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Solving By Using 'Extreme Case' Puzzles With Physics Girl

robbersdog49 says...

Problem 1: Tip toward the wood, as the wood will lose more buoyancy from the air than the lead.

As for the extreme case here, let's use the helium balloon. You tie the helium balloon to the right hand side of the scale. Now, to get the bar on the scale horizontal (balanced) you need to hang the lead weight closer to the fulcrum but on the right hand side of the scale too.

Now remove the air.

The balloon was only pulling up because of the air. Without the air it will hang down. So, we now have two things hanging down on the same side of the scale, so it's very obvious which way the scale will swing...

Problem 2: pi*20m Circumference = pi*diameter. Poles increase diameter by 20m. Really not sure where the 'extreme case' comes into this though?

Stormsinger said:

Beats the hell out of me.

Just to noodle around a bit, the only extreme I can think of about the scales would be to substitute an extremely low density object for the wood. Say, a helium filled balloon? But that assumes that she did in fact mean equal mass for the two objects, and wouldn't actually give valid readings on a scale in atmosphere anyway.

Extreme cases are a rather specialized approach, as I remember...its not really a common, or easy way to get answers. I got the feeling this was kind of a "wannabee" presentation. Like she wanted to do "Smarter every day" stuff but isn't quite able to find and explain interesting non-intuitive problems well.

Clever 3-way joint (Kawai Tsugite) explained

dannym3141 says...

From what i understood, he wasn't complaining that the finished joint could be separated and reorientated - that's the whole point of the joint. The problem is that the joint is made by chopping bits off and gluing them back on, so the joint is only as strong as the dab of glue you used to put it back together.

Payback's got a great point though, with a 3D printer it might be possible to put it to good use. I say 3D print these type of joints as sockets into which you stick some wood or metal. A bit like old fashioned tents or gazebos that have plastic sockets to connect the poles. Could be a good way of building large amounts of shelters very quickly, maybe for things like the huge refugee camps we've got going right now due to western imperialism in the middle east.

robbersdog49 said:

But the whole point of the joint is that it can be taken apart and put back together again in three different ways. Like he says at the end of the video it's a rubbish joint in every other way. As much as it would look solid, it wasn't.

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

To Scale: The Solar System

RFlagg says...

As a side note, I noted in the comments:
Heck people don't get the scale between the Earth and the Moon. The distance is so great that all the other planets of our solar system could fit in between the Earth and the Moon, while at aphelion anyhow, and have a bit of room to spare. If you arrange the planets pole to pole, then you can do it during the average distance of the moon's orbit. You can't pull the trick off while in perigee though as it gets about 27 kilometers too close, though this sort of shows the scale of the orbital eccentricity.

Another Truck Hits That Massachusetts Bridge

newtboy says...

I take exception with the description. It CLAIMS there are 'warning lights', but I don't see any at all. it CLAIMS there are warning signs, but all I see is the single small 'caution' sign with terrible placement so it blends in with the speed limit sign and the junction boxes on the telephone pole. The only noticeable sign does not indicate any low clearance, it warns of grooved pavement ahead. It would be simple for them to put up the type of system where small weighted red balls hang from above WELL BEFORE THE BRIDGE that will hit any oversized truck AND trigger flashing warning lights on the bridge itself. Instead, they put up easily missed 'warning' signs, and a camera to catch the action they know is coming. I've been seeing footage of this bridge for years, there's absolutely no excuse for them not fixing the problem, yet they have not fixed it. If I were a truck driver caught out by this bridge, I would definitely sue the city for knowingly not fixing a known issue, and knowingly not even putting up visible warnings.

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

newtboy says...

Get a few hanging pots and grow some blue lake stringless pole beans and sugar snap or snow peas. Also a small rosemary plant. Pan fry those beans and/or peas in butter and rosemary until slightly browned. Yum, and easy.

Payback said:

I'd eat better if "good" food didn't taste like a rabbit shit on it, at best, and utterly tasteless for the most part.

How about a little love for long-time but low-star members? (Sift Talk Post)

ant jokingly says...

/me touches Dag's pole.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I would generally agree with this comment. If we could find another meritocratic point to add to the stew, I would be in favour of that. I don't think it should just be time based. Or number of votes - too easy to game.

Don't touch my pole.

How about a little love for long-time but low-star members? (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I would generally agree with this comment. If we could find another meritocratic point to add to the stew, I would be in favour of that. I don't think it should just be time based. Or number of votes - too easy to game.

Don't touch my pole.

gwiz665 said:

The whole idea is meritocracy - so far only video posts (and starred comments) have been the metric used for establishing this merit, but it sounds like a valid concern/idea to base it on other factors as well, such as high comment engagement, general good behavior etc. it's just hard to automate.

How about a little love for long-time but low-star members? (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

I guess instead of reaching out to dag and also creating a poll, you could just reach out to dag's pole. That one method of direct influence can carry the most weight if handled correctly.

Retroboy said:




(Seriously, though, I thought this sort of thing was what SiftTalk was for. A PM to Dag or a specially created poll seems kinda superfluous.)

DMT- a tool to extend survival in clinical death?

newtboy says...

Unfortunately, I see this as a ploy to get people to buy their drugs. I see no way they could possibly get approval for the type of experiments they would have to do to prove their theory, that it could somehow at least slow the effects of oxygen deprivation to the brain.
Any study on near death medicine is going to be difficult and dangerous in the extreme. It takes a long hard fight to get the FDA to allow even limited trials on humans, even humans that agree to it, even humans that are almost dead and will certainly die without it. Even animal studies on something like this will be hard to get approved and will have PETA up his ass with a flamethrower. This is the kind of science that won't get done, unfortunately, because those willing to do it don't have the means, and those with the means won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Don't get me wrong, though, I do think it's a good idea to examine this, and other substances, both natural and man made, for unknown properties/effects they may have, I just don't believe for a moment that this guy, or his small crowdfunded group can get the kinds of legal approvals needed just to START such a study, much less the millions of dollars they cost to actually run, which means they will only be using the money to buy their drug of choice.
Contribute if you like, but I strongly suggest researching this guy and his team first, and investigating exactly what they intend to do with your money beyond what they said, which is just buying some high grade DMT, unless you don't mind just buying him a few hits for personal use. ;-)

shagen454 said:

I'm going to contribute to it just because I believe in the research & science of the compound. I have no idea of how they are going to test it considering they never actually go into any detail. It needs to be studied. It's hilarious that these days the other psychedelics are being studied more intensely than ever by medical firms, Universities etc, all over the world for their positive attributes considering science has come a long way enough and the BULLSHIT stigma that was placed on those substances still remains but has somewhat subsided to a large degree.

As for people that have never experienced this substance - that is 100000% beyond the other psychedelics (probably since it's actually endogenous) - what you can take away from such an absurd idea like this (and even I think it's a pretty ridiculous experiment for a few reasons) is that - oh shit, this stuff is beyond anything that you could imagine and that alone is a reason to research.

The Truth About Toilet Swirl - Northern Hemisphere

Zawash says...

The coriolis effect is stronger the closer you get to the poles - "demonstrations" on the equator showing different swirl directions on two different buckets 50m north and 50m south of the equatorial line is just humbug.

Clearing the road to Geiranger

Zawash says...

*water, *wheels, *travel. And we need a *scandinavian or *nordic channel.

This line of work is much easier using GPS, instead of old fashioned maps and very long poles lining the roads.

Mustang heads for the open prairie

Little Girl Catches Big Fish

newtboy says...

I really think this was 'faked' by dad, trying to let his little girls reel in a big (pre-caught)'s my reasoning.

First, that looks like a huge fish for what looks like a small pond (but the pond may be larger than it looks).
Second, we don't see her hook it, just reel it in.
Third, that fish is totally exhausted, not putting up the fight a fresh caught bass would give.
Fourth, pops doesn't grab the pole and reel it in for a normal fisherman would do...he lets his little girl reel in what is a huge catch and takes his time reaching to grab it as if he knew she wouldn't lose it (and like he was not really excited by the 'catch').
Fifth, and most telling, his other daughter asks him to 'put that on my fishing pole' he had just put it on the first girls pole and now it's her turn.
Sixth....I noticed that the fish is double hooked, one in each side of it's mouth. That rarely if ever happens, you would expect one to be deep in it's mouth, not both in the corners.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it sure seemed like a set up to me.

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