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csnel3 (Member Profile)

This Guy Is The Native American of Guitar Players

legacy0100 says...

>> ^csnel3:

>> ^legacy0100:
LOL Native American of guitar players?!? What does that even mean!! LOL OL

I think it means, This guitar player can't grow a beard worth a shit, but will always have full head of hair. He has mastered an art, but probably is lousy at real estate deals.


Navy SEAL Recounts Punching Jesse Ventura in the Face

TYT - Fox News: "If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count."

quantumushroom says...

Actually the failures in "socialist Europe" are down to capitalists fucking things up. OTOH places like Norway which has essentially nationalised it's oil industry are actually doing well.

Of course you're going to blame "capitalists" for socialism's downfall, what choice do you have? Norway? Great example! The were smart enough to stay OUT of the EU. However, in 30 years, when the oil runs low...

As for your Obama quote, I don't actually think you have read it correctly because it doesn't even remotely support your position, not that you've ever let reality intrude on your juvenile little rants.

The quote is quite apt. A king decides who may and who may not prosper in his kingdom. A US President daring to decide the same? TYRANNY.

And Marx? You remind me of Zapp Brannigan: we don't know anything about them, so we can only assume they stand for everything we don't stand for!

Everything I've written about marx is accurate. Please point to some real-world examples of free, prosperous marxist nations.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Actually the failures in "socialist Europe" are down to capitalists fucking things up. OTOH places like Norway which has essentially nationalised it's oil industry are actually doing well.
As for your Obama quote, I don't actually think you have read it correctly because it doesn't even remotely support your position, not that you've ever let reality intrude on your juvenile little rants.
And Marx? You remind me of Zapp Brannigan: we don't know anything about them, so we can only assume they stand for everything we don't stand for!
>> ^quantumushroom:
Not overly interested in whether my comrades here think I sufficiently understand marx, he's the left's savior, not mine. Not only was marx a lousy human being and horrible in his personal handling of money, he thought the profit motive could be stripped from the system and it would work just as well.
Then we get this from His Earness:
“You don’t have some inherent right just to–-you know, get a certain amount of profit."
Words more befitting the late, ungreat kim ill-dong
Is 3.5 years of this idiot's failures not enough for ya? You need 4 more? Hey, Siftberals, take a peek at socialist Europe, broke as a joke and falling apart. THIS is the crap you want for the US?
Anyone-But-His-Earness 2012

Issykitty (Member Profile)

TYT - Fox News: "If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count."

ChaosEngine says...

Actually the failures in "socialist Europe" are down to capitalists fucking things up. OTOH places like Norway which has essentially nationalised it's oil industry are actually doing well.

As for your Obama quote, I don't actually think you have read it correctly because it doesn't even remotely support your position, not that you've ever let reality intrude on your juvenile little rants.

And Marx? You remind me of Zapp Brannigan: we don't know anything about them, so we can only assume they stand for everything we don't stand for!

>> ^quantumushroom:

Not overly interested in whether my comrades here think I sufficiently understand marx, he's the left's savior, not mine. Not only was marx a lousy human being and horrible in his personal handling of money, he thought the profit motive could be stripped from the system and it would work just as well.
Then we get this from His Earness:
“You don’t have some inherent right just to–-you know, get a certain amount of profit."
Words more befitting the late, ungreat kim ill-dong
Is 3.5 years of this idiot's failures not enough for ya? You need 4 more? Hey, Siftberals, take a peek at socialist Europe, broke as a joke and falling apart. THIS is the crap you want for the US?
Anyone-But-His-Earness 2012

TYT - Fox News: "If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count."

quantumushroom says...

Not overly interested in whether my comrades here think I sufficiently understand marx, he's the left's savior, not mine. Not only was marx a lousy human being and horrible in his personal handling of money, he thought the profit motive could be stripped from the system and it would work just as well.

Then we get this from His Earness:

“You don’t have some inherent right just to–-you know, get a certain amount of profit."

Words more befitting the late, ungreat kim ill-dong

Is 3.5 years of this idiot's failures not enough for ya? You need 4 more? Hey, Siftberals, take a peek at socialist Europe, broke as a joke and falling apart. THIS is the crap you want for the US?

Anyone-But-His-Earness 2012

This Guy Is The Native American of Guitar Players

csnel3 says...

>> ^legacy0100:
LOL Native American of guitar players?!? What does that even mean!! LOL OL

I think it means, This guitar player can't grow a beard worth a shit, but will always have full head of hair. He has mastered an art, but probably is lousy at real estate deals.

Oh My God! Trampoline! Trampoline!

Skyrim timelapse: "World in Motion"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I've been enjoying the game a lot. My only gripes have nothing to do with the graphics, but with the shoddy, slap-dash way they ported the game over to the PC. The GUI, video options, and other controls are horrible for keyboard/mouse. There are so many little things wrong with the way they handled the PC interface that Skyrim really should be a case-study in how NOT to do a game interface. It sucks. It really does.

Other than that, the game is fantastic. Let's hope Bethesda fixes the lousy interface (including that awful perks menu) and gives PC players their due. Either that or let's hope that the 3rd party mods compensate for Bethesda's incompetence.

Matt Damon Gets Viciously Attacked on Live Radio Show

alien_concept says...

>> ^Issykitty:

>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
What a lousy idea for a radio interview. But damn, He's been in many cool movies. He missed "The Informant" (thats all I got w/o IMDB)

Scott Mills often does things like this on his show. Always naff, but I think it's more about testing out what celebrities will put up with

What is "naff?" Sorry, I don't speak Brittonese.

Wtf the fuck is Britonnese? Some kind of mental hybrid I imagine.

"Och aye the noo, what's the craic? Toodlepip, boyo!"

Matt Damon Gets Viciously Attacked on Live Radio Show

Deano says...

>> ^Issykitty:

>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
What a lousy idea for a radio interview. But damn, He's been in many cool movies. He missed "The Informant" (thats all I got w/o IMDB)

Scott Mills often does things like this on his show. Always naff, but I think it's more about testing out what celebrities will put up with

What is "naff?" Sorry, I don't speak Brittonese.

Of dubious quality, cheap, tawdry, common.

And I tend to agree, a bit of a lame stunt but I can't imagine many other big stars going with it.

Matt Damon Gets Viciously Attacked on Live Radio Show

Issykitty says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
What a lousy idea for a radio interview. But damn, He's been in many cool movies. He missed "The Informant" (thats all I got w/o IMDB)

Scott Mills often does things like this on his show. Always naff, but I think it's more about testing out what celebrities will put up with

What is "naff?" Sorry, I don't speak Brittonese.

Matt Damon Gets Viciously Attacked on Live Radio Show

Matt Damon Gets Viciously Attacked on Live Radio Show

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