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Doubt - How Deniers Win

bcglorf says...

I think it's very important to recognize that there is more than 1 camp in this that has completely abandoned science. Sure there are plenty denying that things are warming, or that our activity contributes to warming. Don't spend so much time decrying them that you miss the people demanding the science clearly indicates impending catastrophic disaster that only emission reductions can save us from.

Also take note that we are just beginning to move into the measuring the 'real' part of the issue now by satellite for the last few decades. Previously temperature was the only proxy measure for showing increasing energy trapped in the atmosphere. With satellite records though we have been able to directly measure radiation coming in and going out and observe the real trends. The IPCC that shared Al Gore's nobel prize on climate change has this to say on the satellite measured energy budget:
Satellite records of top of the atmosphere radiation fluxes have
been substantially extended since AR4, and it is unlikely that
significant trends exist in global and tropical radiation budgets
since 2000.

It's important to read that closely and correctly. There has been an overall net influx of radiation, as in more energy coming in than going out. The RATE of that increase is the flux they are referring to. The IPCC is stating that since 2000, it is unlikely that the rate of energy being trapped in our atmosphere has been changing.

All that means is that it's not time to panic. If you look at the latest IPCC temperature projections you'll similarly see that the projections are much less scary for 2100 than the first IPCC projections from 1990. Better news still for us, the instrumental record thus far looks to be tracking the lowend of the IPCC projections.

All that is to say that science is agreed things are warming. It is agreed we are contributing. It also agreed that the severity isn't some doom and gloom we are all gonna die in 2050 scenario either.

All of #GruberGate in Two Minutes

Aussies Win 2X Jackpot At Japanese Slot Machine

speechless says...

They won exactly zero money, unfortunately. The only thing those coins are good for is more play in the arcade. They can't be traded in for prizes or anything of value, or even any "side" payouts like with pachinko.
They had fun though, and that's what the arcade is about!

Nixie: Wearable Camera That Can Fly

My_design says...

From the interwebs:
"Nixie isn’t going to be on this Christmas’ shopping list and is simply a concept at this stage."
"The Nixie prototype, as it is now, looks like it could break at a moment’s notice, and resembles more a school science project than the next big wearable."
"Nixie is currently in prototype stage and as an idea, was born only ten days before the deadline for the competition. But despite having a lot of work to do, the team's pitch convinced the judges not only that the product is brilliant, but that the team has a viable business plan and can make the product, quite literally, take off. Prize money will be used for improving the propellers, motors and object navigation, as well as miniaturisation of the whole product."

I still think Intel got conned.

What this tells me is that everybody sees potential but that what they showed in the video was pure concept design. They have a very long road ahead of them still. My key issues are and remain:
Getting the booms to bend around the wrist so as to bring the motor pods back together.
Fitting the electronics into a format that will fit onto a wrist.
Maintain an acceptable level of performance for an acceptable level of time.

Funny thing is that they mention all of the things I've commented on:
Propellers, miniaturization, and navigation.

I would add form factor and battery life. But Props will be a key issue as getting efficient props at this size is very difficult and maintain tolerances in production.

newtboy said:

These competitions never give out cash prizes for theory, they only pay off for actual working prototypes. Otherwise SpaceX would be a movie, as would Deepflight and whatever they called the solar plane...along with dozens of other technologies that have come from these competitions. They just don't pay off on these competitions unless you can PROVE you solved the problems (known AND unknown) and MADE at least one prototype that works.
Intel is no dummy. They know full well you can use their own product to create a video showing anything you wish, so they would NOT be 'conned' out of $500000 with a video. That's a silly thing to say.
I'll come back and tell you that you seem to be wrong today. :-)

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, you may be right it will take 5 years to make them cheap and durable enough to sell them.

Nixie: Wearable Camera That Can Fly

newtboy says...

These competitions never give out cash prizes for theory, they only pay off for actual working prototypes. Otherwise SpaceX would be a movie, as would Deepflight and whatever they called the solar plane...along with dozens of other technologies that have come from these competitions. They just don't pay off on these competitions unless you can PROVE you solved the problems (known AND unknown) and MADE at least one prototype that works.
Intel is no dummy. They know full well you can use their own product to create a video showing anything you wish, so they would NOT be 'conned' out of $500000 with a video. That's a silly thing to say.
I'll come back and tell you that you seem to be wrong today. :-)

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, you may be right it will take 5 years to make them cheap and durable enough to sell them.

My_design said:

No I'm not. They won a competition based off of a video they did. I have not seen anything from them that shows them doing what they present in the video.
Congratulations they conned Intel out of $500K. You can come back and tell me I was wrong when it is available for sale and shipping and is in a similar form to what they presented. Talk to you in 5+ years.

Nixie: Wearable Camera That Can Fly

Mystic95Z says...
My_design said:

This is absolutely 100% not possible at this time. Not in this format at least. I fly quads. I manufacture quads on a mass production basis. If this was a single technological step away from where we are currently, then maybe it could happen, but this is at least 5 technologies that do not currently exist or are in very early development. Just to start out with having a flexible frame that can support flight is quite a concept. Don't even get me started on the wrist watch size. The smallest quads out there measure about 2" square using 5mm brushed motors, and a 100MAh lipo battery. The best flight time you can get with it is about 5-7 minutes and takes about 15 minutes to charge(from a USB port). that doesn't leave anything for powering a camera, or GPS.
Anyways, the technology doesn't exist to make this thing close to feasible. Closest thing like this on the market right now is this:

The world's first levitating bluetooth speaker

ChaosEngine says...

Regarding sound quality, the masses have spoken and their response is "meh, good enough".

Convenience is now prized over quality.

I find it hilarious when people spend thousands on a sound system and then plug a mp3 player into it...

IQ quiz for idiots

ghark says...

You've won, I do believe you get a prize.

AnomalousDatum said:

I got every question correct and got 130. Is it time tested? What's the point? I did block half a dozen advertisers, but found the one site that was required to take the test, do I win?

Scheduled Down Time Tonight (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Something is still broken. Right now I see the list of 'Current Users' (on The Sift Talk Forum Page) has 90 people. Unless you have promised cash prizes to everyone who logs in today and stays logged in, I think there is a problem

lucky760 said:

Okay, now that I've blacklisted a few hundred IPs, our load is way back down again.

We were just getting hit from every angle by crawlers, but we should be okay now.

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

Blaming me for the destruction of the planet or whatever else seems... looney, at best.

"I've never met one that wasn't, and I know hundreds of scientists."

Send me (privately) the names and numbers of these hundreds of climate scientists and I'll conduct a survey. Or perhaps you should spend your days debating every single person online... Y'know.. for fun.

The authors of this article (both of them meteorology professors) have better climate science credentials than you do. One even served within the climate group that shared the Nobel prize with Al Gore for climate change advocacy.

(you may have to search for it online if this link does not let you read the full article)

If you really care about climate change, these are the folks you should be debating.. Not me... And not random people on videosift.

Good luck!

"Messrs. McNider and Christy are professors of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and fellows of the American Meteorological Society. Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore."

Raise up to a higher level

newtboy said:


All electric engine plane wins 1.35 million $ prize

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'plane, electric, efficient, flying, nasa prize, million, dollar' to 'plane, electric, efficient, flying, nasa prize, million, dollar, pipistrel, taurus' - edited by kulpims

"Father of Inflation" Professor SURPRISED w/ New Discovery

blahpook (Member Profile)

Happy 8th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Thanks for that Lilithia (indirectly promoting my cooking contest!) we dig prizes and contests as well, Pumpkinandstorm won a Videosift T-shirt from me a few months back(which Dag donated when I suggested an earlier VIDEO contest), when I concocted a previous cooking contest FOR the videosift after taking over the cooking channel for another user-Another user actually won first prize, and gifted it to P&S further fostering the spirit of this unique online community, which shows how much it means to some folks to spread the love around here...(or, that some folks just didn't want some stodgy T-Shirt

Encouraging here more sifters to start their own contests-Shipping stuff from down-under is probably pretty cost-prohibitive, eh Dag???

Speaking of which, I would love to get a couple more entries into the cookie-contest, but if the 3 entries so far are all there are, that means everyone who enters gets cookies and prizes. AND remember, your entries WILL be judged by former strippers and female bartenders and filmed for upload to the site....YAY! Everybody wins!

Food Channel Contest Time (Food Talk Post)

chingalera says...

OH...and considering the recent attempt by chiccochodiarreah, to defame and otherwise lambast me publicly, I would like to take this opportunity for anyone reading this with the power to otherwise tamper with my mail or any winner's who receives a prize as specified here, that nothing which could be considered contraband or of nefarious intent ever came or will come form me into your possession.

FUCK the dumb-shits and the Babylonian high priests of illusion!!

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