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police officer body slams teen in cuffs

oohlalasassoon says...

Oh I'd hate to be a cop nowadays. I mean the ones that aren't drawn to the profession to provide a outlet for their psychopathic tendencies, the ones that really do believe the "to protect and serve" mantra. They really do actually exist, contrary to growing popular opinion.

I guess my frustration on this topic is really no different than with news in general. It's not an accurate representation of the norm. It's news _because_ it's out of the norm. News is not reality TV.

YES we should be outraged when cops do this, they should be stripped of their job and punished accordingly, the culture and practices of the force they serve should be scrutinized and corrected if found to be supportive of or responsible for their criminal behavior. If there's a culture on the force where whistle blowers don't feel comfortable reporting abuses, the force needs to FIX that. I feel apparent overall opinion against cops in general is unfair, but it is the case. If they are ever to dig themselves out of the abyss of negative opinion they will have to take on more responsibility for the problem than may be deserved.

Asmo said:

A big part of it is the thin blue line bullcrap where cops will stand around watching this shit going down and not report it. Yes, it's probably a minority of bad apples, but then there are the silent witnesses who don't speak out, or the bastards that take revenge on the whistleblowers.

If the law, and the people that enforce it, is to have any meaning, it must be even handed. That is such a joke these days that anyone seriously believing it would be ridiculed as hopelessly naive. If the status quo = everyone understands that there are two sets of rules and the people that should be held to a higher level of responsibility are often given a pass, then the system is broken, and even the good cops are holding up a corrupt institution.

What I can't figure is how the good cops keep going to work, trying to serve the public etc when they see this shit. Talk about morale destroying.

This is How Good Cops Act: Heroic Officer Refuses to Shoot

jmd says...

Seriously... why the shoot to kill mantra? Just shoot to disable... or at least laugh as he hops on one foot.

KrazyKat42 said:

Congrats to that cop.
But if it was me, I would have shot him in the leg. Or in the knee.
Just sayin.

One of the Best Press Conferences Ever - Marshawn Lynch

kceaton1 says...

Onto a secondary topic, it includes the "media frenzy" and the contract clauses that force players, coaches, and others to appear before the media... Plus the media in general, when it comes to the Superbowl (but, this has to do with our country; or at the least certain segments and populations of our country). But, really it's about the general stupidity and levels we have turned this ONE event into!

Only a few interviews are worth looking at typically and they tend to be AFTER a game, not before it (as that amounts to "what ifs", "probably might", "we sure can try", and "if I win, I'll go to 'insert Measleland or another place here' with my wife/kid/family/parrot"). I absolutely hate the fourteen hour pre-game show that the NFL and the channel hosting this *thing* that apparently people watch, that is quite like a: "super-fabulous-orgasmic-serotonin ovulating-dopamine excreting-heroine junkie nerve conduction transfer-fourteen people high at a rave experimenting in an orgy with all the holes and toys available"... OK, so maybe that is a bit too far, but still...! It really is the most "grandiose" setups for a game, that doesn't need such a grandiose setup.

The should just make it a damned national holiday already--everyone already stays home or is basically forced to, since one half of their family is probably glued to the TV for quite awhile.. Although I know we always "had" these interviews on the TV, but we never really listened to them, because they bring out 40 people who essentially ALL say the same thing (the only difference is if it is a different team and or if they are extremely religious--they will then tell you how their team will win, " matter what...", and then if they are religious proceed to randomly give you the, "God is on our side...", mantra...which always made me laugh--literally, out-loud).

Then they cut back to the ex-coach's and arm-chair quarterbacks who have been given a one day opportunity to tell the world what they think, and how he game will go (and it never does).

Needless to say, I HATE, with a passion, the "pre-game show" (which didn't exist in it's ridiculous form for a VERY longtime until the late 80's and early 90's). I'd rather them move all of their prime-time TV shows that will not be shown that night, due to the game, to that period of the day and let us watch that instead before the game (then they can give us a modest 45-30 minute pre-game; not this 5-hour marathon of ads and marketing, with a bunch of talking faces trying as hard as they can to make a name for themselves in that time-span).

Only people like "Beast Mode" can save that time allotment and make it worthwhile (if you think it is "entertaining", you REALLY need to stay away a bit from Football, and I'm saying that as a concerned friend...)--because right now, although a lot of people flip their TV over to the channel with it is a massive waste of money and time--that somehow generates massive amounts of money (talk about "very careful" and "orchestrated" money setups and schemes; but luckily they have idiotic companies paying them gigantic sums of money for their commercials to air...even before the game comes on...). And, I wish people wouldn't just flip over to it, to have it on in the background (as most of the time I've noticed, whether it's a game at my house, someone else's OR an actual Superbowl party--no one watches that crap, it just sits on that channel...making them "think" they are getting ratings, but they actually aren't. It's kind of like saying that people go to Tailgate parties to park cars and see how neat the cement is...

The Radicalization of Phil Donahue (1/3)

artician says...

I truly pity people who have been raised with the outlook that he was in his youth, but it also makes me indescribably angry that so many live like that. I think the winning element here is that you can reach and change people through education. I wish the mantra of all future families was 'think first, believe later' (or something along those lines), because it's clear to me today that my parents and grandparents generations, and the current generations, though thankfully to a lesser extent, were raised on patriotism and faith, rather than reason and historical lessons.

Interesting that he quotes Janis Joplin ("Freedom is (sic) another word for 'nothing left to lose'").

The REAL Reason You're Circumcised

G-bar says...

as an Israeli (sort of) Jew, I can definitely relate to the "I got my penis cut off, so should my son have his" kind of mantra. If I had continued to live in Israel and had a son, it would be practically impossible to keep my son's penis intact without causing an uproar with my family and my surroundings. Almost everyone in Israel would still hold those old theories about hygiene and health as a way to hold off any real discussion about what it really means.

Sin city 2: A dame to kill for

BoneRemake says...

Why did you not just UPvote it and shut the fuck up ? I thought that was your mantra ? upvote/stfu.

mxxcon said:

I'm sitting in a puddle of my own pee..I have not been so excited like this for a sequel of a movie in a very very long time.

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

artician says...

I don't like manufactured videos, but because I agree so strongly with the message of "Just because it isn't happening here..." I have to upvote this.
These would be more poignant/accessible if they just showed dismembered bodies with the same message.
Despite that, since I was probably 10 years old, my faith in other people has been forever damaged by that "It doesn't affect my life" mantra. Regardless of my wealth, social status, or ease of mind, I will never live a consciously comfortable life while someone on this planet is being harmed by another.
People say I am and idiot/cheating myself, but I can't understand why more people don't look at the world this way.

Peeza Hut

A10anis says...

We are just animals, but some more so than others. Left to their own devices - and thinking they are not being observed - some people cast of the very slim veneer of civility, and resort to some disgusting habits. "Be true to thine own self," someone once said. A decent person is decent, even when no-one is watching. I tried to teach my kids that simple mantra.

HBOs 'Questioning Darwin' - Creationists Talk Creationism

poolcleaner says...

Shhhhhhh, shhhh, hush now. Repeat the mantra of Proverbs 1:7: "The FEAR of THE LORD is the beginning of knowledge."

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

Fear God, Bible true, science bad, fear God. Therefore science bad.

And if it wasn't already clear that science and the modern Bible CANNOT exist side by side, repeat the mantra of 1 Timothy 6:20-21:

"Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith."

So it behooves the Christian NOT to involve oneself with documentaries which debate or discuss such matters, simply turn away and be content in your faith. Don't respond to my comment; don't argue; don't say anything. Jesus says walk away, son. Even if it's not printed in red, remember that Bible = Word of God = Word of Jesus Therefore Jesus says.

And so perfectly too! Therefore, again as it always has been, it is the Word and the Word is Law. So -- holy crap, man, THE LAW -- don't violate any of these thought crimes against God. Or you might suffer pain and all of that other stuff that death assigns to itself.

Obama scolds O'Reilly. Good for him.

newtboy says...

That's funny, I recall the Bush/Bushite mantra being '9-11 changed EVERYTHING' and proclaiming 'if you're not with us, you're against us'. If that's not 'fundamentally changing the country' I don't know what is.

Some things have improved since Bush from my viewpoint, and other things have gotten worse. Statements like yours are useless since you don't define "things". When I see/hear that kind of argument, I expect the one making it to use the 'those aren't the things I meant' kind of argument, allowing them to continue complaining without explaining what the problem really is. Perhaps that's not what you mean to do, and you'll explain which 'things' are worse while admitting that some other 'things' are better? Perhaps not, and you simply want to say 'under Obama everything is sh!t because he's a turd'. I can't tell.

lantern53 said:

Bush was a big-gov't progressive too, but at least he wasn't trying to 'fundamentally change' the country.

Things haven't improved, you know.

The most humorous table tennis match ever

artician says...

I know. This is amazing. I assume they are professionals since they appear to have all the trappings, surroundings, etc. This is how I always played sports of any kind, and why my love of sports was socially-executed at an extremely young age (maybe 5th grade at most?)
I've always held that "it's only a game" is the mantra necessary for enjoyment of the event, but ever since I was repeatedly bitched out by teammates for being open when I fouled someone else in a sport, or otherwise being honest about how some interaction wasn't ultimately fair, I just lost interest (and faith in humanity, in general).
This was great to watch, but not even the first time I've seen it. What is it about table-tennis that makes the participants so eager to throw off their egos and have fun?
Also much respect for one of the most demanding examples of control over small-scale kinetics.

bareboards2 said:

Professionals who are actually PLAYING. What fun!

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

chingalera says...

@SDGundamX Excellent point and personally guilty on both subjects of discourse, as I have hit numerous brick-walls and spent way too much time in my lifetime arguing semantics with both the police (who will never change) and in the realms of religion vs atheism, an equally as banal and dead-end exercise.

Oh and newt? Fuck a thesaurus and your assumptions-I have a larger vocabulary that most volumes will hold wielded like a coach gun with a hair trigger. Fuck yours and y'alls, didactic adherence to unlikely plausibles. Logic be damned, befaced as we are with the exponential rate of changes coming down the pike. Riiiight. You live in a world whose boundaries reside in logic, intelligence, reason and order. The illusion being, you haven't a clue and none of us do.

Everything we believe true is wrong, a healthy mantra.

In the realm of civility? Civility begets the same with me, uncompromising unshakeable, late-stage, hydrophobic atheists haven't discovered what that means yet.

911's a Lie-But Who GIves A Fuck ~ Deek Jackson

artician says...

I've found is that once someone is relatively self-sustaining and living in comfort, they justify not caring for risk of losing that comfort. I've seen it happen in many of my peers, where before their level of awareness and outrage was appropriate for the circumstances, but then they got that job they really wanted, bought a house, and now mock anyone else who actually wants to make a difference. I have seen so many friends go through this transition (pretty much all of them), it's really depressing for me.

You see it on the micro-level too, as individual companies are case-studies for small communist communities: come in to work, buzz in with your badge, let security search your bags, watch as the manager hires his friend to a position he has no experience for, and while everyone is equally miserable the most protest you will hear will be over a table at lunch in the form of that ever-so-classic mantra of the apathetic: "It is what it is".

radx (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

How great. The government taxes us to pay Google to spy on us. I did read about this earlier, and it's funny, my immediate thought was exactly yours, that Google's mantra to not "be evil" was an empty promise.

And now the U.S. is gearing up for a military intervention in Syria, and I don't know a single U.S. citizen who wants that.

radx said:

Julian Assange went front and center again with a piece in some new'ish Aussie news outlet called The Stringer. I wouldn't have noticed it, but Zero Hedge picked it up.

Assange's claim: Google and the US State Department have closer ties than anyone would be willing to admit, with Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas, acting as "Google’s director of regime change".

Hefty claims, although lacking in detail. "Don't be evil"... it had such a nice ring to it, back in the days.

Edit: And to put the icing on the cake, Foreign Policy released official documents showing how the Reagan administration gave target intel to the Iraqis, knowing full well it'll lead to a chemical attack. Great timing, all things considered.

Saudi Instructional Video - How wives should be disciplined

Buck says...

My anger at this and religion in general make me sick. The Catholics also "hate" women and almost all religions hate gays.

Fuck you islamists. Fuck you.

oh and this: from another of my posts.
It is a long letter to creationists but I'm re dedicating it to islamists too.
Call me hatefull but between this and the recent video of a child dying being circumsized, I AM FED UP WITH THIS BULL SH*T.

Religion HAS to go.
OH you're moderate you say? This stuff isn't what you and your flock believe? Unless you've gotten up in front of your church or temple to proclaim this crap WRONG, you are complicit in my eyes.

*language*insults*dissing religion*wall of text* (if these things offend DO NOT READ)

Dear Creationists, and Islamists,

You are stupid.
Genuinely stupid.
By every conceivable metric that we can assess intelligence, intellect, mental ability, reasoning and sense. Even the very ability to string words together in coherent ways. You fail at this. You are stupid. There is no way of getting out of this accusation; it is as close to an absolute, proven fact, that a scientific assessment can get.

Not ignorant. No, that’s something else. Ignorance is merely the lack of knowledge. That’s fine. I cannot blame someone for merely not knowing, or not being exposed to information. You don’t get a choice in ignorance and merely not knowing. For a start, you’re born ignorant of everything in the entire world. New born babies don’t even know what things in the world are part of their own bodies and what things aren’t – they really do have to learn this for themselves. So, no, you’re not just ignorant because if you were, I wouldn’t be here writing this.

No, this is something fucking different, far fucking worse. What you stand not only accused of, but proven guilty of, shits and pisses all over the innocence of ignorance and goes into dark territory of deceit and lies. This is wilful ignorance. This is prideful ignorance. You take your ignorance and wave it around at every opportunity to say “hey, look at me, I’m so fucking stupid” and expect people to respect you for it. Do I want to blame you for it? When your elders, and priests, and preachers, and the unqualified crank pseudo-scientific quasi-philosophers they get to back them up, have all conspired to brainwash you into thinking this is a good thing? Yes, I fucking do. You have made a choice to stay ignorant, and be happy with it. You’re a fucking idiot, and you damn well know it. You know it, and you Just. Don’t. Fucking. Care.

Why do I bother with you? Just why? Why do I drag myself down to that sort of level?
Let’s look at some clear facts here.
I have a fucking masters degree. I took four years out of my life learning quantum mechaincs, management, nuclear physics, organic, inorganic, analytical, green, environmental, atmospheric chemistry, mathematics, and a fuck-ton of life skills and problem solving skills possessed by a tiny fraction of people.

I can write, I can draw, I can play and compose music, and I can program a computer to do a little jig. Importantly, I know the difference between “there”, “their” and “they’re” – and fuck knows that’s a rare skill. I’m even nice on occasion and, if I try, even likeable. I’m just going to blow a trumpet and say I have most talents bar singing (sigh).

I wrote a whopping four-hundred-fucking-page book to get a doctorate. It’s sat there on a table right now, all bound and shiny with gold letters and my name on it, looking thick enough to bludgeon someone to death with. To get that far, I was locked in a room with two experts who read it and who spent nearly three hours ripping it to shreds and finding any excuse they could not to give the final award to me. At the end of it all, half a dozen people with the same level of qualification and beyond have all conspired to say “you’re good enough to be one of us”. I fucking starved. I fucking wrote ’til I dropped. I stayed up late and got up early. All to get that. And as blasé and modest as I try to come across in public, I wouldn’t have done any of that if I didn’t think it was all worth it.

And I’ve taught students. People even better than me, who have fought their way through the same shit and more, have said I’m good enough to be their proxy or their replacement to teach the next generation. I’m actively passing on knowledge, whether established or cutting edge, to students who one day will grow up to be the next me. Some days I hate those little shits, but to be fair to them, one day a good chunk of them will also be locked in that room with a pair of experts, shitting themselves and wanting to all go away. They will come out of it alive, as One Of Us, and they will fucking well deserve every bit of it. I am a cog in that machine, and damn well proud of it.

In short, I’m smart. I’m intelligent. I’m rational. I’m reasonable. I’m brainy as fuck. By every conceivable metric, I am at the top of the grey matter tree. If I believed in the absoluteness of the IQ test, I’d be bragging my ass off about being in the 98th percentile (I dunno, actually, last time I took one I was 15).
That’s me.

You, however, as someone who thinks the planet magically poofed into existence 6,000 years ago, you’re at the bottom of that tree. I’m may well be in the 98th percentile, but you, you dumb fuck, wouldn’t even know what “percentile” means without Google – which, by the way, has been built by the kind of people who know what “percentile” means without using Google. Because they had to have some way of knowing what it meant before they fucking built the thing – since you, you dumbfuck imbecile, need every little fucking thing explained to you in small words that don’t tax your brain too hard.

You, because you manage to be mentally retarded in such a way that it’s actually an offence to those with genuine learning difficulties, couldn’t fucking understand the mere basics of anything I could possibly teach you about anything. About chemistry, biology or physics. Even the fucking basics of logic, or language, or how to frame an argument, or what evidence is, or why it’s important, or how science even works. Hell, the hurdles I would have to leap just to get you people to the point of discussing actual evolutionary biology or actual geology or actual radiometric dating would require me to type thousands of words, and spend months of my life. And it wouldn’t be worth it because you would ignore it. You wouldn’t even address the basics. I could try to exemplify every nuance, meaning and deconstruction of, say, the phrase “evolution is a religion”, and you’d zone out as soon as I broke into polysyllabic words and then, just as a little bit of drool came out, you’d say “but evolution is just a religion”.

It’s all just fucking voodoo shit to you, something you’re actively scared of and don’t want to understand. You’ve rendered yourself physically incapable of understanding and basic comprehension and so I find myself almost constantly, every time I see one of you dumb shits opening your mouths, struggling not to outright scream from the rooftops. Every single word in this extensive rant has been compressed in my head into a single thought and that thought fires in my brain every time I see you people speak or type or even making a motion to open your mouths or put fingers to a keyboard.

You sit and worship people like Kent Hovind, whose entire thesis wouldn’t even count as a winning entry in NaNoWriMo (which requires 50,000 words in a month) and has a Flesch reading age of a pre-teen (by contrast, the Flesch-Kincade reading complexity for my own thesis goes to the part of the scale where “reading age” stops being a meaningful concept, and a single chapter is larger than Kent Hovind’s entire derp-fest, and there’s fucking diagrams to boot). Or you shout “amen” after every little tiny piece of faeces that oozes out of the mouth of Ray Comfort – a man, lest we forget, who thinks the word “bibliophile” is a fucking insult derived from “paedophile”. These aren’t just people amongst your ranks, these are your fucking experts.

You repeat mantras that have been refuted countless times. Even if you ever get around to addressing one of these refutations all you can ever come up with is restating the point again or whining about some other pathetic and irrelevant detail. I’m not even going to bother with examples here. I’m breaking plenty of my usual rules about dealing with you stupid-as-fuck individuals already, so I’m going to break another and tell you to do your own simple cursory fucking research on this. Not that you’d manage that, as anything you ever cite must always come from an approved source like “CreationWiki” – a site, may I add, that actively makes a point, and a proud point at that, of stifling any potential disagreement. Do you see that on skeptic or “evolutionist” websites? No. You don’t. You want to know why? Because we want the world to see the best you dumb-fucktarded intellectual rejects have come up with, in all their mundanely pathetic glory, just so everyone can see how fucking terrible each and every one of your so-called arguments are. Sometimes, we don’t even bother responding, we just quote you verbatim (that means “unaltered” (which means “we didn’t change it” (ooh, look, nested parentheses (that means “brackets”) I bet that’s blown your tiny fucking mind))) because even casual scrutiny makes your points look terrible, and frankly, a full refutation just isn’t worth the fucking effort. Not because we can’t, but because – as I said above – I’d practically have to teach you the English Fucking Language from scratch to point out the flaws.

You, who thinks a fucking single man and rib-clone woman and their two sons populated the entire earth without any freaking-frakking-fucking incest occurring because “hey, don’t ask awkward questions”, hold in high regard people who aren’t even worthy of pissing in the academic shadow of people like me. So where does that place you in that pecking order? You intentionally refuse to understand simple things; like how irrelevant evolution by natural selection is to abiogenesis; like the fact that “macro” and “micro” evolution are just things you made up (at least in the way you morons use those terms); or like how natural selection has nothing at all to do with eugenics. It’s all OH-YOUR-FUCKING-GOD-IT’S-HITLER all the fucking time. I mean, seriously, you intentionally avoid learning. You avoid understanding. You actively train yourself to not to understand and you revel in all this. You memorise your silly little one-sentence replies that mean sweet fuck all, and by some magic expect educated people like me to bow down to your right of free expression; well here’s my “free expression” in response you fucking lunatic, you’ve damn well driven me to it over the years. You have no intellectual rights to this “debate” at all because you cannot even speak the language it requires. Even worse, you seem to think this actually qualifies you more. It doesn’t. It never will. Get with the fucking programme already; if you cannot comprehend basic facts, you cannot expect to be invited to the debating table as an academic equal. You’re not my academic equal. In terms of intelligence and knowledge you’re fucking scum rotting at the bottom of a dark and forgotten barrel while I’m basking in the sun. I would love, genuinely love, to help raise you up to being on my level. I would love it. But you wouldn’t listen. I would tell you to read X, Y and Z. Hell, I’d even write my own summary of X, Y and Z, but you wouldn’t listen or care. It would fall on intentionally deaf ears.

You know what the worst thing is? Some creationist out there, probably you because it’s being addressed to you, is probably going to find this rant and say “oh look at the little evolutionist, running out of points and resorting to insults”. Well fuck off. You think this is my attempt to prove you wrong? No. This is my attempt to insult you. This is my attempt to degrade and belittle you, your beliefs and your reasons all in one; because they’ve already been shown to be wrong. I don’t need to add to that. If you want to complain that I’ve ran out of legitimate responses by writing this, then that just proves every single point that I’m making in this profanity ridden rant; that you don’t fucking listen, and are even proud of the fact that you’ve left yourself bereft of the ability to do so.

You’re not stupid because you believe the world appeared out of nowhere sometime more recently than the domestication of the dog – and no, I’m not going to tentatively say something like “evidence suggests that”, no, it’s a Fucking Fact that the dog became domesticated in the tens of thousands of years ago. You’re a fucking shit faced idiot because of why you believe it. If you haven’t got the gist of this already; you’re proud of being stupid, you actively refuse to learn, you don’t examine anything critically, you fall for any piece of shit “evidence” your masters tell you. You don’t question them. You don’t realise they’re just out there wanting to keep you stupid, keep you ignorant and keep you not wanting to learn about the universe from sources that actually took the time to look at the universe. They want to keep you that way because you buy into their shit, with money. Your actual hard-earned money. You actually value these people with your working time. That’s galling to the rest of us who have a working and fully functioning brain that we deign to actually use.

You pay them. You donate to them. You buy their books and DVDs that they produce for fuck-all money and sell at a premium. You show them to your kids so they grow up stupid and buy more DVDs and books by the Comforts and the Hovinds and the Hams and the Gishes of this world. You show them Jesus riding a fucking dinosaur and pictures of Noah mucking out a boat that’s chock-full of animals that somehow managed to survive and reproduce to form every living thing we see on the planet in a geological blink of an eye – and you think this is right? You don’t think this is the most ridiculous idea in the world? If it wasn’t for the coincidental fact that you’re backed by a non-falsifiable belief shared by a significant proportion of the population, you would actually be declared clinically insane. No joke, there are actually people with more coherent and rational beliefs in their head being secured in mental health wards.

Despite being as embedded as you possibly can in the evidence for it, you don’t realise that there’s an entire industry that makes a fortune from retarding your ability to think. You accept this, and refuse to actually exercise your innate abilities to think, question and explore so long as you say the magic words “but I am thinking, questioning and exploring”. No you’re fucking not. If you were, you’d be in my position. You, too, would find yourself locked in that room, actively battling and fighting with people tearing your ideas apart and demanding that you defend them and stand by them and justify every single thing you say. But you’re not. You never will be. Though, let’s be fair to the non-doctorate holding non-creationists reading this for a brief moment; you don’t even have to be in that position of getting an academic qualification, you just want to be in the position where you’re willing to explore, and learn, and discuss and adapt. You refuse even that, and you think it’s a good thing.

There are a lot of people I think are stupid. Really fucking stupid. I mean, you might think it’s a long way down to the shops, but that’s peanuts compared to this stupid. There are people who think the World Trade Centre wasn’t hit by planes, but by holograms. There are people who think the skies are filled with mind-altering chemicals that can be dispersed – from miles away, no less – by spraying vinegar in the air. There are people who think we’re not being faced with a potential disaster of epic proportions because of how our society has polluted the planet. There are people who think vaccines cause autism and will find any old piece of shit evidence to prove it no matter how many times even the mere correlation is disproved.

But creationism is something else. It has that industry supporting it and perpetuating it, and it has people who buy into it so willingly. And you, because you think that everything came from nothing in a fucking click of a magic man’s fingers, are part of this. You’re out there derping on daily on something that we, using the entire knowledge collectively gathered by the human race, know is a lie. Honestly, you probably think it’s a lie too – but you’re both too damn proud of yourself and too damn proud of your stupidity to admit it. That’s your problem. It’s not about fossils, or genetics, or radiometric dating, it’s about your unwillingness to learn and better yourself. And it always will be.

In conclusion. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. And may the god you believe in have mercy on your pathetic, idiotic, morally and intellectually bankrupt soul."

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