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Afroman - Hunter Got High

newtboy says...

Poor Afroman, he must have really needed the money to sell out for this stupidity. It’s obvious he didn’t write it, it’s far too uninspired and 5 years late.

Hunter Biden lives rent free in that empty space between your ears, @bobknight33, and he’s never held office or made policy. 😂
He’s a private citizen who’s been exonerated of all but the most minor gun and tax crimes, crimes Trump has committed himself but much worse by buying the “Trump gun” while out on pretrial release and evading hundreds of millions in taxes through fraud.

1) Hunter never raped a woman.
2) Hunter never had to pay to hide his affairs, covering up his lack of loyalty even to family.
3) Hunter didn’t try to foment a coup.
4) Hunter is a private citizen, the left should start investigating the Trump kids including Barron who it’s guaranteed is a huge bully with multiple secret payoffs to quite angry parents, Don jr has a blatant cocaine problem, test his hair, Melania is a soft core porn star and mail order bride never forget, Ivanka sold state secrets with her husband, Eric is just a moron…special prosecutor time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wait…you know I don’t follow the trials?
You know this because I send you a half dozen Trump courtroom failures a day that you pretended you didn’t read (despite referencing) because the facts presented contradict your ridiculous narrative? Silly boy. Because you can’t comprehend what’s happening doesn’t mean others aren’t following along. 😂 I can only explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you.

Trump insiders are beginning to publicly wonder what they’ll do when Trump isn’t their candidate, admitting that his mental state is not at all well and deteriorating rapidly under the pressure of trial(s), his court cases are hurting badly (despite claims they would help) and he’s refusing to campaign even in his 3 free days a week out of court (he needs that money, can’t waste it on rallies).

Meanwhile Biden speaks off the cuff at events like the correspondent dinner (that Trump avoided like a coward knowing he couldn’t tell jokes or be funny even with the teleprompter) where he once again killed it on stage, being sharp, witty, and with great timing. Sleepy Joe sure is bright eyed and bushy tailed, rational and intelligent, vibrant and focused whenever you see him unedited, must be adrenochrome, right?

The RNC has a maximum of 6 months to dump Trump, but he knew that was coming and nepatized the RNC 100% so now it’s nothing but a cash cow for his personal legal bills and won’t drop him if he’s in prison. He decimated the entire party. So much for “I won’t take a dime, I’m going to self fund my campaign”, right? Now he takes every dime and doesn’t spend any of his money at all, he even pays himself to stay at his own properties. 😂 Just another blatant lie you ignore in a never ending string of lies.

bobknight33 said:

Yep Trump will loose in his highly biased Judge and Jury, Just like all the other trials. Trump will have to win on appeals, dealing with less biased judges.

I know you dont follow the trials, Your IQ is too low to follow.

On the other hand Joey B mental capacity is failing daily.
When do you think the DNC will SWAP him and the useless VP? The DNC got 4 months to dump sleepy Joe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know that’s his excuse for such horrific performance, but it’s more nonsense. He won’t get an appeal, there’s no misconduct, the judge is more than fair, the jury remains to be seen but if there’s a single maggot empaneled who would have lied to be on it it’s absolutely not, so far the judge has been giving defendant Trump far more leeway and second and third chances without repercussions than any other defendant has ever enjoyed. 😂
The only actual biased judge handling his cases (besides the Supreme Court) is Cannon who is clearly and undeniably bending and breaking the law in Trump’s favor, and using her court calendar to shield him from any other prosecutions before the election, and trying multiple methods to throw the case that have been reversed. The other judges YOU say are biased have not been reversed because they aren’t biased, in fact they were investigated based on Trump’s suggestion they are biased and found to be impartial and fair by a panel of judges including Trump appointees.

Buddy, my IQ is double yours. You can’t read or write at a third grade level, I read and wrote at college level in 6th grade, took AP chemistry in 7th, and AP B-C Calculus in high school. You struggled through trade school, I went to college for 10 years for fun. Don’t ever compare your complete lack of intellect with my intelligence and intellectual curiosity.

Joe only looks impaired when edited to look that way, every time you have actually watched him speak you admitted he spoke surprisingly well and logically, so you stopped watching him and now just repeat what liars say he said, because you are an idiotic tool afraid of reality. If you apply the same measure of cognitive ability to Trump, Trump is exponentially worse at every turn every time, any clip for clip. Trump can’t complete sentences, or even words often, and is in fact incapable of staying awake for an even just few hours a day during a trial he absolutely should be deeply involved in defending. Biden misspeaks every now and then. Trump is always incomprehensible. Biden embellishes, Trump is deathly allergic to the truth.

Joe is wiping the floor with disgraced Donald again, who can’t stay awake in his own trial. Unlike Joe, his designation of “sleepy” has been proven daily and is visibly getting worse daily, Joe is out there walking Pickett lines, giving hours long speeches in the pouring rain, and running the country all bright eyed and bushy tailed while decrepit Don cries at home and cancels rallies because of minor rain (the same rain Biden held his rally in) and after weeks of begging supporters to show up for him there are still none, and not even his family shows up for him.

Sucker. You fell in love with a self absorbed asshole who hates you, and only wants you for your money and vote, then you should die. Yes, he has said exactly that…” Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it”.

But your rectal shield protects your tiny little brain from these realities.

Joe beat Trump, and he will again. Perhaps you haven’t noticed the polls since trial started and testimony published and since people finally recognized the economy is (and has been) doing great. Not to mention the biggest vote driver in our lifetime, women’s health care rights (women’s rights in general if you listen to the honest righties that admit they plan to remove the vote from women shortly). It’s swinging the wrong way for you, hard. The RNC has 4 months to find a candidate that won’t be in prison and isn’t universally reviled, but the cult refuses to consider it.

STILL WAITING BABY BOY. I’m capable of answering all your idiotic loaded questions with verifiable facts, you absolutely refuse to answer a single question because you are not capable of rational thought and have no answers.

bobknight33 said:

Yep Trump will loose in his highly biased Judge and Jury, Just like all the other trials. Trump will have to win on appeals, dealing with less biased judges.

I know you dont follow the trials, Your IQ is too low to follow.

On the other hand Joey B mental capacity is failing daily.
When do you think the DNC will SWAP him and the useless VP? The DNC got 4 months to dump sleepy Joe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “yes”…that was the best you’ve got against an economy destroying, democracy destroying, job market destroying, civility destroying, union destroying disgraced hyper criminal ex president who has said quite clearly he will be a dictator and will abuse the powers of his office to hurt Americans who won’t support his monarchy.

You must be as idiotically gullible as this moron. Not a word he said was reflected in reality, he’s repeating fake news, it’s all the right believes. Sucker, you bought more blatant lies. You probably still believe multiple court cases where his dirty laundry is aired publicly will HELP Trump in the polls. It isn’t. He, and you, likely still believe Hillary is going to prison as soon as Dumb Donald gets back into office.
It was interesting to find out he cheated on his mistress McDougal with Daniels. Also interesting to hear Pecker admit there are more women that came forward and he paid off.

Such a sad, dumb little tool you are, sonny boy. Your poor family must suffer horribly because of your constant cultish idiocy ignoring facts to believe utter nonsense and absolutely never applying critical thinking to your positions.…I bet home life isn’t pleasant, I know it’s not for your family. Mine is paradise.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 That’s the best you can come up with after a week of major failures in and out of court and a massively public alarmingly sharp mental decline on display daily after the sulfurous courtroom nap times from disgraced sundowning failed ex-president Hoover? 😂
Such a sad little joke of a wannabe man you’ve become. Still waiting.

It’s hilarious he’s so hurt that nobody loves him anymore…not his family, not his cultists, not his proud boys and boogaloo boys. No one showed up again on Friday after he begged them to come support him all week. He had to lie and claim they were kept away, but multiple news outlets debunked that on air by walking in front of the courthouse without issue.
He’s losing in courtrooms all over the country, and being named in criminal indictments in more and more states. He’s siphoning off all Republican cash for his own bills and kickbacks to his family, so nobody down ballot has money to campaign either…and Trump isn't campaigning, he’s just complaining. Enjoy summer! Sounds like he should have another trial just in time for Halloween….but he’s the best you’ve got. 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

newtboy said:

Awwww….Totally alone Sleepy Don took a few more naps today in court, incapable of staying awake to assist in his own defense for just a few hours. He complains the court is so cold he’s freezing (because he’s a frail old man)…you would think that would help him stay awake, but no. Nobody showed up for him today, empty across from the court house (it’s not blocked off, just nobody came).
I thought these trials were supposed to make him far more popular. What happened!?! Even his family has abandoned him! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

North America’s Building Trades Unions is endorsing President Biden for 2024, and the union is out with a new ad slamming former President Trump for giving them lip service but doing absolutely nothing he promised the union when he met with them in 2017. Didn’t protect their jobs, didn’t protect their pensions, didn’t level out trade deficits, never invested in infrastructure….it was all empty promises he never intended and was incapable of following through on, just like every promise he’s ever made.
Conversely, Biden saved their pensions, invested in infrastructure, and as a result not only saved their jobs but created hundreds of thousands more…and did not lie to them about his plans to get their votes!
Trump has said he intends to abuse the power of the office to exact revenge against the well over half of America that doesn’t support him, and become a dictator on day 1 (no dictator has ever willingly abdicated their position, Trump wouldn’t be the first).
This you guy…this yoar pick! 😂
Again, no one showed up to his trial after he again begged his supporters to protest for him…only 6 people today in the empty space in front of the courthouse set aside for protestors exactly where he claims they aren’t allowed to be.

Razer Cthulhu Ultimate Gaming Chair

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s see the unedited version first.

Hilarious how you dismiss all polls except those you think support you. This poll, if legitimate which is unlikely, is an outlier and likely worded poorly to get those results. There’s absolutely a reason you only have an 8 second clip cutting out any word that contradicts you, it’s because a 15 second clip would explain the poor polling. Was this a poll of Republicans? Texans? Alabama? Likely. Try a source that doesn’t edit down to nothing to tell you what you want to hear.
I guess since you agree with polls now, you agree with all the polls that ranked Trump as worst president ever, right?

Aaaaahhhh…I see. It’s a poorly done poll (as I said, an outlier among others at the time) from January. JANUARY BOB. We’ve had 4 months of excellent economic news since then. Try an April poll where the rolls are reversed and Biden is beating tiny hands Donny on most fronts.

Americans are lied to by people like you, and many don’t know how to understand statistics. MAGA is 100% in that camp, and has forgotten 2020. America hasn’t forgotten. Trump is losing in polls and hasn’t even started his first criminal campaign fraud to hide hush money to multiple women he slept with while married trial, which will be weeks of new disgustingly dishonorable and disloyal acts by Trump aired publicly and a number of serious felonies he admits he committed he will be convicted of. That won’t help him in the election, only MAGA thinks it’s acceptable, all those independents don’t, and you need them ALL.

bobknight33 said:

Americans disagree with your assessment.

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

bobknight33 says...

To a blind man everything to blissful.

Sorry you can't see the reality of life.

Try rubbing the shit out of your eyes.

newtboy said:

So, trying to sell the same thing the right claimed was happening in San Francisco years ago, but it turned out the chain stores that were closing were actually just not making money, and other stores nearby with significantly worse theft losses were remaining open because they made money. This totally contradicted the right wing narrative often parroted by the company CEO’s that they closed stores because of high theft, a lie they approved because then they got to shirk responsibility for the store closures and blame it on something out of their control.
If the doom and gloom the extreme right has claimed is reality in “liberal cities” for years or decades was real, these cities would be abandoned by now, not remaining the most valuable and attractive real estate in the country.
New York is less criminal today than last year, the Trump crime family has been banned from the state, lowering crime rates noticeably by itself. 😂

Funny, the right wants harsher penalties for minor crimes, but no penalties for hundreds of millions stolen, and doesn’t want to pay a dime more in taxes to build more prisons, overcrowding is encouraged until it’s them in prison, then it’s unconscionable torture requiring their immediate release…looking at you Jan 6 terrorists who all wanted Gitmo overfilled with BLM.

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

So, trying to sell the same thing the right claimed was happening in San Francisco years ago, but it turned out the chain stores that were closing were actually just not making money, and other stores nearby with significantly worse theft losses were remaining open because they made money. This totally contradicted the right wing narrative often parroted by the company CEO’s that they closed stores because of high theft, a lie they approved because then they got to shirk responsibility for the store closures and blame it on something out of their control.
If the doom and gloom the extreme right has claimed is reality in “liberal cities” for years or decades was real, these cities would be abandoned by now, not remaining the most valuable and attractive real estate in the country.
New York is less criminal today than last year, the Trump crime family has been banned from the state, lowering crime rates noticeably by itself. 😂

Funny, the right wants harsher penalties for minor crimes, but no penalties for hundreds of millions stolen, and doesn’t want to pay a dime more in taxes to build more prisons, overcrowding is encouraged until it’s them in prison, then it’s unconscionable torture requiring their immediate release…looking at you Jan 6 terrorists who all wanted Gitmo overfilled with BLM.

Ren - Losing it

xcalibur2k says...

Ren has such an insane catalog of original music, if you even remotely like this. check out the rest, rock, rap, folk music. Guy does it all!

Joe Biden's lies are legendary.

newtboy says...

Gotta go back over 36 years…for THAT? (88-24 is 36 not 33 bob…you can’t even do basic math) You tried this same nonsense 4 years ago…nothing has changed except the economy is no longer in freefall, it’s growing fast thanks to adult leadership.

Grasping at straws again, friendo…old rotten straws. Give me today’s footage of Trump after court, guaranteed it’s chock full of nonsensical lies, intentional lies, consequential self serving lies, destructive and damaging lies. His administration was the most dishonest in history by a factor of 100 which damaged America beyond belief, every single time he speaks dumb Donald lies. Any time Trump goes off the prepared teleprompter he sounds like a manic schizophrenic….incapable of staying on topic for a single sentence and taking credit for things he not only didn’t do but opposed when Obama (or others) did them. (Like the Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 that Trump repeatedly took credit for, infrastructure investments, a functioning economy, and dozens more)

Compared to the alternative Joe is the truth incarnate and has never said a questionable word in his life.
Also, he’s not a rapist, traitor, tax fraud, sad golf cheater, traitor, election fraudster, bank fraud perpetrator, traitor, racist, Epstein partner in crime, pill popper, sleepy angry old man, narcissist, or traitor, and doesn’t owe his freedom to sex trafficking Russian oligarchs who help keep him out of prison.
What was disgraced Dumb Donald doing back then? Racist redlining in New York (refusing to rent to black people), raping underage girls with Epstein, defrauding his partners, going bankrupt repeatedly, and calling for the lynching death of the innocent Central Park 5.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

3 criminal contempt charges filed. He’s guilty on all 3.
Prison is unlikely, this time, but he could serve 90 days on this alone if Merchan desires (and Trump has made him desire it) . It’s a near guarantee he will spend time in jail before this trial ends, he’s incapable of following the law even with all eyes on him and under specific court orders, he has no self control at all, so expect the next violation to get jail time, and all those thereafter.
Any other defendant would be in jail already, this is the two tiered justice system Trump constantly whines about in action….notice he’s always in the “I’m special and above the law” tier.

Outside court yesterday Trump admitted the crime he’s on trial for…paying a citizen for an NDA to hide an ilicit affair (as part of his campaign for president) and illegally hiding the payment as a “legal expense” not a “campaign expense”. HE ACTUALLY SAID TO REPORTERS OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE THAT THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID! The judge sees these interviews, so does the DA, and they will almost certainly be entered into evidence to dispute whatever nonsense lies Trump spews on the stand, or to explain his refusal to testify if he pleads the 5th. 😂
I love it when a plan comes together.
Remember this is just trial #1 out of 4…with more to come, he hasn’t stopped criming yet!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fake…just like every “blacks for Trump” ploy to pretend their paid activists are just normal everyday black folk who just realized Trump is their guy, the fake staged chick-fil-a hug, the fake AI photos (the closest trump wants to get to real black people), the racist idea that black people now identify with him because he’s been indicted for 91 felonies just like them, the gold tennis shoes…every attempt to pretend he cares about other races has been so incredibly tone deaf and racist that they all backfired incredibly badly. Trump won’t even get 8% after his response to BLM.

No actual democrat now supports Trump. Lie #1. Even Berniebros hated him, they just hated Clinton more.

Lie #2, she says she supports Trump and that aligns with her Christian values…Christian values of adultery, rape, fraud, theft, dishonesty, supporting a man who embodies false piety, sloth, wrath, gluttony, pride, greed, envy, and lust, supporting a man who puts himself before god, actually made a golden idol of himself (holy fuck could he be more clear!?), works and plays on the sabbath, dishonors his father’s legacy, has ordered many deaths, and adultery, theft, false witness, and covetousness galore.
Don’t forget he’s also selling fake, edited bibles…claimed to be real leather but it’s definitely not, made in China for $2 and sold for $70, with the constitution and bill of rights added but amendment 11-27 are missing. Hilarious he wants to omit those rights while wrapping himself in a flag…not one bit out of character to pretend the 13th and 14th and 15th don’t exist, and the 22nd is right out.

Get fucking real you idiot child.
Still waiting.

bobknight33 said:

Call this fake too.

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