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Bangladeshi bus driver skills

cloudballoon says...

Speeding takes no skills, just a death wish and a total disregard to their passengers' safety in these instances.

I speed a lot, but I don't rage/race, that takes no skills, just a higher EQ.

Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness

newtboy says...

Since you asked so respectfully.....
Taken one point at a time....
1)You are not a special, beautiful, unique snowflake everyone treasures. You are just part of the all singing all dancing decaying compost heap that is humanity. Your parents lied to you.
2) IMO, children under 18 shouldn't have smart phones at all, and should only be allowed to access a highly filtered social media if any at all. Both are highly destructive when misused, and children misuse things, especially when unsupervised as most are. I'm 47 and still don't indulge in either. (Unless the sift counts)
3) I actually think impatience is good....If paired with the drive to make what you want happen yourself and the intelligence to grasp the work required to make it happen and recognize your own abilities. Being impatient while expecting handouts should get anyone nowhere fast.
4) You escape the trap of being unrecognized by your jobs and easily discarded by having skills and making yourself invaluable, not by having no skills (or ubiquitous so worthless skills), social or otherwise, and just expecting advancement for attendance like your childhood.

I agree those he describes were dealt a bad hand....I disagree that this is unique to any one generation. We all had generational issues to overcome. That so many have failed to even attempt to overcome them to better their own lives and instead think the world at large owes them happiness, is at fault for not delivering, and must change to suit them IS a fault of their own, imo, contrary to the narrator's repeated assertions. It may be a flaw their parents fostered, but it's their own personality flaw now, no one else can fix it for them.

bobknight33 said:


Great sage of the Sift, What say you?

And the Thirteen Doctor Is...

mram says...

I grew up on Tom Baker. I have loved and hated some Doctors as they came and went.

What I've learned: give anyone a chance. They might surprise you, and often do. But if they don't, let it go - it's not the end of the show. Matt Smith I thought would be awful (Too young! No skills!) and I was completely and utterly wrong, and happy to be wrong. Life gives you easy lessons sometimes.

New Poll Numbers Have Clinton Far Behind And Falling

RFlagg says...

Not only does it look like the DNC played foul, she picked Tim Kaine for her VP instead of a progressive candidate. It's like she and the whole party just said, fuck the progressives and all of Sander's supporters.

Unfortunately the media isn't paying attention to Jill Stein, and only noticing Gary Johnson, as she's the one who would most appeal to Sanders supporters and other progressives since the Democratic party seems to have moved to where Republicans were in the 80s while the Republicans make a huge shift even further and further to the right...

I'm starting to be genuinely afraid of America's future with Trump as President... hell, I'm worried for the world's future with Trump as President. I've got no skills that would allow me to move to Canada, the UK, New Zealand/Australia or any other place worth moving to.

Ex politician on Dallas: 'This is war. Watch out Obama.'

RFlagg says...

My Facebook feed is filled to the brim from right wing nuts about cops, "pray for cops", "cop lives matter" and the like. Not a single one of them posted anything about the two recent killings that sparked the demonstrations.

And it's like newtboy said, nobody is saying cop lives don't matter, or that black lives matter more than others. What they don't seem to understand is they rush to find an excuse for a cop killing a black man, "oh look at his prior records" and don't care that he was doing nothing in the situation that caused the fatal shooting. They focus on the report that says the one guy didn't raise his hands and say "don't shoot me" and ignore the other report by the same people, released the same day that there was "systemic" racism in Ferguson, and similar reports have said the same about Cleveland and far too many others. When Brock Turner got 6 months for rape, they evoke his swimming records, and deny that if he was black and poor they would have searched for priors instead of his outstanding swimming records, and if he had no priors these same people would have been outraged had a black judge given him only 6 months in jail. They deny such things, but it's evident from their actions every time something like this happens. They lack any real empathy... which is especially funny since many of these people post things like the reason Christians suffer depression so much is they have so much empathy, and I'm thinking I don't see it, and I'm sure those in the LGBT don't see it when you deny them equal rights under the law, or deny them access to the bathroom of their gender identity, and I doubt blacks don't see it when you ignore their plight and instead post about how cop lives matter, or white lives matter.

If they do so out of ignorance, it is purposeful.

I used to be a evangelical, far right wing nut. Then I started vetting the information and news. Learned what sources are trustable and not. There started to be a pattern. I started educating myself further and changed positions. I became a liberal Christian, and eventually lost the faith due to the far right's overly big influence. So if I, who's not overly intelligent (perhaps more than the average person, but not nearly as intelligent as many family think I am), with no skills or real worth can get out via self education, they can to, but they prefer the comfort of their ignorance, and that I can't abide. You can point things out until you are blue in the face and they will just dig in harder to hold on to that ignorance and their limited world view.

I think we can trace a lot of this back to the rise of right wing radio and eventual rise of Fox News which convinced the Christian right that the regular, responsible news outlets were "liberal" when pretty much all news is controlled by a very select few, and none of them have an interest in making people aware of the truth... just because you can watch perhaps 12 hours of CNN before they point out something in the Obama administration that is bad, where Fox does it several times an hour doesn't make CNN liberal... it makes Fox an ass that is singly focused on making people angry at the Democrats and what they deem as liberals, and then they shift the goal post and make old Reagan era style political beliefs the new liberal... and they work to build the division. It's not longer acceptable to work with Democrats on finding a reasonable middle ground, that's being weak, and they want to dig their heals in and have it their way or the highway (basically they want a dictatorship but under the guise of a democracy). Then the rise of social media is perhaps the thing that really pushed the schism further as they further surround themselves in an echo chamber. So when people say "black lives matter" their echo chamber fills up with "well so do white lives and cop lives" and their echo chamber fills up with the idea that those on the left don't care about cops and that we think most of them are corrupt and don't care about their lives.

...aborts rant early as I'm already a million miles off topic...

Knife Sharpening With Mino Tsuchida

AeroMechanical says...

I'm a fan of the electric grinding wheel sharpeners. Sure, it doesn't keep its edge as well as taking your time and doing it properly with a whetstone, but it's so easy, you can just sharpen your blade whenever it needs it. 30 seconds and you're good to go. It's easy, you don't have to be careful and it requires no skill.

I've never much cared for sharpening steels. Even with a good one and lots of practice (for a non-professional), I still screw it up at least one time in ten.

How to Load a Forklift Like a Pro

Sagemind says...

This should be more of an *engineering video as the forklift setup is manufactured to do exactly what it just did, no skill involved.

*Edit: Except for the basic knowledge skill-set of driving a Forklift.

World's Fastest Butcher

aaronfr says...

Also, perhaps, the world's least discerning butcher. I don't really consider this butchering although it is certainly common in South and SE Asia. Taking a chicken and hacking it into 100 pieces with all of the bone and cartilage and meat mixed together takes no skill and results in pieces of chicken that are only useful for soups and curries.

becoming belle knox-duke university porn star

draak13 says...

This was absolutely incredible! Many late bloomers have an incredibly important 'coming out of their shell' experience, and it's often when they role play as a person with higher confidence. It's a transforming experience that imbues high self-confidence and esteem onto the individual, when these were typically dwindling traits beforehand. I've known several (self included) who experienced this by either internet games or old fashioned role playing games. It's very interesting that she found this role play experience by creating an alter ego as a porn star. She even found solace for her previous sexual baggage. I learned a hell of a lot from this, and won't be viewing the porn industry the same way again. Despite many of the evils in the industry that she hinted at in this series, this is an incredibly great thing that she pulled from it, and is obviously even more valuable than the ostracizing she's experiencing because of it.

I also hope that she knows a bachelor's in sociology qualifies her for no skilled labor jobs. She better either go to grad school, or get some real skills...otherwise, porn really is her career, and it only lasts as long as her looks. It's good that she's not going into debt for that degree.


TheFreak says...

Or how about the opposite...people who believe that acting crazy and interesting MAKES them an artist. I've known far too many 'artists' who bring no skill to the table...but they sure do look and act the part.

If you want to be an artist you're going to need to master some medium, whether it's clay or paint, physical performance or whatever; learn to make a cup before you delve into the abstract concept of the emotion of "cup".

Serendipity may play a part in artistic creation, but it shouldn't be the ONLY part. Don't throw clay at a wall because that's all you can do and then tell me it was your intention. If you need to tell me, "it's the reaction of the viewer that's the art itself", then you need to take a drawing class or something and try again.

I can appreciate a quirky person. If that's the persona you want to hitch your ego to, then I will respect that choice. Just don't go thinking you have to be an "artist" to sell it. Or at least, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's my reaction that is your artistic creation.

OK. I feel better.

Lann said:

Artistic ability is not some magical skill from the gods that is gifted to an individual. It takes a lot of practice and fundamental knowledge. If you want to learn how to paint, draw or sculpt there are steps that can help anyone with that goal but, as with any other subject, you have to have the drive and dedicated to learn.

I think it's funny when people I meet expect me to be crazy and interesting because I create things. Sorry, I've got nothing. I've literally spent all morning watching paint dry and now it's time for a lunch break just the same as any other Joe Schmo.

Gibson guitars now tune themselves robotically

hamsteralliance says...

Cue all the "real musicians" pooh-poohing it, because, like many innovations before it, it makes music-creation more accessible to everyone. "These newbs don't even tune their instruments! No skills! This is stupid!"

Actually, nevermind, I'm way late to that party. I clicked on the link to the Youtube video and the comments there are already flooded with that sort of nonsense.

Secrets From The Potato Chip Factory

spoco2 says...

I just don't get the complaint that automation has put people out of jobs.

You've taken shitty, menial, repetitive jobs and made them automated... like they should be.

In an ideal world, the people who used to do shitty jobs like that should be better educated and skilled and be able to do more fulfilling jobs.

Sure it doesn't always happen like that, but decrying the lack of mind numbing jobs that are better handled by automated procedures is really setting a fucking low bar on what you think quality of life should be.

Complain about the lack of education that leaves droves of people with no skills to be able to do meaningful work.

Why The ORIGINAL "Harlem Shake" Didn't Go Viral

hpqp says...

"Racist stereotype"? So, black people can't dance without being.. racist? It would be very, very different if this were a bunch of whites in blackface making fun of a dance move originating in African-American culture, of course, but that is not what it is.
As for your first sentence, please link us to a yt video of yourself proving how such moves require little to no skill.

Chinspinigcra said:

None of the moves require anything but the most base level of skill, and some require none. Futhermore, the choreography is horrendous as almost no moves flows logically to the next and nothing follows the music. Thanks for perpetuating a racist stereotype once again, sift.

Penn Jillette: Camera Tricks Are Not Magic

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Yogi:

Yeah I don't think it matters. Magic is for entertainment, camera tricks are entertainment. I think making a distinction matters but not really to the laymen.

It matters to me, and I'm a complete layman when it comes to magic. I felt so cheated by Copperfield when I found out how he did his big tricks that I've never watched any of his performances since. It takes no skill to cheat...and -skill- is what makes magic entertaining.

And in spite of my feelings on his personal beliefs, Penn Jillette has incredible skills and is a great entertainer.

World's Fastest Typist on Late Night with David Letterman

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