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The Matrix Resurrections – Official Trailer 2

vil says...

I dont watch movie previews if I plan to see the movie. But then I also read books sometimes. I can actually will myself to not press the button.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Good start, but Is a $2000 fine punishment enough for voting fraudulently at least twice, and blaming political enemies for his crimes? You conveniently ignored the question.
IMO, he should see serious prison time and the fine should be at least 10 times what it is….any fraudulent voter should.

He’s the poster boy for your election fraud fraud. No “mea culpa”? No “I guess maybe we should rethink our claims”? Nope, just some whataboutism over long ago debunked and totally made up nonsense you clearly still believe, gullible rube that you are.

If such a thing had happened, absolutely the state should go after them, not the Trump mob that tried to lynch them and continues to threaten their lives daily, but since this is another moronic, long ago debunked right wing hallucination and fabrication, investigated by the state and found to be ignorant supposition by the right not subversion by the left, that’s a flat no.

“What you saw – the secret suitcase with magic ballots – were actually ballots that had been packed into those absentee ballot carriers by the workers in the plain view of the monitors and the press,” -Georgia Election System Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling

Democrats get accused of the crimes Republicans keep getting convicted of….because you morons really hate yourselves, but you aren’t adult enough to admit that so you project. Remember all those attempted cop killings and bombings last summer that outraged you until it became clear they were largely right wing white supremacists shooting police, lighting fires, and setting bombs….then suddenly those crimes weren’t an issue? You’re so transparent.

bobknight33 said:

Good catch and he should be punished.

Lets also go after that Atlanta mother and daughter who pulled out a few suitcases of fake votes and ran them through the machines all night long giving the Biden spike... You down for that?

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

dahauns says...

@vil: Well, it's actually Bell herself that has a similar opinion:

It has been suggested that I should have had a part in the Nobel Prize awarded to Tony Hewish for the discovery of pulsars. There are several comments that I would like to make on this: First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!

And that doesn't mean she was ignorant to the issue - she *did* tear the sexist media a new one, with gleeful wit:

When the paper was published the press descended, and when they discovered a woman was involved they descended even faster. I had my photograph taken standing on a bank, sitting on a bank, standing on a bank examining bogus records, sitting on a bank examining bogus records: one of them even had me running down the bank waving my arms in the air. Look happy dear, you've just made a Discovery! (Archimedes doesn't know what he missed!) Meanwhile the journalists were asking relevant questions like was I taller than or not quite as tall as Princess Margaret (we have quaint units of measurement in Britain) and how many boyfriends did I have at a time?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahahahaha!!!! Bobski....only one of us is thought to actually be a Russian, and it's not me. ROTFLMFAHS!!!!

This was a press release from cyber ninjas denouncing the fake report Trump and people like you are spreading. Not my interpretation, Cyber Ninja's accusation. Accusing Trump of, true to form, writing his own report and claiming it's what was found.

You just love that turd pie, don't you.

bobknight33 said:

You commie tool.

Not fake just your interpretation to spin truth.

Gaetz Wingman Pleads Guilty Says He'll Cooperate with Feds

newtboy says...

Uh oh….
Remember how this story broke, with Gaetz saying he was being extorted?
Turns out that part might be true.

Jake Novak, who is the broadcast media director of the consulate general of Israel, and allegedly the extortionist. He claimed he had credible evidence of Gaetz trafficking minors for sex, and tried to use that info to get Gaetz to procure $25 million to get Bob Levinson out of Iranian prison. (How an Israeli consulate would do that is unexplained). In return, he promised to press Trump to pardon Gaetz.

My guess is Gaetz knew that wouldn’t protect him from state charges or being labeled a pedophile, so instead of playing ball he went to the fbi….who of course looked into the accusations of not just the bribery, but the child sex trafficking. Both appear to be true.

Just to be clear, this was reportedly an Israeli official blackmailing a (pedophilic sex trafficking) US Senator to get money he claims he intended to hand to Iran for a hostage. Israel is not our ally.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Damn, bad day for Trump….internal memos from the weeks before the big press conference with all Trump’s lawyers accusing Dominion (and long dead Hugo Chavez, Smartmatic, and George Soros) of vote fraud prove they knew all the claims were false well before the November 19 press conference where they publicly accused them all of treason by vote fraud.

The more we know, the more we know they knew....and we now have proof they knew they lost fairly before knowingly making false accusations, but just refused to accept it.

Before the first press conference they knew it was all bullshit, Bob. Proven by their own investigations, verified by their legal memos…it was nonsense....baseless delusion divorced from reality.
When are you going to get it that they constantly lie to you for money, power, and fame? Why does that not bother you?

The attempted US coup

newtboy says...

Exactly which part is fake, lie, or a half truth? The recordings of Trump's inner circle trying to change or decertify the certified votes in multiple states, asking election officials too "find" thousands of non existent votes, to just decertify the vote (not a thing) and leave fixing the election to Trump, or the recordings of Trump himself personally doing the same?

Keep being the fool and trusting a repeatedly convicted con man and charity fraud over literally everyone else besides a crack head nutjob.

What forensic audit? You mean the unofficial review Cyber Ninjas can't produce? The one that had you claim 75000 unregistered votes were cast because they were too incompetent to understand the numbers and counted in person votes as unregistered mail in votes?! The review that spent months scanning for bamboo fibers on ballots?! The review by a hyper biased company that spread the big lie before being chosen for this farce? They've smeared themselves.
It would have been more trustworthy if Hunter Biden did this review by himself with no oversight whatsoever.

There isn't a forensic audit, dummy. Cyber Ninjas did an unofficial ballot review, they're incapable of an audit, they have zero experience or training in doing one, and hired only stop the steal people to work for fact they've proven to be incapable of even a basic review, getting it horrendously wrong every time they tried to leak their "findings". If Democrats put on a farce like this, the party would die, because democratic voters aren't willing to ignore reality and support blatant lies like Republicans have made their only platform. Lie, lie often, lie big, lie until people believe your lie, then lie more.

What are Cyber Ninjas hiding? employees went out of their way to ensure that the observers saw as little as possible, at times intentionally blocking them from seeing computer screens and engaging them in “loud, pointless conversations” to prevent them from hearing other conversations.
What the observers could see did not inspire confidence....

They're weeks beyond their extended deadline that came months and months after the three weeks they said it would take to do their meaningless unprofessional unofficial review....and they've got NOTHING or it would have been released to the press the next day (like their "find" of 75000 "unregistered mail in votes" was).

If they have such election reversing proof, why are they hiding it....just like everyone who's ever claimed to have "proof"....including all Trump's lawyers, republican senators, talk radio con men, and moronic blowhards who believe them with no evidence whatsoever, they're certainly not releasing any of the "proof" they keep claiming to have....I'll point you to Mike Lindell and his idiotic cyber symposium that offered not a single bit of evidence about the election, much less proof of any fraud. What are they hiding it for?

At this point, if it was true there was massive election fraud, aren't Republicans the ones hiding the proof the election was defrauded? They haven't presented a scintilla of real evidence to back up their claims, just accusations layered upon accusations glazed with supposition and sprinkled with insane conspiracy.

Democrats have been demanding their final report for months, moron. Why is Cyber Ninjas hiding? Why are they so afraid to turn over their results? If they have proof, why are they hiding it?

There is none so blind as he who will not see. You will not see, no matter how clear and in your face the proof is that the election was not "rigged" or "stolen", no matter how clear the evidence is that Trump and his lackeys tried to steal the election by hook and by crook, tried to simply discard the election because they legitimately lost, and when that failed tried to steal the country by force through a deadly coup....yet somehow you "see" evidence and proof of voter fraud that's never been presented except against Republicans...and you don't see those frauds.

So just slink away in shame again, hiding from your dishonest positions once they're proven to be wrong and ignorant....Again. It's a pattern.

bobknight33 said:

True FAKE news. Smear lies and 1/2 truths.

Keep sucking on their meat..

CNN trying to smear the forensic audit in Maricopa county.

Why are Democrat so afraid to a forensic audit?
IF you are innocent why are they hiding?

US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

Really...You saw a HEART beating at 6 weeks. You're a liar....not a new revelation btw. You've been a proud liar for years.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also has said in a statement, “What is interpreted as a heartbeat in these bills is actually electrically-induced flickering of a portion of the fetal tissue that will become the heart as the embryo develops. Thus, ACOG does not use the term ‘heartbeat’ to describe these legislative bans on abortion because it is misleading language, out of step with the anatomical and clinical realities of that stage of pregnancy.”

I do not believe you work in as a medical device service tech (which wouldn't include ANY medical training, now would it) but can't spell or read above a third grade level. It's just not believable....not that it would indicate any medical knowledge if true.

Again, seeing a PULSE is not seeing a heartbeat. If they say they saw a heart at 6 weeks, report them, they're delusional. What they call it has nothing to do with reality....many nurses are anti vaxers Q followers, being in the medical field doesn't make one reasonable, logical, or right. Techs aren't doctors....and doctors fudge the truth to avoid conflict. Press them, they'll admit there's no heart, unless like you they prefer a comfortable lie to the hard truth, and believe it's better to tell a lie than a truth that might hurt your position. Probably shouldn't have admitted you think that.

Here's a citation for you to dismiss as fake news....

Btw, I stand corrected, except for changes in the muscle tissue, the basic heart is apparently formed by week 13, not 20. The muscle tissue matures around week 20. I'm always willing to admit when I'm wrong, unlike some.

bobknight33 said:


Yep I'm shitty with grammar and spelling But I can fix anything and hold my own in front any Dr. or C suite within my field of expertise.

Personal experience? BSEET Penn State.
33 years as a medical Field service Engineer.

28 years working for Global conglomerates and 5 years in house at UNC Chapel hill NC.
I’ve been with Siemens Medical and General Electric most of my career.
I’ve serviced/ install Cathlabs, Vascular labs, Rad/ RF rooms and Mammo rooms. Plus others.

Last 20 years installing / servicing Medical Ultrasound.
This includes Cardiac, Radiology ultrasound and Woman’s health, OBGYN
I’ve seen more ultrasounds hearts and heartbeats than you can imagine..
Being Hippa compliant, I look at images for quality and for servicing.

All the Techs I talk to say the same . Heartbeat starts about the 6 to 10 week of pregnancy
And yes there are images that capture this along with all the other images and measurements. Doppler is used for this.

Per quick Google search
When does the heartbeat show on ultrasound?
A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. That's when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen. But between 6 1/2 to 7 weeks after gestation, a heartbeat can be better assessed.

Your fucking up the wrong tree today. Go back to being the big guy at you high school.

You can even do this at home

Undercover: EXPOSING MAGA Hypocrisy on Afghanistan

bobknight33 says...

Having ignorant conservatives is 1 thing.

Have a fucking idiot POTUS is another that put this plan into action.

Biden fucked up the withdraw like no other. Worse yet he and VP are basically MIA when pressed about it.

Khabane Lame exposes stupid life hack

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no....Trump backing racist right wing terrorists Proud Boys and other far right violent groups are rioting in the streets of Portland, shooting pepper ball guns, spraying bear mace, shooting guns, shooting large fireworks at people, brawling with weapons, attacking press, and setting fires.

Police are standing back and have said publicly that except for life threatening incidents they won't even show tacit approval of the terrorists rioting. (Proud Boys are a right wing terrorist organization in case you missed it)

Trump's "good people" are now the ones "burning down cities". Own it.

A very patient but frustrated Rear Admiral explaining subs

luxintenebris says...

why education should be one of our highest priorities. on the same level as national defense.

as a comedian once said (about Reagan cutting educational funding), it does not seem too smart to cut back on education. after all, we are relying on most of our service people, who protect this country, having some quality of education. would hate to see this scenario play out...

"OMG! WHY! Why did you launch those missiles!!!"
"Well...I got hungry, so I pressed the button with "Lunch" on it?"

vil said:

I think its only fair that stupid people get their own political representation.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Covid Scientist Arrested For Honest Evaluation Of Florida

newtboy says...

It totally agree, @eric3579. Who can be trusted? It's harder to know every day.

My take....
Jones is right about the science, false negatives imply you've never been exposed when you have been, so people believe they cannot transmit the virus when they may in fact be infectious, which can lead to reckless nondistancing behavior and infections because they assume they're "safe"... also even a good (not false) positive antibody test does not mean they have meaningful immunity nor does it mean they aren't infectious as this woman claims. It only means you've developed some detectable antibodies to the virus. Period. Both misconceptions are big concerns. "Which is bigger?" seems like a silly fight.

The problem is, no matter what the test says, people think it means they're safe to be around. A negative test...."I never had it so I can't spread it, gimme a kiss"...a positive test..."I had it but beat it so I'm now immune and can't spread it, gimme a kiss". Neither is correct.

I had the chicken pox twice. If a chicken pox antibody test existed, I would have tested positive after the first round and assumed I couldn't get it or transmit it afterwards, but that would have been wrong even though the results weren't a false positive. Instead, because people suck, my parents and teachers just assumed I was "safe" and sent me to school sick and may have caused an outbreak.

Both of her claims here rely on most people completely misunderstanding what the results really mean, and people completely ignoring the possibility of false results. Sadly that's proper to assume.

Interesting how she puts it, she says Jones wasn't asked to fudge any data, just maybe present it in a way that made Florida's public covid numbers look better in the run up to the election....or another way to say that is she was asked to fudge the data....if I recall she claimed she was instructed to hide large numbers of cases in categories not included in the public presentations with the intent to create a false perception of a major downturn in cases under the "open up and unmask" plan.

Wasn't the "private data" she's accused of handing to the press the unadulterated anonymous covid numbers....not really private as it's public data collected by the government for public health reasons... and not personal data as she implied. That's what I recall the charge being....maybe there's more.

The rest is unverifiable and /or personal tabloid did they point the gun at her kids or just menace them with the guns, did she get pregnant with her student, etc. Not germane to her claims about Florida's verified misrepresentations, and inappropriate attacks against the messenger instead of the message, imo. Distasteful to me, but besides the point.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

Holy shit, you’re a moron….an incredibly dangerous, deadly, irresponsible, pro death moron.

600000+ is more dead Americans than were killed in every war back to the Civil war combined. We should never have gone to war then, even when we were attacked. No enemy has ever come anywhere near 600000. By your logic, Pearl Harbor didn’t matter, protecting Korea didn’t matter, the war on terror didn’t matter, no war mattered…why should another nation or people be punished for under a 2% American death rate?

Islamic terrorists too….they only killed 3000 on American soil…why on earth would you punish them, that’s only .5% of COVID deaths, a nothing burger, but your ilk loses their minds over Arabs and Muslims, so much you tried to ban them, remove their civil rights, and murder them at random because you can’t tell the difference between a Shiek and a Daesh warrior. Why, Bob, if 600000 dead is a nothing burger, would you care a thing about 3000? Must be a different skin color/different belief prejudice thing.

You still want to investigate again and prosecute Clinton over 4 deaths in a hostile foreign country she wasn’t responsible for….but 600000 on American soil on the Cowardly Liar’s watch…. nothing to see here.

BLM was responsible for approximately 6 deaths at protests last year (right wing attackers were responsible for around 13 including the police they murdered to blame on BLM), and you want to ban and prosecute BLM members but not proud or boogaloo boys….but 600000 deaths, >90% of which were easily avoidable with just minimal leadership instead of the denial and blame shifting we got…fugehtabowdit!

And immigrants, they now have 600000 empty slots to fill before adding a single person to our population….open those borders and ring the dinner bell.

Only 2% of people tossed off fourth story roofs die, another way of saying that is 98% survive. I’ll be right over to throw you and your children off a fourth story roof….you won’t press charges because only a 2% chance of death each shouldn’t be punished, right?

Yes, absolutely, if there’s a 2% death rate (I’m pretty certain it’s rising), and one unvaccinated idiot gives it to 50 more because you morons also won’t mask up or social distance, you just murdered someone and wasted around $4000000 to try to treat them. Like an arsonist that kills and maims people, you should go to prison for life.
Now consider you dumbshits are creating an epsilon variant that’s not effected by vaccination and is FAR more transmissible and deadly….you ARE the Wuhan lab creating another pandemic. You and yours are guilty of what you accuse China of doing, intentionally creating and releasing a deadly pandemic….because you’re fucking idiots. You think the Chinese involved should be executed….so logically so should anyone that refuses vaccination and gets COVID. That’s 99% of all COVID cases now.

Should you or someone else be punished for just one murder? If so, you get it and you are just trolling stupidly…if not, I’m going to need your address and to have that in writing with your signature, notarized and signed by a judge….then I’ll be right over to save you from a tiny shot with a much larger shot.

How many trillions did 18 months of COVID cost America alone? >$16 trillion IF it ends this fall….And you’re advocating another round or two. Are you and the other anti science dummies willing to put your entire net worth in escrow to pay for the damage your ignorant obstinance causes? I’m certain not, republicans NEVER accept responsibility for their actions….never….so stop the insanity and man up, or be a pariah, ostracized from society in a cell.

*************Trump said it’s not only safe, it’s smart and patriotic. Are you saying he’s lying to you, or that you aren’t smart or patriotic? If you only answer one question, make it this one.*************

There’s an over 10% hospitalization rate at an average of $80000 (some cost millions and still don’t make it) and of those hospitalized, 80+% had neurological symptoms, 50% had encephalopathy, and far more than twice as many had permanent brain damage as died…plus heart, lung, muscular, etc. disabilities, plus many losing one of their 5 senses permanently….why should the government pay for your choice to be irresponsible? Waive your rights to assistance now, it’s socialism anyway.

Then there’s the Petri dish angle….every non vaccinated asshole is a place for the virus to mutate enough that vaccination is made moot….and we are right back to April 2020 with another 600000 likely to die before any help, another year of businesses closed and social distancing at a minimum. Absolutely anyone making that possible, endangering hundreds of thousands of lives, permanently disabling at least twice that many Americans, killing another 1000 + children (the Delta variant already effects children much worse than the original) and severely disabling tens of thousands more, and orphaning hundreds of thousands, deserves life in prison or firing squad. Then let’s talk about the unintended abortions….getting COVID while pregnant is a near guaranteed death of the fetus….since when are you uneducated idiots pro abortion? Make no mistake, refusing to vaccinate causes unwanted abortions.

So again, absolutely you should be forced to vaccinate or be forcibly quarantined, and forced to pay the full cost of treatment for anyone you infect through willful negligence, and prosecuted for cases leading to death and permanent brain damage, and pay for lifetime care for the disabled, and not have your care paid for because it was 100% your choice….in fact no care at all, your ilk should never take up a bed needed by a child that couldn’t vaccinate, children are over 20% of cases, and while they don’t die as often, they still get permanent brain, heart, lung, and other damage at high rates.

What are you so afraid of, little baby? Republican women have much bigger balls than Republican men….they aren’t afraid of a tiny prick, they see them all the time.

bobknight33 said:

600000 dead is only a 2% Death rate.
Another way of saying it 98% survival rate.

And if you are younger than 60 it more like 99% survival rate.

So should you be forced or else be punish in some for or fashion for a 2% death rate?

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