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Beck: Bill Nye Is Like Those Who Tried To Silence Galileo

G-bar says...

natural order restored! I actually feel much better after this vid since his last comment about marriage equality...

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

robdot says...

Glenn beck is an absolute horror of a human being. He spreads ignorance, and feeds off ignorance. He does not endorse or support ,,gay marriage. Or marriage equality. He is also a Mormon, and just look up their history of supporting anything "gay". Glenn beck, Sarah Palin etc, and the ignorant people who follow them are the single most dangerous thing facing America today. Because of the massive amount of blind ignorance they spread. Ignorance, is indeed, the single greatest enemy we have today.

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Glenn, Beck, Argument, Marriage, Equality, GLAAD, Russia, HeteroFacism' to 'Glenn Beck, Argument, Marriage, Equality, GLAAD, Russia, HeteroFacism' - edited by xxovercastxx

MilkmanDan (Member Profile)

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Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Calcul8r says...

Title and video description notwithstanding - there is nothing in this video about Marriage Equality.

Sotto_Voce said:

Wait, where did he make an argument for marriage equality? As far as I can tell, he made an argument against burning gay people alive. What a brave stance!

EDIT: Whoops, didn't read the video desciption, which addresses the whole marriage equality thing. Mea culpa.

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Sotto_Voce says...

Wait, where did he make an argument for marriage equality? As far as I can tell, he made an argument against burning gay people alive. What a brave stance!

EDIT: Whoops, didn't read the video desciption, which addresses the whole marriage equality thing. Mea culpa.

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Well, I am completely confused now.

I'll just say that my use of the word "outing" was meant to be mildly amusing wordplay. I'm vocally supportive of gay rights and marriage equality -- never occurred to me that it would be interpreted any other way.

Not sure where we are right now with this, since I am confused. Just so long as you don't confuse with myopic people, I'm happy!

newtboy said:

I did not intend to imply that you had made the argument that morals only come directly from Jebus, only that that is an argument heard all too often from the Jebus crowd. I was attempting to explain how many people (myopically) see morality.
I guess that missed your question slightly, she was moral to "out" herself because it kept her from lying, an implicit immoral act. As to who said she did it, the title.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

VoodooV says...

So you vote republican then in such matters? I'm guessing you probably don't so do you write someone in? The thing about government is that it moves at a slow pace. It wasn't even twenty years ago that the idea of equality for homosexuals was even a thing. So it's not like we got together one day and started voting for pro-marriage equality candidates because there were none. Gov't doesn't work that way. You voted for the least detestable person even if there were plenty of things you still didn't like about the guy.

That's why parties and how we have elections are completely and fundamentally stupid. The idea that we can take all the facets of our views on every controversial subject in america and boil it down to two parties is completely asinine. It also has nothing to do with how well someone can govern. ideology and governance are TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE THINGS! but we vote on ideology when we need to be voting on governance.

Don't forget Republicans are completely in the church's pocket as well.

Republicans were always the pro-business party It wasn't until they got hijacked by religious fundamentalists that they really went down into the depths of insanity.

It's the same thing with guns. There is no "take away the guns" party. As Bill Maher points out. There's the party that REALLY loves their guns and there is the party that likes guns. But yet, the fallacy of "omg, they're coming for our guns!" is reality for many people. It's a gigantic strawman.

Yogi said:

The republican party isn't really a party anymore. They're completely in the pockets of the 1% and the Democrats are mostly in the pockets. Obama was the lesser of two evils but I still hate him and Clinton and Carter for good reasons. If you don't care for making any poor peoples lives a little better though, you won't vote democrat in an election where it matters.

'Big Gay Rainbow across my electorate'-Marriage EqualityBill

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Maurice Williamson, new zeland, parliament, marriage equality' to 'Maurice Williamson, new zealand, parliament, marriage equality' - edited by Barseps

Vietnam Vet vs Mitt Romney

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'because im gay, no way jose, constitutional rights, vietnam, romney' to 'gay, veteran, marriage, equality, no way jose, constitution, rights, vietnam, benefits' - edited by messenger

Obama: Bain is "What This Campaign is Going to be About"

vaire2ube says...

I liked the Fox News article I read about this. In case you work for Fox News, here are other things the campaign is about:

- Marriage equality (progress made)
- National Security (Bin Laden dead, Iraq left to stand or fall)
- Health Care (everyone getting it vs those who can afford it)
- The Economy
- The Environment

This aint your run of the mill election. The winner will have the technology to make their vision happen, whatever that may be. This is a big one, statistically and historically.

Fuck Romney and whatever his company was. Oh yea, Bain. Run by Rmoney. (R - Money).

A cause of great distress or annoyance.
Something, typically poison, that causes death"

*head pops*

Religion and Gay Marriage-A Great Logical Summation

Lawdeedaw says...

It seems you were the one that fell for the illogical Bareboards... Just because I stated an opinion against a person you assume that I take a stance counter to what the person is saying?

Let me make myself clear then. You are incorrect. I believe that marriage should be gifted to people that love and value each other. A man loving a man is no less beautiful than a man loving a woman. Who am I to judge, just because I am straight?

Likewise, I think a man or woman should be able to marry as he pleases. E.g., a man should be able to have three wives if he and they so choose. The law should not interfere such arrangements but support it.

You know what is ironic BB? Some gays and lesbians bash my point of view, that polygamy is acceptable, because they are bigoted against polygamy or because it inconvenient to their argument. For example, those against gay marriage bring up bestiality and polygamy as the "next logical step." They ask where these rights will end? Should a man be able to marry five wives or his dog, they say. And do most gays say, "WAIT THE FUCK UP. HOW CAN YOU COMPARE THE LOVE OF A MAN FOR MORE THAN ONE WOMEN TO THE LOVE OF AN ANIMAL?!!!!" No, no they do not. In fact, they ridicule my beliefs by stating something like, "No, nobody is talking about making bestiality or polygamy legal. Those are absurd lifestyles and will never be accepted."

I am actually shocked that they would allow the comparison, then go so far as to be derisive of other people's rights that they themselves fight tooth and nail for, and basically call those people's beliefs equal to that of pig fuckers.

You know why they do this right? For their own agenda. It's like the kid at school who is about to be picked on. That kid then turns on a weaker, more ridiculed kid and beats him up so that everyone will stop picking on him. I have only heard a few with courage enough to take the political heat and speak up for both sides...and it saddens me.

No, you won't find an argument from me against gay marriage. I am only in support of marriage equality. By pointing out to messenger that this is a rehashed argument, I merely, politely at first, was pointing out that his reason for promoting this video was a little silly. It, to me at least, was like he just woke up one day to find out that Obama won the presidency. This argument has been around for quite some time and it amused me--not at Messenger's expense.

Now, let me focus on my real discontent with the video content. Marriage for life is batshit insane. To accuse someone of having the belief that marriage is a lifelong commitment to me is a very serious accusation because marriage for life, as I have said, is batshit insane. I am equally offended when the religious nuts demean gays by accusing most of being into pedophilia. Both things I mention are batshit insane. You better have proof, at least to me, or your a bigoted asshole.

My message is clear. Don't lump people together. I would think that the persecuted, such as gays and lesbians, would understand this the most. But, in fact, it seems to be the opposite. It is okay to lump our enemies together because they do it to us...

>> ^bareboards2:

I'm guessing that you think marriage should be between "a man and a woman", @Lawdeedaw?
Because the rest of us hear this "rehash of other people's arguments" and hear someone who had done RESEARCH and APPLIED LOGIC to the topic.
Your emotional response -- and picking out one error (that I don't know is an error, I am taking your word for it) and declaiming loudly that the whole of the rest must be wrong -- smacks very strongly of an emotional, non-logical response to a series of rational statements.
Perhaps you might apply that emotional logic to your position? Maybe see that perhaps one itsy bitsy thing might be factually wrong with your position? Then you would be compelled, by your own logic, to throw out absolutely everything you believe.
Here's a proposition: Following are two statements of fact from this presentation:
1. Traditional marriage defined as "between one man and one woman" is a modern invention.
2. Denying marriage to committed gay couples is denying them the same rights and protections under the law as heterosexual couples.
Let's tack on another one -- there are plenty of Christians out there who believe that their religion is just fine with gay marriage. So why should your version of the Christian religion carry more weight in the law than their version of the Christian religion?
There is space here. Go to it. Refute those three statements with logic and facts. I'd be interested in hearing how you respond.

Grandparents For Marriage Equality

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

"Trolling" by the standards of the left is anyone from the non-left disagreeing.
It's easy for anyone to be lulled to sleep as the schools, Vancouverwood, 99% of the media and presently the White House all chant the same socialist claptrap, leaving out the verse about who has to pay for it.
You should be grateful to have your views challenged.

I welcome having my views challenged, but with you it's less of a "challenge" and more of a "confirmation that the American right are a bunch of troglodytes without an original thought among them"

Grandparents For Marriage Equality

quantumushroom says...

"Trolling" by the standards of the left is anyone from the non-left disagreeing.

It's easy for anyone to be lulled to sleep as the schools, Vancouverwood, 99% of the media and presently the White House all chant the same socialist claptrap, leaving out the verse about who has to pay for it.

You should be grateful to have your views challenged.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Once again, qm comes in with an argument that somehow manages to be both wrong and completely irrelevant at the same time and derails the thread. One of these days, I will make a timelapse video of such a comment thread and see if Deano will let me post it in skilful, for it is truly epic trolling.
As for the video itself. Isn't it refreshing to see a video with Christians who actually deserve the name? They're one of the few examples I've seen of people actually following Christs teachings. Kudos to them.

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