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Okeechobee Commissioner Bryant Culpepper - Kill Corona With

newtboy says... need an industrial heat gun. That'll take them hoaxy viruses right outta there, just inhale deeply.

Oh sweet zombie Jebus...OAN a pretty reliable source?!? They're more bat shit crazy, loonier conspiracy nuts than Beck or Jones....random internet suggestions are more likely to be correct than OAN.
OAN might be a ploy to make Fox look legitimate by comparison.

Astronaut Christina Koch reuniting with dog after 328 days

Mystic95Z says...

Yep dogs are amazing that way. My brother and his wife came down to visit last week and my dog who hates strangers in the house remembered them and went nuts after seeing them again for the first time in years.

Trump Gives Mitt Romney A Cool New Nickname

newtboy says...

Not by half.
His religious beliefs may be nearly as insane, but Palin had every intention of making her insane hypocritical beliefs the law of the land, Romney doesn't. Also, I don't recall Romney walking out 1/2 way through a job he was elected for to try to be elected to another job, do you? I also don't recall him using his religion as a cudgle to abuse and deride his political enemies, then conveniently forgetting them when he and his family fail to live up to the same standards.

I respect McCain's service, valor, and civility, but I also blame McCain for making bat shit crazy candidates acceptable to the far right. IMO, the party that ate him alive was no longer his party, it was the Trump party, which bears no resemblance to the Republican party of pre 2016. They wouldn't accept religious-nut-writhing-on-the-ground-chanting Sarah Palin. Today they would worship her as the most intelligent woman in America if Trump said they should.

vil said:

Romney is almost as bad as Palin in that regard. Just saying.

McCain was an old man that got eaten alive by his party. Throwing to the wolves just wasnt enough. Loathing is superfluous. Have you seen Game Change?

Trump Gives Mitt Romney A Cool New Nickname

JiggaJonson says...

@bobknight33 You are an asshole. Like others have said, Mitt isn't someone I agree with but he seems to be an honest person when it counts.

John McCain was someone who I loathed mostly for picking that religious-nut-writhing-on-the-ground-chanting Sarah Palin. Genuine policy disagreements and VP pick aside though, he was a patriotic American and highlights just what a traitor this president and his supporters are to this country in comparison.

That said, he spent 5 years being tortured in Vietnam rather than leaving immediately because he refused to leave without his fellow American captors.

John McCain was and remains an honorable person and a patriotic American who cared about his own.

Here's a detailed account

"What they wanted, of course, was to send me home at the same time that my father took over as commander in the Pacific. This would have made them look very humane in releasing the injured son of a top U. S. officer. It would also have given them a great lever against my fellow prisoners, because the North Vietnamese were always putting this "class" business on us. They could have said to the others "Look, you poor devils, the son of the man who is running the war has gone home and left you here. No one cares about you ordinary fellows." I was determined at all times to prevent any exploitation of my father and my family.

There was another consideration for me. Even though I was told I would not have to sign any statements or confessions before I went home, I didn't believe them. They would have got me right up to that airplane and said, "Now just sign this little statement." At that point, I doubt that I could have resisted, even though I felt very strong at the time.

But the primary thing I considered was that I had no right to go ahead of men like Alvarez, who had been there three years before I "got killed"—that's what we say instead of "before I got shot down," because in a way becoming a prisoner in North Vietnam was like being killed."

Don't ever talk about him again you fucking traitor.

bobknight33 said:

I prefer the nick name Mitt McCain

Taking the road less traveled

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

No desired to be DOXed by leftest nuts.

You won't vote Republican but you just might wont vote Democrat again.

After last week It the curtain is pulled back. Democrats lost.

Only Fraud by Obama administration was on full display.

Now it will take yet another 3 years for final rulings. But the worm has turned.

JiggaJonson said:

Hey, you know what I think you may have convinced me, I think I might actually vote for a Republican in the upcoming election. I would like you to do us a favor though. I would like you to show the server whether or not you're a Russian. So anything you can do to post a picture of yourself along with your home address in a reply to this comment, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Tantrums don't convince anyone Bobski.

Lol. DNC/SOROS plant! Bwaaaahahaha! Yep, that's just the kind of person who talks shit about the corrupt DNC throwing the election. *facepalm
I don't even know what a SOROS you mean Soros? I honestly know nothing about him besides the fact that right wing nuts believe he's the devil.

Trump's summary transcript proved he COMMITTED a crime (in America we don't say "Trump did a crime") the witnesses confirmed it and gave proof that his actions consistently supported that contention and never contradicted it.

I know you don't know what you're talking about, but I actually WATCHED the hearings. Everyone in the loop KNEW exactly what he wanted, a few directly from him, but most were told to talk to Giuliani for directions and he told them unambiguously. Trump is a long term crook, he knows better than to just publicly say "hey people, we're illegally extorting Ukraine for Russia, everyone get on board, and no snitching."...but he's dumb enough to do it then say "no snitching" to everyone, and call any who do speak up "never Trumper liars", including those who gave him $1million....and/or dumb enough to believe Ukrainian separatists/Russian agents over our intelligence community simply because the Ukrainians/Russians paid him and other Republicans large sums to go along with their anti American scheme.

Lol. You're such a deep thinker that you don't even understand a hypothetical...IF you saw him rape and murder young boys, you would be here blaming the boys.

Bob. If you think you're a thinking man, you prove my point....son. You are as far from a thinking man as one can get, you're a brainless sycophantic infant that only regurgitates the obvious self serving lies of a narcissistic infant...or far more likely a Russian troll based on your at best tenuous grasp of English and willingness to support and spread any Russian created conspiracy theories.

LMFAHS. You're just too funny.

bobknight33 said:

You troll so much it obvious you a DNC/SOROS type plant.

Again, not 1 witness Shift brought forward can factually claim that Trump did any crime.

Beat you troll chest as much as you want there is no there there.

Every day Democrats point a finger at Trump it gets smacked down by truth.

You need a #walkaway moment. Come to you senses son.

?????????????????? Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. ??????????????? WTF what false lie are you pushing .
No wonder you not worth reading. Such drivel.

Stay in your garden and leave hard thinking to men.

GOP Says Trump Was Joking as Damning Ukraine Texts Emerge

Mystic95Z says...

GOP now just equates to being the party of Trump nut huggers.... Most all of them prob have nice orange sheen on their lips lol.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

Mystic95Z says...

Says THE biggest TOOL on this site, grow up Trumpanzee and get off Dump's orange nut sac... Edit: You and Trumps IQ combined are not even in the same league as this little girl...

bobknight33 said:

Grreta Thunberg is a TOOL - a useful tool to be an icon for children to push a false ideal that is not or will no happen any time soon.

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

Drachen_Jager says...


You support Trump, a guy who literally grins and gives a thumbs up for his photo op with a baby who's parents were likely murdered because of his own rhetoric. A guy who rambles on about absolute nonsense when he's not using a teleprompter. A guy who got recorded admitting he molests women. A guy who is so obsessed with his image that he takes drugs that make him impotent just so he can have a full head of hair. And the cast of characters supporting him is no better.

The difference between the left and the right now in America is on the left, the nuts are on the fringes, on the right, they're in Congress, in the White House, in the Senate. They're making policy.

Every house has a few nuts, most are smart enough not to put them in charge.

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

bcglorf says...

Kinda gonna disagree with you here.

I like sorting nuts by nuttiness. I expect murder rates to follow from the combination of nuttiness and number of members. I'm not aware of murders out of the Westboro Baptists(yet at least). Plenty of murderers though have claimed generic christianity though. I still class Westboro as less tolerable than generic christianity.

Going back to the video, this crowd is pretty far over on the nutcase scale.

TheFreak said:

Nutty as a squirrels shit...
...and yet, curiously, not out mass-murdering anyone. Bob's camp can't make that claim.

So I'll tolerate the nutcases on the extreme left over the nutcases on the extreme right any day.

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

cloudballoon says...

American church leaders dying left & right? yeah... I'd chalk them up as God smiting them for being false prophets.

I'm a Christian (Canadian), but I see American Christianity as a beast of its own. Nuts cases everywhere that rather get in bed with the NRA and the military complex than practice anything Christ says. Total madness.

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

Lol. Even you aren't ignorant or dumb enough to not know this is a well known white supremacist racial hate slogan, not an equality movement slogan, not a non inflammatory statement.

Edit...when you see bald white guys wearing t-shirts printed with "14-18-88" you would insist they're just clean cut math enthusiasts. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Um....take another English class Vlad, I think you mean nuts infer hate, because you just called your own cohorts nuts. It's crystal clear they are implying hate with these pro white fliers being posted only in minority areas and schools, not predominantly white areas and need #10 RWNJ goggles to hide that fact from yourself.

Rightwing cowardly assholes can't stand behind their own hate in public, but revel in it when they're together in private. You're cohorts are afraid to admit who they are, so afraid of everything they're afraid of themselves, or at least they're afraid of the repercussions of exposure. That's why they can't admit what's obvious to everyone who isn't delusionally biased....that they're racist.

Remember, it's RWNJ's like yourself that totally lost their shit and continue to be triggered today over "black lives matter", insisting it's a racist movement and they want to hide their obvious racist intent by pretending they're emulating that social justice movement when's laughably transparent.

I guess you didn't watch this video, because there was plenty of right wing fear there....ending in the creation of your fear...."it's not ok to be white"...a Fox news created slogan you were terrified by. Boy do they have your number.

You are helping them spread the white supremacist message by only looking at life with your blinders and right wing goggles on.

bobknight33 said:

What is hateful? Nuts imply hate. Projection???

Leftest snowflake nuts jobs are afraid of everything.

It's Not Okay

bobknight33 says...

What is hateful? Nuts imply hate. Projection???

Leftest snowflake nuts jobs are afraid of everything.

newtboy said:

No surprise, the RWSFs (right wing snowflakes) can't stand having their slogans and hate speech used against them and find "it's not ok to be white" outrageous....even though they made it up themselves...yet don't want non racists to think "it's ok to be white" implies it's not ok to not be white....the real message they're spreading. that's the message the poster heard, labeling his video with the Fox created anti white (supremacist) reverse of the right wing hate slogan they hoped to spread nationwide, using a thumbnail of that non existent anti supremacist slogan/flier.

They can't even stand behind their racism and, in their cowardice, pretend "it's ok to be white" and the "ok" symbol flashed behind non whites isn't racism, libtards just intentionally misunderstand and get outraged over nothing. Cowards and liars all.

This racial divide is all but sponsored by Trump, supported at every turn, sometimes with a minimal dismissal, but often with direct support ("good people" did this with "good intentions" ).

Just know, this is a report about "it's ok to be white" fliers being posted at majority minority schools and neighborhoods, not about what the poster wants you to think, that anti white posters from antifa and racist non whites are being posted.

It's not ok to be white in the way the right wing racists intend the slogan to be read.

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