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What is Gang Stalking?

xxovercastxx says...

Somewhere, the kid on the bike has written a blog post about a woman who comes out of her house just as he's driving by and films him from the cover of her car while he rests at the corner.

Two of her cohorts approach him under the guise of walking their dogs and say suspicious things such as, "good afternoon" and "it's such a nice day, isn't it?"

A third conspirator drives past repeatedly in a white car disguised as a drag racer. What's a drag car doing on a small neighborhood road?

Finally, a forth and fifth conspirator pass by on bikes. They were probably meant for pursuit in case he tried to escape.

All the conspirators maintained frequent eye contact during the course of the encounter. Perhaps they are communicating psychically or through some sort of code (Morse code by blinking, maybe?).

[back to normal now...]
All the group stalking victims are probably feeding each others' paranoia by standing around in public and staring at each other.

Also, I question the schizophrenia tag. Are we certain this is a form of schizophrenia? I doubt anyone can make that diagnosis from a 6.5 minute video and I'd hate to see that word just tossed around casually.

Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

luxury_pie (Member Profile)

Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

Maury Povich - Hogate

Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

Crunchy says...

I get that people get really desperate and can even turn to psychics for whatever reason, but putting law enforcement at task on the basis of clues that the psychic gives? Now that's taking retardation to a whole new level

So nerds, tell me about your Ipads (Geek Talk Post)

Deano says...

>> ^peggedbea:

i definitely want something faster to access than a laptop, ill get phone calls from people who want appointments while im shopping for groceries or picking my kids up from camp, i want to be able to open the calendar app quickly and book an appointment. also when im checking clients out at my wellness center and i have to wait for 3 other people who work out of there to check out their clients before i can use the comp to check my client out and see my schedule to book their next appointment.... and i see a laptop being too bulky to set on a dresser and play ambient music during sessions.
and gaahhh the ridiculousness of CD's that get lost, or scratched or borrowed (i don't mind sharing, it's just that they always seem to return scratched)... so sure i could get an ipod, but id rather just buy one gadget to take care of everything...
also, sometimes at night when i'm closing up or batching out or whatever i like to sit in the floor and figure out what stock i have/need, how much money i have/owe/made that day, what percentage of it i want to reinvest and what new equipment i'd like to get when its time... instead of doing that with tons of tiny pieces of paper and my shitty memory to rely on, i think a tablet in my lap with my bank accounts and quick books and schedule and the websites of my suppliers on it would minimize my time at work.
im so ridiculously right brained i have to work super hard to stay organized and on top of my business so i don't revert to my ways of winging it on the fly and crash my business into the ground or get so stressed out by all the psychic clutter that i burn it all down catharticly
also, how reliable is it in terms of memory? am i going to overload it making it play music and book appointments all day? is it going to crash in the middle of my last session and force me to pull out the 1990's technology?
>> ^dag:
Laptops are just so damn cheap these days, it's true - and generally a lot more functionality than a tablet.
The benefit of a tablet over a laptop for me are two things:
1. Form factor - I can take it to bed and read it like a book, whip it out on the bus - or in economy class seats on a plane - with a lot less fuss than a laptop.
2. Quickness - I don't mean processor speed, I mean just getting to a bit of functionality that I need at that moment. If I want to open a calendar app on a laptop, I need to open up the laptop, wait for it to unhibernate- hunt for the app and then wait for it to launch. About a minute to do that. Versus about 10 seconds on tablet.

A big part of this for you is how the thing feels in your hand and how it handles in the scenarios you envisage. The operating system is quite solid I'm led to believe. It should be very reliable.

But I'm not sure how well joined up it will be if you're trying to run an entire business of it where you need data from one app to cross over to another. This strikes me as fundamentally basic and obviously straightforward on a personal computer but you'll need an actual living, breathing ipad owner to confirm this is possible.

So nerds, tell me about your Ipads (Geek Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

i definitely want something faster to access than a laptop, ill get phone calls from people who want appointments while im shopping for groceries or picking my kids up from camp, i want to be able to open the calendar app quickly and book an appointment. also when im checking clients out at my wellness center and i have to wait for 3 other people who work out of there to check out their clients before i can use the comp to check my client out and see my schedule to book their next appointment.... and i see a laptop being too bulky to set on a dresser and play ambient music during sessions.

and gaahhh the ridiculousness of CD's that get lost, or scratched or borrowed (i don't mind sharing, it's just that they always seem to return scratched)... so sure i could get an ipod, but id rather just buy one gadget to take care of everything...

also, sometimes at night when i'm closing up or batching out or whatever i like to sit in the floor and figure out what stock i have/need, how much money i have/owe/made that day, what percentage of it i want to reinvest and what new equipment i'd like to get when its time... instead of doing that with tons of tiny pieces of paper and my shitty memory to rely on, i think a tablet in my lap with my bank accounts and quick books and schedule and the websites of my suppliers on it would minimize my time at work.

im so ridiculously right brained i have to work super hard to stay organized and on top of my business so i don't revert to my ways of winging it on the fly and crash my business into the ground or get so stressed out by all the psychic clutter that i burn it all down catharticly

also, how reliable is it in terms of memory? am i going to overload it making it play music and book appointments all day? is it going to crash in the middle of my last session and force me to pull out the 1990's technology?
>> ^dag:

Laptops are just so damn cheap these days, it's true - and generally a lot more functionality than a tablet.
The benefit of a tablet over a laptop for me are two things:
1. Form factor - I can take it to bed and read it like a book, whip it out on the bus - or in economy class seats on a plane - with a lot less fuss than a laptop.
2. Quickness - I don't mean processor speed, I mean just getting to a bit of functionality that I need at that moment. If I want to open a calendar app on a laptop, I need to open up the laptop, wait for it to unhibernate- hunt for the app and then wait for it to launch. About a minute to do that. Versus about 10 seconds on tablet.

Psychic Drawing Fail

Psychic Drawing Fail

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by chicchorea. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Psychic Drawing Fail

Keynesians - Failing Since 1936 (Blog Entry by blankfist)

If only psychic powers were this easy to come by...

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