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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

A reminder…there’s well over 1000….

151 NV Governor Jim Gibbons - accused of assaulting a woman, settled a civil suit

152 PA GOP Congressman Don Sherwood - not for having an affair, but for assaulting and choking the woman he had an affair with

153 Republican Judge Mark Fuller - domestic violence

154 GOP Rep Trent Franks - harassment of his office staff - to serve as a surrogate for him and his wife, this makes me feel sad, actually

155 GOP Congressional aide Matthew Pennell - child molesting plea deal to 2 or 17 charges

156 GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain - sexual harassment

157 Tennessee GOP state rep Scott DesJarlais - OK, these are consensual affairs, but with PATIENTS!!!!

158 GOP Rep John Schmitz - John Birch Society member had two families (one he did not support) - and obviously there was some sickness going on because one of his daughters is Mary Kay LeTourneau the child-raping teacher.

159 California GOP Rep Ernie Konnyu - sexual harassment

160 Styles Bridges - R-MA - This man was filth. He extorted Dem Sen Hunt of WY that he would reveal his son’s homosexuality unless Hunt resigned so the R’s could get his seat. Hunt refused, but then killed himself. This headline is from a citizen’s jury, not a real one

161 Joe McCarthy, R-WI, started the Lavender Scare, a purge of gays from government. Many other Republicans joined in. Technically not a crime, but surely an immoral act

162 Pastor Roy D. Bolden, Providence RI GOP Chair child molestation and sexual assault

163 Ron P Broussard, Jr of TRUMP UNIVERSITY - sex with 8-year-old

164 Republican state senate candidate Sherman Lee Criner - molesting a 6-year-old girl. Prosecutors used an unusual standard of enough evidence to convict rather than probable cause, possibly because he is a popular lawyer. NOT CLEARED, just not indicted

165 Wenatchee Republican Michael T McCourt molested children for 30 years behind a civic front as a utilities commissioner, political operative and community volunteer, Then asked judge for leniency because of all his community activism

166 Unsuccessful Republican candidate William C Mach - child molestation. Ironically, he ran on a campaign to fight child molestation and was endorsed by related organizations

167 Republican Sheriff Perry Grogan continued to campaign despite indictment for child molestation, probably because of disgraceful coverage like this in the screenshot. He was convicted.

168 Republican campaign consultant and Baptist pastor Kenneth Adkins - child molestation. By the way, he said Pulse victims got what they deserved. So should he.

169 GOP candidate for OH legislature James E. Dutschke = child molestation, also investigated for ricin letters to Obama

170 Brian O'Toole, Republican Sunnyvale mayor convicted of child molestation. See screenshot as the newspaper is on NewsBank, accessible with some library cards, but not for everyone.

171 Last month Indianapolis Republican City Councilman Jeff Miller resigned/plea deal for child molestion

172 While Douglas Marks was a teacher, he was probably able to abuse two generations of children because of his wealthy Republican family. His brother was Speaker of the House.

173 Vermont Republican state senator Norman McAllister who's one of the Legislature's most outspoken conservatives charged with sexual assault, human trafficking, and prohibited acts. Made a plea deal

174 SC Rep Chris Corley - domestic violence

175 Gordon Blake, a CA political activist who twice ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination to the state legislature - child molesting, sentenced to 194 years.

Can I Jump Rope Fast Enough To Stop The Rain?

newtboy jokingly says...

I got approximately 17.7 mach (I used a 4 ft handle to floor distance).
The shock waves from the sonic booms should clear the rain nicely.

moonsammy said:

Not sure if his claim that 800 revolutions per second would clear the rain, didn't check the numbers. But I did some rough math, and if that 800/s is accurate, the center of the rope would be traveling roughly mach 14.5! Would make a hell of a noise, I'd wager.

Can I Jump Rope Fast Enough To Stop The Rain?

moonsammy says...

Not sure if his claim that 800 revolutions per second would clear the rain, didn't check the numbers. But I did some rough math, and if that 800/s is accurate, the center of the rope would be traveling roughly mach 14.5! Would make a hell of a noise, I'd wager.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

spawnflagger says...

I think Tesla does some innovative stuff - like using the worlds largest metallic moulds (built by some Italian company if I recall, which make those exclusively for Tesla). But ultimately Elon is a "hype man", and most of his promises have fallen flat (check out Thunderf00t's youtube channel - he debunks many scammy startups as well as Elon's claims, using high school chemistry and physics).

I do applaud Tesla for opening additional factories in Germany and China so quickly, but exponential growth (for any EV maker) is impossible - there's simply not enough easy-to-mine lithium in the world. (Maybe Elon is planning to mine some asteroids instead of going to Mars? who knows)

The GM battery tech isn't exciting or sexy, but it is a means to building a more affordable EV. Ford is already shipping F-150 Lightning (assuming its not affected by the same contactor recall as the Mach-E). Rivian has been (slowly) shipping trucks.
Where's the CyberTruck? I bet even the electric Silverado will start shipping before the CyberTruck.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Hypersonic sled travels at 6,599 mph (Mach 8.6)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, F-15C "Grim Reapers", Low Level Mach-Loop, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 335 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't recall David and Goliath. (As cartoons) you mean Davey and Goliath, the basis for Moral Orel? Somebody actually watched that?!

I have tons of Speed Racer stuff....shirts, rc mach 5, die cast models, etc. The movie was a big disappointment and a treat at the same time. I actually used Speed Racer clips in a public speaking presentation describing how cartoons mirrored the evolution of cultural norms from the 50's to 90's.

I never liked Clutch Cargo much, but I knew it. Kind of a poor man's Johnny Quest.

BSR said:

I remember 1,4,5,6. Always sang the Speed Racer song when it came on.

Clutch Cargo
David & Goliath

Warp Speed Comparison

cloudballoon says...

This I agree. ST is indisputably more science based than SW, and deservedly earned that respect. It's fun to argue whether warp drive can/can not exist and all that, but to just compare the different warp speed of different ships, across different classes is kind of pointless, as the numbers are arbitrary to begin with, no?

Say, if the video instead compares Mach speed between F-15/16/18/22 etc. and argue which fighter got the more advanced engines (accounting for weight/speed/aerodynamic profiles factors) then I see the point...

entr0py said:

I'm just barely geeky enough to find this interesting, but here goes. The first reason is that logarithmic scales show up in science all the time, and are frequently misunderstood by layman and media, they just aren't at all intuitive.

The second is that those shows were written over decades by smart science-literate people who put in all of these careful details that totally flew over my head, it's fun to look back and see it was deeper than I knew at the time.

When Sci-fi is written with a good understanding of science and physics, it makes the fantastic parts seem more plausible because the rest checks out. The alternative way to do Sci-fi is to just say "Screw it, it's all magic!". Which works for Star Wars but isn't compelling in the same way.

Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

newtboy says...

Hmmm......the site i ended up on indicated much less progress, perhaps I misunderstood and they were only discussing
DFRJ tests.
I trust wiki has it right.
I can't find any real info on the gll holod, but I would expect it was also launched with a solid rocket/missile if it wasn't pure propaganda. Scram jets just don't work under mach 4-5.

scheherazade said:

Well, looks like they have been working on scramjets too.

Apparently they made the first flying example ever, in 1991.
Not sure how that squares with the earlier U.S. efforts, maybe because it flew on its own? I donno.


Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

newtboy says...

All you mention are a far cry from sustained hypersonic powered atmospheric flight, which is what we're talking about here.

You mentioned a ramjet, but scramjet engines are hardly an incremental improvement, they're an entirely different class of jet engine. Ramjet engines only do around mach 2.5- 5, scramjets 4-8+ theoretically. What's needed for a viable weapon imo is the next iteration of dual mode ramjets that can do both with one engine, that's a long way off. Public scramjet engine tests have only been successful in a few short 5 second+- burns so far, launched with conventional solid rockets.

scheherazade said:

We have conventional missiles that hit hypersonic speeds for short periods. Aim54 fired at altitude checks that mark, and that's a 60's/70's tech missile.

The X15 did it manned, and that first flew in the late 1950's.

Why would Russia not be able to come up with something similar in the last half-century?

Re-entry from orbit is 4x hypersonic. Russia has plenty of experience with the effects.

The Russian p-270 was made in the 80's, and used a ramjet.
This new missile is an incremental improvement over tech they already posses. A higher speed ramjet missile. Hardly a stretch.

It's not like they are spamming the internet with updates just so you can see how they are doing.


Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

Mordhaus says...

"To date, he says, the US has conducted tests on this type of missile system but to his knowledge none have been successful, flying for just a few seconds. "

Basically, Putin made a laughable claim that Russia already has a mach 10 missile, so China and the USA jumped down the rabbit hole.

Kind of like when Reagan started up the SDI star wars BS. Which some people believe led to the USSR dramatically boosting their defense spending, nigh bankrupting themselves and breaking up as a country.

Ain't nobody robbing this house

jmd says...

What is missing is the sound of clacking and scraping of the dogs nails on floors as he bolts at mach 3 to the next window.

Why Planes Don't Fly Faster

scheherazade says...

Most airliners have wings designed to be used in low transsonic. They can't effectively go faster. They would literally lose lift if they went faster. Their wing shape is made to only delay the onset of shockwaves on top of the wing (flat-ish top), allowing it to safely creep closer to mach1 than otherwise, but not to operate within/past mach1.

Fan/propeller blades themselves are also mach limited.
(They can be designed to be supersonic, but then you end up with something like this... which in hindsight nobody wants :
A subsonic airfoil in a fan/propeller, operating near/at supersonic speed, loses the ability to move/redirect air, due to shockwave disruption of the airflow.

Fans/propellers with subsonic blades that spin at subsonic speeds are effectively speed limited. They lose efficiency above ~500 mph, where they begin to stop generating thrust as they travel faster. Their pitch has to increase higher and higher, until they are no longer much of an airscrew and more of a 'feathered' configuration.

Supersonic jet engines use intake devices (such as shock cones) to decelerate incoming air to subsonic speeds, so the compressor (itself a fan, i.e. a highly multi bladed propeller) can operate on that air to compress it and feed the engine combustion chambers.
Airliners have no intake devices to decelerate incoming air, and they would lose engine compression when entering near mach1 speeds.

Furthermore, their bypass fans (which are glorified propellers) would stop providing thrust.

You would need to design different planes (like the concorde). You can't just throttle up a modern airliner and go faster [than X limit] - like you can in a modern car.


olyar15 said:

What a stupid video. That is like saying why cars don't drive faster than 30 years ago.

Of course cars ARE faster now, but that doesn't matter when speed limits haven't really changed.

Planes don't fly faster because it is not worth it. Pretty simple.

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