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redneck road rage karma strikes back

Januari says...

Newt not sure why you think it is, but yielding to faster traffic in the left lane is most certainly not a law in every state.

"Uniform Vehicle Code, which says a car driving below the "normal speed of traffic" should be driven in the right-hand lane. Because it indicates "normal speed" instead of saying "speed limit" a driver going above the speed limit but slower than most traffic is still in the wrong."

is the guideline that slightly more than half the states in the US follow.

She is very reckless for devoting that much attention to recording it, but as she was already slightly exceeding the speed limit its unlikely she was breaking the law of failing to yield to faster traffic.

redneck road rage karma strikes back

eric3579 says...

He got what he deserved but she didn't. That annoyed me.

It would be awesome if the law tracked her down from her account and mailed her a big fat citation for operating her phone while driving or some similar thing(reckless driving)

Cake - The Distance (music video by Mark Kohr)

Zawash says...

Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,
Engines pumping and thumping in time.
The green light flashes, the flags go up.
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.
They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank,
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank.
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns.
Their prowess is potent and secretly stearn.
As they speed through the finish, the flags go down.
The fans get up and they get out of town.
The arena is empty except for one man,
Still driving and striving as fast as he can.
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,
And long ago somebody left with the cup.
But he's driving and striving and hugging the turns.
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns.

He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
She's all alone (All alone!)
All alone in her time of need.
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse,
He's going the distance.

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
He's haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force.
In his mind, he's still driving, still making the grade.
She's hoping in time that her memories will fade.
Cause he's racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,
And long ago somebody left with the cup.
But he's striving and driving and hugging the turns.
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns.

Cause he's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
She's all alone (All alone!)
All alone in her time of need.
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He's racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
He's going the distance.

The Law You Won't Be Told - CGP Grey

gorillaman says...

One of the downsides of jury nullification not mentioned in the video is that it doesn't afford higher courts the opportunity to correct defects in the law.

In the UK an eleven and a twelve year old boy set fire to some newspapers, which unknown to them spread to a wheelie bin, which spread to another wheelie bin, which spread to a shop and eventually caused ~£1 million damage. They were convicted of arson despite an extremely reluctant jury and even judge, because while it was acknowledged that the boys didn't foresee the risk of the fire spreading the standard of recklessness at the time (which had persisted for around two decades) was an objective one referring to the judgement of a hypothetical reasonable adult.

It took their conviction, and the Court of Appeals upholding that conviction, for the House of Lords to reexamine the bad precedent they'd set in an earlier case and finally revert the standard to a subjective one of the defendant's actual capacity.

It may take thousands of nullifications before legislators even notice that their terrible laws aren't being enforced, while one unsound conviction can make a difference. So your strategy as a juror may be to convict in obviously stupid cases (unconstitutional ones in the US, say), but nullify where the law appears to be functioning as intended but conflicts with your conscience.

Crashes at Nordschleife - Nürburgring

jubuttib says...

Not racing, because... Well, they're not racing. You'll get into serious shit if you try to race there during touristenfahrten. And it's not off-road because you're quite clearly on the road, a public one-way toll road none the less. I'll easily give you "reckless operation" though. =)

Crashes at Nordschleife - Nürburgring

SFOGuy says...

LOL---how the heck would wrecking a car under those circumstances not fall under either the "reckless operation", "racing", or "off-road" exemptions???
Of course, not a German insurance agent either...

AeroMechanical said:

So, um, does insurance cover wrecking your car at the Nordschleife? I think technically it is a public road.

GoPro Pimping: Where's the camera?

maatc says...

As we can see in the Michael Schumacher case: wearing a helmet does not necessarily protect you from a bad injury, but can make a big difference in life or death accident-scenarios

He fell at slow speed right next to the groomed track, his head hit a rock and the impact broke his helmet. No indication of "reckless behaviour" at all there, just the worst possible place to fall at. He would be dead had he not worn one.

ChaosEngine said:

Regarding the helmet/death statistics.. I'd be interested to see what percentage of deaths are from people wearing helmets.

It doesn't matter if 70% of people are wearing helmets if the 30% who aren't are the ones doing potentially fatal activities. A family who ski/ride once a year and wear helmets on green runs are probably not going to die, but that 14 year old who's going for it in the half-pipe every chance s/he gets is at a higher risk.

I snowboard pretty regularly myself and these days I tend to stick with back/side country. I've pretty much always worn a helmet, but I used to see a lot of young guys in the park hitting decent sized jumps/rails without one.


sepatown says...

NZ make the best Traffic PSAs even if I completely disagree with the point of this one. Basically it's part of the process of conditioning the populace to be more accepting of penalties for incidental speeding. Demonize the person who drives at 105kmh in a 100 zone and make it seem like they're doing something as stupid or reckless as someone doing 130.

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

eric3579 says...

My observations as someone who drives pretty much all the time but has spent some time on a bike (all being in the San Francisco bay area in Calif.)
In general people who are incompetent asshole drivers (ones who don't obey the law and drive in a dangerous manner) also tend to be incompetent asshole cyclist. Assholes are assholes regardless of mode of transportation. I also think that when a driver sees a cyclist do something unsafe it makes an impression that they dont forget as conflicts are a rare occurrence (compared to conflict with other automobiles)and tends to stand out in ones mind. However I find that every time i drive across town or down to the local market I see multiple people (in cars) tailgating ,driving to fast, running lights, not using signals, generally being unsafe. Thing is we accept this as being pretty normal so it doesn't make as much of an impression. Just business as usual.
Being on a bike for me makes me hyper aware of my surroundings as I realize one mistake by an automobile can cost me dearly. When driving in my comfortable bubble of an automobile not so much.
Also in MY(exclusive to my personal experience) many years of being on this planet ive not once irl known a cyclist who condemn motorist for driving automobiles. Thinking they are somehow better for riding a bike(its always drivers who say that about cyclists). Most peeps i know that ride bikes do so because they love it and don't give two shits about what you do.

Just annoys me that people are so quick to point out some reckless cyclist when they have little or nothing to say about the epidemic that is horrible unsafe driving(at least in California) that we seem to accept.

Traffic Stop Nearly Turns Deadly

Lawdeedaw says...

But onto the content of this video, this has little to do with the high speed limit. The mother was probably concerned with the drugs she had in the car--which could have resulted in the loss of her children.

First there are many factors here. The biggest one is that the last officer to arrive was most likely unaware of the children in the vehicle (Since it looks like he had just arrived at the end of the video.)

Second, there were a lot of people there who were defensive of their mother, one of which was already physically aggressive.

The third point to make is that a vehicle is a deadly weapon, no matter what kind. By driving off you are showing a dangerous recklessness and willingness to hurt/kill other people (Including your children) and that you are fine with the worst scenario happening. (This is also why there is a no chase policy, unless circumstances outweigh the risks.)

I personally think this officer was indecisive and used far too little force to start with when the mother drove away the first time. In fact, it resulted in far too much at the end. The officer holds his tazer at the son without using it. What was he thinking? In truth, he let this happen by trying to be kind.

Make no mistake, I don't agree with how the officers handled it. There are policies to avoid this. And shooting into a car, for the simple fact that it can then be driverless and a danger to others, is/should be prohibited (Again, based on the totality of what a reasonable officer thinks is the danger to others.)

Marine to McCain: I would have you arrested for treason

longde says...

Irony of ironies. Accusing a POfuckingW who was tortured and refused to leave early of treason. I don't like McCain, but gotdamn that's ridiculous.

But McCain is almost partially responsible for this by recklessly putting the spotlight on Palin.

Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee

bcglorf says...

It's 190 degrees in Farenheit. In Celsius that's only 88 degrees. It's well below boiling and I dare say most of us do handle boiling water regularly.

I agree her story is an important cautionary tale and reminder just how dangerous boiling water can be. I do NOT believe it means that selling boiling or near boiling water to customers should be considered unethical and reckless. Boiling water is a common enough substance, and well enough understood that hands down the responsibility for handling it properly should fall with the user.

I guess I still stand with the idea that suing somebody for selling you boiling water because you later spill it on yourself is as stupid an idea to me now as ever.

bobknight33 said:

Well to a point a agree.
However knowingly providing a product that can / will cause 3rd degree burns warrants special understanding of product continent and delivery.

A Styrofoam cup with a cheesy fitting lit seams a bit lacking.

A stronger containment system to prevent the lid from easily coming off seems like a step in the right direction.

If I was in a lab had had to transport some acid would I use a cheep container that would allow a possible accident if dropped or tipped over or would I desire to solid container / lid system?

I get it it's just coffee and we handle it every day and are aware of its danger. But we don't handle 190 degree coffee every day. Only and McDonalds

Good guy truck driver cuts in

lucky760 says...

There are two lanes on that bridge. He wasn't passing on the right; he was just driving in the right lane. And why do you feel the truck isn't allowed to drive in the left lane?

I'm not really following your highway logic. Do you live somewhere where rules of the road dictate that trucks are not allowed to drive on the left and cars are not allowed to drive on the right?

The truck very deliberately breached the divider line to force the car to slow down. There was plenty of space in the lane and he was slow enough that the car had no choice but to slow down, which is why he had time for the truck to get out of view and was at a low enough speed that he could stop before careening into the overturned car.

There was a very tiny window of time the truck driver had to react to help the car, and he didn't have to do anything at all, but he probably saved lives with his not-at-all-reckless maneuver. If I was in the car, I would have been very thankful.

doogle said:

well, they're both dipshits imo. Who passes on the right? And why is the truck on the left? He was probably going to move back to the right lane anyway, but if not (in being a good guy) he almost hits this car or push him into the side anyway, not really leaving him much time or space to slow down.

He just simply driven more slowly.

Powerpoints with Expiration Date? (Money Talk Post)

chingalera says...

When I see something I'd like to promote I fix dead embeds to recharge points. 2 dead fixes, 2 power points. Use, fix, repeat. Up-to-date embed and sift coins to throw around
Almost made Necromancer level 69 and wishin' I was a lesbian.

One step away from death

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'reckless, near death, dashcam' to 'reckless, near death, dashcam, truck, bus, pedestrian, crossing the road' - edited by kulpims

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