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Marla Spivak: Why bees are disappearing

The Scarecrow

Monsanto-seeds of death-full documentary

artician says...

I'm actually wrapping up a game project right now that's a satirical protest of Monsanto. I'm eager to share it on the sift, especially with all the Monsanto news lately.

Also, I discovered this app the other day which seems like a great play-field-leveler:

Didn't care for this documentary though! Way, way too slanted. I get sick of documentaries I agree with always stooping to the same bullshit propaganda, with their overly dramatic music, and the way they phrase things to make them sound more "evil" than they are.
("Genetic Modification is where you take genes from one animal and force it into another")... Puh-leeze. You immediately lose my support when you play the same manipulation games as the people you're fighting against. It's pathetic.

radx (Member Profile)

north american farmers VS Monsanto-david vs goliath

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

Yogi says...

Agent Orange was the chemical used by the us government in Vietnam. It is responsible for a quiet Genocide of it's people for the last 40 years. Monsanto and Dow chemical were the producers of Agent Orange.

Big Corporations own the government, this isn't news. Monsanto will do whatever they can to keep any negative press away from the people. If corporations like Monsanto with their profit today look at the future keep winning, there will be no future for us. We will have destroyed everything by letting these corporations rule us.

enoch (Member Profile)

rise against on monsanto-rise against the machine-may 25th

enoch says...


fair enough.
sounds like we agree more than we disagree.
but i dont find the claims dubious.
they were not in depth but the video is only 3 mins long.
your argument is semantics and i dont think thats an accurate criticism considering the length of the video.

the tactics used may be trite and contrived but if it draws more attention to monsanto?
im all for it.

but i agree with your basic sentiment.skepticism should be a healthy practice and always question motivations.

im down with that.

rise against on monsanto-rise against the machine-may 25th

shveddy says...


From the Smithsonian article:
"already more than 70 percent of the processed foods in the U.S, such as snacks, breakfast cereals and vegetable oils, contain traces of GM crops because common ingredients, including corn, soy and canola oil,usually have been genetically modified."

Also from the article:
"And so far, there’s little to indicate that GM food is harmful to humans."

It says that more than 2/3 of PROCESSED food contains TRACES of GMO. Reality just isn't as scary as melodramatic music videos on YouTube would have you believe.

My biggest concern regarding GMOs is the relatively unknown influence it will have on natural ecosystems and therefore I am definitely concerned about Monsanto's political influence, but to say that it is all poison is just silly.

And yes, a YouTube video that uses dubious claims and a harrowing soundtrack in order to gain Facebook shares sounds pretty slactivist to me.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

bcglorf says...

Thanks, I think we may be in more agreement than it seems too. I'm vehemently opposed to the majority of current patent and copyright law. Monsanto is one of the worst when it comes to 'making the most' of prosecuting people who by all rights should be able to do what they are doing were it not for existing patent law, and it should be stopped. I just don't see Monsanto stripping away choice from farmers in anywhere near the way as some describe. The only guys losing their lunch to Monsanto are the smaller seed developers/sellers, and those guys are going out of business not for Monsanto lawyers, but for having inferior products in the eyes of their customer(farmers). Sure, Monsanto has sued some guys growing/using their own seed, but those have been almost entirely guys like Percy who are deliberately looking for ways to grow Monsanto's seed without paying the patent tax. I'm of the opinion Monsanto is wrong to be doing even that, but these videos make out as though Monsanto is targeting a far broader range of people than it in fact is.

enoch said:

thanks man.
that was a most excellent reply.

then we are in a fundamental disagreement on the practices of monsanto.
i was under the understanding that percy had been targeted by monsanto because of cross pollination coming from his neighbors farm.which then found its way into his crop.

monsanto claimed the genetic markers gave them property rights and that percy was liable.

maybe i misunderstood.

and most documentaries are trying to make a point and by its very nature will be i agree with your point there but i cannot agree that monsanto is somehow some benevolent multi-national corporation who has not enacted and used with extreme prejudice an army of lawyers to silence and intimidate those who would speak out against them.

they make scientology look like a bunch of bed wetters.

i guess my main problem,politics and corruption aside,is that we are talking about a basic necessity:food.

you cannot patent life.
if you change the fundamental nature of that life there should be open and transparent study and discussion.
in both of these cases the public is left in the dark and any questions or dissent is met with legal papers.

i mean.who besides a corporation would develop a "suicide gene"?

i am not saying this is a simple issue but the situation does deserve some serious scrutiny.

anyways.thanks for the great response my friend.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

enoch says...

thanks man.
that was a most excellent reply.

then we are in a fundamental disagreement on the practices of monsanto.
i was under the understanding that percy had been targeted by monsanto because of cross pollination coming from his neighbors farm.which then found its way into his crop.

monsanto claimed the genetic markers gave them property rights and that percy was liable.

maybe i misunderstood.

and most documentaries are trying to make a point and by its very nature will be i agree with your point there but i cannot agree that monsanto is somehow some benevolent multi-national corporation who has not enacted and used with extreme prejudice an army of lawyers to silence and intimidate those who would speak out against them.

they make scientology look like a bunch of bed wetters.

i guess my main problem,politics and corruption aside,is that we are talking about a basic necessity:food.

you cannot patent life.
if you change the fundamental nature of that life there should be open and transparent study and discussion.
in both of these cases the public is left in the dark and any questions or dissent is met with legal papers.

i mean.who besides a corporation would develop a "suicide gene"?

i am not saying this is a simple issue but the situation does deserve some serious scrutiny.

anyways.thanks for the great response my friend.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

bcglorf says...

I guess I need to quote @chingalera:
Monsanto is the reason heath care is unaffordable-
Monsanto is the reason gasoline no longer lubricates rubber and composites in combustion engines

As for Percy Schmeiser, I agree he should have won in his case, and it was a bad legal wrangling. I also, however vehemently disagree with your characterization of him as one of the many small farmers just like everyone I know.

Schmeiser admits that he deliberately sprayed his own seed crop with round up, harvested the surviving plants, and used them for seed the following year. You can't make a much more concerted and deliberate effort than that to get seed that is from Monsanto's GMO plants. Schmeiser's complaint was not that his seed that he'd used for decades was contaminated, his complaint was when Monsanto found out and came to sue him for planting their seed without paying the patent tax. I agree he was legally correct and should not have had to pay anything to Monsanto. But I don't see how Schmeiser is anything like farmers intentionally buying and planting Monsanto GMO crops, or anything like farmers choosing to continue to grow and replant their own seed. Nobody growing and raising their own heritage seed has made it part of their rotation to deliberately kill off their seed crop before they could harvest it. Even if they did, there would plainly never be any seed there to plant. Monsanto's 'attacks' on small family farms have not come against those that buy from Monsanto, nor have they come against those that choose to user any other seed from any other source including their own. Monsanto's suits have been limited to those farmers that ARE planting and growing Monsanto's seeds without buying it from them.

The situation between Monsanto and farmers is nothing like the ridiculous half truth extremes shown in this video or the one you linked. I didn't just base this opinion on some video a watched, but instead on multiple first hand accounts, and extensive searches through scientific journals on Google Scholar. If you want to dismiss that as anecdotal while pointing at some agenda laden video as 'real' evidence then you may have hit upon the problem here...

enoch said:

thats your argument?
anecdotal evidence?

@chingalera didnt mention health care costs once but he DID however point out the legal practices,corporate policies and outright purchasing of legislators.

and good god monsanto has ass-fucked small farmers (just like your family) all over north america and the world.

have a look:

and one of the main reason the data is so sparse on the effects of GMO crops is mainly due to monsanto KEEPING IT SECRET by way of lawyers and gag orders.

how come hmmmm?
why are they spending millions in shutting farmers and even their own scientists from speaking out?

you really need to check into monsanto more my friend.there is a resounding theme forming the more you research and you aint gonna like it.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

enoch says...

thats your argument?
anecdotal evidence?

@chingalera didnt mention health care costs once but he DID however point out the legal practices,corporate policies and outright purchasing of legislators.

and good god monsanto has ass-fucked small farmers (just like your family) all over north america and the world.

have a look:

and one of the main reason the data is so sparse on the effects of GMO crops is mainly due to monsanto KEEPING IT SECRET by way of lawyers and gag orders.

how come hmmmm?
why are they spending millions in shutting farmers and even their own scientists from speaking out?

you really need to check into monsanto more my friend.there is a resounding theme forming the more you research and you aint gonna like it.

rise against on monsanto-rise against the machine-may 25th

enoch says...

2/3 rds of all food sold in america is GMO.
that would qualify as "almost all".
which is friendly to the GMO debate.
not so friendly to the debate.

while i will agree this is not a one dimensional discussion i cannot agree with your statement that this video would be considered uneducated slactivism.

corporations are amoral,not immoral,by design.
monsanto has purchased legislators and judges to enact laws which solely benefit them at the cost of society.veiled in secrecy and an army of lawyers that would make scientology blush.

you should really check the documentary channel out.there is a wealth of information concerning this behemoth corporation and how it does far more harm to our future food supply than good.

shveddy said:

"This means that almost all of the food you see in a typical grocery store is pure poison, genetically modified."

More important than simply being factually untrue, this statement shows that whoever put this information together doesn't take any time to understand the complexities of the issue.

Don't get me wrong - I'm definitely a local farmer's market kinda guy - but this kind of uneducated slactivism really pisses me off and does more harm than good because the people that actually make a difference can somewhat justifiably write them off.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

bcglorf says...

I grew up on a small family farm. I went off to university and came home expecting to talk about how horrific Monsanto had been to everyone and get the first hand stories of how bad it was. Instead, every last farmer in the entire area, and these are all single family farms, stated as a matter of course that Monsanto's GMO crops made them more money, and overwhelmingly had been chosen by farmers over previous still available alternatives because it reduced their costs and increased their yields.

So I've since gone back and looked more closely at the picture, and Monsanto is still a nasty beast of a mega-corp. It's GMO crops though have been used and grown here in North America almost exclusively(and by free choice) for 20+ years, and our people aren't dead from horrific diseases yet. Go search google scholar for research on the health impacts of GMO crops and see how terrifically over stated any fears seem to be.

At the very least go educate yourself more before getting indignant when your called out for blaming health care costs and gasoline engine wear on Monsanto...

chingalera said:

Rational eh?

Criminals polluting the world's food production and distribution with a cadre of lawmakers and lawyers poised to give the beast a free-pass for the foreseeable future?

In March of this year, complicit cunt Obama signed H.R. 933, ‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013’-Missouri Senator Joe Blunt (R) worked with Monsanto to craft the language of a 78-page section of the bill which effectively protects biotech companies from judicial scrutiny should any notable public health risks arise as the result of GMOs. -IB Times’ Connor Sheets adds, “choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future.”

Their army of lawyers-as formidable as any of Walmart's punk-ass legal teams, work constantly to keep information out of the public scrutiny while cementing the future experimentation on humans with their tweaks to the staple food sources of the planet's food. Over-reacting??

How does one "rationally oppose" the calculated acts of criminals who not only make the laws, but stack the odds in their favor by buying those who mold the legal system in their favor?

Go educate yourself. Perhaps start with a short list of GMO crops used in just about everything??

Then check out the cases Monsanto has brought to trial against a never-ending list of farmers who have tried to take on the beast when their livelihoods were destroyed by opening their mouths....

Anyone with common-sense and a worthless high-school diploma who hasn't been drinking the Kool-Aid their entire lives should be able to see that the fucking emperor is clothed in a human flesh tuxedo....

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