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The Most Costly Joke in History

Asmo says...

The sheer energy advantage of jet aircraft overwhelms any maneuverability advantages of WWII aircraft, so when a modern aircraft can't outturn and/or out-energy a 40 year old fighter, it's a steaming pile of shit...

And it's always completely irrelevant until it's completely relevant. eg. new technology comes online jamming guided missles and reducing planes to cannon warfare...

And I'd love to see how your prancing sniper does when he has to get in to knife range (close ground support where cannon fire does matter...).

The plane is an overpriced turd that has been repeatedly polished to give it the shine of a gem, but ultimately it's still a turd.

I love the last line though... "then the rest of the enemies would be mopped up by..." By? By the 40 year old workhorses that the turd is supposed to replace... X D

The F-35 will replace the US Air Force A-10s and F-16s, US Navy F/A-18s, US Marine Corps AV-8B Harriers and F/A-18s, and UK Harrier GR7s and Sea Harrier

Two of your three mop up planes are already F35's. Good luck with that!

transmorpher said:

The F-35 can't maneuver as well as an F-16. But F-16 can't maneuver as well as P-51 from World War 2.

There hasn't been a dog fight since the first world war. Even in WW2 it was about strategy, positioning and team work. It had very little to do with plane performance, expect for when there was a huge gap like the invention of the jet plane.

Air combat for the last 60 years has been about situational awareness first and foremost. And the F-35 has this nailed.

It's like saying that modern soldiers don't have any sword fighting skills. It's completely irrelevant. You wouldn't use a sword against a camouflaged sniper. The F-35 is a camouflaged sniper, hiding in the trees. Who would silly enough to run through an open field with a sword? Or even a pistol? The sniper will have killed you before you even know you are being targeted.

Now the people making the F-35 are probably incompetent in delivering a plane on time and on budget(either that or they are milking it). But the plane once finished, will be a winner.

The other thing is, the F-35's will always be part of a force of other planes in a large scale conflict. If for some reason it does come down to dog fighting - e.g. if there are just tons of cheaper planes going against it (with suicidal pilots) that they simply cannot carry enough missiles, then the rest of the enemies would be mopped up by F-15, F-16s , F/A-18s etc.

The Incredible Transforming Osprey

Drachen_Jager says...

Yeah, these things are death traps. They're so useless, the Navy has to send out OTHER helicopters to pre-scout landing zones for the Ospreys. Aside from that, the downblast from the rotors is so powerful, it makes work on a flight deck impossible during takeoffs and landings, as an added bonus, it also makes rappelling so dangerous Marines call it the "elevator of death".

Add to that the enormous cost of $72 million a unit a flight-speed too fast for escort helicopters and too slow for escort jets and a host of other problems and you have a very expensive and cool looking lawn ornament. 35 Billion dollars well-spent, Pentagon.

The World War II meme that circled the world

chicchorea says...

The Navy Frogmen surveying the islands in the Pacific to prepare for the Marines amphib landings left it on signs ashore. My father saw them on Tarawa, Tinian, Saipan, and Okinawa.

How Fallout Proves Morality Is Arbitrary

shagen454 says...

Fallout 1 & 2 were the motherfucking shit. The original Deus Ex paled in comparison and Human Revolution was no where as awesome as the original, both very good (the original being much more ground-breaking obviously) but no where as awesome as the original Fallouts or Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment. The Black Isle writers were impeccable. It's sad that we do not have counter-cultural pop artists in the game industry making ground-breaking games anymore, and for Deus Ex games - we no longer have Looking Glass Studios type shit since they no longer exist and the company that took inspiration from them - the Marin Bioshock team decided to go a direction that was less "survival horror" with Bioshock: Infinite. But, that said, I will gladly play Fallout 4 and I will love every second of it regardless.

00Scud00 said:

I remember playing Fallout 1/2 and being a "Savior of the Wasteland" and being a stealthy character robbing everyone blind. I'd pickpocket fancy armor off some shopkeeper and then promptly sell it back to him. I did however give most slavers the dynamite in the pants treatment on general principal.

"Glowing" Sea Turtle Discovered

newtboy says...

Hey clearly said BIO-FLOURESCENT, not not fake. Biofluorescence is a relatively unstudied feature of some sea life where their coloring fluoresces under certain wavelengths. It's being found all over the animal kingdom, but apparently this is the first reptile found to show it.
Yes, they are shining some light (likely black light) to cause the fluorescence.
It's unknown how this feature might help marine animals. In land plants, it's often used to attract certain insects with colors/patterns they recognize....perhaps the markings on turtles allow other turtles to recognize differing sub species for 'racial purity'?

lucky760 said:

Are they shining a black light on those things to make them glow?


Sea Turtle Has a Worm Stuck Up Its Nose - No, That's a Straw


00Scud00 says...

The first boss fight will of course be a big kid with a magnifying glass. And maybe in a later level you'll have to safely navigate you way out of somebody's pants, bonus points if you can make them do the ants in their pants dance on your way out.
The movement however kept making me think of AvP and I wondered where all the Marines for me to snack on were hiding.

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

newtboy says...

That's insane. That sounds like a pretty blatantly self serving (and ridiculous) statement for a vegetarian cook to say.
Good meat takes way more proper prep work, you don't just slap it on the grill. I usually marinate meat for hours-days before grilling it, or coat it with dry rub and let it sit for an hour+.
Just read my above post for a totally simple and easy recipe for green beans that works for just about any vegetable you might cook.
Another good one is just pan fry in butter, olive oil, or sesame oil then splash in some soy sauce at the end. Soy/ginger salad dressing can be substituted for soy sauce for more flavor.
For a third simple recipe, lightly pan fry in butter, then add brown sugar and peppers (white, black, cayenne) to candy them. YUM.

eoe said:

As one of my favourite chefs says on her NY vegetarian restaurant webpage:

Anyone can cook a hamburger, leave the vegetables to the professionals.

It's just easier to make meat taste good, but vegetables can be amazing. The rub is that it's just not as easy as throwing meat onto the BBQ.

Crime goes awry

Drone Armed with and Remotely Firing a Handgun

lucky760 says...


But so is shooting up a church or Marine recruiting center or any number of other places or blowing up a marathon or flying airplanes into buildings...

Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air?

newtboy says...

#1. Your study quote which said no mechanism had been discovered.
#2. "but the drivers, magnitude, timing and location of methane consumption rates in High Arctic ecosystems are unclear."...LOCATION UNCLEAR MEANS NOT FOUND.
#3...this does not make sense, "this feedback will be moderate: of a magnitude similar to other climate–terrestrial ecosystem feedbacks" is self contradictory, since many terrestrial ecosystem feedbacks are NOT moderate...depending on the definition of "moderate". If less than 10 deg C is moderate, then they're right.
#4. You can tell them 98%+ of scientists in the field of climatology say side effects of industry/technology will cause "X" at a minimum in 100 years, and it has already caused "Y" (warming, weather changes, ocean acidification, environmental pollution, rising cancer rates, water shortages, other indisputable factors), send him back with proof of those effects, and I think same result..."no thanks".

I misunderstood I guess. If you did that, he would just be in a rubber room for claiming to be a time traveler, not seen as a visionary. ;-) If he could offer proof of the time travel, the state of the planet, and the environmental trends showing every issue is seemingly getting worse leading to cluster f*ck, it would not be a hard sell in the least, IMO. At least not to people with an IQ over 90. You don't have to abandon all those things (coal, yes), you would just have to design them better. Electric cars were often the norm before Ford in towns. Planes might be electric dirigibles, and satellites might be put in orbit by rail guns.
If you don't think 1/3 of the planet's population (a reasonable guess if water shortages continue the current trend) being migrant doesn't warrant 'panic' (which I never suggested, I will say it warrants concern even by those in the '1st' world) then I don't know what to tell you.
#1. It may be unfishable in 15-20 years (I was off by 5 years) at current acidification rates.
"By 2040, most of the Arctic Ocean will be too acidic for shell- forming species including most plankton. Significant areas of the Antarctic Ocean will be similarly affected, oceanographer Carol Turley from Plymouth Marine Laboratory in the UK previously told IPS."

#2. by 2025 it's estimated that 2/3 of people worldwide will live in a water shortage.
"Unless we change our ways, two-thirds of the world’s population will face water scarcity by 2025"

#3. Northern India/Southern China is nearly 100% dependent on glacial melt water, glaciers that have lost 50% in the last decade
"Rapid melting will reduce the Tibetan glaciers by 50 percent every decade, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences
More than two-thirds of Chinese cities face water shortages"

bcglorf said:


How about great big citation needed. Your making a lot of assertions and about zero references to back anything, your just one step shy of claiming because I say so as your proof.

The rotting material creates exponentially more methane than any mechanism could trap.
Citation required.

your study quote did not say that "they've identified regions up north where the soil absorbs more methane the warmer it gets
The abstract is only a paragraph and the charliem gave the link up thread, just go and read it already, they did numerical estimates AFTER going in and directly measuring the actual affects. And I must additionally add, it's not MY link but was instead the ONLY claimed evidence in thread of your catastrophic methane release.

Let me start us off, the IPCC once again summarizes your problem as follows:
However modelling studies and expert judgment indicate that CH4 and CO2 emissions will increase under Arctic warming, and that they will provide a positive climate feedback. Over centuries, this feedback will be moderate: of a magnitude similar to other climate–terrestrial ecosystem feedbacks
From FAQ 6.1

There are caveats prior to the above quote about unknowns and uncertainty and the possibility the affects will be less or more, but the consensus is, don't panic. Like I said.

As for bringing that person from 1915 in today, you don't get to tell them the environment will be destroyed 100 years from 2015 in the year 2100 as a result. You have to prove that first, which you have merely asserted, not proven. On the other hand, my evidence was bringing our visitor from the past showing them the year 2015, and the consequences of rising global temperatures by 0.8C since his time in 1915. Then I say we ask him if abandoning coal power, airplanes, satellites, and cars to prevent that warming is a better alternate future he should go back and sell the people of 1915 on. I'm thinking that's gonna be a hard sell. I'm additionally pointing out that the IPCC projections for the next 100 years is 1.5C warmer than today, so we'll be going up by 1.5 instead of the 0.8 our visitor from the past had to choose. The trick is, I don't see how you can claim that panic should be the natural and clear response. You need a lot more evidence, which as stated above you've failed to provide, and more over what you've posited is contrary to the science as presented by researchers like those at the IPCC.

It may be unfishable in 15-20 years at current acidification rates.
citation needed.

by 2025 it's estimated that 2/3 of people worldwide will live in a water shortage.
citation needed, and you need to tie it to human CO2 and not human guns and violence creating the misery.

Northern India/Southern China is nearly 100% dependent on glacial melt water, glaciers that have lost 50% in the last decade
citation needed

The downvote was not for your opinion, it was for your dangerously mistaken estimations and conclusions...
, says you. If you don't use any evidence to refute me it's still called your opinion...

Huge Great White Close Up

ChaosEngine says...

Wow, that is just *stunning. Diving with sharks is a magic experience.

IANAMB* but I think that might be a pregnant female. I don't see any claspers and the abdomen seems swelled.

*I am not a marine biologist... what? It's a well know internet acronym!

What is this thing and what's it doing?

MilkmanDan says...

I don't think the original video had audio, or at least I didn't hear it. Fun to hear them talking about it in Thai, although they don't say anything particularly scientifically relevant -- more like "augh! help me!" (out of surprise) and then some mild cussing about it.

The caption/title I get from the original video says:
"น่ากลัว หนอนทะเล เป็นแบบนี้"

First word is "na-grua" which means "scary", or more directly/literally "worthy of fear". The second word is compound, "nohn-talay" which means "worm-ocean", or "marine worm" would be a less literal but better English translation. The last word is actually 3 words: "pben baap ni", which roughly means "is like this". So an overall translation of the YT video title would be "this is a scary marine worm".

...Oops, and just now I'm seeing the YT description, which has a lot more Thai and does specifically mention Nemertea -- so that is probably correct. It looks and behaves a lot like some of the sea cucumbers that I've seen, although most tend to have a bit more texture or protrusions on their skin. But there are definitely sea cucumbers that are as smooth as this thing. Compare with a similar sea cucumber video:

Quite similar, but sounds like the Nemertea does this to eat whereas the Sea Cucumber does it as a defense mechanism.
--EDIT-- Whoops, embedded the wrong video. Should be fixed now

eric3579 said:

UPDATE below also see new video description and original video

The caption is in Thai and describes the creature as a Nemertea, or a ribbon worm, which shoots a proboscis (elongated nose) out of a hole above its mouth to capture prey.

Presumably, that is what is going on here.

When not stretched out like an alien life form, the proboscis normally sits in “a fluid-filled chamber above the gut,” according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

And here’s a description of how it works from NCSU:

"When the animal senses a prey organism nearby, a circular muscle layer around the proboscis sheath rapidly and vigorously contracts. This contraction forces the fluid from the proboscis sheath into the proboscis and, in the process, literally turns it inside out, blowing it out of the proboscis sheath. The proboscis will rapidly (within a second or so) wrap itself around the prey, which is then drawn to the mouth and eaten."


Star Wars Battlefront Reveal Trailer

zaust says...

Game engine footage from a pc with 4 x titan x with the loadscreens edited out.

Still I guess something had to make Aliens: Colonial Marine's trailer look less like a lie.

Awkward public aquarium "touch tank"

bareboards2 says...

The local marine science center had an octopus who would escape all the time. They also had touch tanks for other creatures which I think they eventually got rid of, for ethical reasons.

I don't know if they still have the octopus.

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