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Chopped Down Tree Fail

ant says...

>> ^deathcow:

When I was in 5th grade, I threw about 24 fluid ounces of gas on a beehive once thinking that looked about proper amount to burn something small. The flames were about 20 feet high.

No video/pictures?

Chopped Down Tree Fail

WTF Jim Beam

Morbid Curiosity Leading Many Voters To Support Palin

Matthu says...

>> ^TheFreak:

Big upvote.
I am completely exhausted with being concerned over the crazy BS going on in US politics. My coping mechanism now is to just say, "fuck it".
So let the teabaggers elect inexperienced morons who are too stupid to know when they've become corporate shills. Let the conservative right try to return this country to the social and economic dark ages. Let it happen. If this country is really overrun by so many mindless conservative sheep and self styled "patriot" lunatics that they actually succeed in taking over the's going to be one hell of a ride.
I'm going to be laughing my ass off as the train flies off the tracks. And if there's one ounce of life left in my after it all comes crashing down, I will pull my broken body across the ground just to point and laugh in the face of any of my fellow survivors.
Bring it.

Enjoy your checkpoints n' shit.

Morbid Curiosity Leading Many Voters To Support Palin

TheFreak says...

Big upvote.

I am completely exhausted with being concerned over the crazy BS going on in US politics. My coping mechanism now is to just say, "fuck it".

So let the teabaggers elect inexperienced morons who are too stupid to know when they've become corporate shills. Let the conservative right try to return this country to the social and economic dark ages. Let it happen. If this country is really overrun by so many mindless conservative sheep and self styled "patriot" lunatics that they actually succeed in taking over the's going to be one hell of a ride.

I'm going to be laughing my ass off as the train flies off the tracks. And if there's one ounce of life left in my after it all comes crashing down, I will pull my broken body across the ground just to point and laugh in the face of any of my fellow survivors.

Bring it.

Congresswoman Shot In The Head Point Blank 6 Others Killed

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Pat Robertson on Decriminalizing Pot

"F*ck your Honda Civic, I've A Horse Outside!" A pikey rap..

Baby Otter Plays with a Stuffed Walrus

speedyfastcat says...

I didn't have enough information when I initially commented on this video (because the video didn't provide it), and I jumped to conclusions - my bad!! In any event, it would definitely have been helpful if the video had indicated if the otter was a sea otter, river otter, or ...

Here's some fun and interesting information about otters from the World Famous San Diego Zoo web site:
Class: Mammalia (Mammals)
Order: Carnivora
Family: Mustelidae
Genera: 6
Species: 13
Length: largest—giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis, up to 7.8 feet (2.4 meters); smallest—Asian small-clawed otter Amblonyx cinereus, up to 3 feet (0.9 meters)
Weight: largest—sea otter Enhydra lutris, males up to 95 pounds (43 kilograms); smallest—Asian small-clawed otter, up to 11 pounds (5 kilograms)
Life span: 15 to 20 years
Gestation: from 2 months for smaller species to 5 months for sea otters
Number of young at birth: 1 to 5, usually 2
Size at birth: 4.5 ounces (128 grams) for smaller species to 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms) for sea otters
Age of maturity: 2 to 5 years
Conservation status: four species, including the sea otter, are endangered; three otter species are vulnerable.
Fun facts
• You can tell otter species apart by the shape and amount of fur on their noses.
• Unlike other marine mammals, sea otters do not have a layer of blubber to keep them warm; they rely on warm air trapped in their fur. Sea otters have the densest fur of any mammal, with about 100,000 hairs in a space about the size of a postage stamp!
• Most otter species capture prey with their mouths, but Asian small-clawed otters and sea otters have flexible fingers and grab with their hands.
• North American and European river otters have been known to share dens with beavers—but the beavers do all the building!

Mammals: Otter
Range: Africa, Asia, and parts of North America, Central America, and South America
Habitat: sea otters are found in the Pacific Ocean and along the coastline, but most otter species live in rivers, lakes, and marshes

Champion swimmers
Otters are the only serious swimmers in the weasel family. They spend most of their lives in the water, and they are made for it! Their sleek, streamlined bodies are perfect for diving and swimming. Otters also have long, slightly flattened tails that move sideways to propel them through the water while their back feet act like rudders to steer.

Almost all otters have webbed feet, some more webbed than others, and they can close off their ears and noses as they swim underwater. They can stay submerged for about five minutes, because their heart rate slows and they use less oxygen. They’re also good at floating on the water’s surface, because air trapped in their fur makes them more buoyant. Have you ever noticed that when an otter comes out of the water, its outer fur sticks together in wet spikes, while the underneath still seems dry? That’s because they have two layers of fur: a dense undercoat that traps air; and a topcoat of long, waterproof guard hairs. Keeping their fur in good condition is important, so otters spend a lot of time grooming. In fact, if their fur becomes matted with something like oil, it can damage their ability to hunt for food and stay warm.

Party animals
Otters are very energetic and playful. You might say they love to party! They are intelligent and curious, and they are usually busy hunting, investigating, or playing with something. They like to throw and bounce things, wrestle, twirl, and chase their tails. They also play games of "tag" and chase each other, both in the water and on the ground. River otters seem to like sliding down mud banks or in the snow—they’ll do it over and over again! Otters also make lots of different sounds, from whistles, growls, and screams to barks, chirps, and coos. All this activity is part of the otters’ courtship, social bonding, and communication, and since otter pups need practice, they tend to be even more playful than the adults.

Life as a pup
Most otters are born in a den, helpless and with their eyes closed. The mother takes care of them, often chasing the father away after their birth, although in some species the dad may come back after a couple of weeks to help raise them. The babies, called pups, open their eyes and start exploring the den at about one month, start swimming at two months, and stay with their mother and siblings until they are about one year old, when they head off on their own.

For sea otters in their ocean habitat it’s a little different—the pups are born with their eyes open, and they have a special coat of hair so they can float, even though they can’t swim yet. They are carried on their mother’s stomach until they are about two months old, when they start swimming and diving on their own.

For most otters, social groups are made up of a mother, her older offspring, and her newest pups; the males spend most of their time alone or with a few other males. During breeding time or where there’s lots of food, though, larger groups of otters may gather, especially among sea otters in kelp beds.

The seafood diet
Otter food may not all come from the ocean, but it is definitely fishy! River otters eat mostly fish, frogs, crayfish, crabs, and mollusks, with an occasional small mammal or bird. Sea otters eat many of the same things, but mostly sea urchins, abalone, crabs, mussels, and clams, which they crack open against rocks they hold on their stomachs. Otters have long, sensitive whiskers that help them find prey, even in murky water. Some species, like the Asian small-clawed otter Amblonyx cinereus, also use their hands to probe into mud or under rocks to find a tasty meal that might be hiding there. River otters use lots of energy and digest their food very fast, so they eat several times a day. Sea otters need to eat 20 to 25 percent of their body weight each day. That’s a lot of abalone!
The otters at the San Diego Zoo are fed carnivore diet, carrots, and either squid or trout. They also get small amounts of "treats" for enrichment, like crayfish, worms, potatoes, or yams.

Will Fed's 600 Billion Jumpstart Economy?

blankfist says...

No. It may jumpstart it temporarily but as you print more money, the value of the dollar drops, and then we're stuck with inflation. And so to incentivize people to spend money in an inflated economy the Fed then in turn manipulates interest rates (cheap credit) and creates market bubbles that give the impression people are making more money because more money is available than before and there's no major change in interest rates, so it's cheap credit.

And so because credit is cheap we no longer spend from savings, but spend from credit. That means we don't save our money before buying that TV or buying that car, but instead buy it on credit. This poses a major problem because we become accustomed to living in debt, and we tend to spend more. And why shouldn't we when saving money means it will be devalued over time based on inflation.

Between 1813 and 1913 the cost of gold per ounce remained rather steady (approx. $30/ounce), and it wasn't until we abandoned a value backed currency (meaning currency that cannot be printed out of thin air like the Fed has been doing since 1913) that we saw increases from 1913 to 2010. Today gold is closer to $2000/ounce. This is why saving money in a bank is a bad investment (and so is saving your cash in a coffee can) and therefore people are incentivized to spend from credit and invest in risk retirement investments.

Capital is savings. Capitalism is spending from savings. What we have now isn't not true Capitalism, but rather spending from credit, i.e., spending from debt. And it's dangerous. Eventually the dollar bubble will pop, and we'll most likely be left where the Germans were after WWI with a worthless currency they burned in the winter to stay warm.

The largest scam of the fiat currency system, however, is who is rewarded and who is most strongly affected negatively. when money is printed, the government, the banks and the military industrial complex receives the money first and spends it before "inflation" drops the value. It then gets circulated through society, and the last people to have their cost of living adjusted for inflation tends to be those on Social Security. It's really an unfair and cruel system.

Anyhow, that's the gist of it as far as I understand it.

TYT - 2010 Post Election Rant

Xaielao says...

The trouble with getting rid of the parties is that for the republicans, that was what the Tea Party was all about. They hated the Democrats and were completely sick of the Republicans and wanted to change things, to bring in their own candidates that they thought would change things. But while this 'movement' is just a new face on an old idea that pops up once in a while, it once again was completely subsumed by the republican party who saw an advantage with conservative-leaning Tea Party people and bought that group out from under themselves. By the end the Tea Party is a disjointed, bickering and small group of Americans with zero agreed upon agendas. People like Karl Rove saw the opportunity and went with it. If the Tea Party thinks thy changed an ounce of anything they are completely mistaken and we'll find that out as time goes on.

The Party system certainly seems broken but if we could just get the money out of politics (and damn you surpreme court for taking a huge problem and making it that much larger) things might actually change. The two party system could absolutely use a large change but as long as there is as much money in politics as there are today, it never will.

Shattering the Chains of the Anti-Bottled Water Conglomerate

Cute girl rocks out on an electric guitar (wait for it)

Duckman33 says...

Sorry, I guess I just get tired of seeing comments on the internet by people who in turn don't have an ounce of talent to speak of themselves putting down talented people. Not that you don't have any talent cuz I don't know if you do or don't, which is why I asked. Being a musician myself, I thought it had plenty of soul worthy of more than "meh" as a comment. But like you said, it's a matter of taste. Somehow I seriously doubt anyone could get what she did there out of a proper midi studio.>> ^sillma:

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^sillma:

I'm sure you can do better then?

Oh yeah, because one is not allowed to comment on anything negatively if they're not better in it than the target, what a retarded standpoint. Not calling you retarded, it just is one of the most stupid ways to try and challenge an opinion. She played technically well, but that's all she did. It sounded boring and bland with no soul in it. I can get that from a proper midi-studio, but she needs to put herself in it more to make it sound...good. My definition of "rock out" needs more than just good technical ability to repeat sheet music, and yet, as music is, it's a question of taste, hence my rant is moot.

Swarzenegger signs California bill decriminalizing Cannabis

handmethekeysyou says...

Thank you.

From the video: "The governor opposes a proposition on the November ballot that would decriminalize Marijuana."

This is not decriminalization.>> ^bamdrew:

Not "decriminalized"; description should say:
'Penalty for carrying up to 1 ounce of pot reduced from misdemeanor to infraction; continues a maximum fine of $100, but with no jury trial'
"The new law does not change the penalties for possession. Currently, carrying up to an ounce of marijuana is punishable by a fine of up to $100; no jail time or probation can be ordered. One key difference, however, is that until now a defendant has been entitled to a jury trial and a defense attorney. By downgrading possession to an infraction, that will no longer be the case.
"In this time of drastic budget cuts, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, and the courts cannot afford to expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket," Schwarzenegger wrote in a signing statement."
So its all about not spending money on trials and attorneys when folks have small amounts of pot. Not a lot has changed. Hope that clears things up a little.

Swarzenegger signs California bill decriminalizing Cannabis

Payback says...

>> ^bamdrew:
Not "decriminalized"; description should say:
'Penalty for carrying up to 1 ounce of pot reduced from misdemeanor to infraction; continues a maximum fine of $100, but with no jury trial'
"The new law does not change the penalties for possession. Currently, carrying up to an ounce of marijuana is punishable by a fine of up to $100; no jail time or probation can be ordered. One key difference, however, is that until now a defendant has been entitled to a jury trial and a defense attorney. By downgrading possession to an infraction, that will no longer be the case.
"In this time of drastic budget cuts, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, and the courts cannot afford to expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket," Schwarzenegger wrote in a signing statement.
So its all about not spending money on trials and attorneys when folks have small amounts of pot. Not a lot has changed. Hope that clears things up a little.

Another thing you may consider is the cost they no longer have to pay to keep someone in jail after convicting them of that misdemeanor. The amount of money that this measure will save is staggering.

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