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Pete's Dragon Official US Teaser Trailer

Esoog says...

I don't often get nostalgic like this, but I remember watching Pete's Dragon when I was a kid. It was one of the first movies I ever remember watching actually. Not everyone old has to be remade. I hope they don't lose the innocence in it.

Chappelle Black White Supremacist

DOOM-campaign-new trailer

dannym3141 says...

Contextual kills usually mean that the engine is going to feel clunky and heavy, the wading-through-treacle effect. I really miss the days of fast, flowing FPS games that had huge individual skill ceilings involving all things like aim, dodging, rocket jumping, bunnyhopping and other clever manipulations of the engine.

That's what i think of when i get nostalgic for old FPS games like doom and quake and (later) half life 1.

Videosifts Sarzys Best And Worst Movies Of 2015

Sarzy says...

I dunno, it's certainly not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't think its appeal rests solely on Star Wars nostalgia. I saw it with a friend who's never even seen the original trilogy, and he still loved it. I don't think the reviews or the word of mouth would be as strong as they are if it were just a nostalgic wank-fest (which it is to a certain extent, don't get me wrong).

As for your Kylo Ren issues -- the guy had been shot by Chewbacca's blaster, which is established earlier in the film as having some pretty serious stopping power. So he's injured during the Finn/Rey fights.

Drachen_Jager said:

Have to disagree with Star Wars.

Without the massive appeal the series built, this movie wouldn't get many good reviews at all. The plot is an insane jumble of random events and plotholes that should have been embarrassing. To enumerate a few:

1) Randomly Melennium Falcon happens to be at the right place, right time (I can buy this, barely, because it's fun)

2) Before they can even have a full conversation (something the filmmakers seemed determined to avoid, even though, as this list shows, dialogue can make riveting cinema) HS and Chewie burst in. I could buy into this, if not for the rapid-fire pace of these events, as it is it just seems random and things are starting to get silly.

3) Before THEY can even have a full conversation not one, but two gangs HAPPEN upon the group, for no reason, except some executive was apparently worried about giving the audience a moment to reflect and MAYBE develop some connection with the characters.

4) Kylo Ren kicks ass. He's the only Force master EVER to stop a blaster bolt mid progress. He's got some serious juice!

5) Kylo Ren can't fight his way out of a paper bag (a bag named Finn) narrowly winning the fight and merely wounding the otherwise fairly useless ex-stormtrooper.

6) Kylo Ren is BEATEN by some chick with no training whatsoever! (Don't get me wrong, I like Rey, but the good guys are SUPPOSED to be weaker than the bad guys, and what's the point in Jedi training if she already kicks Evil's ass? )

7) WTF is up with this whiny Emo? He is, bar-none, the worst villain of the entire SW series thus far. It's not surprising that they defeat him, he's so useless, what's surprising is it takes them so damn long to beat his whining Emo shitty-at-lightsaber-duelling ass.

IMO the whole film was a hot mess that reeked of far too much studio interference which turns artistic vision into "more explosions!"

In summary, and this is totally true, my ten-year-old son, who loved the first 3 SWs (I won't let him watch the prequels) when asked what he thought of it replied, "Too many explosions." This is the mediocrity paradigm of big-budget Hollywood films at it's pinnacle.

Saturday Night Live (SNL) Superhero Party

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

That was a rhetoric question.

Your brain literally refused to see that..

The grass is ON FIRE on the other side of the fence, Lantern.

And you just to looove to telling the internet, videosift in particular, about how you can totally help put out that fire..

..with MORE FIRE!

So, no..

By no means do I EVER think you'd sit down with a person of color - not even your son-in-law - and sincerely discuss the repugnant shit you say here.

You're too much of a coward - like most bigots - to analyze your worldview and adjust it appropriately.

Just like all conservative-minded folks. You're scared.

You just want everything to be exactly like Happy Days, again.
You just want Baseball, Apple Pie, & the 'Murican Dream to live again!

Silly nostalgic old dog, you.

I can almost sympathize. /s

lantern53 said:

Why would I want to sit down with someone who takes every opportunity to call me a racist, or shitty, etc?

Perhaps if you could work on the charm part of your personality...?

Do I call you names?

All I want for you is for you to make the best of your circumstances, but you only seem to want to look at your circumstances, make everyone tell you how sad your life is, that you have no hope etc.

You seem quite content in your life, so perhaps that is your atunement.
When you are ready to move on, you will put all of this behind you, including me, and you'll make something of your life. (I only assume you've done nothing with your life because you never say anything about it other than 'woe is me', white people are racist etc)

At least you have internet! You could google 'famous black people' or something like that, and see how they became successful.

DUCK HUNT (NES) (Teens React: Retro Gaming)

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

newtboy says...

Then again, Republicans created the EPA in the 1970's, and today they want it eradicated because it's inconvenient to be responsible. Party positions change.

You do understand we aren't in the 1860's (the time period you nostalgically spoke of) anymore, right?
You do understand that BOTH parties have 'evolved' and changed their positions since the 1860's, right?

Actually, I'm not sure you understand either of those points at all.

bobknight33 said:

Then again Democrats held the south back then and formed the KKK.

Bosch self-drive car demo

yellowc says...

Did a few of miss the part where you can select the parts that are automated and manual?

You're asking for situations where you can choose and the video shows that almost as the first feature. It's there people

Personally for me, it makes sense to have it be 100% automated by default, place your hands on those bits for 3seconds to enter manual. Release both hands, reverts back to automatic.

The 3 seconds is more of a human thing, I'm sure the the car never actually stops any of its automatic calculations, it simply turns on/off if you can control steering and acceleration.

Presto, enjoy driving however you want and not driving whenever you want.

I'm still a firm of advocate of 100% forced automation, sorry, humans are just far too incapable to be driving death machines. I'm sorry if you enjoy it, we'll just create little "driving vacation spots" and we can all move on? After all, you're probably not getting nostalgic about your commutes to work.

But it'll take a while yet for the automation to be able to handle 100% of driving. In the mean time, this sort of dual mode looks pretty great to me.

TIE Fighter - Epic Anime short - Go Empire!!

MilkmanDan says...

I never got into the TIE Fighter or X-Wing games, my space sim experience of that era was all Wing Commander.

BUT, that video made me incredibly nostalgic for Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed, the space sim expansion to the MMO. Actually had really well modeled craft, customizable component loadouts, etc. I miss SWG a lot, and JTL in particular. Guess I'll wait a few more years for SWGEmu, right now the ground game is fairly solid but JTL is still in the pretty distant future.

Con Man Teaser (Comedy from Alan Tudyk & Nathan Fillion)

Babymech says...

Good God this is lazy. Who would be convinced to fund this based on this shitty, NPI, toilet scene, if it weren't for their nostalgic love of the names attached to it? Couldn't they just post a 4 minute black screen with "SOME GUYS FROM FIREFLY! PAY US IF YOU LIKED FIREFLY" on it? Maybe a flush noise at the end...

eric3579 (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

Yep. On a good day the west of Ireland is absolutely stunning.

Problem is you don't get that many good days

The last shot (Rinville Park) is almost exactly a mile from where I grew up. I used to sail there in the summers with my Dad.

Ahhh, now I'm all nostalgic and shit. need to go drink whiskey and sing old songs

NASA | From the River to the Sea

SFOGuy says...

If some of USGS's speculation is right---and we have just exited 100 of the wettest years the West has ever seen---then this video may be a sadly nostalgic remembrance some day...

The Art of Making a Book

Sagemind says...

When he pulls that lever, the whole press shifts, I'm pretty sure the Gutenberg wouldn't move like that. A Gutenberg is between 1 & 2 tonnes.
They don't show any distinguishing marks. In my opinion, if it was, they would have showed the emblem, (just to show off.)

I've used many presses like these, and hand-bound my own books, even made my own paper to use in the press. This is purely a hobby or small run use purposes. The amount of work that goes into setting all that lead type takes so long and the print run is so unpredictable, that it's just not profitable on any level to create full books like these. Nostalgic and cool yes. but you'd have to sell for several hundred dollars for for the book, and sell mass quantities. I hope the art form never dies though.

One of the professors at the college I work at, teaches sections on typesetting and printing on typesetting presses. He has his own publishing house and produces jobs for people.

Some photos here:
We also have a print studio at the college for students to use and train on.

newtboy said:

Granted, not how most books are made today, but this is about specialized leather bound editions. They are still made, but barely.
Maybe should have been titled "the dying art of making a book"?
As an aside, is that a Gutenberg press?

United State of Pop 2014 (Do What You Wanna Do) - DJ Earworm

Trancecoach says...

My buddy Mike Garfield, over at globalish says about this video:

"t’s that time of the year again: since 2008 (a million years ago!), DJ Earworm’s mashup mania crescendos once a year to form an epic audio collage that features Billboard’s favorite 25, all woven into one symphonic DJ mix. It’s like a Google Earth view of the musical identity of young Americans – by zooming out until a year of singles happens in four minutes, culture seems like nature, and the spirit of the times shines through the often-mediocre music Earworm brings together. Seeing Earth from space, we found a new identity beyond the nation states; a similar escape into low orbit around Pop reveals the flavor of the age with more appeal and sentiment than year-end news reviews.
It isn’t merely that “United States of Pop” resamples factory-assembled dross to offer tunes more interesting than their gathered parts. “Do What You Wanna Do” sings volumes about how and who we are right now, the character of mainstream culture we can’t see until it’s past, the air that we’ve been breathing without paying much attention. The cynical might say it demonstrates how all this music sounds the same, how easily it’s recombined – and while that’s definitely true, it’s also and more deeply true that we’re in this together, and will be remembered sharing space on stage as actors in a common play of history. Here is a window into how this moment will be seen, in digest form, the way we now look back on 1969. But go back and look at the mixes from 2008 – 2013, and a trend is obvious: even lousy music’s getting better. It’s an optimistic sign that we are getting deeper as a culture. Let’s hope.
Earworm’s genius lies not only in up-cycling tracks I’d rather never hear again as standalone recordings, but also in transforming the familiar and mundane into a damn-near magical homage to each year’s zeitgeist. This must be what an end-of-life review feels like: everything remembered and forgotten rushes back for one last joyous and nostalgic celebration.
Here’s to the change we all seek in 2015."

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