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Suggestion: reduce Sifty's real estate in comments. (Sift Talk Post)

Suggestion: reduce Sifty's real estate in comments. (Sift Talk Post)

Suggestion: reduce Sifty's real estate in comments. (Sift Talk Post)

ReverendTed says...

>> ^kymbos:

I hate seeing the 'recently upvoted comments' stream to find someone has upvoted an automated comment by Siftbot.
I can see this both ways, for exactly that reason.

Upvoting a Siftbot comment to get it onto the Newest Appreciated Comments list is an easy way to draw attention to a video.

The Onion: Man using two screens is not fucking around

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^spoco2:

I just watched this on my right monitor while having a couple of programming IDEs open on the left one.
Is my shit tight too?
Or have I just been drinking too much coffee?

Damn straight!

Too much screen real estate is like too much money, it can potentially be a problem but the vast majority of people don't have near enough to worry about it.

C-17 Lands At Wrong Airport In Tampa

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

kevingrr says...


I am all for good lending practices, but what is happening now goes beyond that. I know of several instances of developers having signed leases from investment grade tenants (large pharmaceutical companies , retailers etc.)who have had significant challenges obtaining financing, even with putting up 40% equity.

At the end of the day the fewer 'good' projects that get done means fewer jobs that are created, both on a temporary (construction) and permanent basis.

I am not on the development side so I don't have first hand experience with the above.

I don't disagree that speculative real estate developments should have trouble getting financing, but that isn't the only kind of product being effected by the new standards.

My take on Jamie Dimon is he isn't Bill Gates. He is a banker and he wants to make money for his company and his shareholders. So did Steve Jobs. I don't fault him for looking out for his interests and I don't fault those who seek to restrain them reasonably. I don't view him as a hero or a demon. He is just a banker - and he seems to be a very 'good' one.

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

bmacs27 says...


I think there is a lot of reason to be angry, and increasingly a sense that the traditional tools of policy and working within the system have failed us. Jamie Dimon is no hero. He's one of the key people that fought tooth and nail to keep effective regulations from being drafted. They talk big about the natural consequences of the market, and then they go and benefit more than almost any other industry from the government tit. It's disgusting hypocrisy.

I'm also surprised that you would talk about being from the real estate sector, and not be familiar with at least the putative benefits of the securitization of debt (the reason the needed to repeal glass steagall). If you are waiting for a return to the ease of real estate finance you may have experienced in the past decade or two of frothy CDOs you're kidding yourself. The party is over. There needs to be a return to actual underwriting standards, and an enforcement of those standards. That means paperwork. Sorry.

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

vaire2ube says...

Chase is only doing good because they havent been caught yet... and they ended the no-min balance free checking WAMU had in place. Same with Bank of America.

I seriously had bank of america drain my $25.00 account I opened in 2008, telling me they charged a fee one year after the account was opened. Only they decided four months ago. When I went to the bank, they said if I didnt pay another $25.00 in overdraft because they were charging me because they already took my cash, I would be sent to collections. So bank of america stole $50 dollars directly from me, not to mention all the other money they must steal. Run out? Print more, steal more. Buy goods and services and real estate that can't be refunded or liquidated, rinse, repeat.

Fucking assholes.

There was no help for me. I can afford the loss, I'm too smart to know nothing will ever happen to get my money back, and im too dumb to keep track of my money so i put it in a bank and they stole it. I really am not too good at life.

Maybe in the end, there can be only one. And then we can all stfu or gtfo! it would be easier than pretending there was a solution.

ps I'm a white male aged 18-34 with a high 700's credit score and no outstanding debts... i had money to spare... but that doesn't mean the bank can steal it... i could have used it for something too, and it was mine. wahhhhh!!!

geez i sound almost as bad as the corporate babys and other crooks who are sad they can't steal so easily. wahhhh!!! i have to work to live in a country where im not as likely to be raped for an AIDS cure or/and beheaded for my religion!!! communism!!! black people!!!

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

Yogi says...

>> ^kevingrr:

I'm sorry my fellow sifters advocate "offing" these guys. These guys work seven days a week and they work to make a profit - just like every other business.
J.P. Morgan Chase was the go to entity to take over Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual when they failed. Why? Chase was strong enough to bear the burden.
Regarding TARP money Chase never wanted it or needed it. Link
The Dodd Frank and Consumer Protection act is a poorly written gargantuan hydra of a bill. I know this because the small community bankers I know are saying they are not going to be able to stay afloat.
My companies president - someone who I know for a fact has voted as a democrat for over 40 years - told me yesterday he will vote against Obama in the upcoming election. Why? We work in real estate and the paperwork needed to finance a project has multiplied - and with it the number of lawyers and legal hours required - that is if we can get something financed period. Good for lawyers - bad for anyone who might want to work building a new shopping center(architects, tradesmen, engineers, etc) or working there in the future.
Make the rules simple, make them fair, and enforce them effectively.

Oh Yay! Another lying apologist Fuckhead.

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

kevingrr says...


I'm sorry my fellow sifters advocate "offing" these guys. These guys work seven days a week and they work to make a profit - just like every other business.

J.P. Morgan Chase was the go to entity to take over Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual when they failed. Why? Chase was strong enough to bear the burden.

Regarding TARP money Chase never wanted it or needed it. Link

The Dodd Frank and Consumer Protection act is a poorly written gargantuan hydra of a bill. I know this because the small community bankers I know are saying they are not going to be able to stay afloat.

My companies president - someone who I know for a fact has voted as a democrat for over 40 years - told me yesterday he will vote against Obama in the upcoming election. Why? We work in real estate and the paperwork needed to finance a project has multiplied - and with it the number of lawyers and legal hours required - that is if we can get something financed period. Good for lawyers - bad for anyone who might want to work building a new shopping center(architects, tradesmen, engineers, etc) or working there in the future.

Make the rules simple, make them fair, and enforce them effectively.

Neil Degrasse Tyson - Earth Is Bad For Life

Caine's Arcade - Best Kids Arcade Story Ever

Jinx says...

I hope his dad gets some of that moolah, after all, it is on his real estate :3.

No but srsly, Dad did good. Can't imagine there are a lot of people that would let their kid build all over their shop front.

Chinese Youth Discuss what is Wrong with the USA

Drachen_Jager says...


Corporations already use force. They are more subtle about it than the Somolis, sure, that's an extreme example, but why do you think Foxconn employees commit suicide in such high numbers? They are forced to work long hours, the company forces them to live on-site, the company forces them to develop no social contact.

Companies in the States even use force on the government. They threaten to pull up stakes if a state won't change the laws to their liking. They pay billions of dollars to force their message down the throats of gullible people (such as yourself).

You want companies to have more freedom, to what end? Perhaps it would mean an increase in GDP, but a larger share of that GDP would go to a smaller number of people. If 95% of the people are worse off, 4% are the same and 1% do better, is that good policy? Look at Sweden, which has high taxes and strict laws governing how corporations must act. Are they suffering? Nope, the people are doing way better than America. Same for Japan. In spite of all their economic troubles, the PEOPLE of Japan are doing quite well. Americans? Not so much. One of the highest crime rates in developed countries, one of the highest infant mortality rates, near the lowest education and literacy levels, near the highest in poverty rates, near the lowest life expectancy. Is that the place where you want to live? More freedom for corporations means more gulf oil spills, more union busting, lower wages, lower employee benefits, more offshoring of American jobs.

Finally, China is not doing as well as most people suppose. Much of their economic boom has been real-estate driven and it is in a bubble which will make the US look like a joke by comparison. There are whole cities in China with space for two million people that are completely empty. All of it was driven by government legislation (ie. not free). In fact China has a much more restrictive business environment than America in many ways, they just have rock-bottom wages, a near endless supply of people and moderate education levels. That is why they're doing well (for now, we'll see what happens when their bubble pops).

How Do You Not Watch BBC's Top Gear? (Wheels Talk Post)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Hybrid:

The problem is that Top Gear has become an entertainment programme foremost. It's no longer a show about cars. It's a show about Jeremy, Richard and James acting like kids in the name of comedy. All the big segments with them trying out three different cars together, or racing across Europe... it's all totally staged and I'm bored with that now. It's getting so silly. It's like they are trolling the viewers to see how far they can take those segments before the viewers realise it's nonsense.
I say this as a Brit. It's sad to see the show go so far up its own arse.

I dunno, I'm not sure Top Gear (as it is now) was ever really about cars. The old Top Gear with Tiff Needell and the other boring guy who like a real estate agent was a proper motoring show, and frankly, it suffered the fate it deserved.

New Top Gear is an entertainment show that happens to focus on cars. The cars themselves are only marginally more important than science is on the Big Bang Theory.

And of course it's nonsense, but it's entertaining nonsense. You can't take anything they say seriously.

Except for one thing which they are totally right about.

Toyota Hiluxs are awesome.

Ok, I own a hilux surf and I love it. Toyota, give me free stuff!

csnel3 (Member Profile)

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