane itself, and that pilot.

Beast of the sky: A-10 Thunderbolt II mid-air refueling

MilkmanDan says...

I remember seeing an A-10 at Oshkosh air show when I was pretty young (10-13?). The pilot told me about how the gun had to be offset from the centerline of the plane to keep the recoil from physically jarring the plane and screwing up flightpaths (though not as extreme as "causing the plane to stall" which was an early tall tale about the plane). Then he gave me a spent round from that very gun.

I still remember being impressed with both the plane itself, and that pilot.

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