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Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

NordlichReiter says...

DGhandi, I suppose open source Application writers are Naive too. But it's a wonder that their applications, and Encryption are made better by letting the Open Source community rip it to shreds.

I am a proponent of Full disclosure. when it comes to things that involve a large amount of people. Namely the whole fucking planet.

Urban myths about climate change

cybrbeast says...

Great video, only he can't really blame armchair scientists for not checking out scientific literature. Because most of that is only accessible at high price or via university subscriptions (at very high cost for the university).
We need science to go into public journals. The high price for articles goes mostly to the publishers of the journals. While the submitting scientists get almost nothing for the paper, only a place in a big journal if he's lucky. And the peer review of the papers is also usually done for free. Therefor all science should be published in big open-source databases. It would give everyone access and also allow much better technological improvements, because even people with low budgets could work on these things if they were open.

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

Ornthoron says...

You know what's great about linux? It's completely open-source, so if something crashes, you can just dmesg and grep to find out what the fuck went wrong and fix it so it doesn't happen again. How cool is that?

Google Navigation = Death of GPS Makers

Memorare says...

>> ^Xax:
The App Store is a big reason to go with an iPhone. I've been thinking about getting one sometime in the next few months, but this video has given me pause... I'm not overly familiar with Android phones, and now I'm going to have to look into them before making my decision.

Since the new Motorola Droid from Verizon runs the open source Android OS there are/will be tons of apps.

Maybe someone will eventually come up with a simple sdk so you can create your own.

Why buying a Mac is simply fucking rediculous. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Hawkinson says...

I am not a hipster (I grew up in/live in echo park, and I hate their parking spot taking/beard growing ways), but I have to say that most of the time, a mac is a good deal.

It just works.

Another reason is the bundled and subsidized software. iMovie and Final Cut Express are unmatched on PC. I LOL when I see the MS PC commercial that shows some woman buying a computer for video editing for less that 2 grand. What is she going to use to capture and edit video? Adobe's Premiere costs almost 2k.. iMovie is free, and is more than enough for 95% of home users. Need more features? Final Cut Express is subsidized, $99. Want to spend a shit load of money? get the full final cut package, it will cost the same amount as Premiere Pro.

I have never bought a mac. I have a retail license for windows xp pro that cost $150. I did this because, at the time, there was more open source video encoding software availible on Win32.

However, I will never upgrade to Vista, and will likely never upgrade to Windows 7. Linux desktops are mature enough for everyday use, especially since 95% of poeple ONLY use their web browsers (my sister-in-law has used her computer for 12 months and has not created a single document).

Need a document? Open Office is okay (not great), and works on Win32, Mac, and Linux. Open Office Base works very well.

Summary: most users would be better off with the closed hardware and subsidized software that comes with mac. Nerds should be using Linux 100% of the time. Microsoft should be severely punished for their OS blunders (home users chose them only because it is the de facto standard in busness, but the majority of businesses are still using XP, two years after Vista's introduction, so there is NO reason for home users to use Vista.)

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

spoco2 says...

Man, there's some heated back and forth here... that's for sure.

Mac vs PC for Me?


* WAY cheaper hardware, seriously. My house was robbed recently, and my laptop stolen. This was a 3 years old Dell Inspiron that was about 2Grand (AUS) at the time of purchase. To replace that with a Dell Inspiron that's way better specced now...? $AU745 To replace with an Apple with a similar size screen (I don't want anything less than 14" it gets used as a DVD player for the kids in the car when we go on holidays)? $2,700! Seriously insane! The cheapest laptop they offer AT ALL? $1600, with a 13" screen... Holy crud. You can argue all you like about build quality and included features etc. etc. But if you don't offer some damn sort of entry level computers, then you've lost me I'm afraid.

* Games. I like to play PC Games, playing through Bioshock was blissful. I hardly ever get to these day (4 kids under 6 will do that to you), but I like to buy a game every six months or so and get some playing in now and again... and I'm afraid the PC has the Mac beat in every possible way here.

* I actually really like Windows Media Player. I didn't for ages. Up until, erm, I think it was version 10, I was a staunch Winamp user. But now, WMP is great. And I have no idea what you're talking about with ads in it, because I never see any, it opens in my library. But then I guess I never use online music stores as I'm old fashioned and actually like to get a physical CD for my music.

* It's what I'm used to... I've been using PCs since DOS, so I'm kinda comfortable with them, and I have no real issue with them or Windows. Is it a crap reason to stick with an operating system? Maybe... but it's a reason.

* Even moreso... It's what the Wife is used to: She really doesn't want to learn some other operating system. And she uses all the pcs in this house, so that's a serious consideration.

* Lack of a unix based terminal... yup, agree there. When you're doing web based development, and the things you're doing are deployed on Linux boxes, it would be really nice to be able to have a local setup that mirrors that. Can't really on a Windows box (and no, Cygwin doesn't count).

* Windows Movie Maker/ Windows DVD Maker: When I first got Vista I got really excited about Windows DVD Maker because the look and feel of the menus it can create and the way it all seems to fit together looks superb. After having it now for a year and a half or so, I think I have successfully burnt ONE DVD using it. ONE. And it's not like it tells you beforehand that it can't handle whatever video format you've given it or whatever, it quite happily previews and goes ahead and spends an hour preparing the video etc. only to die at 99% with a cryptic message. UTTER SHIT. And Movie Maker? Urgh, doesn't really output into any format I really want. I have used it, I have made some nice movies with it, but it's not fun to use at all. For my DVD creation needs I now use DVD Flick (Open source), and I have yet to hit any video format it can't handle... see MS, it's not that hard.

* Built on BSD: Having a real terminal, and real linux/unix operating system under the hood is great for anyone doing dev work... very nice.

* iLife: As much as I don't like iTunes (see below), from what I've played with in iMovie and iDVD, I really like them, very nice to use. Would love to be able to play with them, and it most of the reason I would like to give owning a Mac a go.

* Cost: Insane... mentioned above... unavoidable.

* The strip thing: Sorry, don't like that thing along the bottom... heaps of icons with only a tiny little triangle to let you know which ones are currently running, and which aren't. Not intuitive to me at all... but that might just be me.

* Lack of games... again, mentioned above.

* The incredibly annoying advertising: Seriously, this is enough to make me not want one. The arrogant, bullshit of 'Windows always crash' and 'Macs never fail' is SUCH SHIT. I can't remember the last time I had a windows box crash, and I use them ALL day most days. Whereas the last time I was using a Mac at work (OSX, but a fews years back) I had it crash with the delightful bomb thing...

* During that same time I was using the Mac I wanted to eject the DVD I had in it... I looked and looked for an eject button, and could not find it. Could find no logical way to do so... ended up dragging it onto the rubbish bin to eject it, which to me seemed like an insanely loopy way to get a disc out of a drive. I'm sure there are simpler ways, but I found it baffling that here I was, using the 'so simple' OS and could not for the life of me work out how to GET A DISC OUT OF THE MACHINE.

* I despise iTunes and Quicktime. The interface to iTunes, to my eye, is ugly as sin, and quicktime on the PC (can't speak for OSX obviously, but if you want to win people over, don't release shit software on other systems) is a horrendous piece of software that irks the absolute hell out of me... plus until recently had the gall to try and charge you money just to be able to watch movies full screen. I wouldn't have it installed on my pc at all if it wasn't for

* Hardware upgrades: Sort of linked to the price thing, but different in that you can't throw any old video card or whatever else you want in the machine, because you're limited to what Apple offer you in their infinite wisdom.

Neither here nor there
* Physical design: People rant and rave about how beautiful Apples are... and to some degree they are very nice to look at, but you're kinda stuck with that and nothing else. PCs have some pretty sexy desktops and laptops now, in a form for pretty much everyone.

It is obviously personal, and for people like budzos to attack dag for dag finding Macs to be more productive for him is insane. If HE finds it more efficient, then that's friggen great! I really would love to give a Mac a chance, but that entry price is just insanely high, so I'm afraid, unless work switches to Mac (very much a Dell shop), it's not going to happen.

MTV Holocaust PSA #2

vairetube says...

aye... the protection is a guise... with the excuse/reason independent of the origin of the event itself, and shamefully so now. it is selfish to act out of fear, no matter what the fear. you are only thinking of yourself in the end. sucks because fear helps u survive.. but not out of control fear. that kills you.

government should only increase opportunity for people to find ways to live quality lives. it can do that if we root out where people go wrong and abuse it (its pretty obvious by now.. follow the money).

make it transparent. open source is the only way. don't ask me to do it though, i dont know how. i just work here.

Comodore 64 app for the iPhone

Razor says...

@ dag:

If unprecedented means easy to code then I'd agree. Apple's next step should be to provide an SDK native to Windows but I doubt it will happen. For now developers can use VMWare or dual-boot if they don't own or don't want to buy a Mac.

I'm not exactly expecting Google's SDK to be super easy to use but it does have the advantage of being open source. This will make it much easier for hackers to get close to the metal and squeeze nice performance out of the hardware. I've only a tad of hands-on with Android. The principle complaint I have heard is of stability, and like all things Google it will appear to be perpetually in beta =P But the UI looks good, so hopefully it'll add some good competition to the mix.

Comodore 64 app for the iPhone

cybrbeast says...

Once a few nice phones supporting Google Android come out I'm definitely getting one. It's open source, anyone can make apps without approval. So lets get commodore and then MAME, and then lets point and laugh at all the iPhone users with their limited phones, that don't even support Flash

Firefox 3.5 Treats Videos Like Web Pages

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

spawnflagger says...

Lars kinda sounds like Bruno (Sacha Baron Cohen's character).

I was considering installing MS Sharepoint Server, but this Waves product looks like it will surpass the utility of that, especially being open source.

Hopefully it will perform better than Adobe Connect.

grinter (Member Profile)

Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

xxovercastxx says...

Open source just means that the source code is freely available to anyone, to use or modify as they see fit. Different licenses introduce different caveats. Being an open source developer doesn't necessarily mean working for free (though many do). The license Wave is released under will determine what can be done with the resulting code.


Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

grinter says...

Can someone explain this idea of open source to me?
Are they hoping that the developers in the audience will write a bunch of code and utilities for wave, without compensation, that Google will later sell and profit from?

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