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1/3 of Pakistan underwater, no one knows, no one cares

NetRunner says...

Hey, anyone remember when there was an earthquake in Haiti?

What about way back when Louisiana was getting drenched in oil from an oil spill? Seems like forever ago.

How about that Hurricane whatsitsname that hit them? Wasn't that like 25 years ago or something?

But 9/11 must've happened just last year, right?

It's amazing how quickly everyone forgets something once it's not in the *news anymore.

Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

So it's an attack on freedom for a Federal Judge to rule that a state amendment violates individual freedoms under the federal constitution? California... Homosexuals... Prayer... Insurance...

Arizona, California, Misouri, Florida... It doesn't matter. There are MANY examples, and the point is Obama's hyocrisy. He selectively chooses to stomp on things he doesn't like, while at the same time he gives free passes to real violations. The Black Panther case was a blatant violation of civil rights - but his administration dismissed it because in thier OPINION black people can't violate the civil rights of others.

The mosque is simply one note in the sad litany of his hypocrisy. He approves the mosque on the basis of limited involvement in city/state government as well as the bill of rights? This comes off as hypocritical to anyone who hears it given his extensive record of ignoring the rights in order to force feed his agenda at national, state, local, and individual levels.

Arizona wants to enforce legitimate laws & protect citizens? Louisiana wants to build sand berms? BP wants to bring in non-union oil skimmers? Texas want to lift my oil drilling ban? It's against the constitution to force people to buy my Obama brand insurance? Banks are refusing to take my TARP money? The people don't want my financial reform bill? The people don't want my Health Care reform bill? The people don't want my Cap & Tax schemes? The people don't want my plan for illegal amnesty? Bah! I'm Barak Hussain Obama and I disallow such freedoms in MY America!

Oh - but you radial Cordoba freaks can build your mosque at Ground Zero. No, you don't have to disclose where money comes from. No, I don't care this is a documented terrorist tactic. No I don't care Germany just shut down Cordobas because they were terror cells. No, I don't care that by definition a mosque can't possibly be a "community outreach center".

Anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain knows clearly that Obama LOVES to violate the constitution and interfere with state/local policy. But now all of a sudden he changes his mind and state's rights and religious freedom matter? Anyone living through this nightmare dud of a president knows he's being a two-faced slimeball on the issue and that his motivation is his personal bias. That's why he's getting shellaqued in the ratings, the polls, and even (albiet reluctantly) in the press.

I could list lots of decisions Obama has made that I don't agree with, but he got it right on this one and I hope to see more of it.

You won't. This was a biased decision to favor an opinion/ideology that he sympathizes with. As evidenced by just about EVERY other thing he's ever done, Obama will do the exact opposite on any issue he finds politically convenient.

James Carville Bashes Zakaria for Comments on Oil Spill

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
I can see where Carville is coming from, I really can. And if I were a Gulf Coast resident, right now I might feel the same way.
However, exactly how much should the President be doing about the oil spill? Should he be holding press conferences every day, saying, "I'm gonna get those motherfuckers!"? He's basically already done that, just without saying "motherfucker." Should he set up house in Louisiana and move his entire staff down there with him and stay until it's all cleaned up? I know those are both extreme examples, but I'm trying to make a point, which is the same one Fareed made: He can't spend so much time on just one major issue.
The last I heard, the U.S. is still at war in two countries, our economy is still shaky and 9.5% of our labor force is still out of work, Iran might be trying to make nuclear weapons, immigration is in desperate need of overhaul, and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is perpetually at risk of getting much worse, among other major issues. Should he give less attention to all of those issues just to appear to be doing more about the oil spill?
Fareed's just asking us to be more sensible about this, while Carville is just making emotional appeals. Do you want the president to be sensible, or just emotional? That's what you have to ask yourself.
He's the President of the United States, not just the Gulf Coast.

Well, four or five states have a catastrophe they cannot recover from for years on end, and that is a mighty blow to the United States as a whole. I know you understand this, and I think you make great points. However, living on the Gulf, I can say this--anything Obama or the states do that do help us is a weakness to the entire country. Imagine another calamity somewhere else... Or imagine an invading force (I know, it could never happen...unlike Rome or England...) What would we do? Chickens head cut off? Probably...

The above scenarios are far-fetched, I know. However, they illustrate the point. 9/11 was our best response to a national emergency, but that was one day of pain and hell.

Now, as to two wars and the economy... Was Fareed saying we should handle stuff like that or go to other countries like Indo? And are those other countries directly related to solving our biggest woes?

All and all, well done. I respect your points more than most people's here on the sift. Very balanced.

James Carville Bashes Zakaria for Comments on Oil Spill

kronosposeidon says...

I can see where Carville is coming from, I really can. And if I were a Gulf Coast resident, right now I might feel the same way.

However, exactly how much should the President be doing about the oil spill? Should he be holding press conferences every day, saying, "I'm gonna get those motherfuckers!"? He's basically already done that, just without saying "motherfucker." Should he set up house in Louisiana and move his entire staff down there with him and stay until it's all cleaned up? I know those are both extreme examples, but I'm trying to make a point, which is the same one Fareed made: He can't spend so much time on just one major issue.

The last I heard, the U.S. is still at war in two countries, our economy is still shaky and 9.5% of our labor force is still out of work, Iran might be trying to make nuclear weapons, immigration is in desperate need of overhaul, and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is perpetually at risk of getting much worse, among other major issues. Should he give less attention to all of those issues just to appear to be doing more about the oil spill?

Fareed's just asking us to be more sensible about this, while Carville is just making emotional appeals. Do you want the president to be sensible, or just emotional? That's what you have to ask yourself.

He's the President of the United States, not just the Gulf Coast.

David Vitter Needs to Come Clean

OMG! Louisiana Local Tells Truth On BP Cleanup

direpickle says...

>> ^Bradaphraser:

>> ^ghark:
How many people are actually staying? Surely it is common sense at this point to move away from the area - are people waiting for the government to tell them it is not safe, or is that they need financial assistance to move?

Same reason so many people didn't leave New Orleans after Katrina... not everyone can just pack up and leave.

Also because the government is apparently seriously downplaying just how awful things are, even to the people getting sick.

OMG! Louisiana Local Tells Truth On BP Cleanup

Bradaphraser says...

>> ^ghark:

How many people are actually staying? Surely it is common sense at this point to move away from the area - are people waiting for the government to tell them it is not safe, or is that they need financial assistance to move?

Same reason so many people didn't leave New Orleans after Katrina... not everyone can just pack up and leave.

Parents letting their kids play in the ocean full of oil....

entr0py says...

>> ^LordOderus:

Man why is that beach open? I guess if it just washed up that morning maybe the authorities are unaware of the state it is in.
Between this, possible toxic rain (acid rain) killing crops:
the possibility that oil tainted water is raining in Louisiana:
I seriously expect that before this disaster is over, either Godzilla, Cthulu, or the Colverfield monster is going to wake up, come to the main land, and wreak havoc.
Either that or we will just be plagued by oily, zombie surfers....

Personally I'm more worried about the ghosts of charred sea turtles coming ashore to haunt us. Who could blame them?

It's RAINING OIL in Louisiana!!!

Xaielao says...

>> ^alizarin:

Oil doesn't evaporate into rainclouds so it can't be "raining" oil unless there was a waterspout (unlikely).

This is accurate. It is literally impossible to 'rain oil' simply because it's molecules will not bond with water molecules.

However combined with the dispersant being used it is possible for some of those broken up molecules to combine with water. Though it is hard to say if it would resemble oil at all.

It's RAINING OIL in Louisiana!!!

volumptuous says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say are you sure it's raining oil? I used to see that same sheen on the rainy streets of Pasadena growing up and it was just the surface oil from cars being washed off the street. I'm not saying it's not raining oil, but I need more conclusive proof than this, ie. timelapse of a rain gauge that shows an oily slick on top.

That doesn't explain the oil on the grass.

The video doesn't actually show oil in the grass.

Some total crackpot pointing a video camera at some (petroleum based) blacktop is proof of nothing. The sides of roads is where cars park. Oil leaks from cars. Rain falls from clouds. Rain mixes with oil from cars on the pavement. Rainbow sheen appears. Happens every time it rains, on every part of the planet where cars park.

This is reminiscent of that video where the lady is claiming a conspiracy when she notices a rainbow in her front yard water sprinkler.


Parents letting their kids play in the ocean full of oil....

LordOderus says...

Man why is that beach open? I guess if it just washed up that morning maybe the authorities are unaware of the state it is in.
Between this, possible toxic rain (acid rain) killing crops:

the possibility that oil tainted water is raining in Louisiana:

I seriously expect that before this disaster is over, either Godzilla, Cthulu, or the Colverfield monster is going to wake up, come to the main land, and wreak havoc.

Either that or we will just be plagued by oily, zombie surfers....

It's RAINING OIL in Louisiana!!!

It's RAINING OIL in Louisiana!!!

It's RAINING OIL in Louisiana!!!

Throbbin says...

Yes. I am enjoying it immensely.>> ^volumptuous:

>> ^Throbbin:
Now I feel guilty...I think my initial dupe invocation scored me a Super Duper Level 1 badge. I feel like a fraud now.

Don't feel too bad. I made the same mistake once and Dag/Lucky took my dupe powers away from me. It'll be fun to watch the same thing NOT happen to you.

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