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Stephen Colbert: Super Reagan

ChaosEngine says...

@bmacs27, you are literally invoking Godwin. Yes, if you are going to accuse someone as being comparable to a dictator widely regarded as one of the greatest monsters history, you should have a decent argument to back you up.

@cosmovitelli again, I am not defending the actions of anyone, and I don't think it just comes down to numbers either. You're talking about people who lead genocidal purges against people purely because of their ethnic background or sexuality, or someone who had their political opponents imprisoned and executed en masse.

Whatever you can say about Bush et al, they simply haven't committed those kinds of attrocites.

Louis C.K - If Murder Was Legal

Georgia Sheriffs Draw Blood for ALL DUIs Without Consent

Fletch says...

Why isn't refusing a breathalyzer the same as exercising your right to remain silent? How is this medical procedure different from any other, and how can any medical procedure be forced upon someone like this? Oh, wait... Georgia...


Leave it to a FOX affiliate to spin it in the way they did. And interviews with cops... just piss me off. So predictable, so many cliché and standard PR responses. "Our safefty", "safety of the suspect", "it's ok because a JUDGE approves it". Cops either need to start refusing to do shit like this en masse and lose their jobs, or risk the inevitable Purge.

Best Fails of the Week 4 June 2013

chingalera says...

Ahhhhh, human tragedy...

Thank god most of them are American white people-At the very least my faith in humanity's ability to purge the water bugs from her own pool may remain steadfast for the foreseeable future....

*edit after comment down-vote:

So.....You got a problem with someone whose consistent comment theme suggests that he can't stand most American white folks because of the colour of their mettle? American whites are becoming increasingly and exponentially irresponsible, immoral, and ignorant and and I'm supposed to giggle and point at the developmentally-disabled of my clan?
Fuck that noise, crackers need to pull their collective heads outta their own asses.

Muslims Go Nuts at Swedish University Movie Screening

bcglorf says...

Pretty obvious they expected this reaction by having police present in advance.
Pretty obvious the film was intended to get exactly this reaction.

Normally I'm against setting people up like that.

In this case though I actually find myself considering if this isn't a rather brilliant method of essentially purging the extremists out of society. If your willing to jump straight to violence at someone else's free speech, you are a problem and need to be removed. The faster the extremists are weeded out from the moderates the better off everyone is. It's disturbing how many self-proclaimed 'moderates' support capital punishment for blasphemy and converting away from Islam. IMO holding that view classes you firmly as an extremist and someone completely at odds with the society in which I live and wish to continue living in.

High Voltage Electricity - Up Close & Personal.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

Jerykk says...

Again, genocide and religious/political persecution are not comparable to the system I describe. Nobody in my system would be arrested or executed because of their ethnicity, political alignment or religious beliefs. They would only be arrested and executed if they broke rational and fair laws, such as requiring aspiring parents to be healthy, responsible, educated and financially secure.

And yes, there is a huge disparity in crime rates around the world. What is consistent is that areas with the most surveillance and law enforcement (which are generally the more prosperous and advanced areas) have the lowest crime rates. Washington D.C. currently has the highest violent crime and murder rates in the country. There are shootings on a daily basis (despite the stringent gun laws) in the poorer areas of the city. If the police decided to focus their efforts in these areas and lethally enforced a zero tolerance policy, crime would be significantly reduced. However, they don't because politicians don't care about the ghettos and slums. Instead of trying to either improve them or purge them, they simply let them sit and fester as lousy and irresponsible parents continue to breed future criminals.

ChaosEngine said:

Thankfully, there are no contemporary examples where ALL of what you describe has been attempted. That would be because it was done away with centuries ago as a discredited idea.

The closest attempt to what you describe would be in certain european countries around 1939-1946 (I will not invoke godwin! ). Is that really the model you want to follow?

And your technology argument is patently false. If technology was the primary factor in creating a safe community, then there wouldn't be such a huge disparity between crime rates in different parts of the world. Even allowing that poorer areas have less technology doesn't account for the vast difference.

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

chingalera says...

^^ Thanks for sharing your Dimty reflections, nothing quite like standing in that temple-Did you ever talk to the entities that reside in that space? There's an intelligence there that's not an wholly subjective, associative conjuring of the mind-I know it's a consciousness outside of oneself, maybe a higher self-It's sentient and outside of the realm of any other psychoactive subs I have ever taken.

My first DMT trip I flew through a huge, smiley-face grid (I think I had just seen the Watchmen) before I reached something I did not recognize from all my flight time till then.......Great stuff...Life-affirming and purgative and, you can do it on your LUNCH HOUR!!

“SI” Swimsuit Model Has Oral Sex With Fish Sandwich

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

gwiz665 says...

You're just being facetious. "They're demons that much be purged by fire raaah raaah".

That's nice.

It doesn't have much to do with academic achievements, it's just about being able to maintain a healthy living. Having guns freely available is outdated; it's turning the US into the wild west, and civilization has moved on from there. Get with the times.

I wouldn't want to be in society where just anyone and everyone had a gun on them. Much less a high school or college - fuck those people are all retarded, I don't want them to have a gun.

I'm all for having a weapon in your home to protect yourself from intruders; it's your home, so it's outside of everyone else's "realm of protection", but in the public space minimizing weapons is a good thing. There will still be violent muggings - you have to avoid the places where these things happen, not go in brazenly with a gun - but less people on both sides will be killed outright, because the weapons that make kills easy aren't readily available.

Denmark's muslims aren't mistreated, they're coddled. We have muslim gangs and shit, that I would love to quash, but I don't want to go in there guns blazing. If I see a big group of "suspicious people", I just turn away and go some other way. And in general I just avoid the places that they roam in.

How do you mean "average as high"? Salary? Violence? I think you accidentally a word.

chilaxe said:


Yes, sometimes knuckle-dragging animals get shot. That's particularly valuable when they're in your home beating your family.

No, nothing will fix academic achievement gaps within our lifetime, and the same applies to Denmark's achievement gaps. If the Danish system worked better than the US system, then Denmark's mistreated Muslims would average as high as US Muslims, who average even above the White average.

Maddow is TICKED OFF -- Jerome Corsi and Libya

Xaielao says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

Pardon me? You think the Republicans should win based on the economy that their platform was primarily responsible for crashing and keeping anemic? No. Not even a faint maybe, but hell no!
For nearly my entire life, the Republican party has preached one set of things (fiscal responsibility and smaller government), and done the exact opposite when in power (record deficits and increased government). The economy does significantly better under a Democratic administration. Everything they say is a lie. Or at least you'll be right more often than not if you assume it to be so.
WHY would anyone who actually looks at facts EVER vote Republican, unless they're rich enough to buy the candidates for their own personal benefit?
>> ^Xaielao:
I think after this election, if Obama wins, the republican party is going to think long and hard about their issues. By all rights they should be winning this thing simply based off the economy. However, the fringe of their party is ever-increasing and the number of growing voting blocks they shun and hate and try to repress is continuing to rise. I think that most won't ever accept that they are a fringe party, and that wing will become a minority party after a few more elections, which they may well lose as their voting block diminishes. I don't expect this to happen in the next four years however, and that their attempt to suppress the voting rights of the poor, minorities, the old and young will continue and become even more severe, as will their ever-growing hate against such groups. It is a vicious cycle that in the end might mean the death of the party. People scoff at this but it has happened before.
I personally put the blame on things like fox news, which has helped create the persistent bubble of misinformation and hate. As long as millions of republicans continue to watch it heavily and believe every word, including republicans holding office, and even the presidential candidate (as this clip so clearly shows).. that spiral will continue.

I of course, agree with you. It is all a grand masquerade that the republican party has dappled itself in fiscal responsibility when they never have backed up such claims. Perhaps I should have stated that. I meant more that with an economy like this, no president has ever won re-election (though it is improving quickly now) and that this should have been a much easier election for republicans based upon that, but that their crazy attitude and policies toward women, minorities, the poor, the old and the young has dwindled their voting block to such a point that they can no longer win a strait up election without doing the things Romney has done. Running to the middle while also denying everything you said during the primary, and the overwhelming voter ID laws, registration purges, laws against registration groups, etc in republican states, though thankfully every last one of them was shut down in the courts. I personally actually support voter ID, but not in the draconian sense the republicans are trying to instate them.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

SDGundamX says...

>> ^hpqp:

Not comparable; models are starved by the fashion industry ("either you're a twig or you're fired/not hired" starved), whereas I doubt the network is pressuring this woman to be overweight. It would still be totally wrong to send an email to a model telling her she shouldn't be on tv/a podium because she's unhealthily skinny; that's still a personal attack.
>> ^SDGundamX:
[...] I'm a bit disturbed at the idea that pointing out that someone is overweight is somehow now "bullying." Is pointing out that so-called "supermodels" are too skinny also bullying? [...]

Seriously? You'd be against someone telling a clearly underweight supermodel that she's a role model for millions of young girls who are dangerously trying to emulate her--some through purging and others through diet pill abuse? That's bullying the supermodel? How about when a sports athlete gets caught driving drunk or engaging in other unethical behaviors (say, sending unsolicited pics of his private parts to females). Am I bullying him by sending him an email telling him how millions of kids look up to him and he needs to think about how his behavior affects them?

As others have already aptly pointed out, this was a private email. His concern seems to be with the message she's sending young female viewers. The proper response would have been the one I mentioned above--replying to his email and smacking him down about how his conception of being a proper role model only considers appearance and nothing else. Instead she went all hysterical publicly. Over one email. If this guy was sending emails every week, or if she were getting these kinds of emails from a host of people regularly, I'd see the need to do what she did.

Now, you're right--some people's obesity is medically-induced (blood-sugar issues, thyroid problems, etc.) but for the vast majority of Americans it is a lifestyle problem--too many calories and not enough exercise. Just to be clear, I'm not saying these people (of which I am one) are lazy--I'm saying they've made a choice to prioritize things other than their health. That is indeed their right and they shouldn't be disparaged for that, but at the same time we shouldn't pretend that there aren't any consequences (both to the individual and society) to that choice. And we certainly shouldn't call people who point out those consequences "bullies."

Again, just my 2 cents though. You and I don't see eye-to-eye on lots of issues (Islam, male circumcision, etc.) so I don't really expect us to agree on this issue either.

TheFreak (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...


Thanks for the info.

But daaaang.

In reply to this comment by TheFreak:
So if you don't live in Colorado you're missing half the story.

Due to a recent policy change, failing to vote in any election removes you from the electoral registry. So if you didn't vote in the last state election, for example, you are not a registered voter in Colorado. This policy is recent enough that many people preparing to vote in November will not realize they are no longer a registered voter.

Not to worry, if you go to vote and find you're not registered, you can register at the polling site. All you need is a photo ID.

Add to that the recent attempt by Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler (Republican) to purge voters by challenging their citizenship. Seems ironic that the US sends monitors to other countries to ensure fair elections.

Registering voters at Safeway -- IF you support Romney

TheFreak says...

So if you don't live in Colorado you're missing half the story.

Due to a recent policy change, failing to vote in any election removes you from the electoral registry. So if you didn't vote in the last state election, for example, you are not a registered voter in Colorado. This policy is recent enough that many people preparing to vote in November will not realize they are no longer a registered voter.

Not to worry, if you go to vote and find you're not registered, you can register at the polling site. All you need is a photo ID.

Add to that the recent attempt by Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler (Republican) to purge voters by challenging their citizenship. Seems ironic that the US sends monitors to other countries to ensure fair elections.

Anti-Semite Politician Discovers He's Jewish, Gets Ousted

KnivesOut says...

The roots of antisemitism stem from the idea that because Jews were responsible for the death of christ, they should be purged from the world. Anti-semites don't persecute Jews because of their current religious beliefs, but because of their ancestry, their connection to the people "responsible" for the death of christ.

That explains why these morons would suddenly turn on their former leader. He's cursed, tainted by his blood, in their perverted minds. It has nothing to do with his current religious beliefs.

Again, we're talking about very dumb people; logic and reason were never required to be a member of this club.

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