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A musical mind fuck (Music Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

To Her Door

Enter Sandman

The Weather

Liquid Breakfast


My Hero

Beautiful Stranger

From St Kilda To Kings Cross

Camp Bachelor Alma Mater

WHAT IS 2+2?

Empty Chairs

Tonight is the night I fell asleep at the wheel


Hotel Song


Maxwell's Silver Hammer

1995 (This question is stupid as I'm already married)


The Shadow of Seattle


Lose Your Delusion II

Don't take your love away from me

Pilate's Dream

'Cuz I can


Tangled up in Blue (Another stupid question thanks to my married state)

Sell Sell Sell

Ballad of a Dead Man


Back To You

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Thylan says...

1: I tend to be too long winded. after reading several of these, i started writing my own in my head. Even in my head i realised some points would need footnotes because i am not concise.

2: when speaking i can sustain a single sentence for so long, that people glaze over, loosing focus on the words that im saying and become facinated by the fact that i am not breathing. they often feel forced to inturpt me to demand that i breath.

3: I have come to learn reacently that i place enourmouse value on respect. being respected by others, and in my giving it (more slack on that). this insight has come from my realising so many relationships (esp family) had not included it, and i had acepted this, without realising what was absent.

4: I often find that other people are facinating when i shutup and let them speak about themselves. doing so enriches me, and i feel my life events are so less interesting in comparison. There is a balance to be ahd here, which i have not achived

5: I am dislexic. i'm also lazy. i could spellcheck this, but i've chosen not to for ilisturtive purpoises. i often misspell phoneticaly. where i have not its probably a typeo. these are not the same thing. i've correct a few of those or this would be genuinly ilegiable.

6: I feel that the human mind is incredible. it can re-peace together information from a single with a lot of noise in. like typos/misspellings, or a crowded room/party. the mind is so good at this that we can stop listening to people, thinking we've heard them and understood, when actualy we havent. listening is a pasive act, not an active one.

7: i have insights that are not original and get me nowhere either.

8: I once had my right testicle swell from about walnut size to bigger than a tenis ball in a mater of minuits. my left was unchanged. they injected morphine into my leg to calm me down. this was good.

9: one of my middle names is Kevern. It is after a cornish town near where i was born.

10: my mother was one of the last débutantes, introduced to the queen. my father was working class, and became an anglican vicar. This has left me with mild class confusion. i can be neither upper, nor working class, as i lack the inside information both would have. so i must be a variation of middle. about as mild and irelivant an identity crissis as one can have. very british.

11: i consider myself both british and cornish, but not enlgish.

12: I am a geek. i read alot, would have collected comics had there been a shop near when growing up (and had i had money), played warhamer 40k/bloobowl, RPGs etc. still do. only reacently played DnD. wasnt keen. want to play a game with a few friends to a system im making up myself.

13: I dont belive women like men. This is not a logical feeling, but its clear i feel it deep down. I get symanticaly hung up on things, and feel the term "men" is to broad. "women tend to like some men" is perfectly true. this is only important because i consider myself a member of "men" but, not of "some men". this is deeply unoriginal i'm sure, but influences how i interact with people, and is so likely to be one of the many factors that maintain my singleness. I mention it because its something about myself i'd like to change, but about which i feel powerless to do so.

14: I have 1 older brother. I always wanted to have a daughter, but I now dislike my own genes so strongly, i would not like to be a genetic father. as i am 31, this may not matter. I would hope i could be a good father. I would be determined to not make the mistakes my own father did, but would likely faily in atelast part as well as making my own new ones. joy.

15: I am thin, but not fit. i'd like to be strong. but i play video games for hourse. I like dance, freestyle, and almost joined a dance group as a child, but was peer preasured out of it. i like to sing, but am not good. I have reacently started Capoeira. this seems to be a wonderfull balance of all those thigns for me.

16: I grew up always imaging i would go to university and get a degree because that was what you did. discovering that this was not an expectation/aspiration/the norm for some people shocked me, because it made me realise how much i'd taken that path for granted.

17: I wanted to be an astrophysicist. i longed for space but the UK has no space program and im not that bright.

18: i have changed academic course in my life several times, at alive, degree, and then quit my PHD after 18months of it due to realising i had a violent hatred towards it and was depressed.

19: I once had to ask a friend in class how to spell the word "the" because i had forgotten. this was a foolish move.

20: As a young child, my bowels did not tell me when they needed to be evacuated. they just did their own thing. This was socially disastrous. 2 years ago i had 1/3rd of my large intestine removed due to cancer, and now im just glad they work atall. perspectives change.

21: I have great respect for the military, but dislike that we need one. I understand their need for discipline, but had i joined, would likely have passively resisted it untill i had gone insane. i am contridictions.

22: I can hold long converastions with myself, often considering what i would say to people, going overthings and yet once did not speak to a person for almost a week. i was brushing amdness, had breakdowns, and have had a panic attack in a restaurant. the human condition can be frustraighting.

23: I've gone over 24hrs without eating more than once, because i've been busy/distracted. i dont always take good care of myself. i dont always care.

24: I have things i need to be doing. I barely watch any videos on VS any more, due to time. maybe 1 or 2 every 2 weeks. and yet i check sift-talk/blogs page daily. the people matter.

25: as i keep mentioning, my new belife system is atheist. It seems that lossing christianity is very common, but as when someone is first converted, the point of change can be a profund period internaly. I have a strong science background, and a respect for holistic things. i dont reject things i dont understand, but i dont integrate them either. i belive in chaos. belife is not worship. i dont worship anythign.

26: i found others lists very interesting. i doubt mine has been, but found value in typing it. theres in isight in the selections i chose, from many for the 25, and i apologise that being of interest to others is not the primary criteria i chose by

Southern California Sift-Up? (Sift Talk Post)

"Ave Maria," from the movie 'Hitman'

Kerotan says...

The movie was terrible, I think it oft got criticised for being too "gamey" which is a hoot, because the complete opposite is true, the game is about bidding your time, and much more dark and brooding, and much more intellectual for that mater, rather than "man who kills people, has heart of gold really, love interest" plot line.

The Christian Alternative to Hating Those Who Are Different

Kerotan says...

I think people are too harsh on this guy, yes perhaps the so called pious should be all like this, but lets face it, they aren't and at least this guy is taking a step forward, to me it doesn't mater that he puts this step forward down to a divine deity, it doesn't mater to me that its a rather small step, all that maters is that is that it is step forward, however small.

A Flood collapses road in a few minutes

Krupo says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^ant:
Was there a pipe underground that showed up at the end?

That was the tunnel area where normal drainage would occur. It jumped to the surface after the run off water unburied it. It was either clogged or couldn't keep up with the amount of water needed to go from one side to the other. Once the water level came up to the top of that, it was only a mater of time before that road was undermine.

>> ^jwray:
Epic fail for the engineers who designed this road.

Or the drainage pipe.

I like how the pipe that was supposed to drain away the water crept up towards the end like an angry metal monster. *engineering failure!

A Flood collapses road in a few minutes

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^ant:
Was there a pipe underground that showed up at the end?

That was the tunnel area where normal drainage would occur. It jumped to the surface after the run off water unburied it. It was either clogged or couldn't keep up with the amount of water needed to go from one side to the other. Once the water level came up to the top of that, it was only a mater of time before that road was undermine.

Interventionism and Democracy (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

Farhad2000 says...

"Though I'll disagree that the reasons for the Iraq war were intentionally dubious"

I merely stated that the reasons going into Iraq were wrong, mostly because the administration over sold the threat and under sold the actual cost of going into Iraq. I felt like it was fear mongering more then anything else, riding of the events of 9/11, with threats like "Don't let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud". There was such flimsy connections drawn between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

But the greatest mistake was the lack of concrete planning for actions after the nation was conquered, that to me is the biggest mistake of the entire campaign in Iraq. ORHA was given a month to figure out how to run a nation, the CPA hired fresh grad students who brought technological know how to a country that could not afford the solutions they pushed forward. The dismantling of the Iraq military forces and de-Baathization. It all seems like dangerous adventurism.

Democratization of the Middle East

This is one factor I really supported with regards to going into Iraq, the region as a whole is full of autocratic and despotic rulers. However Bush's promises never materalized into anything concrete, mostly because they didn't understand the situation on the ground, when Palestine held elections Hamas ended up winning, the new president of Iran, Sadr in Iraq, polling results in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The US supports democracy but only on its own terms.

All the talk behind democracy faded after that, and I ultimately believe it was Saudi Arabia and Egypt who killed it, both nations that do not want to see any kind of democracy occurring anytime soon because of the strangle hold they have on power and money withing their respective nations. One of them happens to be the worlds largest oil supplier as well. The largest failing point was when the US sold billion dollars worth of arms to states like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and so on after concerns over Iran.

The following is a comment I left on Dag's profile a while back regarding Democracy struggles in the Middle East in relation to autocratic rule, citing Israel as democratic nation in the Middle East.
I don't know the issue is rather merky when it comes to autocratic rule and Middle Eastern states, I mean for example Kuwait has a parliamentary democracy, and all decisions taken by the Amir have to abide by rulings made by the parliament and the cabinet, all positions that are elected. Women's rights and voting power has been factored in since early 2002 or so.

However politically the country is stagnant, its full of nepotism and corruption, its democratic nature while loved by the populace as it gives me a semblance of influence and most of all free press has seen the country degrade to alot of political infighting and hand wringing when it comes to making decisions with regards to developing the nation and reaching that common cited goal of becoming a "business hub".

Now compare that with nations like UAE, Bahrain, Oman and Saudia Arabia, they all have varying degress of autocratic rule far and above those of Kuwait. However when it comes to economic development, Kuwait is lagging far behind especially when you look at a place like Dubai that doesn't nearly have the same kind of oil wealth that Kuwait has, yet it beating Kuwait year on year with rapid economic growth and development. This is all while at the same time both Dubai and Bahrain are shedding restrictive control over the population via religious doctrine.

This has lead many to ask whether democracy is right for the Middle East as a whole or is it better to be ruled by influential western educated heads of State, Emirs, and Princes? This is a NY Times article on that very issue.

I agree Israel's democracy is good, but I also feel that it runs too aggressive because of a cornered rat symptom. Let's not forget that their economic prosperity has alot to do with American economic assistance and leanancy with regards to weapons sales and investment. Its true that actions of the state get questioned but I feel its always after the fact, look at the US, how many statues has the administration broken and other then a change of faces will anything really change? The greatest damage done is not that it was committed but that it gives someone else afterwards more room to do more damage. There is little actual accountability.

My personal wish is for Middle Eastern states to unshackle themselves from religious control, which is not there because Islam wishes it so but because its a great political control apparatus, especially in Saudi Arabia. A secular state with respect to religious freedom like the one I saw in Turkey set up by Ahmed Kamal is very admirable to me, but in all I think the population as a whole in the Middle East is not educated enough on civic rights and responsibility, too reliant on age old tribal control and influence that still manifests itself in the political process.

Biological Weapons

I agree that not many would willing go down that path, the costs of development and more so actual deployment require a national industrial project to be effective enough.

I believe the threat is more based around acquired biological weapons from poorly secured sources like those in Russia. However even then we are looking at small contained actions like those in Japan Subway system by that cult.

With regards to Iraq possessing WMD and Bioweapons I find the case was always put forward not because they possibly existed, but because they had the knowledge. I think is the same reason people high up in the US fear Iran, because nuclear development and weaponization is within their grasp, even if they are not working towards that goal. Its the knowledge that scares them.

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

Thylan says...


Humm. THe cum shot. well, porn can be shot in many many differnt ways. with teh actors enjoying it, and each other, or not, with dominance, or not with violance, or not. personaly, i hate violance. its a turn off. i dont like subjugation or any of that. i dont like seeing a man do that. I can try to blank it from my perception if its just a small facet of whats going on but i dont like it, and if its the focus, ill avoid. not my thing.
But, ejaculation can be done in many styles, as with all such things. it can be done with violence, teritory marking, or humiliation, but it isnt always. it could have her face crinigng and trying to pull away, but thats not nice (not for me atleast). but, it can also be done differntly.

how do i mean?

well, having her face in the camera allows her to show emotion, responce, desire, interest, and so on. having a female respond possitivly to signs of sex is a turn on. the chirstian cultres are so full of a tradition that "women dont enjoy sex and cant" that a woman showing she is participating and enjoying breaks that toboo and it can be very stimulating and exciting. also,... men can feel self consious. men can feel unapreciated. men can feel un desired. expressing that desire towards men is big on calm, encouregment, empowerment, and suport of the man in the act.

A face, is FAR more expressive than her back.

I know, far from all porn conveys the above, but some can. and quite alot contains atleast some of that.

also, if its a bj, then the "money shot" is kind of like the final proof of not faking it. genuingly desiring the result, not faking that, is a turn on.

speaking of faking, "faking orgasms" has been a part of recent culture it seems. everone knows about it. lots may have thought of it if not done it. personaly, i dont like the idea for many reasons i could go inot, but the fact that people do, shows similar reasoning to what ive described above.

As for the man and his pensi being in the shot, personaly, i dont like him. if his rediculously muscled, i like him even less. if hes a 15inch insanity, then its a freak show, not sex.
His penis, if normal, you can imagine as yourse, conceptualise as yourse, and feeds your fantisy and visual stimulation (the sole purpose of which is to make it easier to achive stimulation, more easily (and ocasionaly simply to make it possible atall)). The film something about mary, listed the post orgasm as the only time a mans head is clear of the stimulus of hormons. thers some nugets of truth in that, and to be freed/released form teh build of desire is a positive thing. anyway, back to the penis. visualy, you can imagine his penis is yourse, and ignore the rest of his body focusing on her. like ignoring the rest of the page when you concentraight on the one line you are reading, him you ignore. when he ejaculates, and her responce to that is positive, you imaine it is you shes responding to, and that she is positive towards the whole experience and your participation. its like an "hey, this is ok".

but everyone percieves these things differntly, anyone here that has looked at porn has probably done so for varied resons on varying ocasions, and we are all differnt.

Thats part of why the generalisations of porn dont hold. how tis made, varies hugly. it is ana mater tape, made with the clear knowledge of both partys and submited to the worlds view acordingly? or is it some studio production? is it focused on one audiance or antother. and who is watching adn why. it's not just 1 thing.

Flight of the Conchords - Sello Tape ( A CAPPELLA? )

1975 VW Bug converted to electric power

westy says...

Sumone needs to develop a solor pannel psu that conects to a pc like all in one unit. if you got evan 1/4 of pc users to do that it would save a tun of pawer .

i think distrabuted pawer network is probably the solutoin im not sure on the facts but sending electricty for miles over huge cables rusults in a lot of waistage.

if i remeber corectly solor pannels are like pure eval interms of materals possibly worse than crt, fridges on the enviroment so it might be that thats not evan the solutoin.

annyway im not having kids so what do i care and after usa has nuked the hell out of the world it wont matter.

Honest College Ad

Authority Zero - One More Minute

The Official Roast of dotdude! (Parody Talk Post)

dotdude says...

This thread looks like a hall of mirrors. Outside of here, I’m sure there is some confusion as to who is speaking to whom. Anyway, as dotdude, I guess I should bring a close to all this cloning around. It is time for me to address the individuals who took time out of their hectic schedules to write. I appreciate your efforts, such as they were.

MycroftHomlz – You seem a little too interested in my love life and you give new meaning to the words “art lover.” Then you call me “creepy?!?”

rottenseed – Thank you, but your translation skills are no longer needed.

Blankfist – It will please you to know that I am an active participant in local cultural tourism efforts.

Kronoposeidon – You made me blush.

Captain Willard – Some of us bugs are quite resilient.

JAPR – Your typing skills are quite extraordinary. My, your family must be proud.

my15minutes – I’ll let you in on a little secret. Artists are a bit messy.

K0MMIE – I’m quite satisfied with my art career and this roast.

silvercord – I’m so sorry you went for the cheapest travel package when you visited New Orleans. There are more refined establishments in town if you just know where to go.

gorgonheap – I do share an alma mater with some folks by the last name Manning and do live in a house that’s been in my name for fourteen years.

smibbo – I suppose you stop at the first definition when you look up a word. Photography and video are included in today’s definition of art.

choggie – Yes, I confess I have yet to master choggian in real time.

MarineGunrock – You will be happy to know that I am not a financial burden to the government nor am I to anyone else.

berticus – Aw, I was expecting a Venn Digram.

Doc_M – Oh boy, you’ve given me an idea for a new dot painting.

arsenault185 – Let me get this straight. You want to wipe your what with my what?

Zifnab - Yes, I do like BBQ sauce - the Hickory kind that's on the sweet side. But I use the sauce on food, not my art. A sauce like that would attract varmints.

And last but not least, there’s our own Riddler Roaster – are you sure it’s not Ritalin Riddler?

E_Nygma – I have to admire the speed in which you pulled together this roast and revised the questionnaire. Thank you so much.

I should mention that there is a photo link that I added to the questionnaire yesterday.

Just so you know there are some dot artists besides Seurat:

Yayoi Kusama - her work (NSFW)

Vance Kirkland - h
is work

Victor Vasarely - his work

boriginal Art

Thanks again,


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