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Edgeman2112 (Member Profile)

Edgeman2112 says...

>> ^bareboards2:

But what about the gay marriage amendment that has garnered so much early support?
It is great to read that when the voters are educated about the effects of the laws on hetereo-couples, the support wanes.
But dang howdy. Wasn't it 66% support at first? On just the face of it?

In reply to this comment by Edgeman2112:
I live in NC. This is some backwoods stuff for sure. Most people here are rational and not the stereotypical southern derp derp type.

That's news to me. It seems alot of people are saying no to it.

Cat Jumps for Toys in Slow Motion

Limp wrist? Break it, says pastor

Sagemind says...

Such a non-retraction. Again, only sorry for the wording not the sentiment and then, only because he got called out:

"I apologize to anyone I have unintentionally offended," Sean Harris, pastor of Berean Baptist Church wrote in a statement on his church's website. "I did not say anything to intentionally offend anyone in the LGBT community.

"My intent was to communicate the truth of the Word of God concerning marriage," the statement continued. "My words were not scripted. It is unfortunate I was not more careful and deliberate."

"Berean Baptist explains its stance on discipline of children on its website:
"Remembering the love and forgiveness that God has shown them, parents in turn should train their children with the purpose of reflecting the Heavenly Father to their children. Parents should consider their responsibility to be the instrument of discipline in their child's life (Prov. 19:18). At times this may include appropriate and reasonable physical means (Prov. 10:13) employed upon the fleshy portion of the child's buttocks (Prov. 22:15; 23:13); that this method is to be viewed as correction rather than punishment (Prov. 23:13); and that this correction will result in the child's physical and spiritual betterment.""

>> ^sepatown:

his retraction:

"I did not say anything to intentionally offend anyone in the LGBT community."

Limp wrist? Break it, says pastor

messenger says...

The most hopeful thing from that reporting of his retraction comes at the end:

Harris told the Observer that from within his church, "the response was, 'Pastor, we know you didn't mean that.'"

If taken at face value, it means his own parishioners called bullshit on him.>> ^sepatown:

his retraction:
"I did not say anything to intentionally offend anyone in the LGBT community."

Limp wrist? Break it, says pastor

Edgeman2112 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

But what about the gay marriage amendment that has garnered so much early support?

It is great to read that when the voters are educated about the effects of the laws on hetereo-couples, the support wanes.

But dang howdy. Wasn't it 66% support at first? On just the face of it?

In reply to this comment by Edgeman2112:
I live in NC. This is some backwoods stuff for sure. Most people here are rational and not the stereotypical southern derp derp type.

Limp wrist? Break it, says pastor

Jinx says...

>> ^gwiz665:

I find the hypocrisy of Christians acting non-christian hilarious. Atheists on average are just nicer people.

Idk about that. What bothers me is that he can make this little hate speech to an army of drones, all of them with the sincere belief that when they abuse and torment their children for the way they are because some divine being told them to. Poor Isaac.

Its like the scandal within the Catholic church. Clearly paedophiles exist outside of religion or this specific faith, what is particularly frightening is the degree to which the organisation covered it up and protected their own. Perhaps you could argue the priests were insane, sexually repressed, in need of help, but the organisation that protects them with no thought given to the victims? Thats the evil.

Yogi (Member Profile)

Limp wrist? Break it, says pastor

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Barseps (Member Profile)

Blankfist's new sock puppets (Sift Talk Post)

jazzy77 says...

Wow I came into this drama late in the game. I am rather shocked by it all. I am a puppeteer who makes cat videos (see an example I am not a sockpuppet plotting evil attacks on users here. I am innocent even though it looks like I was found guilty without a trial. Thank you to those folks here who stood up for my friends and I. Yes we are all youtube creators and new here. Now some of us are trying to lick our wounds from this character assault. I am limping away and thinking to myself.. Forgive them for they know what not they do. I was loving it on the site too> Ok I will have to think about this awhile.

Thank you Silverpoint16 and pumkinandstorm for trying to enlighten this group.

Anonymous Exposes Ron Paul

GenjiKilpatrick says...


Who cares if you agree by accident, as long as you agree?

Who cares if the EPA is abolished, if it's filled with Ex-Monsanto Execs and Lobbyists who make it impotent anyway?

The system is broken and needs a reboot. Why are you gonna try to limp along 'til a better match than Ron Paul appears. It just won't happen in this decade.

You keep acting as if your "Vote Democrat" worldview will result in some slow but steady march into Ameritopia.
[Nevermind, the fact that "Democrats" like Obama are center-right to begin with and too timid to propose ultra-left policies even with Democratic Majority.]

It simply can't happen. The system currently does not function how it was advertised.

Plain and simple. Does a person or business have the right to refuse service?

If so, you've legitimized discrimination. If not, you're forcing your will upon others.

Both are relatively wrong. But which is worse? Do civil rights trump natural rights?

Moreover, the entire point I'm getting at is: Ron Paul wants to decentralize power i.e. GIVE YOU MOAR POWER!

Another blaring point you refuse to comprehend or admit, even if Ron Paul overturns 100 years of law [which he wouldn't be able to] YOU now have the power to construct BETTER policies.

Create your own EPA and FDA with more strict standards. Create your own business park that has anti-discriminatory policies. This is the true essence of Democracy and Self-Governance combined.

Or.. you can keep being Obama's bitch boy.

For some reason, I think you'll choose the latter.

blankfist (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Aha! Come to think of it the Blankfist said it all too well his own self. And gorillaman. And, and, and, and, and....

May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping.

Grenade Throwing Fail

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