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Is there an easier way? ...

noims says...

If there are people out there dumb enough to think that might actually be an option, that would certainly explain their low paycheck.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Republicans are now literally telling women over 50 that abortion isn’t an issue for them…they need to just shut the fuck up and let men make decisions for them. That’s going to go over GREAT! 😂

In total desperation Comer has started attacking Waltz’s minor children and setting up a congressional investigation into Waltz for blatantly purely political reasons.

“I fully support my black Nazi candidate and if I lose I will blame the Jews.” said the felon at multiple anti Semitism events…repeated it. 😂😂😂😂
Vance went out and claimed we aren’t in a democracy and are actually run by a secret tiny cabal of powerful people (the Jews) and you need to not care when the fascist takeover of government and daily life they have planned is called fascist because it’s designed to rip that power away from them and that’s what matters.
Tucker decided Hitler wasn’t the bad guy in WW2, he was just a nice fellow looking for solutions to the Jewish problem.

Sweet zombie Geebus, you guys have dropped the veil and gone full Nazi, right out in the open. Good luck with that.


And…a lawfirm representing a Haitian coalition has filed charges in Ohio (where citizens can file charges) against the felon and Muttley for 1)disruption of public services (through incitement of multiple bomb threats) 2) making false alarms 3) telecommunications harassment 4) aggravated menacing in violation 5) run of the mill aggravated menacing and 6) violating the prohibition against complicity. More criminal charges!

Edit: now, after failing trying to ban registration and polling from VAs because they get more military to vote, the felon now threatened to jail anyone who votes by mail from outside the country, namely military members stationed internationally.

Israeli Cyberattack Explodes Pagers Across Lebanon

newtboy says...

It is a very safe assumption, I’ll apologize to umption if it turns out to be wrong.

“From all appearances”?
That’s a big assumption, and doesn’t match what I’ve seen, at least some were sold to the public including children….and all were detonated in public which means the collateral victims are 100% random. Even if they were first sold only to Hezbollah, another assumption, many definitely made it into the secondary resale market, which was 100% guaranteed from the start.
How many random bombs mailed/sold around the country by another country are OK? 10? 100? 1000? There may have been tens of thousands of devices spread around the country.

I do not acknowledge this was targeted or selective, the methodology makes that impossible and the mere suggestion ridiculous. “Those in close proximity” to the randomly distributed bombs exploded in public, or in buildings that burned from the devices, or accidents with victims that were driving, etc…. are random innocent victims even if you assume (with no basis or rationality) that the devises were miraculously only in Hezbollah hands and decide that targeting them for terroristic bombings is somehow acceptable.

Israel has a long history of ignoring the massive collateral damage of tens of thousands of innocent victims, mainly children, they intentionally cause by targeting their “enemies” when they can do the most collateral damage consistently, despite having the technology and capacity to do surgical attacks with minimal risk, and are this genocidally barbarous when defending themselves from mostly rock throwing children and fireworks and an occasional gunshot on a damage/death scale <1% what Israel returns.

This act again makes the Israeli government a terrorist government, this was a massive terrorist bombing, no matter what the objective, and likely another war crime. We should in no way be supporting or defending a terrorist nation that is under legitimate criminal accusations of war crimes from international courts. It’s not difficult.

bcglorf said:

Alot of assumptions there though...

First that it even was Israel. Which seems a reasonable assumption though.

My big difference with you though is around being untargeted. From all appearances the affected devices appear to have been almost entirely in the hands of Hezbollah members. That makes the better assumption that Israel(or whomever is responsible) actually was able to distribute the devices directly to Hezbollah itself for internal distribution.

Say what you will about the attack, but 'untargeted' seems a poor descriptor. Heck, even carefully planned out sniper operations on the same number of enemy operatives would likely have a higher collateral casualty count. At least acknowledge this attack, for everything else that it is, was highly selective of Hezbollah members and those within an extremely close proximity of them.

Israeli Cyberattack Explodes Pagers Across Lebanon

bcglorf says...

Alot of assumptions there though...

First that it even was Israel. Which seems a reasonable assumption though.

My big difference with you though is around being untargeted. From all appearances the affected devices appear to have been almost entirely in the hands of Hezbollah members. That makes the better assumption that Israel(or whomever is responsible) actually was able to distribute the devices directly to Hezbollah itself for internal distribution.

Say what you will about the attack, but 'untargeted' seems a poor descriptor. Heck, even carefully planned out sniper operations on the same number of enemy operatives would likely have a higher collateral casualty count. At least acknowledge this attack, for everything else that it is, was highly selective of Hezbollah members and those within an extremely close proximity of them.

newtboy said:

A second wave of random untargeted bombings has killed one and injured hundreds as walkie talkies were targeted and exploded, many in public crowded areas with children present.
This is terrorism plain and simple. The US cannot continue unconditional support any nation that mass mails bombs to the citizens of another country.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump kills another woman

Melania just reminded everyone she’s an illegal immigrant who did soft core porn illegally while on a visa that didn’t allow her to work, and hid that when applying for citizenship. Her citizenship should be stripped and she should be deported, right?

DJT is 100% underwater and sinking fast, now at $15, first pre IPO investors paid over $17!

Vance admitted he lied about the fake pet eating story, that it was never true or even believable and came from one person who admitted she made it up completely….but blamed the media for not vetting his lies faster despite them calling it out the day he started claiming it and him calling them every name in the book for correcting his lie, and said he has no obligation to check if stories are true before amplifying them on the campaign trail, and he will lie to you again and again then blame you for listening.

If the felon can’t keep his golf course or person safe, why would you believe he can keep the country safe?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW you anti American moron.
You got suckered into spreading Russian lies again.
The stupid race baiting video you graffitied my profile with was another lie, an American citizen having a psychotic break and killing a cat who was not in Springfield, not a Haitian in Springfield eating cats like you claimed.

Another lie spread by the idiot that believes and spreads every single lie he’s told but absolutely never admits anything, much less every single thing he believes is a blatant lie.

This makes false racist accusation 317 you have attempted to spread that I have thoroughly debunked, you lying racist piece of shit.

Yes, this IS another Russian lie you are spreading. Blatant overt racism meant to divide between rational reasonable people and irate idiot racists…guess which side you chose. Many of the bomb threats and constant calls to police are coming from one foreign country…guess which one.

The Republican campaign is purely divisive, has no solutions only scapegoats to target, has been unambiguous that they will create and spread false stories (like pet eating by migrants) to get their messages out and will ignore the damage and danger it causes (like bomb, gun, and death threats, physical attacks, and terrorism of entire communities), they support and encourage political violence at every turn then cry a River when there’s the tiniest bit of blowback like when one of your own nutjobs turns on you.
The reason it is so divisive, outrageous, racist, sexist, etc. is that this gets clicks and views and reports and distracts the news cycle from going over his record of economic collapse, health crises, job losses, division, failed trade wars, failed border policy, failed drug policy, forgotten infrastructure policy, all of 2020…honestly any of his policies…notice he doesn’t talk policy EVER. There’s good reason.

😂 just too fucking hilarious to miss….maga celebrities are begging people to stop listening to celebrities about politics! 😂

Latest Failed Assassin Arrested On Florida Highway

newtboy says...

What’s that? You see another wolf?
Both are definitely verified to be 100% hard core MAGA. Nice try. Too bad you have zero believability after 14 years of idiotic nonsensical lies and absolutely nothing more. (blm killing cops (oops, I mean far right boogaloo boyz trying to blame blm) ANTIFA on Jan 6 (oops, not a single non MAGA found attacking democracy) Pelosi was a lover’s spat (more likely from either shooter, they once loved the child rapist). The election was stolen (the felon tried to steal it, but was too incompetent). Every claim you make is stupidity mixed with anger at your own failures and spiced with racism.). But you keep shouting “WOLF! WOLF WOLF!” and see how that works out for you. I certainly wouldn’t expect you to look into how it worked for others in the past. 😂

Both had mental issues….both still attained assault style weapons after Trump repealed a law that barred people who are mentally ill from purchasing guns.

Both supported Trump. One voted for him and recently supported Nicky Haley not Biden or Harris, and once reportedly donated $10 to support democracy in Ukraine (the reason he turned on Trump, is that why you say he’s a democrat…because he’s pro-democracy?), the other was too young to vote but every single person who knew him said he was 100% far right MAGA, his motive is fame, the alleged donation to vote blue was quickly debunked as another person in another state at another age but with the same first and last name, a claim that was verified to be wrong week one after the shooting. Both were 100% MAGA, no question, verified a dozen ways over. More baseless lies from the liar ignoring all actual evidence to believe some stupid nonsense based on known falsehoods, or to just lie about the facts because they’re bad for him…shocked!

We all know you can’t admit it, we know you are incapable of admitting any mistake or lie because it’s all you have, but we also all know the truth, and the truth is BOTH ARE FAR RIGHT WING MAGA GUN NUTS THAT USED ASSAULT RIFLES (that Joe had banned in the 90s but the right removed the ban) TO ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE POLITICIANS THAT ARE NOT FAR RIGHT ENOUGH. (Cozying up to Putin is not right wing, btw)

It should be noted, his secret service detail told him repeatedly that he could not be safeguarded at that course because it had public roads and homes bordering multiple holes and it could not be secured. He went there anyway, and now blames the secret service.

At best you are a Russian troll, but I don’t give you credit for that kind of intelligence…in reality you are an uneducated gullible idiot that buys every bit of AntiAmerican propaganda Putin feeds you because you honestly hate modern America and aren’t bright enough to see reality. I haven’t noticed one you missed, and absolutely know there isn’t a single time you have admitted they tricked you into spreading the Russian based lies despite it being proven daily. You haven’t said a word about your favorite failures in mommy’s basement all being caught getting paid hundreds of thousands a month to spread anti American Russian propaganda, or the right wing media and politicians that picked up that dishonest propaganda and ran with it (like you did every single time).

I go to the “Putin’s puppet” line because you and the felon keep repeating the lies he keeps feeding you, then pretending you didn’t even as you spread the next one. You and he are Putin puppets. Putin, and El-Sisi ($10 million cash bribe to change official policy towards Egypt still completely unexplained and growing as Barr testified Trump forced him to end the investigation into the bribe that was looking bad in 2017, and is restarting. Another case of the felon selling out America for $.). Same thing as Menendez, and Dems threw him to the wolves without defense when he was caught…you just keep on defending the felon as he sells out America to pay his enormous legal bills. The best thing you could possibly say is admitting you are too stupid and ignorant for it to be intentional….maybe….it would be impossibly hard to believe even you are that dense.

bobknight33 said:

Both are DEMOCRATS. Both donated to Democrat Act Blue fundraising ordinations.

Are worst you live in fake news.
At best you are a tool for the left.

Always going to the Putin puppet line.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Every stupid baseless accusation being an admission, Vance just admitted he eats dogs and cats.

ER MER GERD! The Russian assets outed last week by the DOJ indictments like your favorite source for so much MAGA (mis)information, Tim Pool, on Putin’s payroll for $100000 a WEEK, and was adamant that Ukraine was our worst enemy and we needed to halt ALL support and apologize to Russia who is winning the war have flipped 180 degrees (now that the paychecks stopped) and insists upon reflection he realizes Ukraine is our best ally and Russia our biggest enemy and we need to immediately send billions more in aid to Ukraine.
Yes, I know exposing the sources for your misinformation as pure Russian plants paid to disrupt and harm America that flip their position around completely when caught working for Russia won’t make a whit of difference in your mind, facts are for liberals so you aren’t having any. You will continue to believe the propaganda while disavowing the propagandists that are now finally being “honest” (but are still uninformed and delusional).

Puppet Hypnotizes Ventriloquist!

Why you should not vote Democrat

newtboy says...

😂Literally anyone who doesn’t agree with the Russian propaganda you are spouting at the moment is “fake news” according to you.
Hilarious since every single political post you’ve posted in the last 13+ years turned out to be actual fake news, including this one. All real foreign agents creating real propaganda intended to really harm America.
What was your fact check on this story? Pravda didn’t dispute it, so you believe? 😂

bobknight33 said:

Snopes as a fact check? really
Fake news of fact checker.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don’t forget-
Biggest rise in violent crime in living memory (likely ever) was under the felon. Up 20-25% in one year! Crime is down around 30% under Biden.
Immigration is also significantly down under Biden despite right wing obstruction.
The felon had the extreme right block immigration reform, but Biden got it done anyway unlike the felon that couldn’t do shit with both houses of congress and the Supreme Court in his pocket.
The felon also had the extreme right block investments in technology that could detect Fentanyl because he believes he can pin the fentanyl problem on Biden and was afraid Biden might get credit for solving it.

The Harris plan will put around $6k per year in the pockets of the average American with one move (child tax credit), the felons plan takes $4-$6k per year out in tariffs alone. Just one single line item compared is $10-$12k per year difference for citizens between the two candidates plans.

The felon is more than happy to destroy America in a dozen ways simply because he thinks it will gain him votes and keep him out of prison.
Biden walked away from power for good of the nation.

The contrast couldn’t be more distinct. Clearly good vs evil, and you support evil….and why wouldn’t you support the candidate you are most like, the child raping, cheating, womanizing, racist, rapist, cheater, tax fraud, business fraud, thief, cheater, liar, cheater (he has never had a partner he didn’t cheat, not once ever), and cowardly draft dodger, and rail against a successful DA that recovered billions for citizens from business frauds and prosecuted child rapists.

What do I mean….you’ve already forgotten again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The campaign has conceded New Hampshire.
It is driving the felon nuts. He’s having a major tantrum right now denying everything under the sun, attacking everyone he knows.
The wish washy coward also conceded the debate, again, afraid his dementia and incontinence and lack of knowledge will be on full display and contrasted sharply against Kamala’s sharpness, youthful energy, intelligence, achievements, and knowledge …he’s correct. Kamala would wipe the floor with him. Better to give her a free 2 hour commercial on all networks than expose the sundowning fool.
(On the sundowning note, it has been noticed that the campaign has chosen almost exclusively sundown towns to hold rallies…sundown town are where it was the law (despite violating federal law) that non whites were not allowed after sundown and would be lynched. It’s not coincidence, it is a distinct intentional pattern and not subtle dog whistle.)
He’s again calling for a government shutdown because he’s losing the election and completely out of cash (Harris is outspending him 10-1 in states where he’s spending anything, and many have been conceded completely) and is too dumb to understand that proving your complete and total incompetence and inability to legislate right before an election is not smart.
Issac Hayes estate won their injunction, forcing him to stop playing “hold on, I’m coming” and will win their suit for millions in damages for misuse of his work, dozens of other similarly abused music stars will follow….then Swift may sue for a billion over the fake endorsement he created.
Prison is going to be his end so fast. I give him under 2 years behind bars before he dies of natural causes…well under.

Rick and Morty: The Anime - 3rd Episode Promo Spot - 'Rick

newtboy says...

Why did they make this?
Who is the audience?
I found it insultingly awful.
Not funny, not fun. Just an abuse of the characters I love.
They took everything good out and left a dry empty husk of half hearted memberberries. Without the “Rick and Morty” tie in, this would never get aired, it’s absolutely *terrible imo.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hundreds of European women have just found out that the felon’s campaign has stolen their identities and are using fake online profiles (using their images and sometimes names) that are supporting the felon as attractive social media influencers (much like the terrible “blacks for Trump” AI created fakes and “Swifties for Trump” fake photos and fake endorsements)….which must mean you don’t have any real influencers to draw from. 😂

MAGA has to go outside of the country to even find fake women to support the rapist.

Meanwhile the disgusting disrespectful attack by the felon and his campaign against the fallen soldiers at Arlington is just growing as another scandal, with the military itself speaking out about the disgusting, complete lack of respect or decorum of Trump both verbally and physically abusing the guards and illegally abusing a solemn ceremony on hallowed ground to make a cheap political tic tok advertisement and pretend he cares about the military (funny, he never showed up before).
Edit: He now claims it was somehow a setup by the Biden administration that caused his team to ignore the repeated law and rules and common decency, all of which he was unaware despite being told, then caused them to physically force their way past the guard (who now fears for her life from rabid maggots) and use the hallowed ground as a political backdrop for a photo op….Biden’s fault.
Also meanwhile, Vance spoke to the same union Walz spoke to days before, and was booed mercilessly because everything he said was a blatant bold faced lie, like he and Trump stand with unions (despite every single action taken by either one being direct attacks against unions and the felon saying last week that anyone who strikes should be fired immediately along with their entire union).
😂 Meanwhile Republican organizations have started saying (and claim to be preparing lawsuits claiming) Harris is not a valid candidate because of Dred Scott which they say means no non white person can be president, indeed claiming no black person is a citizen…ignoring the 13th and 14th amendments. This is your “black outreach”, telling non whites they aren’t citizens and never can be because they are barely human…”but we aren’t racist, you are.”-maga. 😂
Meanwhile the architect of project Trump 2025 (who went on vacation until after the election for optics) has postponed his project2025 book release (with forward by JD Vance) to help the felon because it is clear that anyone knowing anything about the Trump project 2025 agenda is a death sentence for the campaign. Unfortunately for them early copies are released, and it is UTTERLY HORRIFIC! Not just an end to reproductive freedom, end all forms of contraception, and enact a 100% ban on abortion with the death penalty, now we know it includes FORCED PREGNANCY. “Having children should not be considered an “optional individual choice” but a “social expectation or transcendent gift.” because having your daddy/brother’s 7 toed rape baby is a blessing. And that’s just one page of the over 900 page agenda to create Christian Sharia law in America and become Afghanistan.

So…turned away women, turned away minorities, turned away non heterosexuals, turned away the military, turned away civil servants, turned away teachers, turned away the educated, turned away union workers, turned away under 25 year old voters…besides old uneducated white men, who is left? 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus fucking Christ, now he tried to force his way into Arlington Cemetery with a commercial camera crew to use it as a backdrop for a campaign commercial and when cemetery staff tried to stop them because that is 100% not allowed by federal law by anyone at Arlington his staff had a verbal and physical fight trying to physically force their way in and take photos and video footage anyway by assaulting the service men stationed there, then took photos and videos anyway using their phones…then lied and claimed the on duty service man who was doing his job and protecting the sanctity and enforcing the rules/laws of the national cemetery was having a mental health episode and went crazy. In fact, it was just another instance of zero respect for the military except as a prop in campaign advertising and zero respect for rules or laws to the point of assault when they are applied.

Again, it is 100% illegal to take photographs at Arlington for campaign purposes, and no waiver CAN be given to that firm law except by act of congress.

Every excuse given so far has fallen apart immediately because they are blatant lies, he and his people just don’t think laws and rules apply to them, ever. They claimed they would release footage to prove they had permission (which they did not, permission is NEVER given to use Arlington in political ads…NEVER…it would require an act of congress) but have not released any footage because it doesn’t exist.

This morning he lost his mind and tweeted dozens upon dozens of Qanon posts, just in case anyone forgot he is Qanon, which is a terroristic misinformation spreading treasonous organization advocating sedition again, and the felon is 100% on board.

What unbelievable pieces of shit you follow. Getting in physical fights at military funerals because they want to illegally use the event as advertising for their anti military anti democracy candidate.

4 new felony charges brought by another new grand jury today. 😂

😂 MAGAT George Santos, the face of maga corruption, plead guilty to every felony charge (8+) in hopes of reducing his sentence from over 20 years to as little as 2 (but likely 8 ). 😂

Have fun with replacing homosexual transvestite Vance with the road kill eating brain worm.

Bonus- DJT is at 1/3 it’s day one price and falling like a stone as the day when the felon sells out nears…he’s going to get a huge $75 in the end. Another massive business failure despite having every single advantage possible…all at the expense of his investors, not himself.
Also, while Taylor Swift hasn’t sued for $100 million for abuse of her image when he claimed she endorsed him, her fans HAVE started a REAL organization called “Swifties For Harris” in response to his fake AI generated movement using her fans he called “Swifties for Trump”. 😂

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