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Pee Wee Herman on Conan, Explaining

'Accidental' Download Sending Guy To Prison

Xax says...

>> ^hollywooddigital:
Xax, you're right if you're assuming his intent was to download child pr0n in the first place. in that case, who cares? he's guilty as charged! fuck pedophiles.
Assuming he did not intend to download said material, his first mistake was to use Limewire to get pr0n! Every idiot knows 85% of Limewire is something other than what it's supposed to be and loaded with viruses. I'm sure it just wasn't a few files. He probably was getting loads of it for several months straight and watching it otherwise they wouldn't send him to prison.. think about it.
So ask yourself, why are you defending this pedo perp?
The real lesson here is, don't use Limewire to get Porn. That's it. Case closed.

I'm sorry, have you been named judge, jury, and executioner without my knowledge? I sure hope not, especially if you've made up your mind that this guy is guilty based on the flimsiest of evidence and a local news clip.

I won't apologize for having respect for the notion of reasonable doubt and due process. Here's hoping you never find yourself being wrongly accused of breaking the law. Scratch that - I hope you do; we'll see how long that blind trust lasts.

You can start to purge your ignorance by watching 12 Angry Men. It seems to me that 12 Italian jurors would've benefited from watching the film as well.

Blackwater Attempted a $1,000,000 Bribe To Cover Up Massacre

Rage Against The Machine - Testify

eric3579 says...

The movie ran through me
The glamour subdued me
The tabloid untied me
I'm empty please fill me
Mister anchor assure me
That Baghdad is burning
Your voice it is so soothing
That cunning mantra of killing
I need you my witness
To dress this up so bloodless
To numb me and purge me now
Of thoughts of blaming you
Yes the car is our wheelchair
My witness your coughing
Oily silence mocks the legless boys
Who travel now in coffins
On the corner
The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside your door

Now testify
Now testify
It's right outside your door
Now testify
Yes testify
Its right outside your door

With precision you feed me
My witness I'm hungry
Your temple it calms me
So I can carry on
My slaving sweating the skin right off my bones
On a bed of fire I'm choking on the smoke that fills my home
The wrecking ball is rushing
Witness your blushing
The pipeline is gushing
While here we lie in tombs
While on the corner
The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside your door

Now testify
Yeah testify
It's right outside your door
Now testify
Now testify
It's right outside your door

Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set

Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now controls the past
Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now?

Now testify
It's right outside your door
Now testify
It's right outside your door

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Man, I can't do shit right now!!-what i really want to do is purge my profile of fly-by comments from detractors and hooligans-And users have the power to fix any deadpool vids, even their own.

I truly do not understand the private profile comment restriction-it is solely from the bitching of a few tantrum throwers who are more skilled at currying favor and sympathy from years of experience.

You see, if someone leaves a private message they take offense at, they can simple cut, paste, and the world knows all about it...

I always left messages private, to EVERYONE-It was a rare occasion when I posted public, my profile comments. I requested the same form others when they sent me messages-

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Can you modify your own posts? That's how you fix those. I'm not sure you can fix other member's posts as long as you're a P.

For the old-timers: Should Choggie be allowed back in the sift? (User Poll by gwiz665)

Throbbin says...

I dunno Choggie, was never involved in discussions with or about him. Reading through the thread's linked to above, I can see he was kind of an ass. He does seem interesting though. Alot of people seem to know choggie outside of vs (in rl). I can't comment on his rl behaviour, but I think he should be allowed back. Hobble him when he gets back to prevent abuses, and see if he really wants to reform.

If he fucks up again, c'est la vie - ban him for good and purge his memory from vs. If he behaves, unhobble him and move on.

VS is awesome - I can understand why everyone here wants to be here. Many of us have fucked up in the past (apologies, westy) - but we all share a common love of this site and the community. That should be enough imho.

Law Professor calls out Fox News Racism

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

If he is only painting 'the extremists' then what is he complaining about? I fail to grasp what it is exactly he is expecting Bill or anyone else to do in regards to a bunch of right wing extremists. The only possible logic in the discussion would be if he expects the radical right wing extremists to 'not tolerate' a bunch of even MORE radical right wing extremists. The context of his speech does not in any way intimiate that he's expecting extremists to purge out an even 'extremer' element.

However, the 912 protesters are tolerating the racists if the racists have a conspicuous presence and noone calls them out

Even you yourself accept that what he's really saying is that it is the protesters fault for 'tolerating' racists and not 'calling them out'. How do you know they didn't? How do you know there weren't other people, quiet - calm - unassuming - unnewsworthy people who weren't doing that? Or are you simply assuming that everyone in the protests were racists because they weren't in the process of tarring and feathering the kooks when a news van rolled by?

Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher 8/22/09

timtoner says...

What chills me as I watch the video is Bill Maher's comments about what is to be done with these people. I'm not one to rush to Nazism or any other group that saw a purge as necessary to ensure purity of ideology, but the logical consequence of what he's asking is that we remove from positions of responsibility those people who show such 'mental defects'. An exemplar of the atheistic ideal is Michael Shermer who, in Why People Believe Weird Things, states that any atheist who doesn't embrace Spinoza's Dictum with both hands isn't worth a mote of intellectual salt. Harris and Dawkins both exhibit extreme exasperation at having to prove the same things over and over and over in debate after debate. Their result, thus, is to mock those who could believe such things. Harris goes so far as to accuse more liberal-minded believers of allowing fertile ground for the more dangerous ideologies to take root. When it comes to his arguments about a modern Christian not believing in Zeus or Vishnu, I think he's missing a bigger picture. I don't think a modern Christian would 'believe' in the G-d of the disciples, or the God of Abraham. He might see the clear chain, and assume that he does, but to worship that God was very different from the one he goes to every Sunday (or not). The idea of God has evolved with human culture. At times I fear that the two are inseparable. Had we the capacity to wipe out all religious thought, we would not find ourselves in a Dawkinsian utopia, but in a world oddly devoid of certain stabilizing influences. I do not think we get our moral sense entirely from religion, but it certainly helps.

Put another way--it is often said that over 50% of Americans believe in a 6,000 year old earth. This doesn't trouble me as much as it probably should, but I take great comfort in knowing that if I were to take one of these 50% of Americans to the top of a skyscraper and tell them, "Jump off. The God of Abraham will _totally_ catch you," he'll look at me as if I were insane, ESPECIALLY if I said, "No, seriously. He just told me.*" The great revolution in human culture occurred when we swapped learning things through revelation for learning things through deduction. If something is difficult to deduce, then people will fall back on the 'revealed' which is pretty much anything anecdotal. Put another way, tell someone that there are a billion billion stars in the sky, and he'll believe you. Tell the same person that the paint on a park bench is wet, and he'll have to touch it to be sure. Evolution as a metaconcept is hard to deduce, but people get that bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Why can't they bridge the distance? If I knew the answer to that, then there wouldn't be a distance.

* And yes, it is possible with the right listener and the right speaker to find someone willing to jump...but we don't want them breeding anyways, do we? Evolution cleans up its own messes.

SiftPollQuisiton of Queen Isobel for Abuse of Power (User Poll by schmawy)

schmawy says...

Okay, KP. You're right. I was being samefully dramatic when I said "purged". I retract and apologize. The sift has always been fair to a fault, and I have suffered heartache from supporting the unpopular, as I do know. And watch, BobKnight will end up being a huge pain in the ass, probably, but I'd rather we let guilty people free than jail the innocent.

SiftPollQuisiton of Queen Isobel for Abuse of Power (User Poll by schmawy)

kronosposeidon says...

Whom has the Sift "purged" for not being a lefty/liberal?

- CaptainPlanet420? - No, he was banned for deliberately and repeatedly using the wrong channel assignments, just to stir up some shit. He had already been banned for 2 weeks for the same offense prior to his permanent ban for repeat offending.

- BillOreilly? - No, he flamed out by going on a downvote spree, discarding a valid Sift Talk post, and declaring a good video dead. It was vandalism, plain and simple.

- choggie? - No, he flamed out by writing an ad hom Sift Talk post because the admins wouldn't give him another channel, then going on a downvote spree, and then discarding a video for no good reason. This was after he had already been banned for two weeks for wrongfully discarding a video, and prior to that he wrongfully discarded a video too, and he was warned to never do it again. So choggie's exile had nothing to do with his political views, and everything to do with his antisocial behavior.

- MINK? - MINK was never banned. He imposed his own exile. And people generally didn't like his comments NOT because they went against the prevailing sentiments, but because he generally labeled everything and everyone as "retarded." When you do something like that over and over, it's considered in most quarters to be "flaming."

- quantumushroom? - QM was temporarily banned for a downvote spree, not for his dissenting point of view. He's still here, BTW

If it were true that all members whose political points of view were not lefty/liberal have been systematically run off, then we wouldn't have blankfist, MarineGunrock, Doc_M, quantumushroom, Winstonfield_Pennypacker, and imstellar28 here, among others.

I won't debate you that this site is largely liberal, because it just is. However I remember when Ron Paul was the bees knees here, and he ain't exactly a darling of the left.

Basically I'm saying that it's unfair to accuse us of "purging" political dissenters, because it just ain't true.

John Pilger: "Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation"

moodonia says...

I find John Pilger fascinating, I'd recommend his books about Cambodia, the Indonesian purges, the Chagos islands, and about everything else really. The common thread being calling powerful governments on their bullshit about human rights while they shaft powerless people to death and arm madmen.

If nothing else read about Diego Garcia and how Britain and the USA just completely fucked over the natives so badly they might as well have just given them plague blankets. The more things change...

Star Trek: 'The unseen pilot' - Intro. by Gene Roddenberry

Should Video Recommendations Expire? (User Poll by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

In accordance with the outcome of this poll, recommendations which were added for you more than 3 days ago will now be automatically purged from the system once nightly. This should keep the number of pages in your recommendations listing manageable.

Worst Zit Ever

Creature says...

Oh and "zit", "boil" and "abscess" are all terms relative to size. Most zits, be it face, back, or scalp acne are mild staph infections. When the skin traps oil on its own you tend to get cysts. They tend not to swell quite as much and when you purge them its more like oil or a waxy clump. When its a combination of natural skin oils and staphococci bacteria, a mild infection or zit results. If the immune system is unable to deal with the infection in its own, you tend to get boils and abcesses. Go bad skin and cosmetology school!( half of skincare class was recognizing common problems and knowing when to say "sory, you'll need to talk to a doctor about that.")

Deltron 3030 - Things You Can Do

MrFisk says...

3030 way past the millennium, check it out
Yo, Deltron thunderforce, ain't no other source of sunlight
Two ton mic, leave you toungue-tied
Runnin amuck with technology with no apology
Shoutin out to my colony with third eye physiology
Millennium past apocalypse is all I spit
Make you swallow it - your weak style, I'll abolish it
with nuclear rockets they glued to your optics with sci-fi
Unsettlin, man and metal blends
Underground chillin with the Mole Man, and his whole fam
Inhibit bacterial growth, material wrote
Impenetrable, incontestable, indigestible intelligence
Never let a computer tell me SHIT
It's rapid innovation, penetratin
Artificial life forms, who bite songs
I'm a buy a vest, lie is next, then I'll flip the bio-techs
Right into the wireless; your third eye is hit with psoriasis
The mightiest, Deltron Zero
Traverse and purge the travesties that tempt your earholds
The area of distribution, lifts the clueless
My flow is like, liquid oxygen
Rip it often with specific impulse, increasin thrust
Grease the cuts - unleash a cluster of thoughts I muster
I talk to touch ya, and rupture commercial communications
Convert solar energy, into imagery
In the mind's eye, blindside the contagious
With radioactive isotopes to decay them
Atomic mass they small as fragments
I magnetize the avid lies
My radiation shields reflects, rejects Decepticons
who take the truth and stretch it long, while I bless a song
Next level incredible, metal melding
Flexability and my engine is never failing

All your rhyme histories combined couldn't violate
the Prime Optimus operative
Use my hydrometer to see how warm you are, watch me form a star
Hydrogen turned to helium when I shine
Ridin 'em revealin 'em leadin 'em to the vacuum
Interact with tunes in my digital citadel
Critical pivotal with the mental shit on you
Spit infinity, hiden energies too dope for our planet
Star spannin, slammin hymms with
mechanical limbs, scanning your lens
with cosmic rays, you'll all get played, your brain's inferior
I hit the lateral AND posterior
My science is eerier
Ionic bonding for your moronic pondering, meet the armorines
My micro machines, might throw your team, into paralysis
They not talented, just a malady
Worry 'bout a salary, creative casualty
Couldn't defrag my power density intensity
Nonequivalence, nine hundred Newtons
Crush you like croutons, you plus Houston
Hiero's like dipoles inside a silo
Turbulence ten-fold, never simple
Defies accepted methods development most unique
Paralyze central nervous when you close to me
Interstellar void fills with color, appears to bubble
and split into four like amoeba
Inhabitin planets with, grandiose boast
and coast like Silver Surfer, feel the purpoise
High velocity, verbal atrocities
Fire resistance, better hire assistants
My pistons glisten ultra, high performance
Inside your private quarters where I fry your components

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