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8.9 Earthquake-Japan March 11, 2011

chipunderwood says...

When a widespread tsunami warning is issued this is what the list looks like after an 8.9 130 km off the coast of Japan:

Japan, Russia, Marcus Is., N. Marianas, Guam, Wake Is., Taiwan, Yap, Philippines, Marshall Is., Belau, Midway Is., Pohnpei, Chuuk, Kosrae, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Johnston Is., Solomon Is., Kiribati, Howland-baker, Hawaii, Tuvalu, Palmyra Is., Vanuatu, Tokelau, Jarvis Is., Wallis-futuna, Samoa, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue, Fiji, New Caledonia, Tonga, Mexico, Kermadec is, Fr. Polynesia, Pitcairn, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Antarctica, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru

Here is some insane raw footage of water moving through Miyagi Prefecture-There is another clip with a raging fire moving with the rush of water which may be part of the fire from a turbine a Nuclear Power facility.

Uncontacted Tribe in Brazilian jungle filmed from plane

flavioribeiro says...

>> ^messenger:

It's quite unlikely they are in Brasilia, since Brasilia is a large city and metropolitan area, whereas these settlements seem as remote as you can get.

Indeed. Brasilia is about 3000 km away from the border with Peru (where this tribe supposedly is).

Bill Maher Compares Glenn Beck to L Ron Hubbard

thinker247 says...

Don't worry about us. God said he wouldn't destroy the earth again. I'm sure our nukes are just for show.
>> ^Drachen_Jager:

We're not laughing. If it was Zimbabwe or Peru we might be laughing. But the country with the greatest economic and military influence in the world, not to mention the largest nuclear arsenal. Not very funny.

Bill Maher Compares Glenn Beck to L Ron Hubbard

Hitchslapped - The best of Christopher Hitchens

SDGundamX says...

You misunderstood me. I am not interested in why Hitchens is so against religion--it honestly doesn't matter to me. What interests me is why, despite being such an intelligent person who is claiming to "look for the evidence," he is only willing to look at the evidence that supports his own position. And to be clear, I refer to his position that religion is, in his words, "the main source of hatred in the world." This flies in the face of common sense. Were it true, we would expect predominately religious countries (like Peru or the U.S., for instance)to be hotbeds of hatred. So where's the empirical evidence for this? I certainly haven't heard of any. But that won't stop Hitchens from continuing his rant.

I do want to give Hitchens credit--he makes very pointed cases against certain practices of particular religions. But showing that a particular practice of a particular religion is unethical or immoral is not the same thing as showing that all religions are evil, religious people are stupid, deluded, etc., or the host of other claims that Hitchens (and those like him) makes.

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^SDGundamX:
Hitchens is a sharp orator, but I can't understand why people think his arguments are either "rational" or "logical." The following author and his Hitchens' own brother pretty much explain more clearly than I ever could why I can't take Hitchens' arguments (or Dawkins' or Harris' for that matter) seriously.
What Christopher Hitchens and the New Atheists Can Learn from Malcom X
Atheism Aside: Peter Hitchens Journey to Faith
I find it ironic that those such as Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris, in their zeal to exterminate religion, have become such zealots unwilling to admit evidence contrary to their position that they now rival the fundamentalists they profess to be fighting against. The cynical part of me thinks its because they get paid a lot of money to write books and appear on TV acting that way. The more hopeful part of me is that they are just over-enthusiastic and will one day realize that the best way to accomplish your goals is probably not to make an enemy out of everybody who doesn't think the same as you.

Rather than 'guessing' at where Hitchens stance on religion came from you could read his autobiography. He has several very personal reasons for hating religion. He opens talking about his mother, who fell for a guy that was a bit of a cultist which eventually led to the double suicide of his mother and the nutter. Then upon going to bury his mother, the local church was reluctant to perform the funeral services because of the stigma around suicide. He found that money was able to smooth over those 'reservations'.
I'm by no means agreeing with Hitchens position on painting all religion that same shade of black, but he hasn't exactly just adopted that stance for no reason.

Van Der Sloot Confesses to Killing 21-year-old

Joran Van der Sloot is Prime Suspect in Peruvian Murder

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Stephany Flores, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Dutch, Natalee Holloway' to 'Stephany Flores, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Natalee Holloway, Van der Sloot' - edited by marinara

CIA Video Of Missionary Plane Shootdown

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'abc, cia, missionary, plane, surveillance, spy, intercept, peru, smuggler, mistake' to 'abc, cia, missionary, bowers, plane, surveillance, spy, intercept, peru, smuggler, mistake' - edited by calvados

My Friend's Face After Eating Guinea Pig Brains In Peru

Locked Up Abroad - Drug Trafficking in Peru

enoch says...

>> ^longde:
It looks like an interesting video, but it ends in the middle!
I feel not a mite sorry for these fuckers. Let em burn.

i feel the same way when a big pharma rep loses their budget and position due to aging and attractiveness level dropping.
"we here at merk/phizer only employ the most attractive of people to sell the best drugs"
their tears of abject failure are delicious.

Police clash with Peruvian Indians protecting their lands

grinter says...

This is a really serious issue. ..and as sad as the human story is, the problem is bigger than that. 60-70% of the primary forest in the Peruvian Amazon is under threat. Alan Garcia, the president of Peru, has suspended constitutional protection of this area to open it up to foreign timber, mining, oil, and agricultural use. He is responding to obligations in the free trade agreement with the US; so this is not just a Peruvian issue.

Alpaca Wool

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

I agree the police are merely bureaucrats, but they're not hapless, ignorant automatons. When you say "it's always at the officer's discretion," wouldn't you agree giving this much determining responsibility to a bureaucrat enables abuse of power? I blame more the legislators and the politicians who create this sort of abuse.

It reminds me of what happened in Peru years back when they wiped out the Shining Path terrorist group. The Shining Path started as a working class movement that evolved into violent terrorism. When Alberto Fujimori became president, he exercised strong, decisive authoritarian military might to go after terrorists, and in a short period of time terrorism was all but completely wiped out. The streets were safer. The economy stabilized.

How did he do it? He gave his death squads the responsibility to determine who was or was not a terrorist, so without trial people would be shot in the streets if suspected of being a terrorist. Many innocent civilians were killed or jailed as a result. But, hey, you can't make a safe world omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?

Ron Paul : Israel Created Hamas!

8266 says...

Here's a list of the military actions the US has been involved in since 1960.

I think he may have a point...

1959-60 -- The Caribbean.
1962 -- Thailand.
1962 -- Cuba.
1962-75 -- Laos.
1964 -- Congo (Zaire).
1959-75 -- Vietnam War.
1965 -- Invasion of Dominican Republic
1967 --Israel.
1967 -- Congo (Zaire).
1968 -- Laos & Cambodia.
1970 -- Cambodia Campaign.
1974 -- Evacuation from Cyprus.
1975 -- Evacuation from Vietnam.
1975 -- Evacuation from Cambodia.
1975 -- South Vietnam.
1975 -- Cambodia.
1976 -- Lebanon.
1976 -- Korea.
1978 -- Zaire (Congo).
1980 -- Iran.
1981 -- El Salvador.
1981 --Libya. in the Gulf of Sidra, claimed by Libya as territorial waters but considered international waters by the United States.[RL30172]
1982 -- Sinai.
1982 -- Lebanon.
1982-1983 -- Lebanon.
1983 -- Grenada.
1983-89 -- Honduras.
1983 -- Chad.
1984 -- Persian Gulf.
1986 -- Libya.
1986 -- Libya.
1986 -- Bolivia
1987-88 -- Persian Gulf.
1988 -- Honduras
1988 -- Panama.
1989 -- Libya.
1989 -- Panama.
1989 -- Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru.
1989 -- Philippines.
1989-90 -- Panama.
1990 -- Liberia.
1990 -- Saudi Arabia.
1991 -- Iraq.
1991 -- Zaire
1992 -- Sierra Leone.
1992 -- Kuwait.
1992-2003 -- Iraq. Iraqi No-Fly Zones
1993 -- Macedonia.
1994-95 -- Haiti.
1994 -- Macedonia.
1995 -- Bosnia.
1996 -- Liberia.
1996 -- Central African Republic.
1997 -- Albania.
1997 -- Congo and Gabon.
1997 -- Sierra Leone.
1997 -- Cambodia.
1998 -- Iraq.
1998 -- Guinea-Bissau.
1998 - 1999 Kenya and Tanzania.
1998 -- Afghanistan and Sudan.
1998 -- Liberia.
1999 - 2001 East Timor.
1999 -- NATO's bombing of Serbia
2000 -- Sierra Leone.
2000 -- Yemen.
2000 -- East Timor.
2001 -- Afghanistan.
2002 -- Yemen.
2002 -- Philippines.
2002 -- Côte d'Ivoire.
2003 -- 2003 invasion of Iraq
2003 -- Liberia.
2003 -- Georgia and Djibouti
2004 -- Haïti
2004 -- Georgia, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea.[7]
2006 -- Pakistan.
2006 -- Lebanon.
2007 -- Somalia.

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