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M - Le Roi Des Ombres

Most Hilarious Chilli Challenge I've Ever Seen!

bareboards2 says...

@gorillaman, yeah, woman is longer than the word girl.

It is also a conjunction -- wife of man. From the on-line dictionary: late O.E. wimman (pl. wimmen), lit. "woman-man," alteration of wifman (pl. wifmen), a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being" (in Old English used in reference to both sexes; see man (n.)). Cf. Du. vrouwmens "wife," lit. "woman-man."

It does kind of get in the way, doesn't it? That extra syllable and that clunky hidden contraction.

I still think it is mostly about power, though, and your example of "grown man" kind of proves it to me. Why couldn't you say "grown boy"? If boy is the same as man, just as girl is the same as woman? A grown boy is indeed a man, yes? It actually is more accurate than "grown man."

Maybe the experiment should be simplified.... instead of doing the woman for girl substitution, simplify it to changing every "man" to "boy." Since the words are interchangeable, right? No particular meaning? Both are one syllable so no big whoop if you change them out. If girl and woman are interchangeable, meaning-wise, doesn't logic dictate that boy and man are interchangeable?

So can we change the experiment? Forget girl and woman, just change the word "man" to "boy." I know the word "man" shows up all the time. So there should be plenty of data.

"I'm a Woman. W. O. M. A. N." There's a song lyric for you. I suggest to you that the meaning would be very different if it were "I'm a Girl. G. I. R. L." Certainly the melodies are wildly different for those two songs!

I love that you call women women, by the way. Even though it takes the extra effort. Some of the women you talk to appreciate it, I'm sure.

Just for a laugh, I did this search:[]=s&o=&vmin=&vmax=&sh=&l=&n=&b=&submit=Search

Scanned for how "girl" shows up on videos. On the first page, there were a deeply satisfying number of vids that were truly about girls under age 20. I was pleasantly surprised! There were also quite a few of almost naked women labeled as "girls". Which also proves my point about it being about power -- a naked girl is very different from a naked woman, yes?

13 year old blows judges away on XFactor US

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^vex:

>> ^TheSluiceGate:
OK, 2 things really suspicious about this video:
1) I'm pretty sure I can hear autotune artifacts (I work with audio / vocalists a lot) and a vocal that is consistently too in pitch.
2) Notice at 2:49 the microphone is absolutely miles from her mouth and the vocal is still entirely consistent, no evidence of a change in level or tone that you'd expect a microphone to display (re: proximity effect) - this hints to me at the vocal being pre-recorded. They also cut away at this point which makes me even more suspicious.
3) The US version of the same show, produced by the same production company, has admitted using autotune:
This coming from a person who got goosebumps for the amazing TV debut performances of both Alexis Jordan and Bianca Ryan who were both imperfect, but utterly thrilling.

1. I think you're hearing things. Specifically, some of her high to low runs and a couple rising melodies beginning with low notes at the bottom of her range are slightly off key. The way she leads into notes using the back of her throat creates a slight buzz that makes her voice sound autotuned.
2. The beginning of the word "butterflies" comes out at a lower volume as she brings the microphone to her face.

1) It's the texture of the audio of the vocal and not the pitching that leads me to believe it's auto tune. Autotuning has a sound, and it's not necessarily to do with the pitching of the note. A bit like how tape or MP3s of even a specific type of pre-amp has a specific sound carachteristic.

2) I think that any slight dip in volume is because it's a low note outside of her range, but my point was not to do with volume, but to do with proximity effect. With the exception of omni-directional microphones the frequency response of a microphone changes with distance from the source of the sound- simply put: the further the mic is away from the person's mouth the thinner and less bassy it becomes. Even a change in gain / volume will not mask this.

13 year old blows judges away on XFactor US

vex says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

OK, 2 things really suspicious about this video:
1) I'm pretty sure I can hear autotune artifacts (I work with audio / vocalists a lot) and a vocal that is consistently too in pitch.
2) Notice at 2:49 the microphone is absolutely miles from her mouth and the vocal is still entirely consistent, no evidence of a change in level or tone that you'd expect a microphone to display (re: proximity effect) - this hints to me at the vocal being pre-recorded. They also cut away at this point which makes me even more suspicious.
3) The US version of the same show, produced by the same production company, has admitted using autotune:
This coming from a person who got goosebumps for the amazing TV debut performances of both Alexis Jordan and Bianca Ryan who were both imperfect, but utterly thrilling.

1. I think you're hearing things. Specifically, some of her high to low runs and a couple rising melodies beginning with low notes at the bottom of her range are slightly off key. The way she leads into notes using the back of her throat creates a slight buzz that makes her voice sound autotuned.

2. The beginning of the word "butterflies" comes out at a lower volume as she brings the microphone to her face.

Man Eating Two Live Wasps

Launchpad is AWESOME

WaterDweller says...

>> ^harlequinn:

>> ^raverman:
"It's like playing a musical instrument, except if you get the chords wrong the crowd will think less of your skills as a musician.">> ^PancakeMaster:
It's like a musical game of memory, except if you forget a block live a few hundred youngsters will boo you.

There are no chords to get wrong. The chord is programmed into one button.
This is an 8 x 8 grid of binary switches. Pressing a button activates a sample.
Compare to a piano with 88 keys, each key has variable volume depending on how hard you press it. Plus three pedals (soft, sustain, and sostenuto). You actually have to play the melody and accompanying chords.
I wouldn't call him a musician. Just like I don't call DJs musicians.

If he had made this soundtrack without using the launchpad, using DAW software and various plugins and samples, that somehow is more "musician"y than using a 64 key launchpad with samples that he probably prepared himself, even though the end result is the same? Maybe composers aren't musicians? Or are you saying this isn't music?

And, you must not think a person playing a small organ is a musician, since it has fewer keys than a piano, and each key is a binary switch that turns on and off the sound of the pipe.

Launchpad is AWESOME

harlequinn says...

>> ^raverman:

"It's like playing a musical instrument, except if you get the chords wrong the crowd will think less of your skills as a musician.">> ^PancakeMaster:
It's like a musical game of memory, except if you forget a block live a few hundred youngsters will boo you.

There are no chords to get wrong. The chord is programmed into one button.

This is an 8 x 8 grid of binary switches. Pressing a button activates a sample.

Compare to a piano with 88 keys, each key has variable volume depending on how hard you press it. Plus three pedals (soft, sustain, and sostenuto). You actually have to play the melody and accompanying chords.

I wouldn't call him a musician. Just like I don't call DJs musicians.

Song about Nikola Tesla by 8in8 (Neil Gaiman, Amanda Palmer)

chingalera says...

Yikes.....This is terrible!!

I could break it down for yas if you want, from the remedial melody rendered in an inarticulate, off-pitched girl-grunt to the "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" length which keeps the thing alive past a minute and a half.

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of Tesla's biggest fans but.....geeeez this is hard to listen to!

The Motherf**king Pterodactyl

The Greatest Yodeler in the World - Franzl Lang

luxury_pie says...


Einen Jodler hör ich gern
aus der Näh und von der Fern
Mit der Lieb' im Herzen drin
Singt ihn jede Sennerin

Darum sing ich jedes Jahr
in die Berge, das ist klar
und ich sing mit frohem Sinn
weil ich dann im Urlaub bin

Extensive Joddeling

So ein Jodler liebe Leut
der bringt Stimmung und macht freut
wie ein heller Sonnenschein
leuchtet er ins Herz hinein

Überall im Alpenland
ist so ein Jodler wohl bekannt
immer wieder sing ich sie
diese Jodler Melodie

Extensive Joddeling

English so-and-so translation:

I like a good Jodler
from near and far away
With love in her heart
it is sung by every Sennerin

That's why I sing every year
in the mountains, that is clear
and I sing with great rejoice
because I'm on vacation, yo!

Extensive Joddeling

Such a Jodler, dear folks
is quite entertaining and enjoyable
like a bright sunbeam
he shines into your heart

Everywhere in the alps
a Jodler like this is very well known
Time and time again I sing
this Jodler melody

Extensive Joddeling again.

Feel free to add any rhyming structure.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Florence + the Machine: Seven Devils -- Music Video

kceaton1 says...

I really do like the melody of this song and moreover the lyrics are a perfect fit. Seven Devils being what I would assume to be the seven deadly sins. It's great wordplay and it shows that their is a strong sense of despair in the air--maybe this person has lost their battle (with these Devils--but, very much will make sure they burn--if that's the last thing they do) and like it says tonight/today they'll die by their own hand or perhaps someone wanting revenge. Ultimately this is someone expecting the worse, but no matter what they seek redemption in some form I think.

Die Antwoord is a ninja. A terrible, terrible ninja.

Girl can say any word backwards (surprisingly impressive)

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

I used to play this game where we would use the old win 95 sound recorder to reverse a word, figure out how it sounds, then rerecord us saying it in "backwards" speak, and reverse it to see if we got close. It was a lot of fun, but there are some sounds I just can't make

Myself and my bandmates used to get very drunk and do this with entire songs. It was just the funniest thing, especially when you went to the trouble of doing the harmonies in a vocal. Learning backwards melodies is well hard because when reversed they make absolutely no sense. Often we'd do only a few words at a time.

Amazing skill that she has, I'd be even more impressed if she could pronounce them phonetically backwards, rather than pronouncing them as if the reverse spelling was an actual word. I enhanced and reversed some of the audio to see how close she was. You can listen on dropbox:

"Ballad of Serenity" (Firefly Theme) Cello Duet

Yogi says...

>> ^ZappaDanMan:

>> ^shuac:
Pro tip: if one frequency range is covered, better to choose a complimentary range (violin or even viola) rather than double down on the same one. Know what I mean?

..or at least transpose the melody an octave higher.

I think they were trying to make it sound like the stuff they usually have to play when they're playing in a group of people. They only hear their parts when they practice so they're not looking at the entire finished product.

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