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quantumushroom (Member Profile)

WONDER WOMAN Comic-Con Trailer

lurgee says...

Maybe because she originally started out as an Army nurse in the early 40's. To me Lynda Carter will alway be WW.

eric3579 said:

I love the time period they chose. Anyone know why they might have chose it? I know nothing about Wonder Woman universe.

Bill Maher and Colbert - Police Culture has to change

Babymech says...

To be honest I didn't read all of your reply because you said you were done, so I don't think you'll respond further I'll just address the tail-end - the noun-switching thing is really stupid.

If I say our police aren't performing to the standards we require, you don't help the dialogue by switching out the word police for 'blacks', 'jews', or 'hydrogen atoms'. For one, a police force is something we choose to have; we have created the police force for specific reasons. These specific reasons come with minimum requirements, which we need to keep track of to make sure we didn't make the wrong choice. Secondly, we have responsibility for our police force, to make sure they have the training and support to continue to serve their original goals, because nobody gets into police work with the dream of being on the wrong end of a viral video about shooting innocents.

You can't switch out the word police for 'blacks' or 'hydrogen atoms' because that's idiotic. You can switch out the word police for 'nurses,' 'fire fighters,' etc, because those are comparable groups, that we need to monitor, support, and hold accountable.

Nothing of what I say paints every police officer as equally in the wrong. That's like saying it's wrong to sound the alert for occasional nuclear meltdowns, because that ignores all the times we don't have meltdowns. If our reactor works fine 6 days of the week, but has a critical failure once a week, that's a problem, and needs to be addressed, even though the other 6 days are fine.

Lawdeedaw said:

Also, a short note here...and then I am done. I find that any statement I make should be able to switch around nouns and if it sounds horrible with another noun in its place, you probably don't a statement worth shit.

For example, "Blacks are thugs." Replace that with, "Police are thugs." The statement itself is stupid, regardless of who it is applied too. Your statement about seeing what the police really saying we see what blacks really worthless....mostly because it claims them all into one group of equal do-evil.

Baltimore Cop Beats Up Student

Mordhaus says...

"REACH! Partnership School is an innovative Baltimore City public middle and high school operated by Civic Works. We prepare students for college and careers in Healthcare and Construction. Graduates of REACH! Partnership leave the school with certifications that let them start jobs or apprenticeships as nursing assistants, pharmacy technicians, carpenters, or electricians. "

I doubt it will go further than a grand jury, but apparently they are possibly going to face criminal charges.

Emotionally manipulating commercial that I liked...

Good intentions and a shiny window

This Much Will Kill You

spawnflagger says...

remember the radio show where they had a water drinking contest?
a nurse called in and urged them to stop, and the DJs laughed it off.
the contest winner died the next day.

A song being denied airtime in Britain

eric3579 says...

When I got to the party
They gave me a 40
And I must have been thirsty
'Cuz I drank it so quickly

When I got to the bedroom
There was somebody waiting
And it isn't my fault
That the barbarian raped me

When I went to get tested
I brought along my best friend
Melissa Mahoney
who had once been molested
And she knew how to get there
She knew all the nurses
They were all really friendly
But the test came up positive

I've seen better days
But I don't care
Oh I just sent a letter in the mail

When I got my abortion
I brought along my boyfriend
We got there an hour
Before the appointment
And outside the building
Were all these annoying fundamentalist Christians
We tried to ignore them

I've had better days
But I don't care
Oasis got my letter in the mail

(Up-Beat Break)

When vacation was over
The word was all over
That I was a crack whore
Melissa had told them
And do now we're not talking
Except we have tickets to see 'Blue in October'
And I think we're still going

I've seen better days
But I don't care
Oh I just got a letter in the mail
Oasis and a photograph
It's autographed and everything
Melissa's gonna wet herself I swear

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

poolcleaner says...

Mild racism: Watching the two black band members react to Louis' jokes. How will they take the jokes?

Mild racism: Watching Age of Ultron and exclaiming, "Everyone has a black superhero friend!"

Captain America <3 Falcon

Ironman <3 War Machine

Thor <3 Heimdall

Black Widow <3 Black Nick Fury

Hulk is black Bruce Banner

Daredevil <3 the Night Nurse

Jessica Jones <3 Luke Cage

Need i get into the black on Asian, black on white, Hyde on Asian action going on in Agents of SHIELD -- you're an inhuman happa hacker that fires earthquakes out of your fingers, welcome to the future.

Yeah, mild racism!! Eventually it's all meaningless because no one cares. Don't need to be getting all Ulysses Klaw on no Wakandan kings or nuthin'.

Three Baby Bears Cleaning Each Other

Asmo (Member Profile)

Asmo says...

Heh, should have ticked the sarcasm box. ; )

From the look of it, it's a very small town hospital so I'm guessing that it's probably a bit rough and ready. Probably have the triage nurse on the desk and one doc out the back so any mess get's left for the next morning.

newtboy said:

OK, but that doesn't mean you can just let the floor be covered in crap, right? ...or do gurneys and doctors both hover down under? ...Or is that an Aussie method of strengthening immune systems by giving them something to fight off?

Sportscaster responds to racism and hate

bareboards2 says...

I can vouch for the N word being used for unknown black people, but the ones my dad worked with were okay, great in fact.

"I know some good ones" is the phrase that bubbles up from memory. Said grudgingly, as if the good ones were the exception and not the rule. Said defensively, as if he isn't wrong because he can think of ones he admires.

Drove me crazy.

And now he is in a skilled nursing facility that is staffed heavily with folks of color. Many different colors and nationalities. He was a little bit freaked out at first. But hey -- he is getting used to it, and these men and women take such good care of him. His collection of okay, and even admirable, black people has grown by leaps and bounds.


robbersdog49 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Don't you weigh yourselves in stones rather than lbs?

I have English friends who are vet nurses, they weigh themselves in stones, but animals in kilograms

robbersdog49 said:

Not sure about the military but we don't use km in normal life in the UK. In theory we're decimalised, and we use decimal currency and weights and volumes, for the most part. We do still measure our body weight in lbs, our height in feet and inches and the speed of our cars in mph. Distance on the road is in miles too, and gas mileage is mpg. Milk is sold in pints, as is beer. Timber is in inch dimensions (2x4 and so on) and usually in 8ft lengths. If it's sold in decimal measures it's a decimalised imperial measure, so instead of buying an 4 board you'll get a 2440mm x 1220mm.

We do use centigrade rather than fahrenheit. And fizzy drinks are sold by the litre. Come to think about it I really don't know why people think we're decimalised!

Megyn Kelly on Fox: "Some things do require Big Brother"

Digitalfiend says...

The one thing I'll never agree with is forced immunization, where parents would have zero choice at the birth of their child or during "pandemics" like H1N1, where vaccines did cause issues and weren't as thoroughly tested or had unexpected side-effects (1). With that said, I have no problem with schools requiring an up-to-date immunization schedule or hospitals requiring doctors and nurses to be immunized, etc.

Vaccines are important and effective but there can be risks.

I'd like to see a study performed across a broad spectrum of children, following them from infancy to pre-teen years, to assess any potential non-obvious or long-term effects that vaccinations may have. Do more aggressive schedules and combinations of vaccinations have any impact on development over the long-term (e.g. impacts on the immune system, brain development, etc?) The current evidence suggests that it is unlikely, but I'm not sure there has ever been a comprehensive study performed specifically looking for potential issues over the long-term. With each new vaccine added to the schedule, I think this becomes even more important. For example, during the H1N1 outbreak, scientists discovered that people who were vaccinated with the seasonal flu shot were more likely to become infected by H1N1, with worse symptoms; follow up studies confirmed this. There is also evidence to suggest getting the yearly flu shot can make you more susceptible to getting the flu in following years. (2)

So while vaccines are very important and effective, it's still important to ask questions and be informed (through valid research); anyone that thinks otherwise is likely an idiot.




oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Unfortunatly, it's not just Merkel and her cabinet. It's the press, it's the economics departments at universities, it's politicians at all levels. Call it an economic nationalism, hell-bent to defend what they know to be the moral way of doing business. Everything left of this special flavour of market fundamentalism has been systematically attacked and suppressed for at least 30 years.

For instance, our socialist party, still referred to as the fringe of what is acceptable, runs on what is basically a carbon-copy of social-democrat programmes from the '70s. Similar to the British Green Party and Labour. Krugman, Stiglitz, Baker, Wolff, DeLong -- they'd all be on the fringe in Germany. Even the likes of Simon Johnson (IMF) or Willem Buiters (City Group).

If you speak out in favour of higher inflation (wage growth) to ease the pressure on our brothers and sisters in southern Europe, you'll be charged with waging a war against German saver. "You want to devalue what little savings a nurse can accrue? Don't you support blue collar workers?"

The same blue collar workers have been stripped of their savings by 15 years of wage suppression, the same blue collar workers are looking at poverty when they retire, because the PAYGO pension system was turned into a capital-based system that only works to your benefit if you never lose your job, always pay your dues and reach at least age 95. The previous system survived two world wars without a problem, yet was deemed flawed when they realized how much money could be channeled into the financial system – only to disappear at the first sight of a crisis, eg every five to ten years.

Similarly, you could point out that a focus on trade surpluses might not be the greatest of ideas, given the dependence it creates on foreign demand, a weak currency and restricted wage growth domestically. But they'll call you a looney. "The trade surplus is a result of just how industrious our workers, how creative our scientists and how skilled our engineers are. It's all innovation, mate! Are you saying we force the others to buy our stuff? That's madness."

You simply cannot have an open discussion about macroeconomics in Germany. Do I have to mention how schizophrenic it makes me feel to read contradictory descriptions of reality every day? It's bonkers and everyone's better off NOT reading both German and international sources on these matters.

Any compromise would have to work with this in mind. They'd have to package in a way that doesn't smell like debt relief of any kind. People know that stretching the payment out over 100 years equals debt relief, but it might just be enough of a lie to get beyond the level of self-deception that is simply part of politics. If they manage to paint Varoufakis' idea of growth-based levels of payment as the best way to get German funds back, people might go for it. Not sure if our government would, but you could sell it to the public. And with enough pressure from Greece, Spain, Italy, and France most of all, maybe Merkel could be "persuaded" to agree to a deal.

As for Syriza's domestic problems: it's a one-way ticket to hell. Undoing decades of nepotism under external pressure, with insolvency knocking on your door? Best of luck.

Italy is hard on Greece's heels in terms of institutional corruption. Southern Italy, in particular, is an absolute mess. Given the size of the Italian economy, Syriza better succeed, so their work can be used as a blueprint. Otherwise we're going to need a whole lot of popcorn in the next decade...

Edit: Case in point, German position paper, as described by Reuters. As if the elections in Greece never took place.

oritteropo said:

It's interesting that Syriza has been getting quite a lot of support from almost everyone except Angela Merkel. I'm starting to think that a pragmatic compromise of some sort or another is likely rather than a mexican stand off on The Austerity... the 5 month delay they are asking for takes them nicely past the Spanish elections and allows for much more face saving.

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