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NicoleBee (Member Profile)

dag says...

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I wish I had your ability. I love those little sketches too - Graterbot with the mo is awesome.

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Thank you. This is all digital - I'm sure work wouldn't appreciate it if I used real paints there, as messy with them as I am. The newer stuff is done in "SAI" paint tools, a japanese program that suits me just fine for most everything.

I used to use other tools such as painter (I think spoco's was done with it), but they tend to crash like the dickens.

The 3d things was a project I was working on in Zbrush.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Wow, that's really fantastic stuff - I love the style. Is it all digital? What do you use to do your art?

dag (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

Thank you. This is all digital - I'm sure work wouldn't appreciate it if I used real paints there, as messy with them as I am. The newer stuff is done in "SAI" paint tools, a japanese program that suits me just fine for most everything.

I used to use other tools such as painter (I think spoco's was done with it Spoco's was done with ArtRage primarily), but they tend to crash like the dickens.

The 3d things was a project I was working on in Zbrush.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Wow, that's really fantastic stuff - I love the style. Is it all digital? What do you use to do your art?

BOO! GAAAH! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

blankfist says...

^Teddy was a gregarious prick. I like how the painter left Taft out of the picture. You know, Teddy made Taft cry publicly. That's probably the reason he didn't show up for the card game.

And, I love how the first party members are placed with their backs to us in the same position on the paintings: Lincoln(R) and Jackson(D). What a bunch of assholes.

What Are 13% of Americans Afraid of?

volumptuous says...

>> ^messenger:
>> ^volumptuous:

Sorry, Canadian.

Dude you are so wrong.

How do I know?

I started my animation career at that studio, on that show. Where was it? In Hollywood,. John K was originally from Canada, but by no means did he create R&S on his own. Vincent Waller and Jim Smith were just as much creators as he. And John didn't take off and learn his skills in Canada.

The main writers of R&S were all Americans. The music supervisors, painters and animators as well. In fact, there was only one Canadian there.

But yeah, this argument is the dumbest thing ever.


The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

I'm an asshole on the internet.

Originally grew up on a farm, then moved to Detroit. But have lived in NYC, Berlin, San Diego and currently Los Angeles.

I'm a professional concept painter, production designer and digital artist for major 2D/3D TV and feature animation. If you have kids, they probably have tshirts of my projects. If you like cartoons, you probably love a few things I've done. I've painted and illustrated since a wee child, then dropped out of high school and started working as a designer at 17.

I'm also a musician and have released 6 albums and over 20 EPs on fairly large electronica record labels. I also run my own smaller record label for three years, and although we exclusively release vinyl (yes, vinyl) we still are able to turn a small profit. I stopped playing live two years ago, but have travelled all throughout the US and EU performing at raves, clubs, and underground parties. I don't play trance or house or any of that shit. If you're into Warp, Noodles, Rephlex etc, then that's more my sound.

I have a huge record collection, and I collect art.

To say I'm liberal is an understatement. I hate all religions (even you, Buddha), love all drugs, and am a very kind, thoughtful, selfless person. I love guns. I also love robots, especially ones that destroy other robots, preferably in a very violent way, in a fashion that involves fire.

Science fuckin' owns.

I like guns, and I love shooting guns. I'd love to shoot an RPG one day. I have a police officer brother, so I've been able to shoot a lot of guns with him. They call us "gun totin' liberals". I like pyrotechnics and explosives. Military technology amazes me, although I wish it were used to do something other than kill brown people.

Cops should not have tazers.

I think I mentioned that I like drugs, but I'll say it once again. Psychedelics should be mandatory. I have smoked marijuana regularly for over 20 years.

I follow politics way too closely, and it makes me hate life. I should probably become one of those people who enjoys life and pays zero attention to politics.

I drink beer almost every day. My favorite beers are Belgian, although Stone, Craftsman and Anchor Steam are some of the finest California brews around.

Yes, I play video games and read and love sex.

ok, now back to making you hate me.

Great Artists - El Greco

Countdown 11/11/08 - Worst Persons

Fjnbk says...

"It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile."

-John Hinderaker in 2007

13487 (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin: A bad choice but... I'd still... you know?

kronosposeidon says...

You know what campioni, I'll grant you that she's not really that attractive. Nonetheless, she has a following on the conservative side of the aisle. And hell, let's face it, even many of us lefties want to shag her. So what does this mean? My half-assed theory is this:

Power is an aphrodisiac, for everyone. Now I know that many many misogynists throughout history have advocated this theory strictly in regard to women, but I believe history indicates that there is more to the story. Cleopatra, Catherine the Great of Russia, Sacagawea, etc. all demonstrate that women of noble stature are considered attractive. Who knows how beautiful these women actually were? Can we rely on court painters to realistically depict them?

In other words, mean and women are considered more attractive by the general populace, based on nothing more than their access to power.

Thus concludes my lesson in shit you already knew.

EDD (Member Profile)

chilaxe says...

Yes, I think it was clear that it was sarcasm (of the highest order)

In reply to this comment by EDD:
I'm sorry if my sarcasm was lost to anyone among the multitude of fancy ctrl+c, ctrl+v words. I have never played Eve online (not one mmo for that matter), and nor would I expect anyone to automatically derive the meaning from those 2-word skill names.

</sarcasm>But SRSLY, what's your problem with eyes glazed over????/<sarcasm/>

In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Lol. Games are for recreation, not for making your eyes glaze over.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Stupid Yahtzee.

Signature Analysis and Signature Focusing OBVIOUSLY refer to operating targeting systems at 5% improved targeting speed per skill level and advanced understanding of target painting technology with 5% bonus to target painter modules' signature radius multiplier per skill level respectively. It's implied in the name of the skill, DUMBASS. srsly.

chilaxe (Member Profile)

EDD says...

I'm sorry if my sarcasm was lost to anyone among the multitude of fancy ctrl+c, ctrl+v words. I have never played Eve online (not one mmo for that matter), and nor would I expect anyone to automatically derive the meaning from those 2-word skill names.

</sarcasm>But SRSLY, what's your problem with eyes glazed over????/<sarcasm/>

In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Lol. Games are for recreation, not for making your eyes glaze over.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Stupid Yahtzee.

Signature Analysis and Signature Focusing OBVIOUSLY refer to operating targeting systems at 5% improved targeting speed per skill level and advanced understanding of target painting technology with 5% bonus to target painter modules' signature radius multiplier per skill level respectively. It's implied in the name of the skill, DUMBASS. srsly.

EDD (Member Profile)

chilaxe says...

Lol. Games are for recreation, not for making your eyes glaze over.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Stupid Yahtzee.

Signature Analysis and Signature Focusing OBVIOUSLY refer to operating targeting systems at 5% improved targeting speed per skill level and advanced understanding of target painting technology with 5% bonus to target painter modules' signature radius multiplier per skill level respectively. It's implied in the name of the skill, DUMBASS. srsly.

Zero Punctuation - EVE Online

EDD says...

Stupid Yahtzee.

Signature Analysis and Signature Focusing OBVIOUSLY refer to operating targeting systems at 5% improved targeting speed per skill level and advanced understanding of target painting technology with 5% bonus to target painter modules' signature radius multiplier per skill level respectively. It's implied in the name of the skill, DUMBASS. srsly.

Jackson Pollock '51

The Atheist Experience: Pascals Wager

BicycleRepairMan says...

I think comparing the idea of God to a flying pink unicorn is just juvenile

I understand that you do, of course, that's why I am asking: How can you separate them? How about comparing the Flying Pink unicorns and the 72 virgins? is there any way in which the 72 virgins are more probable than the unicorns? Why? is there any way the resurrection of Jesus is more probable than the 72 virgins? How about the resurrection vs God himself? How do you decide?

You seem to think that the word atheist is because we all "feel" god and we atheists choose to deny it. Well, that's not true, the point is that I live in a world where billions of people believe in a thing, and I dont, so its a way of pointing that out. Like Sam Harris says, we are no more atheists than we are non-astrologers, but we dont define our beliefs as denial-of-astrology, and so yes, ideally, I would prefer not to need the term "atheist" at all, because I think its a rather obvious stance, given that we cant know, and there is no evidence to support the opposing view.

There is also the fact that the world, and more specifically the living world, superficially LOOKS designed, and we humans are creatures who, because WE make and design things, think in terms of painting=painter. "Who made this?" This gives us an intuitive reason to think of God(s) because it feels natural to us. The evidence, however, when we actually look more carefully at the natural world, clearly shows that it wasn't designed at all.

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