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Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

3-piece teen girl cover of Enter Sandman

ChaosEngine says...

Forgive me, oh benevolent metal god, I guess you're more metal than me.

/rolls eyes

I never said you only listen to metal, and I didn't disagree with you that Metallica's early albums are great (although Lightning, Puppets and Justice are a massive improvement on Kill 'em all).

But you're not some benevolent metal guru here to "bestow a gift", you're bitching about a song that a bunch of teenage girls choose to cover. They're just starting out as musicians. Let them find their way before you get all righteous on their ass.

And just for the record, I didn't upvote this either. I just don't see the point in picking on them.

poolcleaner said:

Fuck true metal? It's mostly a joke, dude, not a sense of entitlement. You want to read entitlement and serious judgement in my comments? By all means, chaotic fool, use it as a platform for your Internet social gain. But I'm speaking from the perspective of someone with years of knowledge passing it down. I cited songs which Metallica wrote and played which are hard and fast, raw and powerful, exuding the youthful energy of their best albums, which are for some reason blacklisted and instead we hear the songs that the recording industry WANT you to hear because they're marketable. The songs I listed are awesome and considered by some to be the real gift Metallica left us with, like Van Halen's first 4 albums.

I bestowed a gift, and you saw me being high and mighty for my gain? Sounds like YOU have some problems to deal with.

I dont only listen to metal. I played sax, guitar, bass, and drums, but now mostly play percussion -- I like hitting things. I was in a rolling Stones and velvet underground cover band, played some gospel folks stuff for a while. I provided my perspective on metal because I thought it beneficial. For the music obsessed, hearing something over and over on the radio for the remainder of your life, when there is better material from the band and the idea of popularity as some sort of higher value than the subtleties you pick up on when you have standards, it's all very silly to read. You are a jerk and now I'm sad.

Thanks. Gift horse doesn't like staring contests.

3-piece teen girl cover of Enter Sandman

poolcleaner says...

As a metal head myself, though I tend more towards the early bluesy Sabbath/KISS/SLB/Priest sounds and aesthetics of the late 60s and early 70s, my problem is less about the sandals and more about them playing into the public perception of "metal" --which is apparent when they cover the most over played piece of shit in the analogs of metal.

This is quintessentially not even metal when Metallica plays it. If these kids mattered in the realm of metal -- and they could have despite their sandals -- they would have covered Hit the Lights off of Kill Em All, (Mustane, bitch) or a moving instrumental like Orion off of Master of the Puppets.

Say what you will about Mustane and his unmetal born again bullshit, when you hear him on Hit the Lights... you're fucking owned by the beast. You know metal. And it knows you. Enter Sandman, NOT metal.

NOT. METAL. Listen to TRUE metal, bitch. Recommendations provided for you to begin the governance of your metal mind. Join the Metal Militia.

mxxcon said:

Open-toe sandals are really not metal..

ietest (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Was just wondering if you were the first non sock puppet (looking at you @dag) videosift member. Sifted a few videos nine years ago then vanished. Although you came back and voted on one video last year.

newtboy (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Here's my original comment.

Re-read it. Then explain why you'd cherry pick the legitimate claim that:

'[Sarkeesian] denies the agency of sex-workers to choose their profession, referring to them as "prostituted women".'

Better yet, explain to me how my statement that:

'Anita is literally profiting off the fuax-oppression of women in gaming media & culture'


'This is why [Sarkeesian] is a hypocrite, a fuax-intellectual, and damaging gender relations.'


'Anita Sarkeesian is a troll and a puppet.'


'She's only stirring up shit to further her career.'

Explain to me how all these statements aren't implying, suggesting, connoting, alluding, proposing, insinuating that Anita Sarkeesian is a fraudster & a con-artist.

Please explain those two things. No more, no less.

'Do you hear that bass Mom?'

speechless says...

Did he downvote your comment?

Well, he banned my fucking account.

Because ummm, one of his sockpuppets was upset?

So, he gets to completely abuse his power here banning others and gets to create sock puppets, and the only downside is his sockpuppet gets banned?

Why is he still here? Why are so many people not here anymore? I wonder if there's a connection.

lucky760 said:

Nice comment down-vote, @BoneRemake. I guess you're not familiar with the song, eh?

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Ugh, everyone in this thread is acting like an asshat.
I'll start with you tho.

Carrera is upset because:

Sar-sleaz-ian is an new-age-feminist hack who finds porn disgusting, and feels pity for any women who performs sex acts for money.

She belittles porn actresses like Mercedes & Cytherea as lowly abused victims.

Then, at Mercedes' request, refuses to support Cytherea when she ACTUALLY becomes a victim.

Anita is literally profiting off the fuax-oppression of women in gaming media & culture. [Cherry picking instead of highlighting the actual corruption in the culture]

Yet, she denies the agency of sex-workers to choose their profession, referring to them as "prostituted women".

This is why Sar-shittyhumanbeing-ian is a hypocrite, a fuax-intellectual, and [as Mercedes succinctly puts it] damaging gender relations.

Anita Sarkeesian is a troll and a puppet.
She's only stirring up shit to further her career.
It's more vile & disgusting than any of the stuff she's railing against.

Shit, this whole thing is some stupid first-world problem bullshit.

Babymech said:

If Anita Sarkeesian can't single-handedly replace the police and the justice system and the support systems in society for victims of crime, she is just a total hypocrite.

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

Engels says...

Well, its a pretty deep topic, that can't really be relegated to the comment section of a video hosting site, but just briefly, your first fallacy is that 'he sent himself to be tortured'. Humans tortured and killed Christ according to the story. You can dismiss this as stating that mankind is God's creation so its all some sort of torture circle jerk, but you missed the important element of free will, and that's the critical distinction. Man wouldn't need saving if man is just a puppet of a deity. There's all sorts of other things, including a pretty cursory understanding of the trinity that to me indicates that Hitchens spent too much of his life on the defensive against what he perceived, perhaps justifiably so, as a hostile religious society.

newtboy said:

Care to explain where you think he's wrong?
What he said as I heard it is what I've always been told by christians...god, Jesus, and the holy ghost are the same thing...and so god sent himself to earth to torture himself for the sins of humanity that he himself created (both humanity and the sin).
Exactly what part of that is wrong? (not glib, flippant, or immature, just a straight question)

50 Shades of Grey is coming soon...And then, there's this...

50 Shades of Grey is coming soon...And then, there's this...

Clive (Member Profile)

Three Topics, One Interesting Conversation

billpayer says...

Is it just me or is Kathryn Bigelow really a c**t of the first order who would make up stories about iraqi children rigged to die just to sell movie tickets for her bulls**t made up story that every American thinks is real.

BIll Maher is an propagandist just like Bill'O Reilly is. I'm not much of a Ben Affleck fan but he showed this muppet and his puppet guests who's boss.

Russell Brand debates Nigel Farage on immigration

Lawdeedaw says...

You had me until the part about Russell Brand not wanting to run for office. Then the point you made became utterly ridiculous on any level. He doesn't want to become one of them... Well he would HAVE TO BECOME one of them just to get a bill passed, or he would be tucked into a corner until new elections came around. Then he would be termed obsolete and removed. Think of it like this--would you be encouraging him to become a CEO of an evil, meglo-corporation? But he COULD CHANGE THE ENTIRE CORPORATE WORLD! Um, no. He changes nothing, is useless and a puppet either why would you want him to run?

A10anis said:

"Russell Brand destroys Nigel Farage on immigration"???
I can only assume you are joking. Brand was WAY out of his depth. In fact, much as I dislike the pseudo revolutionary, vainglorious half wit, I actually felt sorry for him. He was put firmly in his place by one astute person; "If you think you can, why don't you stand (for election)?" His response; " Mate, I'm frightened I'd become one of them." So, he doesn't even have confidence in his own childish rhetoric. He calls for anarchy just as long as he is not at the helm. He should put up, or shut up. Oh, and his call for people not to vote is one of the stupidest, most irresponsible things I have heard in a while.

B Dolan-which side are you on?

bobknight33 says...

You point the finger at wall street when you government is at fault.
The rule of law have been perverted year over year since the beginning and been sliding ever so fast the last 100 years.

Vote for Joe lunch bucket next time time around, Forget Hillery and any of the mainstream Republicans. That are all puppets.

But the people are more concerned for their single issue than the betterment of America. Corporations are no different but they have the $ to hedge their best by playing both sides.

And yes the video is still a vulgar pile of trash.

enoch said:

rule of law?
you mean the law that ignores the lying liars on wall street?
the law that criminalizes the poor?
you mean THAT law?
a criminalized elite that legislates laws that benefit them and their cronies while crushing the working class.
wrong side bob.
thats ok..seems @ant agrees with you.

i find it hypocrisy of the highest order those who claim to be christian and follow the teachings of jesus,who will abandon his teachings when it becomes uncomfortable and inconvenient.

nevermind that many of the laws and rights you so enjoy nowadays were hard won by the sacrifices,and sometimes deaths of those who think and feel exactly as this video portrays.

hypocrites......the lot of ya.

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