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Very Realistic Robot at Tokyo Designers Week

Avengers 2: Age of Ultron - Official Teaser Trailer

EMPIRE says...

Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of the first movie, but there's something about the tone of this trailer that looks off. Yes, the puppet analogy is cool and James Spader's voice is pretty good as well. But I don't know...

Anyway, I hope the movie itself is good! I still want to see it.

Six Hours of Simulated Airplane Travel

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nightmare fuel, puppets, mundane, fever dream, real time' to 'nightmare fuel, puppets, mundane, fever dream, real time, blah, airlines' - edited by Fusionaut

Napoleon the Cat

Vonstank (Member Profile)

Bill Nye: Could Common Core be the antidote for Creationist

bobknight33 says...

Common core Puppet.

IS not what they need to learn its the methodology they use. Its' Fucked up.

7X4 is not 28 its 7 circles with 4 dots in each circle. This is the crap I face with my kids every day. It a round about way and hence illogical.

Rounding to the nearest thousand 9501 is 9000 but who rounds a number like this? normal rounding of a thousand involves a number worth rounding ex 210, 898 is rounded to to 211k out of convenience and where the hundreds are less important

qf75 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Oh dear lord!!!

I just found out that I insulted you!

Turns out it is ME who is the noob.

I thought noob meant new person. That's all. A new person to the Sift. A very kind individual has told me that noob means new person who fucks things up because they don't know what they are doing.

So I am the noob. The fuck up.

I hope the sock puppet comment isn't insulting, too. There are a lot of sock puppets on the Sift, a history of them. I am still learning how to deal with sock puppets -- my initial reaction is to feel like I am being badly used. I am trying to get over that feeling.

Anyway. Yeah. I'm just trying to be friendly to someone who has engaged with me, and to engage intellectually other than in dueling comments. (That is what I call the back and forth of comment streams -- dueling monologues.)

qf75 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I just saw what a noob you are. What an intro to the Sift!

Unless you are a sock puppet. Then that is another layer of something.

(Is sock puppet a general internet term, or specific to the Sift? I've never asked...)


The most patriotic cat in Russia

mxxcon says...

With other countries he rescues their overthrown puppet presidents and then annexes large chunks of those countries' territories.

ant said:

What about other countries?

Reality Show President: Inside the White House PR Machine

Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity take-down. Truth recovered.

VoodooV says...

I feel I do need to dial my earlier post back a bit. I feel as though I'm unfairly blaming all republicans for this sort of behavior.

The reality is that plenty of Republicans think this sort of thing is nonsense too. The problem is not the republicans, it's Fox News...they are the propaganda arm. It's not all Republicans, Its one group of republicans who are in control of a massively large media apparatus and they are using it to push a narrative. There was a TYT video about this situation too where Cenk blasted Hannity for constantly pushing the rancher to agree with him...instead know..asking him questions and actually interviewing him? Hannity was trying to guide the discussion towards one path and the rancher resisted until Hannity pushed the same narrative for the 3rd time until the rancher gave in and just echoed him.


Not that many people actually agree with Hannity's/Fox's agenda, but they cloak it in the flag of faux patriotism and they know their demographic are poor, old, white scared people and it's so so very easy to pull those puppet strings.

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

Just A Dog With Hands Eating Some Breakfast

Understanding Ukraine: Problems Today & Historical Context

chingalera says...

So who then facilitated, financed, and orchestrated the wars? Follow the money and you have the answers. Stalin?? Nothing but a thug-puppet, his particular 'ism', a construct as well.

Whoever makes the loans, orchestrates wars.

Abby Martin denounces Russian actions in Ukraine

chingalera says...

Clear, but I considered it unnecessary. Until the majority of alternative media starts speaking clearly as to the source of the disinformation disease that has created the world we live in, no news is real news.

Until the veil is lifted to expose the criminality of world governments and the families and complicit lackeys responsible for the amalgamation of power into a single world governing body all the endless banter over particular recent political and economic events without reaching farther back historically, for me negates all reasonable context for what's happening now.

It's the powers behind the puppets and pawns who need to have their shit scrutinized and reported upon, until they have nowhere to hide.

Follow the goddamn money, the entire collection of the world's ill's reside in monopolistic control by assholes, of the worldwide financial system.

Banks, insurance companies, lawyers, doctors, all work well when there is a healthy atmosphere of fear and dread, THIS is the only real power geopolitical manipulators have.

The world's fear they have and continue to instill. They do it by manipulating economies, enforcing laws with soldiers, and through complex and not-so-complex, continual distraction and disinformation.

Like Herbert said, "Fear is the mind-killer."

lucky760 said:

My comment was a play on the intentional manipulation some news networks use to twist opponents' quotes to fit their own agenda.

Was that really not clear?

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