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newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Damn you are gullible.
No on know what the Durham report will say.
But you bought into the NY Times hit piece.

I know you like jerking off to these lies but seriously just wait till it comes out.

Also CNN hit 9 year low in ratings. No one is buying their lies, except you.

CNN needs Trump.

newtboy said:

Ruh-roe….the Durham report on the “Trump-Russia witch hunt” is FINALLY coming to light….remember, the special investigation into the Steele dossier and other whistleblowers that made accusations of Trump criminality…turns out it DID become a criminal investigation just like far right propagandists reported gleefully…but they were claiming falsely it was the whistleblowers and leftist politicians’ criminality…turns out it was actually Trump that was being “investigated” for international bank fraud and money laundering in Italy, but Barr hid the “investigation” and the facts while outright lying to the American people to support and protect Trump, again.

This WAS the investigation into the “weaponization of the federal government” and “RUSSIA-RUSSIA-RUSSIA” collusion “hoax” impeachment Barr started in 2019 that completely failed to find any fraud or hoax, failed to vindicate any of the dozens of Trump administration convicts, failed in prosecuting anyone, and only found criminality from Trump which they covered up and never referred for prosecution.

Now the Republican house intends to waste tens of millions more trying the exact same investigation again because they can’t accept proven fact.

Expect similarly self accusatory results from insurrectionist MAGA morons. The weaponization of the federal government was a Trump administration feature, if they actually look that’s what they’ll find (and try to hide).

Side note- to prove how serious they are about ending corruption, Republicans seated the total fraud and criminal “Santos” on the small business committee that oversees the PPP loan program, a program abused to the tune of billions by mostly right wing “business owners” including some Republican representatives that individually took millions and never paid a dime back but cry we can’t afford school debt relief.

Putting the fraud Santos in charge of this often abused program is 100% proof positive the Republicans plan to defraud it further and steal billions more from the treasury.
But you don’t care, he wears a red tie.

On This Day In 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger explosion

BSR says...

I lived in Cape Canaveral during the shuttle years and saw all but 5 launches in person. My two other sisters and I happened to be in Augusta, GA visiting my third sister that day. As we were getting ready to leave, I remembered the launch was just minutes away and decided to watch it on TV before we left.

When it exploded, I didn't understand at first that the shuttle exploded. My first thought was that it sure looked different on TV. Then it sunk in what was really happening. I couldn't believe what was happening.

It was time to leave and go back home. We got into the car and I drove for about 10 minutes thinking about what I just saw. Then it hit me. I had to pull over and cried until I was able to proceed.

Seven months later, people were finding small pieces of debris washing up on the shores of Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach.


Live Port Canaveral Cam

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You simply deny any source that isn’t far right propaganda lies, so why should I bother. Even straight up .gov statistics have been discarded by you if you don’t like them.
I linked a source. You can type “google” too, right? Or is it banned in Russia, comrade? How about the DA? Police? Court records? All agree, all say the same thing, so must all be fake hit pieces.
You utter moron. I think your IQ is well below my dogs. They at least learn quickly that I’m always protecting them, always steering them in the right direction, even when it’s uncomfortable for them. You would be left to burn in the barn, insisting it’s fake fire and trying to bite.

Yes, you earn an “S” for stupid…as usual. The best grade you’ve earned in your life. (Includes links to charges and affidavit) - Look at Page 5 paragraph a.

Prove me right and go silent or discount all 4. I know you have no choice as they prove my position conclusively and prove you 100% wrong.

bobknight33 said:

LA Times isn't a neutral paper -- Just a liberal rag.
I read the story but where is his actual post.

Just fake news unless its source is linked.
Just another fake news hit piece.

A for effort S for Stupid
GullibleBoy is you new name

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

LA Times isn't a neutral paper -- Just a liberal rag.
I read the story but where is his actual post.

Just fake news unless its source is linked.
Just another fake news hit piece.

A for effort S for Stupid
GullibleBoy is you new name

newtboy said:

So that’s a “no” to retracting your homophobic nonsense red herring slanderous lie, and a “yes” to you “being the biggest rancid douche bag possible at all times.” Noted. I’m aware it’s difficult for clinically insecure people to ever admit mistakes. Often that makes them be disgusting liars.

Here’s one of dozens I’ve read.
It’s well established based on his own videoed confession he’s a Q nut MAGgot insurrectionist election denier. He was there to kill her over Trump’s big lie, that he won an election (never happened, he only won one electoral college once). If she admitted the lie, he would only break her legs. He was a Trump fan boy like yourself, and a hard far righty. Self delusional, hypocritical, and nonsensical….just like most MAGgots. Like so many he was also a violent delusional criminal. He didn’t identify as a Republican, but was willing to give his life to fight for Trump.

What evidence do you have of anything you said, or that I’m wrong? OAN said so? Fox? Alex Jones? Just like the homophobic nonsensical red herring story you jumped on that it was a gay lover spat. More nothing from a nothing burger.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the honest media as being MAGA attack, while lying Con media made up a story about Pelosi’s husband having a fight with his gay lover, and you bought it hook line and sinker again, fool.

Bid surprise, it was absolutely undeniably a politically motivated MAGgot terrorist attack.

But to recap, you came up with a ton of insulting nonsense bullshit to hide your party’s obvious culpability over a terroristic politically motivated elderly attack and spouted it like it bore a resemblance to facts. It did not….again. Your positions never bear even a slight resemblance to facts. Every single detail of your position is bullshit lies….every time. Never once have you accepted responsibility for the horrific actions and policies you support. As usual, you spout insulting lies, then slink away like a cowardly worm to pretend you didn’t say the disgusting lies you just said.

It was a politically motivated terrorist attack by a hard core MAGgot attacking Pelosi over “the big lie” that came directly from Trump, with many more Democrat targets.

Where are the web links YOU were looking at. The fake stories created on that Friday and gone by Monday? They’re gone, hidden in the darkness, just like you, buddy. Never once a “mea culpa, I’m wrong, or I’m sorry” from you despite being intentionally insultingly wrong 99.998% of the time

If only you had a scintilla of honor or sense of self worth….there isn’t a bag of dicks big enough for a piece of lying shit loser like you. Go take a long walk on a short pier if you can’t admit you’re nothing but a sick troll and do better.

bobknight33 said:

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

But to recap:
So let's get this straight, a man in his underwear manages to elude security cameras, Scale a wall & elude security guards and dogs,breaks into a home without setting an alarm off but is somehow captured with a hammer because of a wellness check at 2am. Also were both in their underwear, and a 3rd “unknown person” answered the door.
Fishy Pelosi Story Right?

DePape is not a right wing MAGA guy, he's a crazy doper who is all over the place on politics.
Paul knew his name & called him a friend in 911 call
Was NOT a political attack.

But by leftest standards... If 2 guys in their undwear get into a hammer fight at 2 am its Trumps fault.

What web links are you looking at? The fake ones created on Friday and now are gone?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Misheard Lyrics

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Talk about being delusional. Trump HAD nuclear secrets (and/or other national secrets of the same highest possible level secrecy classification and danger levels never to be kept or read outside secure facilities designed to safeguard such sensitive information.) kept them unsecured in publicly accessible areas of his public club filled with foreign nationals…and thinks it’s fine he stole and exposed them. That’s delusional.

If he still any, he should absolutely be shot for treason at first sight by any and every patriot regardless of party, right?

What can’t he hold? Anything not actually officially declassified on Jan 20, 2020.
This includes all top secrets and nuclear secrets he cannot declassify himself, and 700 pages of classified documents he did not declassify before stealing them on his way out the door. His claim “anything I took was automatically declassified” is nonsense. That’s not how declassification works at all….you know that.

Where can’t he hold it? In boxes in the hallway outside the unlocked basement in his club where foreign nationals are allowed to wander freely, where Chinese and now Russian spies are KNOWN to have penetrated carrying bags of surveillance and recording equipment, spyware ready to install, etc. Even frat boys have just wandered in off the beach to these areas. It makes Clinton’s server look like Fort Knox. For the highest classification documents, they can only be kept at hardened secure locations designated for that purpose…not a closet, basement, hallway….not even a fire safe.

There’s no enlightening you. You prefer to live in the dark. It’s easier to make up lies and convince yourself of nonsense if you never look at reality. Any facts you dislike you simply discard, thinking your magic mantra, “fake news”, protects you from reality. Any lies you find comforting you simply believe and absolutely refuse to consider reality. It’s a serious mental issue, and if Reagan hadn’t defunded national mental health care, you would be institutionalized, but the right prefers the insane to be among us because they tend to vote Republican.

This answer has nothing to do with the Majestic Spaghetti Monster….I don’t know what you mean….

…but stupid elitists are on the right, they’re the ones who took millions in ppp loan forgiveness (often for fraudulent ppp loans for employees they didn’t have) but claim $10k to poor people trying to become educated will ruin the nation, turn us communist, bankrupt us, etc.. It’s fine if billionaires get handouts of multiple trillions, not a peep of concern then, but not those struggling with crushing debt from fake schools like Trump’s that stole their money for a completely worthless piece of paper and zero education….the same millionaires up in arms over the poor getting $10k took hundreds of thousands to millions despite making the equivalent of over $250k (and millions if they cheat, which the ALL did, insider trading is the norm from the right).

Elitist?! 😂 again, we live with 2 people on under $40k in California….near poverty level. Hard to be elitist and in poverty at the same time. Elitists are people making $250k, another million in insider trading profits, and $3 million in forgiven loans who complain poor people shouldn’t get $10k rebates, but they should get more tax breaks. That’s an elitist stupid answer, it came directly from your Republican representatives like MTG.

I’m not rich, I’m stable. We have no debts, property taxes of only $1250, and I grow over 50% of our food. We live better than most middle class, including international vacations almost yearly, 4 cars, all the top notch organic produce we can eat, a swimming pool size koi pond, Solar, an orchard, no government handouts, etc. all on poverty level income. I’ve never shirked a debt, not once. I’ve never even walked away from an obligation. If you were capable of taking in new information, you would know all that because I’ve told you repeatedly.

bobknight33 said:

Talking about being delusional.. Trump has nuclear secrets..... That delusional.

Exactly what documents can't a EX president hold personally ?

Please enlighten me witty you stupid elitist MSM answer.

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

bcglorf says...

I hate to say it, but I'm sure you are right.

If I have to prophesy on the future, the MAGA crowd will someday need to morph and abandon Trump for all his flaws and failings. And come that day, Trump will either by martyr, or equally likely listed off as just another part of the system. The Clintons at his wedding will be moved from a red herring into a central piece of evidence in their narrative.

And we should be worrying more about who that equally morally vile but less incompetent future figurehead could be.

newtboy said:

You miss his point….he’s saying the law is just for show.

He’s saying absolutely nothing should keep Trump from running in 24, not stealing and selling nuclear secrets, not killing 1 million Americans, not trying to end democracy in America, not a dozen separate vote frauds, not even his sex/pee tapes with Ivanka from when he fathered Barron with her….in fact his sex tapes with Barron won’t even do it, there’s absolutely nothing possible that should stop Trump from running….nothing. No matter who tells bob about crimes, it doesn’t matter. Trump is above the law (to cultists) and should just be dictator for life until he hands the nation to cokehead Jr.

You know that’s what he really means.

Fox admitting Trump committed treason only means Fox is now leftist and not to be trusted….fake news. Finally they got one right.

Pool Dreams It’s A Waterfall

Smoke Shop Robbery, Las Vegas - Robber Stabbed

newtboy says...

There was more than enough time to bleed through from 7 stab wounds before he dumped him on the floor, imo. I was shocked the store owner wasn’t drenched in blood by then, but I see none at all. I just find that odd, I bleed like a water balloon if you stick me.
I also found it insane the thief didn’t seem to react to the first 4-5 stabs at all, he fought back like nothing happened at first, another reason I assumed they maybe didn’t penetrate. The last two sure did, but even the knife still looked clean coming out. WTF!? Super blood absorbing sweat shirt?

I think the owner, if charged, will go for a jury trial and be acquitted….or might take a no prison plea deal if it’s good enough. I can’t see getting a conviction in Nevada for this, unless he hires Amber Heard or Alex Jones’ lawyers. In Florida, he wouldn’t get a ticket. I doubt he’ll see jail, possibly a fine and huge civil suit. Hope he has good insurance.

Edit: I just found this piece about this robbery victim shooting a disarmed robber in the back, eventually killing him, who wasn’t charged. I think the smoke shop owner was more restrained and hope he isn’t charged either.

? Inviting him back in? What? When? They never left. I don’t think he’s claiming these were the same robbers that robbed him earlier that month, if that’s what you mean.

Edit: I do love the prominent cross on the one robber’s neck. This is what people mean when they say “I’m a Christian, I would never do something like that.”

BSR said:

I don't think the blood had time to penetrate the clothing he was wearing. I also believe each strike penetrated pretty well with the force he was using. I also think the owner is going to see some jail time.

The owner wanted the altercation by inviting the robber back into the store so he could get revenge.

Thoughts and Prayers - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

noims says...

I just realised that twat Cruz might as well be saying "may god's piece be with you".

That could be a nice addition to the list of homonyms that are antonyms like raze/raise and awful/aweful.

Biden Approval WTF

Good parenting

newtboy says...

Yeah, @bobknight33. Not surprised you post this. I went to the YT page and read the comments from your “alpha news” cohorts….pretty ugly blatantly racist stuff, buddy. Bad enough I’m shocked YT hasn’t suspended the channel.
I can only guess what you were searching for when you found this.

Your people, saying we are a different species…calling people “human” in quotation marks and laughing.
You are a real, racist piece of work, pal. You are so racist, you don’t think calling people subhuman, non human, or saying directly “there’s an N problem” is noticeable or remarkable, that’s everyday normal conversation to you.

I’m 99.96% certain this is how you wish your children reacted to liberals.

Jesus fuck….you really love to make yourself despicable, don’t you.

Calling all sifters to downvote this racist post into oblivion ASAP.

Normal Bike Math - .5 Wheel x 2 = 1 Wheel

cloudballoon says...

That's some ingenous skill/science of a solution... in search of a problem.

This is a wholly self-induced problem. Just slow the F down going up/down a curb... Ironically, try to ride this thing at speed and see how it'll shatter into pieces even quicker than a busted wheel.

Gets an "A" for effort though, hard to find a kid/YA with such dedication and curosity to science nowadays.

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