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Honest Government Ad | A message from the White House

You can do it, Lars!

newtboy jokingly says...

When I raced off road buggies, my mantra was "If you're not bleeding, you're not really trying".
So much much fun.

ChaosEngine said:

As the old saying goes “if you’re not hospitalised, you’re not trying”

Or something like that... I dunno, I’ve hit my head a lot

Mark Blyth’s State of the Union - 2018

drradon says...

Interesting narrative - but maybe a bit too simplistic. "the boomers have all the assets" - really? is Bezos a boomer, how about Mark Z? There are some wealthy boomers, as there have always been wealthy individuals in the older generation - but lots of boomers are doing their best to survive on Social Security - maybe because they yielded to the siren song of consumerism. (a statement as simplistic as the claim that boomers have all the assets...). Technology has destroyed lots of middle class jobs - the working community displaced by technology is, as they always have, struggling to adapt. Some have adapted better than others. But the simplistic mantra of free college/university for all is a fraud when too many illiterates are being graduated from high school and too many parents are totally unconcerned that their children continue to advance in primary and secondary school with completely inadequate skills....
That's the thing with simple answers for the world's problems, they're usually wrong...

Sargon of Akkad - This Week in Stupid (13/08/2017)

newtboy says...

It's not about it being not to my liking. It's about it being dishonest and incredibly right biased while claiming to be on the left. It's about the typical one set of rules for one side and a completely different set for the other that is how he makes his "points". It's a style of information that only works with those in the bubble and the ignorant, and it's insulting, no matter which side it comes from. He didn't have a single piece of new information or even a new take. Please don't pretend I don't give right wing ideas consideration. I couldn't point out the flaws if I didn't.

I don't waste my time hearing out the far anything. Extremists are to be educated or ignored, not given a soapbox and our attentive ears repeatedly. I've heard all I need from Nazis, fascists, alt right, antifa, anarchists to know their ideas don't hold up to critical examination, there's no reason to keep listening after that, I won't believe them, so what's to be gained? Hearing this weeks talking points? No thanks.

You can listen to the idiots that tell you these extremists represent the left, I say it's wishful thinking, because that's the only way the right can excuse or deflect from the Nazis and blatant racists the right welcomed into the party to win the last election. (To be clear, I may be left leaning, I'm not a democrat).
I was glad to hear the leadership of the Republicans finally publicly tell the Nazis and KKK that the Republicans don't stand with them and don't want their votes after Charlottesville, and I'm still waiting for a similarly dismissive statement from the Democrats about antifa.

Both (most) extremists groups say and do idiotic, barbaric things and should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law at every matter what their political affiliation or leaning. Ends justify the means is the mantra of tyrants, and they come in all flavors.

How can I agree or disagree with such a meaningless statement....racial collectivists? enlightenment? I do agree, both act as if they are opposed to freedom, sanity, civil behaviour, and rationality.

Asmo said:

/shrug The only thing I'm trying to convince you of is to give the marketplace of ideas a fair hearing, even if some of the things said aren't to your liking.

I've spent time listening to both the far left and far right (despite being Australian and pretty disconnected from the current state of affairs in the US) and both sides have some pretty fucking stupid things to say. One constant remains. If you're white, your opinion is intrinsically bad because of all the apparent privelege. Much like being male instantly puts you behind the 8 ball in any conversation about gender etc. We shouldn't be afraid of facts and we should be able to hear things from people we ostensibly do not agree with without it being an assault on our sensibilities.

Without this delve in to the worst parts of the conversation, I would never have found out about Daryl Davis and his campaign of friendship with the kkk... Ironic right?

Do you disagree with the quote from Sargon?

"The alt right and social justice warriors are racial collectivists who are opposed to the basic values of the Enlightenment."

Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

newtboy says...

I try to not speak about things I don't know about.
I try to avoid "news" like this that's so clearly biased, on any 'side'. They tend to skew and ignore facts to make a political point. A good test is if they can't refrain from childlike name calling.

I can't speak for down under, here, we see "both" sides (and I still strongly deny that the antifa people are really on the left, because fascism is not a politically left philosophy, and they are fascists) acting outrageously.

EDIT:That said, only one group has actually killed so far, and only one group has fired guns into crowds of women and children so far, and that side stands firmly with the right, and the right has so far stood with them, calling them peaceful protesters that only defended themselves from antifa. I have yet to hear of a single democratic representative say antifa are good people, or peaceful protesters, the right however has made that a mantra about the alt right, Nazis and KKK.

Hmmmm...I had to look up've got to be kidding...he's slightly LEFT OF CENTER?!? You are absolutely bat shit nuts. He's clearly, firmly far right. It didn't take me 5 minutes to be sure.
HAHAHA!!!! You start by giving me credit for watching it, then berate me for not watching it. I gave it a total fair hearing, and it took no time at all for it to show it's colors as totally hyper biased far right Nazi apologist bullshit.

Again, only the right wing media is claiming that main stream media is hiding antifa criminality. It's clearly being shown here, and they are called out for the violent idiots they are constantly, but if the right acknowledged that, they might have to deal with the Nazis and KKK and alt right on their 'side' (and sadly, they can't denounce them as easily since they clearly courted them in the election, unlike the left and antifa)
I have absolutely zero need to watch such tripe to be informed. Here, coverage isn't one sided, no matter what Bob and Hannity tell you.

I have no doubt that my arguments fall on deaf ears with Bob, but I can give other readers another rational point of view, denounce debunked fabrications, point out information that's intentionally omitted, and point them towards verifiable sources rather than opinion pieces masquerading as news. They are the minds I hope to reach, Bob's is closed, as, I'm starting to think, is yours.

Asmo said:

Yay, at least you bothered to watch the video.

And yes, No Bullshit's channel is loaded with a lot of biased opinions as he leans significantly to the right. But you'd be hard pressed to argue that, despite this particular video not making the mainstream air, that the coverage has shown the depths both sides have plunged to. Australian coverage has been downright blinkered at this point, there is no violence on the left at all and it's all nazi's killing folks... /eyeroll

So instead, you could look at channels like Sargon's, who, despite being constantly labelled as an alt right dickhead, is generally slightly left of center but who calls out violence where/when ever it happens.

I've seen a lot of shit in burrowing in to this, from a lot of sources on both sides (and people who try to be objective). Objectively, if you show up in black masks with pre-bagged shit, urine, fireworks and glass bottles, weighted sap gloves, bike locks and pepper spray combined with a clear message that it's okay to attack "nazi's" who's crime is expressing their admittedly vile ideology, you're not a good person.

Red shirts vs brown shirts, Wiemar Germany pre-WWII anyone?

You can try to make this about me ('ermagerd, you caused me to downvotes the video'), but you've admitted you didn't even watch the vid. At least I gave it a fair hearing, and while I do certainly admit the videos maker has an agenda, it is still documenting what is going on out there. Turn off the fucking voice track if you're too much of a snowflake to hear commentary you don't agree with, but the footage is damning...

As for Bob, I've been fairly unequivocal in the past about his line of deeply partisan BS and the veiled racism he espouses. As per the Ruins Everything sift up ( atm about arguing and how it generally reinforces opinions, do you think that you two haranguing each other constantly (or even you and I) is going to accomplish anything other than entrenching the other side? \= |

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

bcglorf says...

"The 'no penis' thing....yeah, that's kinda nuts"

"I also see that the right has moved so far right that what one might consider 'centrist' today would be extremist right 25 years ago"

Which reminds me that in the entire conversation I've been pretty much writing off the Reps and the right. I'd really like to see them do all the same things just flipping left for right and all.

I would argue that the right hasn't gone so much further from the 'center' than the left has. Of course, the 'center' is always subjective, but my barometer is basically the only mantra from the libertarians I can agree on, your rights end were mine begin. Maximizing that mantra as much as the practicalities of real world allow is what I would consider an ideally centrist goal line.

newtboy said:

Oh....that's....really? And here I thought Canadians were reasonable people.

The 'no penis' thing....yeah, that's kinda nuts, but couldn't they get around it by becoming a private club with membership dues rather than spa fees? At least here, private clubs make their own rules the members agree to when they far.

Public businesses that use public services to operate and serve the public, they have different obligations to society, imo.

I absolutely agree, the dems need to get their head out of their ass, denounce the extremists in their midst, understand that Clinton was a HUGE mistake, and move back to the center some, but I also see that the right has moved so far right that what one might consider 'centrist' today would be extremist right 25 years ago, so they need to be careful to not move past center and go right, or they'll lose for being republican light.

has rachel maddow lost her mind?

greatgooglymoogly says...

I think Maddow's argument "We're about to find out if the new President of our country is going to do what Russia wants once he's commander in chief" is utterly moronic. Implying that withdrawing a few thousands troops will mean he's Russia's puppet is intellectually dishonest. No mention of other actions he could take like reversing sanctions or undoing Obama's punishment of specific Russians after that latest reports that would show that. Or other possible justifications he would have for withdrawing the troops. No, just a black and white yes/no based on one action.

It calls to mind the endless repetition of Republican talking points on fox news. They don't expect their viewer to think at all just absorb a few basic scraps of info and come to a firm conclusion that they can easily repeat like a mantra and block all opposing views because they are so sure they are right.

How not to be Angry all the Time

Windows 10 Spying & Forced Application Installs

artician says...

This guy was a Senior Software Engineer at MS? He certainly doesn't talk like one.
Also, most people in software development who use technology daily would disagree Microsoft ever had a "customers first" mantra at all.
He cites Adobe as a reason we have to continue using Microsoft products, but if he had any inkling how much data Adobe ripped from your system without telling you he wouldn't use them as an example either.
I'm glad that more people are talking about actively avoiding MS products, at least.

Bill Maher - Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Biopsy

TheFreak says...

Bernie and Trump are similarly attractive to disenfranchised, frustrated people who want change. The difference is in their perspective and tactics.

Bernie attracts people who believe the country has been stolen by the wealthy and want a more egalitarian society.

Trump appeals to people who are given to fear, anger and violence.

The problem is that a segment of the conservative movement found it beneficial to stoke that anger and fear in people to win votes and then that fire got away from them. Trump's mantra, "you're screwed and I'm the only one who can save you", is the same one that got Bush Jr. elected. It's the same message that made Fox news the most watched news channel on cable. People with money and conservative economic beliefs have used that message for decades to consolidate their power and make more money. They've used it to get scared and angry people to vote against their own best interest. Trump is the predictable, but somehow shocking, natural result of that strategy.

Why do democrats struggle to get a majority of people to vote for policies that are consistently more fiscally responsible and in the interest of the majority of voters? Because there will always be a segment of scared, angry people who can swayed by anyone willing to give them an outlet for their hatred.

Why Home Ownership is Actually a Terrible Investment

RedSky says...

Yeah, this is way to short to cover the topic.

Freedom / choice is worth considering but people need to treat home buying as an investment because it is often the biggest single investment they ever make. Buy low and sell high. Putting that out of your mind because you're planning to never sell is a huge mistake. You would think that other countries would have learnt the lessons of the US, but housing markets in places like Canada, Australia, big Chinese cities are just waiting to pop. The mantra of 'house prices always rise' continues.

The most obvious measure broadly is price to median incomes. Here in Sydney (and some of the other Australian capitals) it's at eye watering levels. Buying a house here right now is basically banking on preferential tax treatment (in our case, called negative gearing), restricted supply continuing forever (the main driver of house prices by the way), and heroic increases in income to forestall the inevitability of prices simply becoming unaffordable.

It's gotten to the point here where lenders are asking home buyers (who want a loan to value ratio of over 80%!) to pay so-called lender's mortgage insurance (LMI) which adds a substantial amount to their loan and guarantees the bank (not the home buyer) if the borrower defaults. The insurance company who issued the insurance contract then goes after the defaulted home buyer to recoup the payout to the bank:

From what I understand there is still plenty of reasonably priced property in the US (in some cities) but even there you have plenty of places that have become ridiculously overpriced.

Epic Rap Battles: Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson

Lawdeedaw says...

Except nothing you said just now was correct. If Jefferson would have gotten his way there would have been no slavery. The fact that he said as much during a time when that could get your entire family brutally murdered is kinda a benefit to his character.

Oh, but he owned slaves, so he must have supported it. What stupid people believe this crap? You know who else owned slaves? Schindler did. He saved as many as he could and after the war? He was hunted like a dog. And while Jefferson did not "save" blacks, in a way he certainly did. His dictums were to treat those in his care with care and respect.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't support the confederate mantras, or that those who supported slavery were just doing what the times dictated, but Jefferson fought it in his own way. However, it was a lost cause and so he only could use what little power he had.

Mordhaus said:

Jefferson would have owned Douglass, literally.

Too soon?

I am being sued for using the Google Play Store.

kingmob says...

This is still a thing because we haven't rebooted the patent system. Google looks after itself, it's "do no evil" mantra left as a whisper in the wind. Patents are rarely thrown the referenced video about beating a patent troll in the comments...fight the infringement. The patent system is outdated and documents sometimes software thought experiments instead of actual work. Poop smells because it rots in your colon before being expelled.

Good video...gave it the upvote.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

Lawdeedaw says...

Gonna say Oliver wasn't very witty here. He kind of just used the "equality is a no-brainer you assholes!!!" mantra and went with it. And while that might be true, the problem with his model of effect is that the subject makes him look like just another "argurer" for lack of a better word.

Meaning others have said what he has said just as good as how he has said it. And that means he isn't saying it in any special kind of way--like he normally does.

Chernobyl's New Confinement Structure

radx says...

Option #3: the country might become destablised enough to halt construction/maintenance entirely and the site will be left to rot, more or less, like the nuclear arsenals/reactors of some nations.

Also keep in mind, this is how we deal with nuclear waste in a stable, wealthy and highly industrialised nation. "Just toss it over there" is the mantra during good times. Times are not good in Ukraine...

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