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Bill Maher on Think Tanks - New Rules - October 20, 2006

MINK says...

this is what i don't understand about people who still support the war.

i can almost forgive people for being pro war before the war, but after absolutely everything has turned out to be false.... wtf?

are you just too embarassed to admit you were wrong and misled?

look around you. jesus. what shred of credibility are you claiming now when you gleefully shout "the surge is working!" years after you said "mission accomplished"?

don't worry, it's not your fault, you were lied to. Now impeach the fucker who represents these lies and next time check your facts before voting. problem solved. no need to spend hours on the internet making excuses for a cunt who stole your money and kills civilians with it.

Hardball: Iraqi PM wants Timetable for Withdrawal

9058 says...

I think everyone missed the point here, even the host towards the end. They all were good at spinning their arguments to match the others but really it doesnt matter what McCain said or didnt say. We are staying, period. The little one can try to make it sound positive and how we are all for leaving, but no this administration has never had any intention on leaving and I like how they are still trying to plug the "surge" as the win all be all strategy that saved the war, mission accomplished. Trying to play this development off as some sort of AMERICAN victory is insulting, especially to Iraq. Makes me dread the political pandering that is now going to happen the next few months because of this, typical say one thing while doing another like a mugger saying im not going to hurt you while beating you senseless. Like having the words on record makes it not only true but right? Its like fucking for virginity, it doesnt make sense.

Bush Waves to His Fans

thinker247 says...

There are more people running around now with no morals, values or ethics and little understanding of basic human nature and history.

I know. And yet, people still brought back the Bush administration in 2004. It boggles the mind, really.

[...] you've been programmed by a lying, deeply-in-denial left-wing media circus as well as a government "education" that celebrates the collective over the individual. I'm not blinded by hatred of Bush so I can reasonably explain where he is lacking.

I haven't been programmed by anything or anybody, and I resent you for even bringing that up. You're a button pusher, and nothing more.

I hate Bush for what he's done to the Middle East, to the world's view of us, and to our domestic programs. That information doesn't come from a left-wing conspiracy. I saw him land on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, donning a flight suit he hasn't worn since the 70s, and stating "Mission Accomplished." I see that after 5 years of bloodshed, Iraq is nowhere near the point of standing up so we can stand down. I talk to my friends, one of whom is missing an eye because Bush sent him to Iraq to fight people who were not a threat to us. And all this while the Taliban is reconstituted in Waziristan. I don't need a left-wing conspiracy to understand the mentality of our Dictator, because it's right in front of me every day. And it's not on the nightly news; it's in the talks I have with staunch Republicans who despise Bush for sending them to Iraq four of five times. It's also with the Republicans who lambaste Bush for spending like he's a Democrat with a trust fund. So don't tell me I've been programmed, just because you think everything you disagree with is a conspiracy.

You mention the Congress holds the real power, and I agree with you, to an extent. They do hold the purse strings. And I hate them for every time they've bowed like a guilty dog when Bush smacks their nose and demands money for his wars. But the fact is, no matter how much I hate Congress for funding the wars, I hate Bush even more for STARTING THEM! Congress wouldn't need to debate a war spending bill if Bush wasn't so thick-headed and gung-ho about destroying the Middle East. Place the blame where it belongs, but place it in the amount that it is necessary.

John McCain Said He Didn't Love His Country

shuac says...

I think true patriotism means you love your country not as a dog loves it's owner (unconditionally, like many conservatives in America) but as one adult loves another adult: with rational acknowledgment of flaws and the desire to address them. And hot sex.

I am an American but I cannot say that I love my country, not with the Iraq war claiming as many lives as its claimed, all for whatever reason my president has cooked up in his empty head...

and being on holiday 36% of his time in office,
and for saying things like "We're having the time of our lives" during wartime
and "I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
and for leaking the name of an active CIA field agent to get even with her husband for being critical of Bush
and for doing nothing about hurricane Katrina besides photo ops
and for ignoring intelligence reports in Aug 2001 about Osama Bin Laden
and for spying on my fellow Americans and locking them up without due process
and for "Mission Accomplished"
and allowing religious dogma dictate his foreign policy
and for ignoring the Geneva Convention and torturing whomever they like
and calling evolution "just a theory" without realizing what a theory in science is
and for making investment banking losses appear on the public's balance sheet
and for running up 1 trillion dollars of debt all for an unnecessary war, a war that has claimed in excess of 100,000 lives.
and for being the most inept president I have ever witnessed in my 40 year lifetime.

...but we were good back in the day.

John McCain flip-flopped on Hamas to smear Obama

McCain's Comment Definitively Establishes Oil-War Link

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^reason:
If it was really about oil then why aren't we taking the oil? If we are going to have a war for oil then let's go after Canada and Mexico. We import 33% of our foreign oil from these 2 countries. I you add in Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador the total goes to 49%. That's right here in the western hemisphere. Think it through people and put down the kool-aid. If you use your brain you'll find you don't need your tin foil hat anymore.

The oil reserves in Canada and the South American states COMBINED is a fraction of the reserves present in the Iraq.

It's not only about Oil but about strategic influence in a important region. Having a lock on Iraq oil would allow for large bargaining power with Saudi Arabia and larger influence over the OPEC states.

The plan was for everything to go smoothly, the Iraqi government collapsing and subsequent no bid oil contracts being handed out. That didn't work out. The US government has been pushing for the Iraqi government to pass the Oil law. That has happened. Real Mission Accomplished.

You know why Germany invaded Russia? For the Oil fields in the Southern Caucus region. It's very easy to see how Warhawks could have argued for strategic domination in a key energy abundant area for future possible conflicts against an emerging China and reawakening Russia.

Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

Mission Accomplished wasn't really about Iraq

Highbrow Antics of a Cat! (3 seconds)

8756 says...

The only thing that decide me to upvote is the association between the ridiculous video and the over-virulent comments.

Think about it : A guy, somewhere in his parent's (moisty) basement, found a video of a cat having a hickup and though "Hey ! What if I edit this to make the cat fart ??!! It could be awesome !". So, the guy browse the interweb to finally found a crappy shareware on a poor warez site and edit the video. Several hours later, the 3 seconds of glorious farting cat is on youtube. Mission Accomplished.

But, what he didn't know is that these 3 priceless seconds are, actually, a weapon of mass destruction, causing bloggers and community to consume their energy, arguing around the stuff (see : ).

Keep this moment in mind dear sifters : It will be what we'll call the 'Farting Cat Incident'.

Stupidest Guy on Earth Speaks Out

MarineGunrock says...

Ya know, when this shit all started in 2003, with the "evidence" provided at the time, I think that it's safe to say that the majority of the nation wanted to go to war with Iraq. Hell, they had WMDs? And intelligence said that they wanted to use them on us? Get the fucking bastards, right? Yeah!

Lo and behold, if they had them, they're now gone. That's if they ever had them. At all.
Once we had confirmed that there were indeed no WMDs, we had no right to be there. A sovereign nation had not attacked us, and presented no threat to us if they really had no WMDs. Seriously - what are they gonna do, invade the U.S. with a bunch of guys with AK-47s? They would get massacred. But that's all a moot point, because they had absolutely no means of even getting to us. Therefore the only threat they posed were WMDs - of which it turns out they had none.

Yeah, the got a little repetitive, but bear with me.
When I joined the Marine Corps in 2003, I had only spent about 6 months in the Fleet before I was cast into the giant sandbox to help the war effort that was supposed to be outing a regime and searching for WMDs. By that time (July 2004) we had already caught Saddam cowering in his little hole like the piece of shit that he is was.
By that time there were still no WMDs to be found.
By that time Bush had delivered his "Mission accomplished" speech on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.
That was May 1st, 2003. Before I had even went to boot camp.
By that time, we realized that we had accomplished our main goal: Outing the current leader of Iraq.
There were no WMDs to be found, and we knew that. To my knowledge, there are NO teams currently looking for them, or were when I was there.
That means we no longer had any business left.
But wait - there's people shooting at us.
So we'll stay and kill them, right? Sure, why not take care of it while we can!
But do you think those unorganized ragtag insurgents are going to follow us if we left Iraq?
Because we'd be giving them what they want.
Us to leave.
And never come back.
But no, we'll continue a war that doesn't even have a defined goal.
We'll continue it even WELL after we've run out of money to fund it, so long as China keeps loaning us money, which I'm sure they will do for as long as wee keep buying their shit that poisons our kids and breaks within a month.

But here's the part that REALLY baffles me:
1) This nation was created by the people, to be run FOR the people.
2) The majority of the nation thinks that we need to pull out of Iraq.
3) There is a candidate that is actually dumb enough to base his campaign on something that the majority has been proven to not want. Who fucking does that? Sides with the minority when trying to get votes? Seriously?
4) We're not out of Iraq when the PEOPLE want us out, and that our CONGRESS that was established BY the PEOPLE to SERVE the PEOPLE hasn't done SHIT.

Do I regret joining? Hell no. I miss it every day and even think of going back in almost as often. Would I go back if I was still in? Yes, because those were my orders, and I know that there are a lot of Iraqi civillians that want us there, because we bring them new schools and hospitals, among lots of other things. Do I think that we should get the fuck out of there, thereby saving billions of dollars and thousands of lives?

How does saying "no" not contradict sanity?

my15minutes (Member Profile)

You Wouldn't Invade Poland, So Why Would You Download?

kronosposeidon says...

You wouldn't exploit 9/11

You wouldn't use faulty intelligence.

You wouldn't brazenly lie about connections between Iraq and al-Qaeda.

Or Iran and al-Qaeda.

You wouldn't say "Mission Accomplished" 6 weeks into a 5+ year war.

You wouldn't equate dissent with treason.

You wouldn't say "Bring it on!"

You wouldn't play guitar and eat birthday cake while a city was drowning.

And you certainly wouldn't go to ONE fucking funeral of the more than 4000 service members you sent to their deaths.
Sorry. Had to get that out of my system. What was this video about again?

choggie (Member Profile)

John McCain Gets Owned on Meet The Press

uhohzombies says...

Why did McCain feel different? Because Somalia happened under a Democratic administration, whereas Iraq is a huge mess *created* by the Republicans and the neo-conservative agenda. He needs the right-wing behind him to get elected, so of course he's going to pretend they're totally different.

In Somalia, which we entered as part of the UN in an attempt to ensure humanitarian relief (before we got into the nation-building aspect), we lost 43 soldiers, 29 of them in combat. (Reference:

To date in Iraq we have lost 3983 troops, 3258 in combat (3844 since "mission accomplished"). A war we entered into under false pretense, all for nation building, resources, and further meddling in the affairs of people who only hate us MORE and more the longer we stay. 9/11 didn't happen because people "hate our freedom", it happened because we've been shitting all over the region and its people for a very, very long time. It's time to get the rest of the civilized world on our side again, worry about ourselves, and leave the Middle East to govern itself. If the worry is that they'll somehow gather strength in the future and present an eminent danger to us, then we should be able to prove that and be able to face the threat with overwhelming force and *with* the support of our allies.

We're not winning any hearts and minds with our current approach.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I stopped fapping long enough to promote your video, and it already sifted. Mission Accomplished.

Now where was I? Oh yeah...


In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Don't lie. You fap so much your keyboard is crusted and your monitor is blurry.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
My power points will be "recharged" in 15 hours, so if it hasn't escaped your queue by then I'll deliver the goods as promised, give or take a few hours. I'm not ALWAYS on the computer, mind you. Believe it or not I do have other interests outside of pornography.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
9 votes of 10 votes. Close.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Such a good song. I'll be disappointed if this doesn't make it.

Contact me if this dies, Farhad. I'll promote it.

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