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Chevron Ad

WmGn says...

Professional economist here (hence, perceived as right wing) who began studying economics due to concern about climate change (hence, perceived as left wing).

[1] The classic statement of when markets 'work' is the 'first fundamental theorem of welfare economics'.

[2] 'work' in this sense means 'leads to a Pareto-optimal outcome', which means an outcome in which no one can be made better off without making someone worse off. This is a low standard: an outcome in which I have everything is Pareto-optimal.

[3] the conditions for the welfare theorems are generally not satisfied in practice. Here, as alluded to in the ad, carbon emissions are 'externalities': if an oil company sells you gas, which you then use, both of you are better off, because you're assumed to have taken into account the effects of your exchange, and decided to proceed; other parties have not, so may be worse off.

[4] in general, failure of the welfare theorem conditions isn't enough to make the case for government intervention: the outcome may still be 'constrained' efficient - meaning that, given the inherent constraints in the problem (e.g. asymmetric information), the market outcome is Pareto efficient.

[5] again, even if it is, you may not like the particular constrained efficient outcome the market yields (e.g. I get everything).

[6] in the case of externalities, the theory is pretty well established - if we want efficient outcomes, we need to align the private and social costs. There are two basic market-based tools for doing that: quantity tools (e.g. carbon permits) and price tools (e.g. carbon taxes). Which performs better depends on the sort of market imperfections.

[7] obviously, we will never have a perfect estimate of the efficient price or quantity of carbon to emit in a given year. Equally obviously, to me at least, this is a classic case of an externality with a well developed body of theory pointing in the direction of some level of controls.

[8] in my experience: people familiar with the economic theory tend not to be 'pro-market' or 'anti-market': they tend to want to understand how the market can be used to deliver societal objectives and, when it can't, how to correct its imperfections.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Oh no!!!

If you haven’t noticed, I’m not Bob. I decide my positions on my own, and while I’m socially liberal, that doesn’t mean I agree with the “liberal” positions at all times. I’m not insulted at my position being called “conservative”….I’m not tribalistic that way.

EG-I’m pro gun….but very pro regulation.

I’m actually a fiscal conservative, but unlike the right I know that doesn’t really mean the government should only pay for the military and nothing more. I agree with any spending that saves billions or trillions overall, even when it means some people get a free ride.
I think police are a good idea, although I believe they need serious reforms because they have lost their mission completely.
I think public roads are a good thing, as are public water and power systems.
I think national health care is a no brainer that works well in almost every country and saves trillions per year.
I think a safety net is a good idea...give people something to lose so they don’t turn to crime because they have nothing to lose.

Edit: I’ve said most of my adult life that I would be a Republican if only they would. Today’s Con has no resemblance to the Republican party I thought I grew up with (my entire family was hard core R).
Fiscal sanity, gone. Caring about the environment, gone. Supporting facts and science, gone. Supporting small government, gone (except with lip service). Strong and enforced gun regulations to protect gun ownership rights, gone. Strict supporters of law and order, not anymore. Government out of private life, so incredibly gone. Separation of church and state, gone. Fans of democracy, gone. Honesty, not even a memory.
I’m only a “blue liberal” by default. I might be libertarian if they weren’t crazed anti government extremists and almost MAGA.
Dems are the only ones left that really believe in democratic government.

I agree that 40 years+ without parole is cruel, but certainly not unusual or excessive. I never understand why excessively long prison sentences are considered less than the death penalty…I’m claustrophobic, to me it would be 40+ years of panic. I would give myself the death penalty fairly quickly because I’m not brave enough to face that. Swallow my tongue or bite it off, either works just fine and can’t be stopped. I’m really shocked that’s not the norm, but I’ve (clearly) never had to face it.

bcglorf said:

Careful @newtboy, you're sounding a bit like a conservative on this one from the Canadian POV.

A terrorist that shot 12 people in a mosque, killing 6 was sentenced under new Conservative law that allowed sentences like murder to be applied consecutively. More details in the link below, but our liberal dominated Supreme Court ruled the 40 years without a parole chance was "cruel and unusual".

So our gov. will be giving them a chance at parole in 2039.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Says the pot to the glass pitcher.

As usual, lalalalala, I hear nothing, I see nothing, lalalalala.

No facts, no arguments, no adult point to make, just infantile noise. LMFAHS!!

Let me remind you that, again, your team just tried and failed to assassinate the second in line for the presidency. Are you really so delusional that you think anyone actually believes the right is pro democracy, or pro America, or pro rule of law? Even you, the epitome of gullibility, can’t be so moronic you really believe that, you just say it.

bobknight33 said:

Blah Blah Blah.
You are a TOOL.
You are a FOOL
You are exactly what they want.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

CRT is such a fake issue that FOX held a “concerned parent voter panel” to discuss what a problem it is in schools to the average parent, and every single “parent” on the panel was a hand picked MAGA extremist activist that’s been at the front of this issue since it was created out of thin air by the right a few years ago. They couldn’t find ANY actual parents with a real problem with CRT in schools, or who could even tell you what it is, only propagandists that have made careers out of selling the idea that it exists, some actually from the Trump administration itself.
Absolutely not one parent presented that supports schools or is willing to contradict the outright lies about what’s happening in schools, totally one sided pure propaganda as is all right wing media….I would be shocked if no one brought up the “kids identify as cats” stupidity you gullible morons believe.

That’s the level of grift you’re falling for. They couldn’t even find actual moron parents that had been duped into believing this twaddle that they would put on air, because they know exactly the type of parent that is and they don’t want to be associated with bat shit crazy Karen’s, they just want to create them and point them to the left.

They pulled that wool over your eyes, but they were firmly shut anyway, and deep in your colon. So lost and gullible are you, such a tool for the lying right…unAmerican, anti democracy, anti rights, anti freedom, anti fact, anti reality, pro police shooting anyone that looks at them cross eyed, totally incapable of thinking for yourself or researching facts.

Ashley Babbitt. Deserved what she got. Thanks for agreeing, finally.

bobknight33 said:

Once again you can not look yourself in the mirror.

You cant even except that CRT is real. Its a real concept.
So lost are you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What’s this rambling about a mirror?

Because it’s not a real thing in grade schools, as the right claims falsely. It’s a real advanced course in law school 100% intentionally mischaracterized then claimed to be being taught in K-12….all outright lies by far right wing actors meant to politicize racism as a divisive ploy, and your side chose the “pro-racism” side.

It’s an advanced law course taught in law schools since the 80’s, not a concept that all white kids should feel guilty and morally inferior being taught in middle schools.
It’s been rebranded as this catch all phrase for anything far right wing nuts don’t like….like history…and most of what it claims is happening is nonsense, just like kids identifying as cats and shitting in litter boxes in school. That is historical fact admitted by the man who intentionally rebranded it to make it political. Read.
You can’t define crt, you just know it’s bad and you hate it. So lost and gullible are you. You believe the most idiotic nonsense.

Once again you buy the fake boogie man hook line and sinker without doing a stitch of research on reality, maybe you read a few far right wing tweets by some ignoramuses or liars (or both), but you clearly haven’t strayed outside the echo chamber, you rarely do.

Here’s one take on the history of the intentional bastardization and hyper exaggeration of the concept as a political tool. Try reading the whole thing.

Now, Ashley Babbitt. She deserved to be shot and shouldn’t have fucked with police, right?
You ever going to grow a pair and answer a simple question? Undoubtedly not, you can’t ever answer questions, only repeat loaded questions someone else handed you. It’s really sad and makes you a sniveling coward. Expect it to be pointed out daily.

bobknight33 said:

Once again you can not look yourself in the mirror.

You cant even except that CRT is real. Its a real concept.
So lost are you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another in the never ending stream of Republican vote frauds.

Funny how many 100% pro life no-exception Republicans have erased their abortion position from their websites and campaigns and now claim to be totally pro choice despite decades of anti abortion legislation and positions. ROEVEMBER is going to be a hoot. Thanks Graham for publicly tipping your hand before the election and putting forth a national federal abortion ban bill so no one could honestly say Republicans don’t plan to ban abortion nationally, can’t sit on the “states rights” lie they’ve used for decades to fight against and erode a federal right….not that anyone was fooled for a second, but now the lie that they won’t outlaw abortion nationally, and won’t ban contraception nationally, and won’t outlaw gay marriage nationally, and won’t outlaw interracial marriage nationally are all dead by their own hands.

BTW- Kemp was caught on tape saying if the legislature is willing (if there’s enough Republicans elected) he’s on board with banning chemical contraception and will try. He’s not the only Republican governor saying it. I wonder….who’s going to pay for these hundreds of thousands of unwanted children? Do red states have a surplus to spend opening state orphanages? You people like to bemoan single parent households and parentless children, saying it’s creating criminals, and then you legislate away rights and self autonomy to create hundreds of thousands more unwanted children every single year. Just asinine.

San Francisco 1906 (New Version) in Color [60fps, Remastered

BSR says...

A Trip Down Market Street Before the Fire Prelinger 4K to 2K scan from best existing film material

This scan of the legendary pre-earthquake film was made from the best existing material at 4K (4096 x 3072) resolution and transcoded to 2K (2048 x 1536) for YouTube. It was scanned by Adrianne Finelli at Internet Archive on October 11, 2018 using a Lasergraphics ScanStation scanner at 5120 x 3840 and scanned to 16 frames per second. Due to the limitations of Final Cut Pro, every second frame is doubled for a playback rate of 24 frames per second, so the running time remains the same. The part of the image that lies between the film preparations is exhibited here for the first time.

Anyone may reproduce or reuse this scan. Please attribute it to its source: Prelinger Archives.

robdot said:

Should have also supplied the original..

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mark McCloskey, remember him? The terrified snowflake that pulled out guns and threatened peaceful marchers in the street walking past his house? Now running for senator, guess which party. Only one party thinks menacing peaceful protesters with death is something to applaud.
Well, he’s in trouble for claiming to be endorsed by Vanilla Ice and Yang Yang Twins (because of course he isn’t).

This you guy? This yor best? Thuggish violent liars prepared to say or do anything for power. It’s all the right has left.

How you liking Cruz showing off how anti military the right is by celebrating withholding earned medical benefits out of pure spite on the senate floor? Their “excuse” is utter nonsense lies, claiming that the bill was once discretionary spending (meaning at the whim of the current president) and has been CHANGED to mandatory spending. It’s a lie, not one word changed since they voted FOR it in June.

How about Trump chumming up to the Saudi Royal family, now saying no one knows if they were involved in 9/11 (he had no doubts in 2016 whatsoever, but now they’ve invested hundreds of millions into Trump companies). He was outraged Obama didn’t release the classified 9/11 report, then when he had the secret report detailing their involvement Trump kept it secret (for favors and investments), Biden released it and Trump now pretends he’s never heard of it, doesn’t know if the Saudis are involved, protects them when they murder Americans, and is more than apply to help them try to destroy an American sports league miles from where the towers once stood. Must make you so proud as a patriot.

Fascism, theocracy, and anti Americanism has actually become the Republican Party platform. Only the TrueType totally insane could possibly see their actions, support them, and still think themselves as American patriots. History will judge you harshly, your families will too. Your legacy is treason.

Just to rub it in how much more competent Biden is, today ended the reign of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri with no civilian casualties, something Trump promised and completely failed to do…so badly he gave up and agreed to surrender Afghanistan unconditionally.

Just to show how anti American and pro terrorist the right is, your talking heads like Carlson are trying to spin the killing of the mastermind of 9/11 as a bad thing that somehow makes us less safe, and are trying to blame Biden for Russia attacking Crimea and Ukraine.

Trump hosts the sponsors of 9/11 while Biden eliminates the perpetrators. Thanks Biden.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

Hmmm…why would TMIO Tesla channel be pro Tesla. Clearly an unbiased source.
Give it up, Bob.

You aren’t capable of changing minds because you aren’t serious. You could be so thick you don’t know you only listen to your echo chamber, but I doubt it.
Wasting your time, and I doubt you watched it. I won’t bother. Waste of my totally worthless time.

bobknight33 said:

Tesla fan boy video

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. I’M narrow minded?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Who told you that?! They lied.

Wiki-Five House Committees (Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight and Government Reform) initiated their own inquiries soon after the attack. The Republicans on these five House Committees delivered an interim report to the Members of the House Republican Conference on April 23, 2013. The interim report, which contains the conclusions of the Republican majority staff, signed only by the five Republican chairmen of those committees and stated "This staff report has not been officially adopted by the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, or the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and therefore may not necessarily reflect the views of their Members," was critical of the Obama Administration's actions before, during, and after the attack. Among dozens of findings, the report states that:

"Senior State Department officials knew that the threat environment in Benghazi was high and that the Benghazi compound was vulnerable and unable to withstand an attack, yet the department continued to systematically withdraw security personnel"
The "[Obama] Administration willfully perpetuated a deliberately misleading and incomplete narrative that the attacks evolved from a political demonstration caused by a YouTube video."
"... after a White House Deputies Meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2012, the Administration altered the talking points to remove references to the likely participation of Islamic extremists in the attacks. The Administration also removed references to the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa'ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya ..."
"The Administration deflected responsibility by blaming the IC [intelligence community] for the information it communicated to the public in both the talking points and the subsequent narrative it perpetuated."
Democrats on the five committees criticized the report, which they said had been written without Democratic input, as a "partisan Republican" work that was "unnecessarily politicizing our national security".

Also “ Democrats on the committee certainly say this was political and politically constructed. They say there were many witnesses whose testimony wasn't released because it supported the administration and particularly supported Hillary Clinton.”

There were 8 Benghazi investigations, 7 of which were only done as political attacks on Clinton to hurt her presidential run, admitted by McCarthy and others on tape. That’s why, even though their Republican led investigations found no wrongdoing he called it a win against Clinton because the accusations hurt her politically.

You get what you call one point of view because one side, the anti democracy pro-sedition side, refuses to testify, ignores subpoenas, and hides and destroys evidence….the same “side” that boycotted the investigations and refused to authorize a non partisan outside investigation, then whined they weren’t being allowed to participate…the treason side….your side.
They have absolutely been able to present another side…under oath. Trump has an open invitation, as do all his co-conspirators that ignored subpoenas. They refuse, or are incapable.
There have been plenty of Trump officials who did give their point of view, and every one has said Trump was clearly attempting a coup, knew he lost the election early, knew his plots were absolutely illegal, and many quit on Jan 6 when it became obvious he was willing to violently attack America and his own VP intentionally to retain power by any means.
You know this, you just hope someone else is as dumb as you act and can be fooled into believing your nonsense that this is a partisan politically motivated hatchet job, not an investigation into the worst attack against America on the mainland since the Southern Insurrection (otherwise known as the civil war).

bobknight33 said:

You so narrow minded. It is truly sad.

Those other investigations had the other side to counter.

There is not 1 counter point of view - It is not allowed on this Bull Shit Jan 6 smear job.

The Jan 6 just a want to paint a false one sided narrative.

Today’s Jan 6 Hearing Summary And Possible Trump Charges

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahaha! Wrong again, quoting silly internet lies again, you utter moron. Once again you prove you think you have all the answers but in fact have absolutely zero knowledge or even an ability to learn.
It should have been a tip off that nowhere on the internet can you find where this quote is supposedly found. Sources for what Socrates said are quite limited,it would be simple to source if it were real.

Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha….haaa….haaa…..aaaaaaahahahaha! You are such a laughing stock. It’s why I talk to you, you are always good for an unintentional laugh, you silly little fool.

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” You, sir, are the epitome, the personification of ignorance. Nice try, pretending you ever read what Plato wrote about Socrates.

Once again, I research and quote scholars, you quote a made up fridge magnet saying.

None so blind as he who will not see.
We know you won’t see any crimes Trump committed, just like you can’t see racism even when you call black people “creatures” that could never live peacefully with humans. You are not a serious adult, and you act like a 3 year old who wasn’t taught to not lie, doesn’t know what morals or ethics are, and has the memory of a gnat.

YOU are a big nothing burger, bob. Your knowledge, nothing. Your ethics, nothing. Your morals, nothing. Your honesty…less than nothing.

Armed insurrection at the direct direction of the president isn’t a nothing burger to any American, only anti-democracy anti-Americans….you fit in that category firmly….a dishonest, fascist, blatantly and constantly racist blowhard that knows nothing and screams it loudly.

Multiple instances of witness tampering with records to prove it aren’t nothing burgers to those who believe in law and order, so you just admitted you’re pro criminality.

Defrauding the election isn’t a nothing burger to anyone who likes democracy, but we’re well aware you don’t like democracy at all.

Defrauding the courts 60+ times isn’t a nothing burger to anyone who likes law and order, which doesn’t include the criminal right anymore, you became anti law and order under Trump.

Maybe Republicans shouldn’t have boycotted the investigation, but you did. No one to blame for the lack of “balance” but yourselves. When the defense rests before opening statements, you can pretend that’s an unfair “trial” but it’s really just the defense being a nothing burger.
(and heads up you ignorant moron….this is not a trial, it’s an investigation looking for evidence of guilt to send to the DOJ…do you think criminals usually get to be part of the investigation? Shadowing investigators so they know exactly what investigators know before crafting their lies and hiding/destroying undiscovered evidence? That is why coconspirators were barred from the panel, it was blatantly obvious they only wanted to be there to disrupt, hinder, confuse, stymie, and discredit the investigation, and to report back to Trump on exactly what they know and exactly what they don’t know yet, helping him craft a lie that hasn’t been pre-contradicted.

Jesus, sometimes you are so dumb I’m shocked you remember to breath.

Lol. More “I’m rubber, you’re glue”. So grown up.
If I had all the answers, I wouldn’t ever need to do research that I cite, would I? But I do, I read 5 articles full of facts and one or two right wing alternate facts to learn a topic before writing.
Now, how much research and citation do you do? Absolutely none because you think you have all the answers, which is why you are proven wrong a dozen times a day and have never once posted correct statistics or facts. You listen to con man Trump or disgraced OAN and think you know it all.

ROTFLMFAHS!! You are such the pot calling the glass pitcher black. What a sad, delusional, frightened, dishonest little man you are.

bobknight33 said:


a big nothing burger.

No crimes
no nothing.

Just a witch hunt to keep Trump from running in 2024.

not 1 person called to speak to challenge testimony So 1 sided
A kangaroo hearing at tax payers expense. A show trial of sorts.

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences and stupid people already have all answers" Socrates

Newt - you fall in the last group

Ruby on Tuesday

newtboy says...


You’re right,
They promote
Incest- Giuliani, Trump
Debauchery-Cawthorn, Gaetz, Boebert
Division- Jan 6, Green, and the entire Texas Republican Party that just made secession part of their official platform
Slavery-Texas, most of the red South in fact
KKK-David Duke, Republican state Senate representative from Louisiana and Republican candidate for US Senate in 2016….and grand dragon of the KKK
Hate- All of you FOR ANYONE OUTSIDE THE CULT, including actual Republicans not RINO’s like Trump who was a pro-abortion Clinton Democrat lest you forget

They are anti:
Family, -if they aren’t one woman, one man not racially mixed families
Free Speech- Truth Social
Morality - Please, see anything Republican after 2008 or any second of Trump’s life. 🤦‍♂️
GOD- Certainly all his commandments and instructions in the Bible, great leader has broken every one hundreds of times

Nothing moral about the Republican party.

FTFY and added examples. Hilariously I didn’t need to change much.

bobknight33 said:

You right,
They promote

They are anti:
Free Speech

Nothing moral about the Republican party.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

Well put. But what's the % of Western (or the whole World in general except the Middle Eastern region) population who can make the distinction? It's really depressing.

Here in Canada, IMO the political landscape is very much the same as in the US. It is firmly drilled into people's mind that anyone criticizing the government of Israel's constant harrasement, military action, and land grabs in Palestinian territories are automatically branded as Anti-semitism by the likes of the JDOs (Jewish Defense Organizations). There are many legit Anti-Semitism incidents in Canada that need to be condemned, true, but there are also real over-reaction and subpression of objective opinions by the JDOs. These "false branding" hurts people's lives. And we almost NEVER hear the word Zionist (or anti-Zionist) in the media, mostly isolated to academic circles only.

Nobody would be offended hearing someone criticize any country's policy and military incursion (say, you don't like Trump/Biden? No one will say you're anti-American), but any negative comment involving Israel? Damn it boy, you're begging for trouble. As if Isreal, Likud, Netanyahu and the Jewish people are one and the same. Criticize one, you criticize all. But why is that? What makes Isreal, above all other countries, well above any reproach?

Now, I'm not pro- or anti-Semite nor pro- or anti-Zionist. Such generalised sentiment is wrong to me. I'm just pro-peace, the history of that land is way too complex and the blood spilled between its peoples ran for generations and gone on for centuries. It's unrealistic for any leaders to settle anything between their peoples in a political term or two (and not even factoring outside influences that DON'T want them to settle). There are too many hate and zero trust between the peoples right now. Just let peace reigns for a decade then it'll be time to talk settlement of statehood. Give Isrealites & Palestinians some peaoce & prosperity first. Everyone, including the media, politicians inside and outside of that land, the UN, etc. just need to recognize that and not be just so lopsided in their support.

newtboy said:

Being anti Zionist is not the same as being an anti semite, no matter how much the Jewish people claim it is.
Being a Zionist makes one a racist draconian invader that fully supports slow genocide of innocent children in order to steal more of their ancestral land. We should not support Israel in their evil murderous genocide.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

No. It would not, imo. Mass shootings don’t help their positions.
Definitely not helpful to them if it sparked real political change.
It would only be “winning” for them if an armed civilian stopped the attack, but they don’t allow armed civilians at their events where they rally for the rights of any civilians to be armed anywhere but their events.
Edit: also, I don’t mind them “winning” if it means sensible gun laws that bar violent criminals and mentally unstable people from buying or carrying guns. I’m not anti gun, I’m anti unregulated guns.

My hatred is not their goal. If it were, they could save their money and pro-death stances, humanity as a whole did the job for them.

Their goal is to sell more guns. They’re an industry lobbying group, not a civil rights organization.
A little blowback from their own policies is exactly what’s needed to change some political positions. They’re cowards, but so far they’ve been safe behind their security, and the money is good.
Remember, the last meaningful gun control measure, background checks, came directly as a result of an assassination attempt against a pro gun Republican.

BSR said:

That would mean they are still winning.

EDIT: Their goal is to get you to hate. Don't fall for it.

The Stakes Are Unbelievably High

newtboy says...

You mean the party of debauchery? Treason? Sex trafficking? Vote fraud? Pedophilia? Hebephilia? Secret foreign agents? Infidelity? Insurrection? You mean Republicans?

Right, anything to stop you ethics free, morality free, education free Trumptards led by the least moral person ever to hold office. How does removing all reproductive rights from women accomplish that?

Do you even know what “morals” are? I don’t think so.

Hilariously, Republicans tried to block a bill to help supply babies with formula, because they care so much about babies that they want them to starve to death if it costs $.03 to feed them…but no problem to waste $10 billion in a PR stunt “inspecting” Mexican trucks at the border with zero results.
Edit: They also spent two years screaming about not wearing a mask because they have full body autonomy…the right to spread deadly diseases, and no one has the right to give them a shot to prevent those preventable deaths.
They also leave no exceptions if the woman’s life is endangered by the pregnancy…which would kill both the woman and the zygote.
So much for “pro life”.
Such outrageous hypocrites and liars. The party of irrational hate and fear, immorality and prejudice, thy name is Republican.

bobknight33 said:

Absolutely. Anything to stop the party of no moral fiber.

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