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Mitt Romney on Meet the Press with Tim Russert 12/16/07

qruel says...

In his carefully crafted "Faith in America" speech -- the one the campaign portrayed him as working on so diligently -- Romney declared: "I saw my father march with Martin Luther King Jr." But as the Boston Phoenix reported Thursday, there's "no evidence" that the elder Romney actually marched with King; the Romney campaign has relied on a 1967 book in which David Broder says that Romney's father "marched with Martin Luther King through the exclusive Grosse Pointe suburb of Detroit," but the Grosse Pointe Historical Society says King never marched in Grosse Pointe. And even if he did -- and even if Romney's father marched with him there -- it's now clear that the younger Romney did not, in fact, see it happen.

Romney acknowledged as much Thursday even as he insisted that he was right to say that he "saw" it himself. "I 'saw' him in the figurative sense," Romney said at a press conference. "The reference of seeing my father lead in civil rights and seeing my father march with Martin Luther King is in the sense of this figurative awareness of and recognition of his leadership."

The Official Roast of karaidl! (Parody Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Once in a great while a man comes along who changes the world, men like, Benjamin Franklin, Goethe, Martin Luther King Jr., Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Bauer, Rocky Balboa, and James Earl Ray. Yes these are men of noble standing and and have accomplished much in life.

Karaidl is the complete opposite. On top of being unsure about how to pronounce his name he suffers from many things. All of which he deserves.

For instance his avatar photo of himself is many years old. Now he has to lug his moobs around in a wheelbarrow. His size has grown so massive that he's become the subject of all "yo mamma" jokes.
Karaidl's looser friend: "Hey man, your so fat that you have your own zip code! HAHAHA!
Karaidl: "I'm gonna sit on you mutha****er! Soon as I find my legs!

Sadly the man is everything we hate; The man who puts needles in cupcakes. That jerk who backed into your car with his oversize SUV and didn't leave a note. The pudgy little kid in pre-school who cried in the corner all day. The jerk off teenager who walks around wal mart who thinks that sticking a 'funoodle' in his pants and pretending it's his penis is the greatest idea since he dropped out of high school.

Was he never loved enough as a child? Yes. Was he an outcast and reject of society? You bet. Did he ever give up? No. He kept on being a dickweed despite the fact that we did all we could to ignore him.

So when you think of great men; Mighty Mouse, Ralph Lauren, Vanilla Ice, Michael Jackson, and Lorena Bobbet. Keep thinking about them. Because they are so much more interesting, then this guy I'm roasting, who's name I can't really pronounce!

But Seriously Karaidl, thanks for your contributions to the sift, you always make me laugh.

20 to Life

ga16lucino says...

amen gorillaman and Fedquip!!!

"One may well ask: How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others? The answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws: There are just and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with Saint Augustine that An unjust law is no law at all."

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Halo 3: Homophobia Evolved (NSFW)

deedub81 says...

It's kinda the same thing. What if I walked down the street or got up on stage always singing about how great white people are and how proud I am to be white? How do you think people would react? What would people of other races think about me?

An example of how this is just as silly:
"The world's full of hate discrimination and sin
People judgin other people by the color of skin
I'll attack this matter, in my own way"

...and then he goes on to single out a few great people simply because they have black skin. What about Abe Lincoln? Didn't he do something great for the black race? What if Martin Luther King Jr. was white? Asking not to be judged by something (i.e. Skin Color, sexual orientation) and then "Flaunting" it by talking about it all the time and being proud of the fact that it makes you different, is just childish to me. I want to be judged by my accomplishments and my deeds, not any other way. So, that's what I draw to other peoples attn by the things I say and by the way I act.

I don't go around screaming about how proud I am to be tall. It's obvious to everyone that I'm better than you when you stand next to me and you look all shrimpy.

UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech

legacy0100 says...

"the point is, does a student being an ass hijacking a forum really need 5 cops dressed in black to give him an electric shock?" - MINK

You'd never know what's going to happen when an unstable person starts to let loose in open public. The key word here being 'unstable'. Many of you guys are defending him saying that he was asking legitimate questions. Well, while he was saying that he was screaming and face turning red, a sign of 'i'm going nuts!!! ahh!!'. Yea, if I was the hall monitor, I'd pull the plug on that.

And Kerry is a publicly well known political figure who has his own bodyguards for a reason because public figures like him are always in danger. I mean America had our share of political assassinations and assault whenever nation was going through some major political differences. Ronald Reagan, Bill Gates (who suffered a lot of hate crime when Microsoft was monopolizing), Martin Luther King Jr., Garfield etc etc etc etc etc....

I really can't see this particular event as 'oppression'. Perhaps you're fed up with the 'other political figures' that enforces strict crowd control. I agree with you on that. But this particular incident in UF? It's not oppression, it's the hotheaded student's stupidity.

Tell Us the Mission (Accomplished)

aaronfr says...

I wouldn't say that you are racist for thinking that, maybe just a bit misguided. After all, when Martin Luther King, Jr. referenced Thoreau or Gandhi, did his words ring untrue because they were interpretations of the words of another race? True, the tales of brer rabbit, the briar patch, and the tar baby have a bit more of a racial charge to them than anything by Gandhi or Thoreau, but if the analogy is apt, then it is apt. Start with the wikipedia definition of Br'er rabbit and fix that idea in your head. Then, read the original tale. It'll all make sense.

Mate: Brief History of Human Race with Chess Pieces

Meet a Black Guy in Aspen, Co.

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